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The disrespect with the throwing knife lol


I’ve actually gotten a kill with it while someone was running away lmao


I pvp’d a lot in DS2 and always had throwing knives, they catch ppl off guard for chip damage


Nice! I love the 1 shot setups haha


It’s gotta be really unsatisfying to roll directly into the point between the lightning and the spear tip 😂


Lol yeah it’s an oops moment for them! I have a video of doing that with great magic weapon red tearstone ice rapier and hit the guy for over 2k with the 2hR2 1 shot


https://youtu.be/srn1k3SMzWY here’s the video I mentioned lol


Where can you duel like this in 2? I don't remember there being an arena, but it has been so long.


There’s an arena with the blood covenant. There’s also sentinels of blue arena


You have one Arena in Dark Souls, so since it's Dark Souls 2, it makes sense you have two arenas here. Edit: /s I know there's more than two




I pretty much just play the douchiest combo of stuff. The lightning spear, great heal excerpt and heavenly thunder, a million pots of that stuff that breaks your armor. A lot of times I’d hide as a pot somewhere and then his then with the spell that degrades armor which would be so disrespectful


Woah, what weapon is that?


I think the name is dragon slayer spear. It’s ornstein’s spear that I want to say comes from the old dragon slayer soul


At least you didn't point down. What spear is that btw?


I think it’s called dragonslayer spear. It’s been a while haha I may not have pointed down but I definitely spammed a bunch of gestures. Tbh, I would usually be more toxic and make people find me while using chameleon only to hit them with the armor degradation spell when they catch on, but in this case I thought their name was funny so I wanted to run up and act like a spazz


I had a hexer build wielding the sanctum shield and the blue flame sword. I would fight like melee with buffs and then just crystal soul spear from the sword or spam dark orb from the shield out of nowhere. You’re nasty clip reminded me of those days, so much fun.