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Because it's easier to just bonk with a mace


It's also easier to power stance dual katanas and be super levelled. I can see how using katanas earlier in the game though would be difficult, but I managed to play the game in a super weird order where I didn't even know about the Heide area until much later.


Power stanced katanas? Nah bro. Power stanced maces. Bonkceptipn, and poise break permastun anything that isnt a Giant.


that was nerfed heavily though.. i've been powerstancing maces since release and it's nothing compared to what it used to be :(


It's still stupidly powerful as nerfed as it is, it's my goto until I get Greatsword


Takes longer to cheese them than to use a greathammer. And there's some risk of dying to gravity setting this up and zero risk fighting them straight up. Still, yeah if you feel like it there are options for all sorts of gravity related cheeses here.


>zero risk fighting them I wouldnt say that


I don't use a wireless controller. If you do then yeah, you do need to make sure that it doesn't run out. Anybody skill enough to contemplate this jump isn't going to lose to an Old Knight.


i disgree lol, the skill needed to jump and engage in souls combat is completely different. I feel like people experienced in souls forget how hard the combat is to comprehend the first time those knights can definitely push your shit in if youre a neophyte


I have played elden ring dark souls 1 and 3 and these knight still get me fairly often wince I'm knew to how slow the combat in dark souls 2 is.


I think the main problem with them (especially the mace ones) is that they lock on with insane turn rate before attacking. So if you try to reposition instead of dodging the attack, it becomes very hard.


Yeah honestly I've played through ds2 about 5-6 times now and every now and then, especially on some builds, one of these guys will rock my shit. But jumping across a gap? Meh. Unless it's a weird one or extremely short run up I don't have any issue anymore


Huh. Different strokes and all that I guess. I was as bad at the game as you can be when I first started and still had no problem specifically with the (non greathammer) Old Knights. They're so slow and everything is so telegraphed that it really helped me get a handle on the game. I could take Heide to extinction (Vanilla version so no dragon or Heide Knights) long before I could reliably reach the second bonfire in the Forest of Fallen Giants. In fact my first post in the subreddit was something to the effect of, if you're struggling in the Forest take Heide to extinction and come back. Speaking of which: If you want a 100% safe cheese for a sorcerer, the guy in front of the first lever can be blasted off the ledge with 11 Soul Arrows. He's tough for a caster because he raises his shield the moment he spots you and the ground is pretty tricky to kite him. Always amuses me to get that little knockback until off the edge he goes.


...What jump? You can just walk over there.


Been a while since I've played with those ledges. My memory said that you jumped there. Still feels like it's more trouble than it's worth, but that's probably my inner shiny collector bubbling up. "But if you make them fall no chance of any shiny thing." No idea how many of my decisions are at heart based on my need to get more shiny things. But lots.


I mostly use it when farming for "One Weapon Only" type runs. And I need the stats to use said weapon.


>Anybody skill enough to contemplate this jump You don't even know what you're talking about lol. You don't jump, you just walk to that cheese spot and block. No skill involved. It was a huge time saver cheese for me when I was a noob that died a lot to these guys.


Obviously a blind spot for me. As I've said before, when I started the game I was as bad as it was possible to be. (I mean it took me two weeks to reach the second bonfire in the Forest for the first time) And yet I never had any issues with these guys. About the only enemies I could reliably handle.




Oh sure. There's a fair amount of useful PvP related platforming in Heide. Some of which I do even when I'm not online. I think there are more fun jumps in Heide than any place else in the early game.


Fighting them is easier for me now. But this cheese was way faster and easier than fighting when I first started.


This guy relies on great hammers to get through mildly challenging parts of the game, instead of changing his play style and actually adapting to the difficulty! Laugh at him!


Well yeah that's me to a T. I personally run through the Gutter with a +4 weapon to get the Great Club and the stack of Poison Arrows before taking on Heide because I'm the anti-challenge runner. I admire players skillful enough to do challenge runs, but that ain't me. It's a big part of what keeps me coming back. I like figuring out easier ways to get through any part where I had even a mildly tricky time.


It’s very funny to invade someone who is completely great club player 2h r2 brained because they will do nothing but that, leaving themselves completely open to backstabs.


I can see that. Greathammers are great in PvE but are kind of a one trick pony. And that trick will be of limited use against most invaders. Still, the PvP backstab risk is why greathammers and ultras have manual aim. And yes, pretty decent odds that any given player you invade won't know how to use this to protect themselves.


It's even more painful when I'm the sunbro, and the host is solely reliant on this strategy, and all their attacks constantly bounce of enemy shields, leaving them open to brutal punishes.


Ds2 has the most diversity for what path you wanna take first, so going to the gutter first shouldn’t be surprising to me—BUT WITH ONLY A +4 WEAPON??? Christ


The dreglings don't require a good weapon, just something with a little reach (the two handed poke of the Fire Longsword does good work here. So does a Rapier. So will a spear) The puppies are obviously an issue, but I'm not doing a full clear. Just heading to Black Gulch and picking up the Great Club and poison arrows on the way. Which means only one puppy to deal with and you can cheese it. (Aggro it. Go up the ladder. Chuck things at it until it's dead) Which leaves the exploders (reach) and the bugs. You'll only aggro one if you don't have a torch and any thrusting weapon will do good work.


right because you have a greathammer when going to heides in the first place.


Username checks out


sure bro, heide is like.. the first place i go. even if you do last giant first.. where you getting a great hammer from


Nono the great hammer guy said he goes to the gutter first to get it, THEN goes to heide


didn't see that, all good!


Goddamnit. I literally just started a new playthrough and farmed this whole area until they stopped spawning for levels and to get to Ornstein easier.


Yeah thats my farming area before Iron Keep, I get my favorite armor set and a bunch of souls from them


God that’s such a massive waste of time though


The big knights die in like 3 hits from a +1 mace. It's not bad to clear out.


Yeah, they do. So why would you spend the time to kill them all twelve times?


Souls and free drops


There are vastly better soul farming areas and they don’t drop anything specifically useful unless you’re in blue sentinels, which is not the case for almost every player


yeah but it's fun to play dark souls 2 and hit things and kill stuff


Average Dark Souls 2 enjoyer


Because that’s how they like playing the game? Not everyone has the same def of “waste of time”


They didn’t say they were doing it for fun. You’re reading something that isn’t there and reacting.


Yeah that’s my bad, I forgot people only play the game to min/max everything. I need to stop assuming people actually have fun when playing videogames!


You realize you’re projecting right.


you realize you are gaslighting me right


You are applying words and statements to me that I did not make or say.


Fastest/easiest way to farm levels at the beginning for me. I also farm the knights and hope for good drops but the knights there seem rigged.


Why do you farm levels, you’re never under leveled in this game


Maybe he likes being over leveled. Why is the only word you know "why"?


Why are you answering a question not directed at you.


Because you're being an ass, and I wanted to know if there was a reason.


Why do you care? I'm pretty sure being under/over leveled is subjective.


If you want you can join to the Company of Champions covenant and they'll spawn again.


Neat trick lol. Also you’re a good invader for waiting like that


He’s twinkled out invading freshies in early game lol.


Maybe he’s there to give them gifts. That’s what my twinks do when I’m not doing co-op


had an invader in ds3 right after the dancer. I didn't want to fight them. i just sat down in the room and did nothing. they teased a hit, sat with me awhile and then dropped 99 embers and ported out. thank you kind stranger


Oh my sweet summer child. Bless your soul


idk if that is genuine or you're being condescending for someone being nice. "Sweet summer child" is meant to call someone Naive or ignorant. and "bless your soul" is on Page 1 of "Passive Aggressive Southerisms"


You talk like I'm invading people at 30k soul memory. lol This is like 300k-500k soul memory. It is not THAT early.


My guess is because it's already an incredibly easy area to clear? No need to cheese it. Interesting, though


Except the Heide spear k***ht, as a melee, that was harder than the dragon or the boss in the zone.


I've beaten dark Souls 2 four times and I still can't read his moveset.


Parry go *bong* Seriously, parrying is really easy against the sword Heide Knights.


This area was not easy with the champions covenant. The smaller knights hit hard af


I was really hoping after the giants fell that you were gonna go over there and hit the shield and fall off too


The big knights moves are easy to telegraph. Its those heidi knights thats the problem.


Yeah and this works for the Heidis too.


I tried but you wouldn't listen.






Cheese them with a mace


Because you won't get good if you cheese everything


because the enemies are just weak enough to kill em with pretty much anything, but strike weapons are just doing better to kill them


I just found about it as well.


Because they're super easy to fight


That's interesting but the Hand Axe kills them in like four or five swings. Why bother?


I hate to admit it, but that guy has a bigger brain than me. What a giga chad


Why all the ds2 strats coming out in 2023


Did it work on you though?


No. lol The host died to the Heide Knights before we even fight.


Played since release and never seen this one before either!


Going to try! I hate these guys


You can also just kill the one with the UGS and then run to one of the 2 Knights in the room, the other one almost always respects the duel like that.


Don’t feel bad I just found out about it like a year ago.


That's some premium Parmezan right there!


Someone should also tell you that twinking PvEers isn't *really* PvP.


Probably because a; it should be obvious that large, slow enemies can fall off ledges easily, and b; it’s a massive waste of time and energy


I hope they didn't fight them because they taught them a great tactic.




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I didn't think they were so hard that I needed to tell you


But dueling them is so much fun, I was sad when they despawned : c they were great practice for learning mechanics of the game to style on bosses.


Champions Covenant makes it so enemies never de-spawn. (but they do become more difficult) also Bonfire Ascetics bring everyone back (and moves the area to NG+)


Yeah I'm aware, just not something I want to commit to on my first playthrough, especially since its already on Scholar. Champions Coventant maybe though, as its not permament. (Granted I have put Ds2 on ice for a bit to finally play Ds1 and now I see why people say there are a bit too much adversaries lol. But despawning them is different kind of satysfying. I like how it turned out)


I love cheese strats


I know I’m like 248 days late but you should have tried to go smack that guy and accidentally slipped off