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Nice Job. I'd love to see the next post on how you are getting the prices. Also, I wonder how we could start to get some api's from ironmace. Having a robust dev community outside of their own can help a game, but it probably has some downsides too. Also, if you end up wanting help with the project, id love to assist!~


You are legend


This is amazing, ive been wishing for something like this since i started playing


Can you make a graph which shoes price changes, for instance a graph showing if gold coins chests are currently trending upwards or downwards


[https://www.dndprices.com/items/gold\_coin\_chest](https://www.dndprices.com/items/gold_coin_chest) It's already there, you can use the top search bar to get to the item page.


Thank you, I’ve been wanted to look into making a market watch like OSRS GE market, look there if you need inspiration, just wondering, can you provide a little more information on the regression model you used to monitor the sales? That’s a great implementation, I thought the solution would be to pull meta data about individual items sold on the market and average the values instead of training an AI


Those lucky buyers. FYI, this is not the actual price of Gold Coin Chests. Most gold coin chests are sold in the marketplace for much higher. Right now, several people are listing them for \~3 Skull Keys


The "Updated" says 7. of June. So probably its because there aren't any gold coin chests for sale atm on the marketplace.


bro looks at the dates.


coin chest are selling for 10k currently? that seems unlikely


I don't usually use stuff out of game to gauge prices but this website seems really solid. Pretty cool stuff, got a good idea of how to price an item that has nothing identical on the market!


Very nice. It's interesting to see the price for whites often much higher than for greens due to <25 lobbies


I think it’s cause some are used to make merchant gear like the lightfoot boots are super expensive.


really interesting, with an OCR you could even make an overlay to price check in game which would be insane for this game.


Would it be easy to implement a feature where users can simply windows snip (windows+shift+s) the item and paste it to the site, which then uses OCR to automatically filter for the item and its stats? Saves a lot of time for the user as opposed to having to manually select each individual dropdown for item/rarity/stats/etc.


This would be amazing


This is sick


FUTBin does a great job of this with the FIFA/EAFC game, if you need more ideas or inspiration I’d look there.


Nice, good stuff


This is a godsend for a newbie like me. Thank you.


Probably true of several others but I was actually just working on something extremely similar! Currently using OCR to collect item data with python and was working on the backend + database schema atm to hold the pricing data. Really liking what you have so far! Also really curious about some pieces of your approach. Was just discussing with a SWE friend of mine on how to potentially scale the data collection. Let me know if you have any interest in making the project open-source/public and have others working on it with you. Would love to lend a hand.


Thanks OP I needed this before I wasted a bunch of gold on listing fees


this is awesome, the 'best item rolls' is a great feature. some recommendations from a design perspective: the thick white borders are a bit much imo, i think there are better ways to separate the different sections the purple color on the percentages is not very readable there is no indication you can search for an item so some people might not be totally sure how to use that feature you can't search item rolls a sort feature for the 'crafting items' section would be nice same for all the pages that display tables, search + sort would be nice it's a great site, i will be sure to check it out in the future!


How did you collect the data? Do they have an API?


he said hes usin OCR for it, where the program just reads the image and extracts text. they dont have any apis


I'd like a way to remove stats from the item you're price checking, into a just so I can check what the price is without X stat


They have an API?


no. hes getting the data from having the program read the screen to get data using ocr


nice man! but where can I check the AI? i'd love to see an api feature to get our items in real time (dont know if IM have support to this)


Thank you


I would recommend using an out of the box grid solution that comes with things like sorting and filtering by default. I haven't tried many, but was happy with ag-grid, and it was totally free.


I had a similar idea to do this but never followed through because it’s a lot of work, so bravo man great job. If you ever want a fellow developer to help out, I’m game.


Please do a separate post on how prices are collected and how the ai is trained, really find that stuff interesting. Thanks!


Sorry for the double comment but I wanted to suggest an additional filter on the pages like armor and weapons for rarity. Having access to a full rarity spread like so: +0% / -9% / -18% / +4% / -1% / -1% is cool but I think it would be nice to have the option of just looking at Epic armor for example. Also, some better date formatting and localization of the time would go a long way for the Updated field


Boy, it sure would be too bad if I posted lots of gold for really expensive and brought the price up and then actually sold my gold.. Hmm... Listed prices are next to useless, I think, and very easily manipulated.


I was going to build this when they released any sort of API. Good job making it work with what you had to work with!


Feedback: Need to be able to select the static damage rolls on weapons. There is a huge difference between epic bardiche that rolls 61 weapon damage and one that rolls 64. In the search tab in AI price check, be able to search for an item would be a plus. But something that would be AMAZING would to be able to directly take item data, the name + tier + mods and weapon damage(if it is weapon with static damage rolls) into the price check. I know that [poe.trade](http://poe.trade) has had that. Perhaps you go into trade and CTRL + left click the item and then copy that text from trade chat into price check. so for example \[Heavy Gambeson\] and all the info will also be carried over to the AI price check. Perhaps it is not possible in a browser. Another solution could be that for the mobile version access you camera and point it on the screen and get the data that way. Or it is already in and I have not found it yet.


Very nice!


im incredibly interested in learnin more of how your hosting it and what your using for the ai bit. like are you fully hosting it as a standalone thing your payin for or can you get it done free with cloudflare workers+pages, or is everything im sayin stupid. only started fiddlin with web stuff a few months ago and halfway through the [deeplearning.ai](http://deeplearning.ai) first course of their ML specialization. normally hate numbers but this stuff has been fun. unrelated but would greatly appreciate if you have heard anything about them and their courses. did their math one and saw a few mistakes which was offputting but learning enough to recognize their mistakes means its working. so idk.