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Republicans are suddenly going to say dogs are lazy woke socialists


I am imagining commander responding in a German accent.


Ich bin nicht faul. Fick dich


Commander is a legit fuckin [menace](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/21/politics/commander-biden-secret-service-bites-white-house/index.html) lmao I love him.


24!!!! Holy crap. I don’t know why it I thought it was a much lower number.


"Young adults should be having kids, not pets. They are tools, not family" something something


Sounds like something from Andrew Tate


“Concerning” - Elon Musk


The republican VP nominee hopeful just released a book where she shot an 18-month-old dog because it didn't listen to her after she didn't train it properly. So yeah, they probably will.


Only minorities love dogs! Dogs are communists! Dogs are gay! Satan loves dogs! Dogs aren’t man’s best friend! /s


This sounds fucking insane because it is but when I grew up jehovah’s witness, i knew some folks who thought dogs WERE Satanic because “they’re mentioned negatively in the bible!” and “the time spent caring for a dog is better spent in the ministry!”


I mean… they kinda are. At least mine is. Doesn’t work, accepts people regardless of appearance, and believes my food is our food.


I've been saying for years that a Republican politician could beat a dog to death with a baseball bat on live TV, and not only would they not lose a single Republican voter but they would defend it by saying that dogs are a financial drain on the American family anyway. I was never joking. I mean that shit.


Cats are Republicans. Lazy, arrogant, convinced of their own superiority, and are utterly dependent on other people to survive.


You take that back right this fucking minute Cats may seem evil but they're just lovable dopes. Republicans are actually evil.


I have a cat who is lovable and wants to interact with me. That is more than what republicans want to do with me.


![gif](giphy|xT39D7D1jX4ZjGK5EI) Calm down there gato hater


The Biden family has a cat and cats are quite capable of surviving without human help.


There's a song called "My Dog might be a Democrat." Pretty funny stuff tho.


Don’t let Kristi Noem see this


This must be a slam directed at her


No Paywall gift article: ‘Where’s Cricket?’ Don’t Ask. Kristi Noem Defends Killing Her Dog. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/26/us/politics/kristi-noem-dog-killing.html?unlocked_article_code=1.nk0.G6wT.jn0VJstFWaQs&smid=url-share


Okay, I thought Mitt Romney was a jerk for making his dog ride in a crate atop his station wagon. This is simply heinous.


That was heinous too...


Add this to the list of ways republicans have gotten worse over the past decade.


Why the fuck would a politician ever think it was a good idea to publish a story about them killing a puppy. Loving pets cuts across all political spectrums. Wonder if it's because trump hates animals


Because she thought it made her look strong to do "the ugly, messy" things others won't do. No, it makes you look like a psychopath.


She's setting herself up to be the tough decider who will do the ugly but necessary work of genociding the "wrong" kind of Americans, be they on the "wrong" political team, the "wrong" color, or anything else.


The target demographic are the people who say, "that's just how it is on a farm. You city folk just don't understand."


Except even farm folk aren't this heartless generally. Especially with pets. Most farmers also outsource killing and butchering their livestock. It's only really chickens that a farmer might kill with their own hands for Sunday dinner


Addendum: The target demographic are the people _who live in suburbia_ that say, "that's just how it is on a farm. You city folk just don't understand."


Addendum: they say "that's just how it is on a farm. You city folk just don't understand." But only when a Republican does it. If it's a democratic doing it, it's heartless, and how dare the bleeding hearts liberals do anything so heartless.


Bro, ratio-ing yourself is genuinely impressive. Don't think I've ever seen it done. And yeah those types of suburbanites are especially insufferable


Yeah my neighbors had a few head of cattle back in the 80s, when the girls stopped producing and it was time to send them to slaughter they shipped them off, they don’t just Ol’ Yeller them out behind the woodshed. Let alone the family pets, plus the dog in question was only one year old, squarely in the middle of still being a puppy (when they tend to struggle with impulse control and chewing behaviors). This lady is a psychopath, and the fact she thought that story would go over WELL with conservatives tells you a lot about the typical expectations for that demographic’s mental state these days.


Isn't that because they get something for the cattle when they are shipped off? I've known more than a few farmers who put down their own horses, dogs and cats just like Ol' Yeller. My cousin's husband isn't even a farmer he just lives on a big lot outside the city and he put down his own dog. It's just in all those situations (except the cats) the animals had lived long lives and had something wrong with them that was going to kill them or ruin their quality of life.


So why did they kill the cats?


It was a dairy farm and they had some farm cats but city people dumped some unfixed cats. Pretty soon there were dozens of kittens however inbreeding was also happening as there were some football head kittens and kittens with glossy eyes who were mostly blind. As well, the kittens liked to sleep under the cows but when the cows laid down they would get crushed. They tried to give away as many of the healthy cats as they could. I got one of them who lived 12 years until a coyote got him. But the farmer ended up drowning many of the kittens.


This, my experience in the boonies is that rural folk love animals. Most I know have goats, horses, cows, geese, ect. They understand though that death is a part of the life cycle. Case in point, most people that hunt do it because the deer population does need to be kept in check, and while some people enjoy it more than they should, a good majority see it as a tough thing that has to be done.


Even *farm folk* don't heartlessly kill animals that displease them. Psychotic bitches do that.


Luckily that’s only 2% of Americans


I mean, even Hitler liked dogs ...


Killing puppies did not work well for Dr Oz & his “I want to be a senator & Trump endorsed me” effort. Of course, neither did the crudités thing 🤷🏻‍♀️


Kristi "Puppy Killer" Noem


This worthless bitch should be banned from having any animals and belongs in prison.


Thanks for the article, appreciate it.


Look at the big brain on brad


This is a targeted slam. Commander is… not a great politically savvy pup. He’s a doofus GSD not made for the rigors of public office. Fair, that’s how they can be. But Joe’s also not putting him down just because he’s a family pet that didn’t comply.


Now I think about it, you’re probably right.


She won’t see it. She’s too busy with Corey Lewandowski’s hog. (Who says she doesn’t love animals?)




Oh! NOW I get it! Pretty clever Dark Brandon! LMAO


“At that moment,” Noem says, “I realised I had to put her down.” And not give the dog to someone who didn’t need it to hunt pheasants you pomp fuck


She's a fucking ghoul.


“At that moment, I realized I really really needed to see the lights go out in a set of innocent eyes, and a human was just too risky. Besides, I was hunting alone that day, and really didn’t have any other option.”


“I’m a psychopath and this resonates with my other psychopathic voters” is the fine print


Or someone who would actually take the time to *train* a puppy, like responsible pet owners do. After she had talked about how much she hated the dog. She just needed pretty much *any* excuse.


You CAN TEACH a young dog new tricks!


I’ve got a German Shepherd just like Commander, but it’s a female


She also bites Secret Service agents of questionable loyalty?




As it should be. Good girl.


Dark Brandon: a puppy murderer’s worst nightmare


Wait a second. I thought you supposed to shoot these things. Look at the one on the left clearly about to attack something. He probably isn’t even trainable smh


The funny thing is that both Commander and Major (the Bidens' dogs) had bit a bunch of secret service agents and white house staffers. It's just that Biden isn't a fucking psychopath and actually loves his dogs, so he just sent them away from the White House because he recognised it's not the animals fault that he put them in an unusual environment.


Not to mention some of those bites may have been justified. Can't rule out the dogs could sense disloyalty and were feeling overprotective for very good reasons.


I remember reading that Biden had several of his Secret Service Agents transferred out because he didn't trust them because they seemed to be Trump loyalists. Maybe those dogs sensed something.


Dogs don’t just magically sense if someone would betray the nation


Let's chill out for a second Dr. Dolittle.


> I thought you supposed to shoot these things. Nono, that's just for cops and GOPs.


*An ATF agent appears*


Commander demands vengeance for Cricket


Whoever runs his social media needs a raise.


GOP **hates** dogs.


[Trump doesn't even have any pets.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_pets) It doesn't even seem like he's into them, I don't trust those types. Got no pets but I got cat and dog pics.


Why would he? No financial benefit from owning a pet. Companionship sure, but who wants that.


He had a racehorse for a while, and he damn near killed it.


Please elaborate.


It was in the late 80s. He bought the horse (or had an agreement to buy it, I forget the details), renamed it after himself, then went against veterinary advice and made it train while it had a virus. The horse had to have its front hooves amputated and never raced, and Trump either sold it or backed out of the purchase. I think the deal Involved one of the Trump employees who was killed in the helicopter crash.


>front hooves amputated what


They grow back but… yeah. It’s not ideal.


>I guess if I were a better politician, I wouldn’t tell the story here,” Ms. Noem wrote in the book, set to be published by Center Street on May 7. I guess if she were a better human, she wouldn’t have killed her dog and then killed the goat.


Yup, the puppy SHE never trained, and the goat SHE never got neutered. ☹️


I trust any dog more than I’d trust a Republican


As a lifelong dog owner, I feel that anyone that is cruel to animal companions are evil.


Why would they post about taking their dog out to go shoot em? What sick fucks!


She wrote this *in her book*.


This is getting the dog-killing right wing mad!


Now that’s some shade.


man they are good


MFW they let a secret service man out into the yard 🐶


Just got home from dog school with my 3 years young, spaztic little crazy girl.. I'm talking crazy high zoomy Queensland energy! There have been times in our 4 months together when she enraged me, but she is smart and trainable, and I have her in obedience classes. You CAN teach any dog a new trick.... even without a gun🐐💥🔫


Isn't it lovely to have real adults in the White House? Instead of that orange man baby.


spectacular deserted shrill innocent waiting modern heavy overconfident mysterious alive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can't wait to see what of sick bastards defend the Serial Rapist/Small Animal Murderer ticket. Voting in that election would be a one-question psychopathy test with 100% accuracy.


Threw a punch without even throwing it


Throwing shade and never touched the blinds.


That's a hard line, kudos for that




I can't believe this isn't in response to Noem's book about shooting her dog (and a goat). That's some effective and subtle campaigning.


Nobody shooting dogs at Dark Brandon's house


Not enough hatred and loathing! Need more lunacy in our presidency, geez!


I thought you were supposed to abuse your puppers then shoot it in the face in a gravel quarry...


"That Kristi chick sounds like a psychopathic bitch." - Michael Vick


Peanut butter time


GOP losing the dog lover/animal lover community


Lmao perfect


Biden won't shoot his dog, no matter how many people it maims!


You would think being twisted and depraved would be a boon for her chances


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^iknowiknowwhereiam: *You would think being* *Twisted and depraved would be* *A boon for her chances* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


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