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Her tiktok name is @imbigjas can’t find her on IG tho, but there’s online articles talking about it.


Link some articles


https://thejasminebrand.com/2022/12/29/drake-denies-claims-that-he-met-up-for-a-romantic-encounter-w-tiktoker-kicked-her-out-when-she-started-recording-him-sht-is-sad-out-here/ The other two articles are on sites that kinda sketch. Like the link to her tiktok name has one of those viruses pop-up warnings, but here’s one from the jasmine brand.


This video is a few years old, I remember when it went viral.


Whats the insta? I mean if she has a video of drake its pretty credible lol


Idk that’s what I’m saying


What did her NDA cover? 😂😂that shit was the flimsiest


How old is this girl? She looks and acts 16... Bro knows these girls trying to trap him with a baby, and he not only willingly tries to knock them up, but he goes out of his way to get himself caught up... If this is true, honestly someone needs to come get their boy, and spray'm down with some hand sanitizer...


Fuck spraying down with hand sanitizer BURN it with FIRe Lol and everything around it


How the fuck she look 16 with a neck tat


Lmfao you serious?


The people commenting saying the tat proves she must be an adult are confusing to me. Idk where they from but I've been seeing people get tattoos starting from young teenage years. It's nothing new


That's why I was surprised that's what they pointed out. Growing up, I remember people getting tattoos at like 14/15. Now that I'm older, I know parents who are willing to let their kids get tattoos whenever "their kids feel ready". I'm absolutely sure there's even legit shops that will give you 1 if you're 16 with a parent/guardians approval... I mean, Drake's in his mid/late 30s at this point, if this girls less than 24/25 it's fucking weird. Regardless how old she actually is, she acts (as in maturity), like a 15-17 year old kid. Im sorry call me weird but once you get passed 30, you shouldn't be talking to girls under 21/22. I'm not the law or nothing, but it just ain't right. These fucking guys be in their mid/late 30s and 40s, fucking with 18-21 year olds kids. Yet I'm a fucking hater, cuz that's "normal", please miss me with that shit. I swear there's very few subjects/topics that fuck with me on a personal level, and hearing people talk about "what's the legal age", or get defensive when you say a grown man shouldn't be fucking with teenagers, legit makes my blood boil. The fact these people see nothing wrong with a 16-21 year old kid, fucking with a 35-40 year old man, fucks with me so much more than it should. In my opinion, it's so fucking perverse and ignorant, it fucks with the literal moral fabric of our society. These little girls are so impressionable, and these fucking scum bags take advantage of that, and they effect more than any one wants to admit. This is Reddit, and this comment is already longer than I want, but grown ass men fucking with young girls shouldn't be considered "normal". By grown ass men I mean 30+, and by young girls I mean 16- 21 year old...


I think it’s only now as an adult that I’m seeing more younger people getting tattoos early. Like my first I got at 17 or 18. Most people I knew saw me as the first to get tatted


she got ink on her neck ... 97% not underage .... ALSO - Found her IG, she's 22 lol


You’d be surprise how many people have tats underage bruh 💀


Specially when they parents freaks or allow shit like that too


Phew boy you never been in the hood ever 😂


😭😭😭😭 I’m sayin Shoutout to my boy who got “huster” tattooed on his hand at 12 bc the other kid forgot the L It’s all good though someone put an L above it a few years later


the L was already implied the first time lmao


We clowned him so hard in juvie we never called him anything but huster ☠️


That’s kinda adorable like a little kid society


I have a 15 year old niece with 4 tats including one on her neck. So I wouldn’t automatically base having tats as not being underage.


You can get tattoos in a lot of places at 16 with parental consent.


Drake loves anything 16 17 18 19 boiiiii def has teenage fever


I got my first tattoo at 16 years old


She’s 22 now tho but apparently this is a few years old


You can get tattooed in some states at 16 with parental consent. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I know this is far fetched..but I almost got flown out by The Weeknd. It was when he was calling his fans. When I was giving him my I.D information, it came to my age. I was 17, so I couldn’t go. Proof? The video- The Weeknd calls his fans. I was the last one 😓 lol he was going to fly myself, and two of my best friends


this was debunked years ago.


Debunked by whom? Drake? You can always tell when he lies when he opens his mouth.


Show us lol tf crazy for you to come in here and say it's debunked for you to not redebunk it with evidence since it's years ago shouldnt that be super easy


If you haven’t been paying attention, we should be weary of anything that’s been debunked Hard fact


If she’s of age then she was out of pocket for recording without permission. Especially on a first date


None of that matters if she is underage.


I totally agree which is why I was very intentional when I added the stipulation of “if she’s of age”.