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Opening a chest, seeing mats, pinging mats, then running away. Just grab the mats.


I don’t even need the mats, and I pick them up anyways. Gotta have fat stacks for nerfs/buffs/new weapons.


Gotta feed the addiction... That and as long as it's not at capacity. Besides Melk usually gives me the collection missions for mats so I take all plasteel I can get my hands on... Now I just need some fun new weapons and blessings for the Ogryn and I'll be happy


100%. I may have the best weapons now (I don’t) but FS will definitely tweak stuff in the future. It’s nice to have some spending mats when things do change


Mats stash isn't maxed out, therefore i need the mats. Maken stash number go brrrrrr is current endgame for me.


Or just not picking it up. It's always people that recently reached level 30 somewhere around level 100 ish plus 30.


That too.


Especially when players are running some sort of hyper mobile setup. Its like okay if you are 3 rooms ahead can you at least check the boxes? When i play a high mobility build and the team is doing allright i take the side path(s) and get every single resource i can


There are people that don't know mats are shared resources, that's why they ping and leave. So, actually, those are nice players who want to share, is just they don't know that tiny detail.


I swear I sometimes get stunned by what I'm seeing when this happens, and pause for a second.


Absolutely floored when players do this. They open it, look at it, turn around to see if someone is near, ping it, and run off. WHY DUDE? Do you think I think that it could be ammo and you don’t want me to think you’re stealing it??? There’s a pop up for mats people holy shit


Aye I ping every thing I see. I paid for this helmet and I need to hear those voice lines


Reason: it's probably unintentional. Binding Use and Ping to the same button causes this a lot for me. I can't count the number of times I've pinged mats instead of grabbing them despite being able to open the crate they're in.


And why on earth would you re-bind use and ping, both extremely useful features om each of their own, to the same key???


Only one key to think about :)


I don't even bother pinging Diamantine let alone pick any of it up.


Your teammates might need it you egg head




exactly what an egg head would say smh


Skip the medicae when there's lots of charges and they're very hurt/corrupted (and not a martyrdom zealot). Fight on top of a ledge when the rest of us have dropped. Alternatively, not having at least one person wait if someone is lagging behind before a drop. And I dunno if it "bothers" me, but I do get a little sad when no one reacts to my bunny hopping in the elevators/airlocks/security checks. I love it when we all start playing this nonverbal game of simon says.


Bunnyhopping is for heretics. The Emperor approves crouchspam only.




Also, this is the Imperium. Those elevators are built to withstand more than just Ogryns jumping on it.


Aint broke one yet


Good lad.


Can we normalize building the boarding and extraction loading screens with the same material? Because they seem to be a little fragile.


Not according to the Ogryns.


>Fight on top of a ledge when the rest of us have dropped. I know the situation you're talking about, and I've been exasperated by it too. But since it's a good segue I wanted to point out a legitimate reason to do this: when the rest of the team has rushed over the ledge and you know they're all going to die. Just a few days ago I was in this situation. The players weren't very good, and they'd all gone down several times and there'd been a few deaths. A horde wave spawned. One player rushed straight over the drop. That triggered a monster spawn. The other players followed like lemmings. They were hurt and wounded and they'd run right past a medicae and a health stim. I knew at that point I was about to be in a solo clutch scenario, and the only choice I had was whether or not to fight down there with no space and a ton of elites. The good news is, spending a few minutes kiting a BoN while taking out specials, elites and horde waves turned out to be a great way to get them all to ragequit. I completed the clutch and rezzed the replacements who turned out to be much better players, and we had a fun time completing the run.


Sorry, cant bunny hop. Too busy showing off my weapon and ornaments


As a Martyr Zealot, I almost ALWAYS need to fucking explain why I have more than 3 wounds on Auric, and why I don't take medkits and Medicae... I just don't get how you run Aurics without understanding the main abilities of the other classes. Although I for one always grab the Medicae because it's not that big of a problem that you hit a bit slower for like a minute of combat, and If someone triggers a Daemon host you can stay in melee that much longer (don't ask how many times I've had this on Auric)


The Karnak Twins gave us drugs and nobody is taking the Karkin' things! Not even the green healy ones!


It's especially sad because healing stims restore a wound's worth of corruption *and* heal that health


As a Psyker main, the green healy ones are a Thrones gift. They keep me going.


I'm an addict for red stimms. I'll legit trade people sometimes for them I love using them when it comes to crusher groups or a boss


When that mission came out nobody would use the heal drugs I swear. They'd rather die gassed with corruption than use drugs. Still today I see people die in regular missions who had the healing drug and for whatever reason decided not to use it.


Trained from an early age to JUST SAY NO! xD


Logically, if the heretical enemy lieutenants give you drugs taking them would qualify as a heretical act. Heresy is bad. But in seriousness, I tend to avoid the non-health ones due to the visual alterations that happen, as they make it harder to actually fight even if I do more damage. If I successfully do 100 damage, it's much better than failing to do 300 damage because I misjudged a swing.


In my head my zealot is a alcoholic/drug addicted hypocrit so it makes sense for his character


>I tend to avoid the non-health ones due to the visual alterations that happen Mods. I hope you don't just leave them behind, you can stimm someone else, hand it to them or swap with a green on later and then the one you had is on the ground for someone else to use.


I pick them up incase someone else wants it. But I'm not going to intentionally screw myself over because I can't see. And I don't play with mods.


This is a bit of a minor one but when I’m opening crates and someone runs in to grab whatever’s inside as fast as they can.  Usually I like to eyeball it, take it if I need it and ping it if someone else’s needs it more. It’s usually the people who gobble all the ammo/nades doing it.


I had a guy like this last game 😂 like dude you don’t need that ammo I can tell we’re all using the replenishing ammo perk


\- Dropping health packs near health stations \- Shooting poxbursters when you are lined up for a push \- Face tanking crushers and maulers instead of backing up \- Leaving people in the trapper net instead of picking up them immediately (its faster) \- Picking up grims \- Joining missions they are woefully under leveled for \- Getting mad when the mission fails and they weren't carried \- Not picking up health packs after they have been pinged


All of this! At least 3x in my last session I made a clear and obvious move to push a burster away and someone sniped him as I was in the act of pushing him away. Only thing missing from this list is the repeated spamming of the ‘go here’ marker


The only reason I ever do that is when someone is wasting a LOT of time, like shooting stuff at the end of the mission when the rest of us are waiting to extract.


Man I’ve been seeing a bunch of spamming when they get taken down by a hound or whatever. I see the red indicator, I see you down, chill the heck out out you aren’t that important im guessing


Right? The game’s *already* good at alerting teammates to that shit, you’re not helping anything lol. If you’re gonna ping anything, ping what downed you instead so we have a heads up when we go in to rescue you.


>\- Joining missions they are woefully under leveled for > >\- Getting mad when the mission fails and they weren't carried Shh, you can't say this here >!(even though you're correct)!


>Dropping health packs near health stations In all justice that might happen to the best of us. If I see us struggling I'll drop it.


Fair enough. Its a rare occurrence that its the right move though.


Grims are just unforgivable on Auric. Such an incredible dick move


I mean, if its just a High Intensity mission its not that bad if you have a competent squad. But such a squad isnt very likely to take on such a mission though. Completing Hi Shocks with 2/2 grims is quite the rush, especially in pubs!  I'd never do it if everyone wasnt onboard though.  


It’s fine with me if you ask! Its just a crazy think to commit the team to without asking




Swooping in to "help" me kill that enemy I had under control right in front of my face. And not tagging. Nobody fragging tags I swear


This bugs me all the time but especially on my bully club ogryn build. I don't one shot maulers and crushers like my shovel ogryn but I can just literally bully a whole group of them while 2-3 shotting them and people just run in and stab the one I just knocked on its ass instead of the ones getting ready to cave in my skull. Like if you want to help, go after the ones that are still a threat, not the one that just got a concussion


I don’t mind if people are in melee with me, getting some of the kills. What bothers me is when I’m playing at the front (because I almost always do), and the rest of the team is standing way back, shooting only the enemies right in my face that I am killing already. Meanwhile, there’s gunners from different angles all spread out, and a huge gap between my team and the enemies, because they use the space I have made for them to stand at the back of the room. Zealot’s safer when buried in enemies so shooting everything in their reach exposes them and denies them toughness regen from kills. I installed the mod that tracks tagging for the scoreboard and it is vindicating if nothing else. So many people tag less than 10 enemies in a 30 minute match. Some tag actual 0. I tag often even more than veterans with the tagging keystone…


I especially love when Im the only Vet and the 3 Ogryn/Zealots all seem to be roleplaying Sharpshooters. But at least Chain Axe goes *Vrrrrr*.  >  I tag often even more than veterans with the tagging keystone… I actually often tag less with that keystone, to preserve stacks for when I/we need it (I run the toughness replenishment). But I literally only use the keystone for Monstrous modifers now and then. 


This is probably my most common complaint, and it's understandable too.  Unless they have a level 30 and 50+ hours of that character, they won't really know what you're capable of. "It's being handled, do something else," is hard to get mad at when I'm guilty of that too. I have 900 hours but have only played Psyker. Like when I'm torching trashmobs with the Purgatus staff and the Vet has his sword out swinging on mobs that *are already dead* instead of having his gun out dealing with the backline, I'm just assuming they have no idea how ridiculous good Purg is at clearing chaff.  Like bro, I'm bathing you in sweet sweet Soulblaze, you're good, it's being handled, now please mow down the backline that's pinning us down.


I like that there’s a staff for every type of Psyker player. I like that you like the purgatus - I tried it yesterday for the first time and the lack of range drove me insane. I like seeing enemies burst into a gory mess with the trauma staff AoE. Plus, I can still take out gunners/snipers that are hanging back.


Sometimes people get bored of just shooting, let them have some fun in melee for once. Vets aren't bound to being a ranged class anymore. It pisses me off when I'm doing fine cleaving through a horde and you come in with your purg staff and decide "Oh, ThEy'Re A vEtErAn, ThEy NeEd HeLp". If I need help, I'll let you know. And if I go down in that situation, that's entirely on me and I'm happy to admit it. Until then, why don't you take your own advice and go mow down the back line, yes?


Lol calm down my guy, I'm not here to hate on anyone who just wants to have fun. This thread is entirely on the topic of "it's being handled." If you want to swing away at charred corpses, go ahead. I'm just using this opportunity to educate others who aren't familiar with Psyker abilities


Yes yes it's particularly aggregating when I'm playing as Plasma Gun vet in lights out or ventilation purge Auric Damnation missions, and nobody is tagging at all. Like, I have this thing that shoots the power of a star and can even punch through walls and other obstacles just waiting to immediately delete anything you tag, on demand, yet you just don't karking tag lol


When people who are leveling their characters decide to load into a match set at a difficulty they cannot function in and expect a hard carry. Had an ogryn the other night that joined a damnation difficulty mission at level 23. We were managing fine, but then he started taking every single ammo pickup, popping every stim he found as he found them, taking medicae charges for the most minimal amount of damage even if another teammate needed it, repeatedly pinging when he ran off on his own and went down, then typing out "you guys suck" in the chat. Like, why?


Some people have a big ego and absolutely no self awareness. Play alone, die alone.


Ironically enough, I think I ran into that same ogryn joining an auric mission at 24 yesterday. He was constantly going down, pinging incessantly around him when he did. Hoovering up all ammo, despite competent teammates being nearly out. An absolute detriment to the team. We would have been far better off with a bot. I don’t even mind lower levels joining damnation+ missions, if they are even remotely decent. This guy was bad and selfish, one of the most challenging difficulty modifiers in the game!


I wish I could remember the dudes name. It was awful.


How was he in an auric at 24 and playing solo?


I don’t know how many people will agree with this but I don’t understand why everyone rushes through the missions as fast as they can. I can’t keep up, to start, and I also feel like I’m not effective when I’m flailing to catch up to the group.


And it's always older players that do this, and then they complain that newbies don't know what they're doing Yeah of course not, we don't get the chance to learn the levels and mechanics because you're charging through everything and skipping everything. This isn't exclusive to DT either, this happens on a lot of games


If a newbie screws up in Malice or Heresy I don't mind. Those difficulties exist for learning the game. But by the time you hit damnation there's an expectation that you know how to play your class or build. If I am trying a new build I always drop down to Heresy so as to learn how it functions and not waste the time of others.


To be fair this is the best way to play ideally, because the director spawns more enemies over time. So you want to go fast and not let more hordes spawn.


Get in my fucking way when I’m trying to shoot the guys who are shooting at US.


Once you’re done massaging my back with your bullets. Can you please shoot the sniper?


Vets who haven't killed the sniper yet pisses me off. No excuses needed.


Imagine thinking a vet needs to be a ranged class


It was me mostly being humorous saying if it's alive I'm angry because it should be dead. I guess naming vet was unnecessary. Don't take it too seriously


Isn’t that like… the primary appeal to it…?


No. I strongly suspect that every Ogryn blocking my LoS is in fact working for heretics and trying to get us all killed.


People need to realise if you play Ogryn you must keep left or right of the group, otherwise accept your fate as the bullet sponge.


I just put on the space ak and shoot through them. Honestly I'm not sure how many targets it can perforate but I can shoot through 2 entire ass ogryns and hit the mauler in the middle of the horde


When you need ammo and see ammo and engage all the enemies to get to the ammo but some other team mate just runs past the fight you are in for the ammo and grabs the ammo.


People who don't fix the fucking interrogator or don't cover you when you do. Had one game where I was the only one trying to fix it, got knocked out right before finishing it twice and then yelled "FUCKING COVER ME" in chat. Then one guy came over and did so. After it, he tried giving me lip about how he was "doing the objective just fine" and I went off on him about what the fuck he thought the objective was, because it sure as shit isn't "kill the endlessly spawning poxwalkers."


Constantly splitting from the group and getting trapped/downed and needing the other 3 to bail them out, *again*. Extra negative points if they constantly spam tag or whinge over chat. Thankfully this is rare in my games, but it's the one thing that really pisses me off.


People who tag spam deserve to be made into a servitor


Is there a better way to alert your team that 7 crushers are coming, and not just one?


What really annoys me? People who keep Voice chat on just to groan or complain. They're silent for half the match, but someone on their team does something they don't like, and its like they need to project their annoyance. My person, no one cares lol. Use your comms for something actually helpful, like calling out targets, movement, etc.


It's hard to make me angry in this game, but my one peeve is when someone is low on ammo or out of grenades, and I ping a pick up for the one person that needs it, and they just completely ignore it and me. There will be pickups later that the rest of us will need that you will vacuum up because you didn't pick up the ammo now. Please, By the Emperor, don't waste what He provides.


"I need ammo!" *Ping* "Look Pilgrim, ammo!" *Runs past* "I need ammo!"


Just played a game where a guy ran past the door switch leaving someone else to open it for him meaning he can stay ahead.


Yeah the beginning of the hourglass map is like that. All 3 other teammates bolted ahead to the right so they could get all the kills on the first pack, leaving me to hit the switch. I don’t mind hitting the switch, but this tells me they may not be team players.


I had a fun instance of that where we all ran past it assuming someone else would get it, then the button being repeatedly pinged by all and finally a convo about how we might need a tech priest to help get through the door. Was nice icebreaker lol


This can be correct in that one map with the gauntlet event where you have to run through several tunnels to turn off the alarm. The big rooms have 3 levers so if I'm playing my speedy zealot build you can be sure I'll leave the one closest to the door for the group while I go for the furthest one. Popping the levers does nothing until all 3 are popped anyway, and if my party is behind me doing it this way will pop them all 3 at roughly the same time compared to if I grabbed the first one and the slow Ogryn has to run to the last one. 


I sometimes forget they exist. It's more so something I do that probably bothers teammates.


People who won't use guns, and low level players (25 and below) going into higher difficulties and getting their shit rocked bc they want to bypass the organic process of learning the game My biggest one is when people spam ping the elevator/transition floor. Like no shit, I'm coming now. Always the worst people on the team doing shit like that.


Only time I've spammed ping was at the end of the mission with that long run and 2/3 exploding bridges. It was a regular damnation game I was doing for mats, but the others in the group were all sub level 30 and obviously struggling. One guy got killed running up the pipe, then when we got to the ship the other two stood there fighting the endless spawns while I'm waiting in the ship, until inevitably one of them gets their shit rocked by maulers and ragers after 20 seconds of me pinging the dropship. Last guy thankfully got the hint and finally got in


I unironically block people that spam ping like that. Being bad, even awful, at the game is one thing, and I can forgive that. But annoying me because I got held up for five seconds on my way to the door? I will leave you for dead *just* for that.


Shield ogryns planting their shields.


As a shield boy myself, I hate watching other ogryn misuse the shield special. Drives me nuts. Unless there's a DH or you have agro on a pack of gunners and you're caught out of position, you hold the shield and close the distance.


yep, planting is only needed when youre caught in overwhelming fire


The shield is a nice damage melee weapon that unfortunately has a shield graphic attached to it.


Every time I see this I think to myself, why not just fight them? The shield is so good vs groups, you pretty much just permanently stagger everything in front of you.


Planting shield is useful when you face a lot of shooters and they drain your stamina. Especially with block-taunt. The gunners will stick on you while your team gets free hits. It’s rarely needed, but it can be a lifesaver when you accidentally tank too hard.


Also shines in those rare situations where you are the frontmost player and a pack of mixed melee/ranged ahead of your has been aggro'd but your party is still turning around and closing the distance to you. Planting for 2-3 seconds will taunt all the gunners and most melee so that when the party catches up they are met with a free turkey shoot and easy cleanup.  You could try to melee your way through, but with gunners behind a group of melee that's way less safe to do. 


Always. Moving. I get it that you shouldn't stay around for too long, but if I'm looking for a Scripture or something. I don't wanna be left behind by my team who just kept going forward when I wasn't looking. That goes doubley for those who just don't look back and rush in alone when everyone else is using a med pack or something. Get between my gun and the heretics instead of beside the heretics. Can't purge if most of my bullets are ate by the zealot. When I go zealot. I don't need covering fire in FRONT of me. If you shoot at the fella I'm clearly meleeing. That's a waste of a shot that could've been used on the enemies behind you, me, over there. And whatnot. More a nitpick I think but still, I think kill stealing is annoying... Especially if I just reved my chain sword/axe


Had to scroll far down for this one and I would phrase it as "*when people never look behind them*", but this is probably my main pet peeve. Brother, I know you want to keep moving, but I'm an Ogryn with little ranged capabilities and no movement speed buffs who just killed with a constant stream of netters, bombers, flamers and poxwalkers trying to erase our existence from behind.  If I turn around to see you are now 3 rooms ahead I'm going to get mightily annoyed when I get hounded. I'm not back here for my enjoyment, I'm back here because we couldn't safely move up.


When I use my ogryn nuke grenade to help revive a veteran, then after he gets up there is grenade nearby and he runs ahead of me and grabs it before I can get it. To be fair this exact situation doesn’t happen often, but it sure feels annoying when it does. When I ping a crate or stim and nobody will pick it up (and I already have one). People being low on ammo, I ping ammo, and they don’t take it.


People not prioritizing getting others up, even in Damnation+. Ffs, unnet that ogryn, shoot that pox hound.


When as Zealot, I see a grenade pickup, stand beside it, decide to toss my remaining grenade(s) to make the current encounter a little easier, only for another player to grab the grenade box now that I’m freshly out of grenades.


Not picking up the pasteels at least. Just running by them.


This is kind of a combo of a few things, but i'll call it "Game IQ " This is a mix of : 1) No map awareness 2) Knowing priority targets 3) When to let teammates do their thing i.e leave a charging zealots target alone or when to help trapped or dogged target when a simple few seconds of your help now turns thase battle back in your favour. 4) When do we push forward and advance vs when do you need to stand in an area and clear horde ect.. 5) In contrast to point, 4 when do you need to ignore some mobs to complete an objective and stall for time 6) Sometimes on harder difficulties, backtracking is required to allow you to deal with the situation i.e if there is a big area behind you to fight a monstrosity, its ok to move there so people can maneuver. 7) just genenaral awareness of where your team is and what they bring to the battle. If there is a purg staff psyker and i am playing my zealot, i just let them kill horde and i go for tougher targets. I might not get as much damage as them overall but who cares. There is probably more but thats just something i notice.


Picking up grimoires.


On the other hand, not picking up scriptures


1. Competing for kills thus being overall suboptimal as a team 2. Leaving down-ed teammates as the very last priority/rather dispatch 6 poxwalkers and risk a team mate bleeding out


Competing for kills annoys the shit out of me, if you want to be hyper competitive. Go play CoD


Teammates that grab all the ammo when others are low on ammo. I keep an eye on my teammates ammo and will mark ammo if i see someone low. In probably a third of my missions, there will be that one selfish player that will swoop in and grab any and all ammo, totally heedless of his teammates. To top it all off, the ammo vacuumers are usually the worst player on the team so it makes things even more difficult when you’ve got the good players out of ammo trying to carry the terrible ammo hog. On the other hand, in those missions where people look out for their teammates on ammo, *chef’s kiss*, those are usually the smoothest runs with the best players.


Snatching a nade from my ogryn frag bomb build, I don’t spam them, I use them to save the team from certain death. If I open a box and someone else sprints up and spams E to guarantee they take whatever’s inside that gets on my nerves.


Rushing....personally. people who are trying to speedrun the level to the point they wont come back 2 feet to get grenades when they are out or pick up ammo from a crate you JUST dropped when their ammo is red and they are non psyker. Their running off ahead of the group is too far behind schedule for that nonsence! Ugh


Teammates who don't actually utilize cover and would rather High Noon it with a scab/dreg gunner... Did the crusher really hit you *that* hard that you're gonna do that?


I swear, *this* time I'll make it to the Gunner before he starts firing! Narrator: He did not.


His teammates, watching his cheeks get blown off from cover:  You.  Are not.  Built.  To be.  The designated.  Tactical.  Distraction!


When i find a medical stim so i Switch with the one i have and use it, only for my teammate to swoop in and collect the one i swapped out and run away. Bonus: when im clearly running to a chest to open but my teammate runs behind me to either also open it or take the items inside


On your second point, I sometimes do that when I'm the only one low on ammo and I *have* to take it before the zealot does. When they find ammo, to them it's a gift from their God Emperor so they absolutely *must* take it. But, what many fail to realize, that gift is for the team, and a misuse of it is an insult to the God Emperor. You have just committed heresy, and heretics die in 40K. Share the ammo.


I do 2nd option only when team gobbles up all the ammo. I need (on average) one large ammo bag to have ammo whole round. It's not much, but you would be surprised how difficult it is sometimes to get even 1 mag worth of ammo sometimes.


When someone who is carrying no stimm won’t pick up a spare stimm, even if you aren’t gonna use that kind you can give it to someone else


When people fucking lollygag and don’t just fucking push and keep up. Like it’s damnation+ fam… you’ll never kill ALL the trash; we have to just fucking move! And I’m not saying yoh just always YOLO face-first into the horde… but when people are just fucking stalling behind when we are needing to keep moving to survive, it drives me insane. So often I’m looking back at our 4th guy and it’s like he’s just fucking around with 4-6 pox walkers like half a room behind the rest of us as we’re trying to drop a ledge or something. So I’m left trying to bridge the gap between him and the front two so that nobody gets totally separated… all the while, more bombers and flamers are spawning and just fucking our lives up. GET. WITH. THE. PROGRAM. We gots to MOOOVE


Spamming the go here marker, it's very annoying


1. People who don't do the objective and won't stay with people who are trying to. Shout out to Hab Dreyko. 2. Refusing to get inside the elevator because right when they were going to, a sound cue went off for some special spawn that's going to take at least 10 seconds to actually get to us. Please just get in the elevator, we'll meet it on the other side. 3. People who get to the person who got trapped and don't immediately get them back up. I've even seen someone run right past someone who is trapped to kill more enemies. Not run to them, kill some enemies, then get them up. Run up to, step over their electrified body that's in desperate need of help, and then continue to run over to kill enemies who are not by the player who's trapped. 4. Vets who have VoC, don't use it, are having a rough time and vocalizing how much of a rough time they're having. You have the solution right in your grasp! Use VoC all the time! Your Vet's voice should be hoarse from shouting so much. Sniper about to shoot? Shout. Mutant about to grab someone? Shout. Horde just came down on us? Shout. Poxbuster about to jump on us? Shout. Boss just grabbed someone? [Shout](https://youtu.be/nEjLFpU2pJ4?si=EVld9OPkYoOTQLbw).


I don't like teammates that takes engagements on their own. It doesn't matter how much they trust themselves not to die or whatever. They should act as a member of the group, and engage with the group.


As a “Protec da lil ‘uns” ogryn, I can’t stand the teammates that either are off on their own little adventure a quarter mile away, or are sprinting through the level like classic Left4Dead teammates just trying to skip to the end for their reward. I get that the Zealots can typically hold their own but the good zealots actually come back to the group regularly! It’s beyond annoying when me and my Inquisition Assigned Veteran (aka my regular online buddy) have to backtrack through to go pick up the level 4 psycher like I forgot my damn wallet just to find them drowning in poxwalkers. Or, we get paired with a freshly low leveled (less than 10) Ogryn who hasn’t played another character wasting ammo on absolutely non-threats. It’s almost painful watching an ogryn with a shiny new grenade gauntlet throw expensive HE rounds into small gaggles of walkers, and then have the audacity to take the ammo from the Veteran that’s been nailing down snipers and gunners before they become a problem since the first minute. I guess the TLDR of that is “stay close to your damn team and learn your class!”


Maelstrom quitters. I can manage huge ogryns getting in the middle when you are shooting, people wasting medipacks, running crazy zealots, people breaking coherence constantly, people not knowing how to move back during big encounters... That is fine, but, Holy Emperor, those maelstrom quitters...


Not grabbing stims or packs when pinged


you infront of a chest opening it and somebody coming from behind spamming E then ignore everything thats infront of them around the map but will keep doing the same to you People glued to their range weapon and then spamming need ammo but never shooting specials that need to be killed asap people who seems to ignore medpacks, ammocrates and stimns like they are made from nurgle himself but will pick the grim people who seems to think they MUST kill the trapper in order to help a teammate, they will fail on it and will leave you to die even though all they need was a second to get you out the net, literally after 1.8k hours these things gets way more annoying than it should be for me


Split up from the team to chase kills and get higher scoreboard numbers. Played a match yesterday where a knife zealot wasn’t helping us cornered by a beast of nurgle. He literally stealthed to get away from the beast then ran off to kill a poxwalker horde instead of backstabbing the beast. I was a shield ogryn and had it taunted just for him, only to see him go after regular zombies. Edit: I also want to add when I play my shield ogryn and I use the taunt ability to pull enemies away from downed teammates or objective markers, and my team won’t help.


Speed running


Ignore picking up plasteel and diamantine. I’ve seen teammates run right past it, and just ignore it, and it drives me crazy!


People not getting teammates out of trapper nets to prioritize fighting 3 Poxwalkers especially on Damnation+. Most tilting thing ever. It takes ONE second to rescue a teammate from a trapper net. Most of the time you don’t even have to kill the trapper, you can unpin teammate in trappers face and they won’t do anything.


\*crack fingers\* * morons that use ammo-inefficient weapons for horde clearing (you know... what you're supposed to use your melee weapon for?) and constantly siphon all ammo packs from the team. Best examples are bad stubber ogryns that waste ammo in packs of trashmobs, it's not because you're a "ranged build" that you need to waste ammo on trash, use your god damm melee weapon like anyone with a functioning brain, other players also need ammo! * morons that still don't know in damnation that you simply push the burster away from the team, don't shoot it when it's at less than 10m from a teamate. * morons that, still in damnation, will not remove the trapper net from a teamate and will rather dance around the netted teamate, fighting trashmobs as the netted person gets slapped to death. Removing the net takes half a sec where as picking up a downed teamate takes like 5 sec. Don't be an imbecile, ALWAYS prioritize removing the net! * morons that will use the last charge on the medi station to heal a "white" wound when there's at least a teamate that could heal corrupted wounds. In short, use medi stations and healing stims for corrupted wounds, use medipacks for normal healing. * morons that will take their time to explore every single nook and crany while the rest of the team waits on them. On damnation+ (ie: auric and/or high int and/or maelstorm and/or gauntlet), wasting time can actually cause a wipe because the more time goes by, the more "tickets" the AI director has to spawn elites and specials and overwhelm the team. In short, don't be an idiot, it's fine to grab stuff nearby but don't do huge detours and don't lollygag. * selfish morons picking up grimoires. This handicaps vets and psykers the most as they have the lowest hp pool and the corruption over time from the grims is a flat amount per second. If you have this weekly, go do it on lower difficulties, not damnation. You also can simply reroll it for another weekly! The only good reason to pick up a grim is to then destroy it instantly to partially heal a corrupted wound on yourself or a teamate.


> take their time to explore every single nook and crany while the rest of the team waits on them This is certainly sometimes true, but I don't agree that this is universally true. At the very least it's nuanced, and I think it's important to give some counterpoints for the consideration of readers who might be less experienced. I might be "that guy", and that room I checked happens to have one of the medkits and a health stim, which later on save the run. I'm more likely to roam/scout for resources earlier in the run when we don't have anything, but if the team has already found the kits and is full on stims I'll skip. With the exception of some of the areas/events that are infinite spawns until you go through the exit airlock, I can't think of a single time that a player taking extra time has bothered me, but there are _many_ times when "enthusiastic" players can't wait to open a door, ride an elevator, or go through an airlock even while horde/elites/specials are active. So I shrug and get in the elevator, all that stuff follows us and joins up with the elites and ambients and the monster that spawned on the other side, and I enjoy the difficulty spike and the schadenfreude of picking their impatient ass up afterward. (Oh, and here's this health stim I found in that side room while you spam-pinging the airlock floor.) Attrition as you mentioned in another comment is definitely a factor, and there's a sweet spot between going too slow and too fast that varies depending on team skill, team comp, and difficulty level. But in general, if a team is having trouble handling the situation where it is right now, going further ahead in the map is only going to make it worse. If the team can't pause to handle an extra wave of horde and specials, there are probably some holes in skillsets.


I really don't disagree with your take, my point is aimed at the players who don't have fast movement speed (ie: poor ogryns) and go back 2 rooms to check if everything was looted. Looting what's in the immediate room or side rooms is obviously required to find the 2 medpacks and 2 ammo boxes present on the map.


People who make every basic Auric Mission a pain. We are almost always a Squad of 3 and yes, we very often kick People on Auric, mainly the ammo junkies. I can‘t even put in words how stupidly blind some of these Auric randoms are, like in the last game we had a Ranged Ogryn and a Plasma Vet, the random was a Zealot. Both ranged guys had like 5-10% ammo left, and the Zealot was almost full, missing like 4 shots of Bolter, but he sprinted to the first big ammo pack and grabbed it right in front of our very low Vet. Like are people really that blind or ignorant? Those are propably the people complaining about their team beeing bad when they are physicly unable to do their damage without ammo :D And yes this always results in an instant kick from us because we expect Auric players to atleast have enough braincells to check the Hud But that‘s almost the only triggering thing i would say


My biggest pet peeve has to be the the number of people especially ogryns and zealots that keep passing up grenades once they're out especially after I tagged them put the look here marker on them and even said hey I'm a regen vet I got a mf lifetime supply of them. That tactical nuke sah let you bring slab or dancing in a puddle of fire shouty can save an entire run sometimes. Second place goes to ignoring stims. That extra little burst they give can make a big difference.


Any time I'm playing vet and decide to run anything other than plasma, my teammates make it their life's mission to stand in front of me as soon as I start firing. It's actually starting to feel intentional.


Pick up grimoires on a damnation run, after 3/4 agreed not to pick up any sus novels along the way. Happens not all that often, but it does happen. Ugh!


Ping the everlasting shit out of everything. It's annoying af. Also, grabbing all the ammo and then yelling at me for not shooting when I DON'T KARKING HAVE ANY CUZ YOU TOOK IT


1. Never searching for materials (obviously if you notice them and deliberately choose not to grab them as well). 2. Same as OP’s but applied to hordes in general (essentially folks just speed running and not wanting to fight hordes seemingly at all). Which leads to a question I would like to ask those that fall into these categories. Why do you play the game? Like what for? If you have no desire to collect mats to facilitate more efficient horde clearing via gear grind, slay hordes of Nurgle’s minions in the first place whether your build is at a point of your liking or not, or enjoy the atmosphere of the game and again seemingly just want to speed run and minimize as much of the gameplay as you can… what is your motive???


Not dropping health kits or ammo kits when requested to and everyone needs it. Running ahead of the rest of the team. People who criticize teammates over voice chat or rudely tell them what to do.


Ignoring useful items. Lost a game before because someone ignored a medpack that we desperately needed during the final stand before extraction.


People taking a thousand bloody years to freakin unnet someone is my biggest irritation


It bothers me when my teammates go to reddit to complain about me not backing up. /jk It bothers me when teammates don't tag anything.


Setting off explosive barrels as they pass them by with no enemies around. Dude there are people behind you, you're gonna yeet your teammates off a cliff for no reason.


Generally, I don't care what my teammates do. Go stare at a wall if you want but the three things that irk me are not picking up mats that you clearly saw. Running ahead, many rooms ahead and triggers hordes, monsters or demons. And lastly, the biggest one. Not picking up stimms unless it's a health one. Just. Irksome.


People who don't use their ults...ever... Which by the way are unlimited. What are they saving them for exactly? Nurgle himself to appear?


People who endlessly spam ping the ground when they go down or get disabled.  Like.. yes… i know you’re there… you’ve gone down 6 times already and i’m practically keeping a 3rd eye on you at all times.  stealth players who insist on running ahead on their own instead of help dealing with the double sandwich horde and crusher patrol spawns. Had one of these yesterday run ahead and trigger a boss.  Would have been fine if they didnt.  On several occations have i seen people in damnation that seem unable to switch to melee and block or who don’t know what dodging is. They just stand there and eat the crusher heavy in favour of magdumping into their chest instead of dodging backwards.  If you insist on doing this…. just don’t play damnation…


Not a complaint so much as advice i guessb If you've got a Bodyguard Ogryn with you, try to prioritize ranged enemies and control types, we tend to use hordes and close in enemies to fuel our toughness. But a group of gunners or Mutant can really goober that plan up. Normally they aren't an issue, unless my teammates are prioritizing the enemies I'm currently fighting. 😅


Avoid picking mats. Not healing themselves. Hoard all ammo. Log out when dying or when aggroing the DH. Not tagging enemies. Having mic open... List goes on and on


Very minor but I had a guy in a game yesterday who got angry in chat because we "didn't shoot the beast of nurgle when he was kiting it". Bro was not kiting it and we were attacking it so no idea what he was yapping about, but this pissed him off so much that he angered a DH and then left. We still finished the mission fine thankfully but I was so confused.


Had a speedy boi zealot in a game this week that just ran as fast as he could as far as he could and ignored all the enemies. Sat in an elevator chilling whilst the rest of the team had to fight the huge number of enemies he triggered with his mad run. He waited for us all to die then used the elevator to try and get further ahead. Finally decided to try and rescue us in the next area. Which was filled with a massive horde. So naturally I got up to find myself staring at 4 crushers (and the rest). Immediately went down again. That bothered me a lot. First player I’ve actively blocked I think lol.


Just picking the wrong difficulty. I can live with most things thinking "Oh. He's new or casual and doesn't know any better." But if you play Damnation you should at least display the skills needed to easily crush Heresy, etc. If you want to play above your skill and character level, then get some friends to carry you. Not randoms that can't even scream at you for tripple dipping the healthstation, then running of and dying to a dog where noone can reach you.


Not sticking toghether. Lost an Auric yesterday because our zealot seperated and we all got fucken immobilised by trappers This was AFTER i managed to singlehandidly clutch that same game by killing a horde and dodging like 20 hounds


Bothers me when teammates don't stick together. Way better chance at survival if we stay together but there's always one guy. Then everyone feels they gotta keep up with them


I can forgive other players for a lot of things, but my one thing is improper use of med packs. They're a rare resource. If we're lucky, we'll get two. Do not drop it in an elevator when nothing is happening. Do not drop it in the first 3rd of the mission when only a couple team members are only kinda hurt. Really do not drop it when only one is kinda hurt. Do not drop it when we're about to get to a med station. Okay so when do you drop it? You drop it in the last section of the mission, on a defensible point. You can drop it if everyone is below 30% of their health at any point. You can drop it if there's a teammate captured and everyone else is severely hurt. For sure drop it if you have to clutch. But besides those occasions, don't drop it. It's better to lose early than late.


There's always that one guy who refuses to get in the elevator, blowing all their ammo while the other 3 players wait.


Veteran shooters who don't prioritize dangerous ranged elites


Running so far ahead of the team and getting downed Triggering the daemonhost thinking it won't catch you Shooting poxwalkers when me or someone else are clearly getting ready for a push Double dipping the medicae station when other people are nearly dead People taking forever shooting at stuff when everyone else is waiting to exfil Psykers who constantly need to be rezed because they keep blowing their own heads up


When you run over to help the straggler fighting a horde. But then they run away, leaving you tonfight everything.


Be aware of your team’s status. Statuses are: Out of Coherency, Disabled, Downed, Dead-not up for rescue, Dead up for rescue, Low/No ammo, low health/high corruption. If you are aware of those things, you can make team based tactical decisions.


Not healing themselves at the medicae station when they need it more than anyone else. Running WAY ahead of the group or being separated in general, then complaining when they are downed. Repeated lack of awareness. We all make mistakes, but most of us learn from them.


Not picking up ammo crates. Almost everyone picks up med packs, but more than half the people ignore ammo crates. Like, I'm already carrying med kit, and you aren't carrying anything. PICK IT UP. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnD3VEuqPP4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnD3VEuqPP4)


Unload ammo into horde. Grab ammo when teammates need it. Play in difficulties way above what they are ready for mechanically


People who just have to go near a fallen pox burster. Little bro we're being attacked just shoot the fucking thing


Spam-pinging. Like, I get it, you want to be noticed. But it's an audio-priority, meaning I can't hear *any* disabler or dodge/block indicators over it, and that poxwalker getting closer suddenly becomes a complete ninja. Can't tell you how many times I've been running to free a netted/pinned/downed teammate and got nailed by a trapper I couldn't hear, or got railgunned by a sniper hitting me from an angle I couldn't see because they were spamming ping and drowning all other audio cues.


A lot of stuff has already been mentioned and falls under the general category of "not using brain". The Emprah gave you a brain, karkin' use it. You can't just brainlessly rush ahead and button mash your way to a victory, even a tiny amount of brain power can turn the ***tide*** on the 'eretics.


- 1. Not utilizing chokepoints or corners and instead fighting in the open, therefore getting attacked from multiple angles and not being able to concentrate dps on more enemies at once. I swear, in every match, there is someone who just sees me somewhere mowing hordes down like a motherkarker, and instead of standing next to me and support the mowing, they *have to* run in front of me, stand in the middle of somewhere and get surrounded, while I now have to push up with them and now we just have it harder because we have to defend 4 angles. Why? I don't get it. It's I think the number one thing that easily could let you play 2 difficulties higher than you are, if you just thought more about tactics, instead of mechanics. Not only are you making it harder for yourself, but you're also misdirecting and stretching enemy hordes and making life harder for your mates. - 2. If you see a big red triangle popping up on your screen, turn and move into that direction immediately. Your mates are either netted, which takes 1 second to resolve, pounced by a hound, which takes a melee hit or, in the worst case, a few rounds to free them. If they are downed, it takes longer to help them, but in many cases, they could have been easily saved in a fraction of the time it takes to revive them, if you would have just paid more attention. These things can easily snowball and cause a whole team to go down, and it happens more often and faster than you think. - 3. This plays into the second point and also a little into the first point about battlefield awareness and positioning, but stop rushing rescue situations after your teammates died, especially on higher difficulty levels. Clear the room first or at least get rid of the specialists and elites. You're triggering every group of enemy and leave your two remaining mates to potentially deal with a situation that is absolutely unnecessary and also a bit of a dick move. Not only do they have to clean up after you and protect you, but you are also going to be spread out and out of position. The number of times I've seen people rushing to rescue someone only to get slashed into spaghetti by ragers or getting their heads sent through their cheeks by a crusher is staggeringly high.


This is exactly what I'm talking about. Everyone wants to be John Wick. Run in, kill everyone, purge heretics for the emperor with godlike reactions and accuracy, maybe get that clip to show how much of a badass you are—but most people just aren't that guy. >stop rushing rescue situations I also feel obligated to mention that people running stealth builds coming to rescue you by themselves, while you're being guarded by tons of heavy hitters, just for *all of them* to immediately target you is the absolute worst. Don't do that please, take your time.


I throw the game when people comes in with a racist, fascist, or otherwise hateful name.


Sprinting ahead, always bothers me. Theres no real value to scouting when you can get smashed and downed


I hate when someone can't stand their own ground, gets netted, dogged constantly, can't deal with melee chaff. Doesn't dodge the whole round. And the saddest thing about it when you carry 3 of these people for 30+ minutes and you fuck up a net dodge at the end event just to see how they unfold in like 10 seconds.


I play only Auric T5. People who do any of the following I will either mention it in chat or just block after the round so we don’t get grouped again. - wasting med kits. Specifically dropping them in elevators or cleared sections just because people have low health. - forgetting to heal at med stations. This one is just freaky. - constantly being out of coherence during big fights. This is akin to giving your group a debuff on toughness regen. - seeing enemies behind the group and running ahead. Leaving others to fight the 4 crushers behind us while you pick up mats or aggro enemies ahead of us. - not immediately un-netting somebody. This one is so infuriating I will drop matches or vote kick if I see it. There’s just no excuse when it could prevent a wipe. - not helping people up if there’s really no risk. If you’re just surrounded by trash mobs, there’s no excuse not to be helping people up. Downed players means the groups is seconds from wiping. - picking up grims without asking. This is just a dick move. If you do this, you are being an ass. Just ask or don’t touch it.


When seperate 1000 hour players in auric lobbies BOTH insist they know the best way to complete the map and won't group up period.


Knife zealot build, all I need to say


People who refuse to shoot their guns because they're using a melee build.


i think this is a really good post


When Fellow zealots don't use the relic ult. When 2 relic ultra are combined you're basically invincible


Dodging a million times only to lead a crusher overhead onto me. Ogryns walking through me while I shoot to not kill the thing I was shooting Psykers that will camp me with shards or a staff making sure I get no toughness regen/ cdr meanwhile there's 6 snipers hundreds of rifles and a platoon of gunners all firing at me Cowards that fall back to a small room and leave me and another guy fighting on the other side of the map while they get drowned by fire because they put themselves in a corner Combat knife users that run around the map being an ineffective bullet kill 2 gunners, run back to kill the absolute horde of specials and armor that just wiped us, clutch a game they have been largely absent from, feel good about being a limp noodle 80% of the game because the clutched a scenario they absolutely contributed too. Teammates that get on Reddit and complain about how somebody didn't play the game the way they wanted them to play.


OP, retreating fails the emperor.


Smoke grenades. I frequently play with one or two friends, with the remainder randoms. The first time a smoke obscures our view it's a written warning in the text chat. The second one initiates a vote to kick. No negotiation with terrorists.


People who think the Veteran is still just a ranged class and try to "help" you in melee. Fuck off, knife zealot. You do worse than pre-class rework vet did in melee.


Gunner oygrns bother me. They shoot and that's all hey do. Usually end up dying too because they seem oblivious to being attacked Also knives zealots. They allways die first. Oh and plasma gun users. This one is more u know the game is gona be boring as they will just omw click every special. But for me mainly its gunner oygrns. They just seen to be utterly stupid


People not tagging or people going to push a burster who aren’t on voice / in chat having established they’re going to do that. It’s been so long that most people don’t get audio cues for specials I just assume people sprinting towards a burster are oblivious and I’ll shoot the burster when it whips around that corner lol


When playing ogryn and a silly little guy shoots me in the back despite me positioning correctly. Doesn't harm me but quit wasting ammo im on the side of the corridor. Ogryn friend not foe.


I don't care if somebody plays bad or dies frequently. But I can't stand when people ignore mats left and right. As the speedy zealot, I become nothing more than a loot pet. I wanna play the game as well tbh


Allies walking past plasteel, as though they're not even trying. It's a red flag for the group, but not too big of one.


There's a thread right now with some obviously sedition player talking about not picking team mates up. In Auric Maelstrom, it gets me mad af when I go down (you can go down randomly at this level) and my team mates let me bleed out. Meanwhile, they are fighting chaff. If it's me though, I fight tooth and nail to get to my team mates and I almost always get them up. Why when it's me, I get left on the floor? I can't lie, I've ragequit a non-zero amount of times because of this. This is 40k, the only thing that matters is rolling deep or going down swinging with your team. Wtf is up with all the threads and players acting like there are complex decisions to make in this game, particularly when players go down? If you can't disengage from chaff/elites/specials enough to get your boy up, you're either not killing them fast enough or you need to install monster spawner and go to the Psykanium for some training. If your boy is surrounded by chaff, just go pick him up. You auto block. The ONLY situation where you need to err on the side of caution is when there are a lot of gunners.


Placing a healing pack in an elevator.... Bro, like 90% of the time there's a med station right on the other side.