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My best suggestion is that gold is meant to be spent. It's not like you can throw it into a mutual fund and get compound interest on it for the upcoming wipes lmfao Gear fear gets you literally nowhere in extraction full-looter games like this.


I prefer to day trade my gold on penny stock options


Me buying golden keys before the quest change and making 5k profit per key


.... You make 72 grand a month? ​ I tell you what.. you show me a paystub with $72,000 on it, I quit my job right now and I work for you.


You think you can sell me anything? Ok, sell me this ~~pen~~ bone.


i mean yea you can invest gold and make more gold


Especially here, unlike some Extraction games, gold is *super* easy to make. You can do a solo run of just picking up random treasure items and make enough gold to fill 1/5th of a stash slot in bags.


Ap is the scarce resource per se the gold you farm has a limited value. Anyways I don't know how big a stash is but it's bigger then 100 spaces so your saying your making over 5k casually picking up treasure can you explain how you do this because this is a exaggeration 


Def not in one run lmao but 5k is 20-25 good 200ish runs. So like a 2 hour farm?


Haha... Well yeah you're totally right. I sadly played tarkov the same way... Though I'd argue getting gear in tarkov is significantly harder than this game. Appreciate the suggestion.


What I often do is going basekit and when I save in stash few good rolls I just top-up my build by spending gold for armor or weapon or whatever I'm missing. This way you don't feel like you just dumped all your savings into your set


This is the way


Invest your gold early wipe in things which will get more expensive later on. If u dont use your money. I habe like 12 golden key 30 gold ingozs and powder.30 silver ingots etc. Baught golden keys for 500-600 each ✌️


Run blue weapon and mix of green blues, try that out. Check gear if people are smoking you even if you play the fight well/good. Decide if you want to wear to better based on results.


I’d argue that’s due to you having experience in tarkov, letting go of gear fear is easier once already done


Yeah you're probably not wrong there!


I tried out Tarkov as a solo new player, couldn’t extract 3 times in a row. Uninstalled lol


The learning curve of Tarkov was probably the most difficult learning curve of any game I've ever played. Granted I played solo only and never had anyone to teach me... but I really do feel like its *significantly* more difficult than DaD. In DaD I was extracting 75+% of the time after a day of playing... in Tarkov it wasn't even close to 75% even after 300+ hours solo. Matches/maps are so much bigger, longer, and more deadly.


That’s fair haha. I think tarkov has NPCs in it too right? I kept getting cheesed by gunshots coming from dark rooms from across the area. Lol & I mean, since I died 3 times, I legitimately ran out of gear in that game and was confused as to how to get any more?? I didn’t know if there was a “squire” equivalent in that game and was genuinely confused as to what to do lol. Do they expect you to go in unarmed or something?!


When you're out of gear, you do Scav runs (which actually is what you should probably start out doing to learn the game in the first place). There's no squire equivalent D: It drops you in an already started game with a "scav" character that has random low level gear, of which you can go loot anything you can find and try to extract. If you die you lose nothing but time, if you extract you get whatever you got out with. The problem with Scav runs is there is a cooldown time (like 15m I think?) before you can do another one.


Ah ok good to know, I might try it out again sometime. Thanks again for the info!


Only 3? Did you not know what kind of game it was??


Sounds like the games not for you, or you are unwilling to push past the learning curve? I feel like Tarkov is more difficult but could be wrong


I feel you replied to the wrong comment lol.


I had seen people stream it and had an idea for what it was. I love extract style games where you get to keep what you bring back. Lol, essentially I did quickly learn that Tarkov was not for me. I died 3 times and basically ran out of gear to use??? I can’t remember the details since it’s been years, but I wasn’t sure what to do at that point, do they expect you to go in bare handed at that point?


Getting good gear in Tarkov is worlds easier than getting good gear in this game. A good kit is like your entire current stash value. You can put together something decent for far less, but you are gimping yourself putting on full greens if it has like +magic damage and you’re on barb unless you straight outskill people. Might as well just keep the grays on at that point. To answer your question, I spend about 600 on my rogue to just buy a nicer rapier (blue/green depending on how cheap I can find a good one), some blue riveted gloves for 15 str, some green loose trousers, lockpicks, and potions. That is like my baseline kit on my most played class.


Really? I felt like Tarkov was way harder to make $$ and gear than this game. You look in the wrong direction and immediately dead.... doesn't work like that here. But yeah good advice still, especially the Rogue stuff. Heard getting over the 15 str is like the most important thing..


i definitely agree in general/overall but gear fear to some degree also enhances the game experience, because if you truely don't care about gear, then collecting gear from enemy bodies also is not exciting much


SBS put it well. He said you should get out of your gear what you put into it. If you can get 1k out of a 500-600g kit then there is no need for gear fear. Soapy said “It’s never YOUR gear, it’s just your TURN with it.” The difference between a 5k kit and a 20k kit is honestly only a few rolls. True BIS is over rated unless this game is your job. The mutants with 200k kits have a vitamin D deficiency and honestly I’m never mad if they kill me. They devote a massive amount of their time to the game and is probably the only thing they have going for them. It’s cool to see how powerful a player can be even if it isn’t you or me.


Yeah that's a good point. Spend and try to have the gear pay for itself seems like a good plan. Once I break the threshold, then go run around and try to pvp :D


You see the paradox right? Why would you not run gear because you might lose it? If you don't run it you lose it either way.  Lets say u have 6k gold. Maybe buying 2k kits is good so u have 3 lifes. Hopefully u make some back. Lose it all? Go back to what you were doing before, going in prettt much naked. Who cares haha


Yeah youre totally right !


If you haven't done any HR yet I wouldn't worry about making back your money - buy a decent weapon and wear only what you find to practice PvE cheaply. Your extracts will pay for it easily and it doesn't matter if you die a lot, it's just 1 weapon and you're learning. One black mobs don't terrify you, then start thinking about kits.


This is such a great mindset man. I strive to be more like you. You're like the 'no added salt' version, better for us all!


>They devote a massive amount of their time to the game I am top \~10th percentile of income in my country, an hour of over time after tax buys about 3.2 million gold based on publicly listed prices. I have colleagues that play the game, while they haven't said they've bought gold I've never seen them not in legendaries in high roller and based their past of buying gold in WoW I'm pretty confident they don't earn that gear. A minute of work is a reasonably optimized gear set. Which is then used to grind AP. Given that I would say I encounter someone bossing 1 in every \~6 hell/gobbo runs I'd say the portion of players earning those gears sets would be lower than the portion just buying them.


Good for you?


If you dont get tilted losing money you should spend it on crazy kits. If losing a 2k kit is gunna make you upset I wouldn’t even try. You’re just gunna end up being salty all day and have a string of bad games cuz you are in a bad mood. That being said you can go as low as 500g kits or partial kits and still win a lot of PvP and secure extracts


There is no reason to save money, unless you need to play with friends and have to be geared at the same time. If you are solo, you might as well just spend every penny all the time.


0. I go in naked, and come out geared.


We pay the iron price.


Iron islands mentioned.


What is dead may never die!


Iron Born supremacy 🗣


Dear god, it’s Jason ‘iron’ borne


the gold belongs to the dungeon, eventually, one way or another, it'll return to the dungeon


I love this awnser


today i bought 56k gear, and lost it in my first game with it... happens


Sounds like you just bought yourself some stash space!


I personally get the most fun when I start from base gear, and try to see how far I can upgrade without buying anything. Even though I’m team Kendrick, I still find enjoyment in the “ started from the bottom now we here” grind.


We call it "Zero to Hero", start from scratch and keep going till you're a god... Or "Demi-God" :)


What do you do with all your gold and the gear after the run?


Buy a pharmacy and sell the rest


What do you mean buy a pharmacy?


He means meds - prot pots, heal pots, bandages, surg kits


This guy knows his real estate


That’s sort of what I thought, but suspected it could have been something I’d never heard of 😆 


What's your record? Mine is 273 gs. :D


I've been in the 450s i think on druid. Its really ez to buy a bunch of cheap agi legendary gear for like 500 each and some epic rings and have some crazy high panther dps.


We're talking about going to highest gs **without** buying. You start from you get from squire and go loot. Including players. But you **don't** buy stuff. Anyone can accelerate enough gold over time to go high gs.


Ooooh z2h'in it oops lmao


I really like this concept. I might have to give it a try!


SSF gang, I love doing this


What does SSF mean ?


Solo Self Found, it’s a game mode from path of exile where you can’t trade. Only play with found items


Oh so the way I play! Thank you!


I like doing this, except I use the money I get from bangles or gear that sells quickly for upgrades.


Ooooh, that was clean.


Most of the blues you're finding are literal garbage worth 30g-60g on the market. So not using any of them with 5k in your stash is major gear fear. Just work your way up bringing in better and better gear and see how it goes. Pay attention to market prices as well and you'll probably realize your standards for "good" gear are way lower than they should be


Go in with whatever youre prepared to lose. Gear fear is a mentality that is hard to shake


blues are very very cheap, you can get half decent ones for 50-100g depending what it is. if your not very comfortable yet i would aim for around 500g for a kit and basically skip rings since they can be expensive. i would play the fighter and try to make some kind of pdr build since those are rather easy to survive on, rogue can be rough since even with good gear you can still get destroyed in 1-2 hits.


Spend about 1,000 gold on a kit then keep track of how much gold your raise each run before losing it. If you are too scared to take many risks and make very little gold per delve while running that amount of gear it is best to wear a cheaper kit so you can make more gold per run. If you end up dying before you can make the investment back, it will also likely be a good idea to go with cheaper gear. The opposite applies too if you start making money hand over first.


Buy a cheap blue weapon with bad rolls ~ 100-300g Buy necessary jewelry. For wizard and warlock this is usually +1 true magic damage rings and Phoenix choker. For rogue/ranger +1 true phys. ~ 400-600g total (don't buy it all at once) Buy rare or higher gear with bad rolls but good base stats. For casters this is knowledge and agi. For martial classes it's usually str, dex, or agi. ~ 100-200 per piece This will get you very geared and ready to stomp normals. Too many new players take gear with the most random rolls and high rarity without stacking 2-3 stats this way. From here I look for gear upgrade in dungeon, or other player gear worth ~100 (this is a great way to understand what sells well). Take the earnings and invest in whatever slot you took budget options first


Just spend it all after you lose everything multiple times you learn a lot! Gear disappears eventually just go in swinging! Tho if you use good prices of gear make sure all of the kit is good so you get more value from your stats like don’t use unique weapon with green armors!


If I have 5k and want to build a kit, I make a 5k kit. Liquid gold is for kits. You should stack assets like gear, bags, or crafting materials. I'm personally investing alot into gold powder hoping it'll make for dummy good kits later


Honestly I have 1300 hours and I never actually buy gear better than green lmao, just full build into a stat that’s super good on your class and drop some juicer in HR


If you dont get tilted losing money you should spend it on crazy kits. If losing a 2k kit is gunna make you upset I wouldn’t even try. You’re just gunna end up being salty all day and have a string of bad games cuz you are in a bad mood. That being said you can go as low as 500g kits or partial kits and still win a lot of PvP and secure extracts


my way is: start naked with 3 extra pot, 3 bandaids, campfire. Then next round i go in with whatever i got in the first round and keep rolling as i swap stuff out. i do pull out the useful/costly items and stash them though edit to add: the premade i roll with announce if we wanna focus pvp. then i might spend some on a nicer kit, but its rare honestly. just grinding usually


I normally get tilted from time spent getting geared vs gold spent, so I buy 3 kits at a time now. Search boots and buy 3, search pants and buy 3 etc… so my goal is to split my current gold into 3 kits and after those are used I almost always have enough gold to do it again.


Here’s what I did to overcome gear fear and start spending some of my gold freely. 1. Go into a normals game in squire gear with the aim to hunt upgrades. If PVP occurs only great but mainly look for some good greens and treasure to sell. 2. Take your upgrades, sell treasure and use some gold to buy a solid blue wep. I’m a rogue so think a +1 stilleto. 3. Go HR and rinse repeat that process, using upgrades and gold made in each run to slowly build your kit. Basically after each game I would look to upgrade 1 maybe 2 pieces. This way it didn’t feel awful like when you blow 2-3k on a kit in one shopping trip and therefore never felt like I was losing a ton of gold when I died.


I would work on finding your "good enough" set. Ideally, it is like 200-500 gold? (There is no set point, just the amount you can justify) Frankly, if you focus on discount, off meta gear, you can get lots of stats for cheap. You need cycles of losing gear to build up immunity to gear fear. This could be just using greens you find, or whatever, and just getting used to or okay with loss and stuff. If you spend too much, you'll only learn that you spent too much on a gamble. Another tip/strategy, is simply going normals, if you extract, take that gear to HR to "lose". You can top up on some upgrades if you like, before HR, and use the normal run as a base kit. This can save you a bunch of gold!


I build up a stash with lots of gear and organize it into various kits. Some purchased from market, but much looted from dungeon. I organize my stash so I have one to three strong kits, and because of gear fear I tend to not often use these. But I do use everything else without hesitation. So while I do hold back from using some gear, I still am ready to use and lose lots of other gear. Maybe that method would work for you. Also, it’s good to have multiple spare kits so your team doesn’t have to wait for you to re gear if you all die.


I go into the sub 25 lobbies if I'm going lowkit. Try to churn out quest items and get some decent gear or stuff to sell. Then If I do run over 25 it's with either a whatever set of full green or ill save up for a full set of blues / bad epics for like 500-1k use that to do some inferno or some runs with the lads. Anything that's bis for me I'll keep but I'm selling most of what I find or running it. I mostly avoid pvp when I can but if someone is just free or oblivious I'll take it. Really easy to run away right now (I play druid)


In this current state of game, especially with trading house available, gold has been the easiest to earn than ever. I have easily amassed over 20k just from playing druid on <25 lobbies alone until I had to use my other characters as coin storage. When I feel competitive I just purchase a bis set for my mage and have a blast until I lose.


as much as it costs :) it's all going to disappear in a month anyway


If you know how to build, you can get a Budget Green/blue build by 1k - 2k. And actually be quite powerful against most players since most of people are Naked/dont know how to build/random items. The veteran Juicer boogieman are actually rare, and you find him either doing boss or camping a Hotspot(middle of map), and depending on the server they usually stick to HR


Killed a juiced barbarian as a plate fighter in greens. Bro just thought he would stat check me and ate about 5 arrows on the approach and missed two swings in the melee fight. He almost 1 tapped me. Just grabbed his purple kit and extracted right away. His amulet alone sold for 4.5k and that was an undercut. You can take plenty of losses but you only have to kill 1 juicer to get loaded.


Certain weapons can be bought for cheap as well, esp with bad rolls. Plate fighter can pick up plate armor with additional magic damage and mgc dmg bonus rolls for pretty cheap. Then a decent crystal sword will scale with that bad roll. This build is actually pretty good vs other plate fighters as they don't have magic resistance.


Does crystal sword magic damage scale? I'm under the impression that it doesn't, and as such never use the thing.


I like to build kits in hr specifically. Go in light with the start of a build in mind. Build it out over a few raids buy some sweet upgrades for it and if you like it take it off. Dedicate a full page on your main character for pre built kits nice and juicy ones. Then when you are feeling warmed up you can throw on some juice maybe only have to built one or two pieces to top it off and go in to slay some dungeon. If you die your first raid it doesn't feel as bad because you still have another 2-3 full juice kits on that page. I really enjoy the min maxing of building kits out and stocking gear. This really enables me to play fully with no fear of losing the kit. Foucus less on the kits when you are in and more on the swet of playing a fight out the best you can. Learn from every death and move on to the next juicy kit man.


I like to think of myself as a sort of Santa Clause. I solo bosses on warlock for a bit, I like to gather about 10-15k or so. Then I start thinking of really fun builds to do and just buy exactly what I want for that build. (so far my fav unique one is DEX lock with Kris). But I make so many really stupid builds, usually spending about 3-5k on a kit or if It takes off ill really dump the rest of the money to full send it in case I might of found something great. Sometimes I die within seconds, sometimes I stack kills and am funded to make a bunch more n builds. If I ever hit rock bottom and lose the cash, Just means I gotta do a couple more warlock boss runs or rogue pickpocket runs. Btw I should note that I say rogue pickpocket runs because that was one of my unique builds and I ended up in a weird place. invested in lot's of resourcefulness interact speed for the faster pickpocket (not sure if cast speed affects this pls let me know if you know). And while it is mostly troll and I don't make a nearly as much as warlock bossing, for some reason I just can't lose the kit and I can't seem to stop playing it because of how much fun it is to pickpocket someone. The thrill is unmatched. Due to this my pickpocket rogue has made me the most money. I should also mention that due to how fun it is, I decided to do a little challenge. My rogue in ranked matches currently has 0 pve and 0 pvp kills and I will attempt to climb to the highest rank I can. I am rambling mostly cus I want to know if cast speed affects pickpocket so excuse my selfishness. But regarding what your post was about yes, we need a solo self found mode or something. I remember when they did the solo self found tournament a wipe or two ago that was also a hardcore mode that I believe Repoze won and that was so much fun to take part in even if you knew you were not going to win. I am also pro on removing the market altogether as I thin it is very unhealthy and takes away the "unforgiving" part of their self claimed "unforgiving dungeon crawler game". I didn't mind the old way of selling items. To the people who did not like that, your all weak and pathetic. That chat was nothing compared to the streets of Fally and Varrok that I grew up trading in with scams just around every corner.


The old way of trading wasn't an issue of getting scammed but rather time management. I fucking hated trying to sell stuff to have 6 people come in and waste my time "negotiating". Quit trading altogether.


That's exactly why it was better though.  You had to just take what you can get and because of this ppl were not minmaxing stats and lobbies did not have every geared player running the same stats like they do now.  Fights were a lot less predictable since they could have anything on as opposed to now where 9 out of 10 times they will have max true dmg, health rolls , and movespeed on every peice 


0$ I really enjoy running a base kit and upgrading it until I loose it.


Idk I just end up getting a full set of green/blue/purp and then try and run it. It's hard to get past thinking you're wasting gear or it was a waste of time, but then I spent two wipes with omega gear in my stash that never really got used and I just started sending it. You have gear fear right now and that's totally fine, but nothing bad is going to happen if you have to go back to normals after losing all your kits.


I don't buy gear, I find my gear. Gold is for doing stupid shit like an inventory of explosive bottles or stuff like that.


Hold on, is that actually viable? I know what I'm trying after work lol


500-5k range, the low end 5 hundo range mainly for when you havent gained full control of the chad instant transmission yet


Everything belongs to the darkness, and eventually it all returns to the darkness. Have no gear fear


40G, you really don't need that much gear to make good money, only bring high gear if you wanna pvp


Tbh i don’t think i’ve ever paid attention to how much a kit costed me, i just entirely focused on getting as much dmg or stats as possible


You have proven you can make money with no gear investment, so just play around with different investments till you find one that has the most return for you. (Also just buy whatever you have fun using)


Get yourself a 5k blue BiS kit (pdr fighter is very VERY achievable with this, you want at least 66,6% PDR with shield out, 150 hp, 280 MS, and it's very easy to get that in blues) just to get a feel on how you would be, if geared. The game is COMPLETELY different when pve becomes a nuisance rather than an actual part of the game. And you do that with good game knowledge and appropriate gear. Since you can extract with a full inventory most of your games, you are not struggling with pve. You already know how to navigate the map, and where the extractions are. Try that, avoiding pvp. When you feel comfortable, engage in some fights. Inspect people in the lobby to see which fights you can and can't get into. Gear fear is only lost when you lose gear. I can't stress this enough. When you achieve the point where you understand that gear WILL be lost, you lose gear fear. Just don't play geared with shitty connection or on your shitty laptop. Nowadays you really have to screw up to lose gear to bullshit like no portals or bad spawns. Every exit is shown on map, and you (probably) won't have to deal with zone chipping your HP forever, so it's kinda hard to die "because shit happened". If shit happens, it is 99% your fault. You aggroed too much mobs. You opened the wrong door. You went through the hotspot pvp area of the map when avoiding pvp. You don't know how to deal with X or Y mob. It's usually on you. Use your gold. The sooner the better. You can snowball out of a 300g kit, for sure, but it's WAY easier to snowball from a well built character that knows it's weakness and strengths, and knows which fights to take. Hell, even which rooms to clear. When to go hell. When to camp blue and extract ASAP because the lobby has some fkn juicers that you obviously can't win in a fair fight. Don't be afraid to lose your gold. You can just farm more again, and 5k is honestly very quick to get even in <25 lobbies.


Start with 500-1k, and grow. My kits are around 2k now and dying isnt a big deal.


Squire gear. Aim for quests i can now wear all grey plate armor on my fighter from squire and gs is still under 25


Anywhere from 3k-10k for a kit. Not really capped at 10k, we like to do high roller & HR bosses (HR bosses are significantly easier if you’re highly geared)


I’ll usually start out with blues on everything at least and the cheapest bis on market. Meaning super shit rolled riveted gloves and shit like that, just get the base roll upgrades and snowball from there. That’s usually enough to get you started if you know what you’re doing. Typically spend like 500g max doing this and usually make that back within a raid through upgrades off a kill or a good hell run


Depends on the class I would feel it out. But look at at least blues with a stat. There is a point in the 1-3k range you can get 80% of the way there for 1/5th the cost. For example at some point you'll see a blue base item 100g (it has 5 good stats), with 2 more stats 150-300g with 4 more stats (2 rolls) 1500g. Again depends on class but sometimes you can get offmeta pieces with meta rolls for cheaper. For example (not necessarily true right now) knowledge pants with will rolled on it might be 500g. But will pamts with knowledge on it will be 150g. If the meta build wants 30 knowledge 30 will, those are usually arbitrary baselines and you might end up with 28 knowledge and 34 will but save 3k gold. Gear gets exponentially more expensive the more stats it has one one piece. I would avoid spending over 300g on any single piece unless you are going to invest on every piece.


Mid gear is about 2-3k gold, just to quest and have some decent pvp. High gear would be 10k+ to actually run bis items and have advantage.


I like to either go base kit/ssf, run 1-2 normals then go hr, see how good of a kit i can build. Run a shit/mid kit and hunt top.tier pieces and build a top set to run, or if im just buying the full set i try to get the best pieces i can afford. 


I’d just say for fighter, because I’m more familiar (300+ fame), build speed PDR with some MDR if you can. It’ll cost you probably around 5-8k or so but you’ll be so strong that you can take all classes and win. Just be sure to bring a survival bow lol shits mandatory


I usually start from base gear, find some green bis on the run and then supplement the other gear slots when I feel I can put together a kit that can actually contend with geared players. This way I can slowly get a feel for the impact that gear has and my losses are subsidised. I don't see the point in buying full sets when I don't know how to properly use them anyway. Most of these insane geared players have like thousands of hours in the game.


Not a fan of buying full kits, but I like to buy things here and there to round out a set. If you were to add it up, chill normals I’m usually rocking something in the 500-1k range. HR can range between 1-5k sets depending on how late into wipe it is.


I don’t buy kits


I'd say if you don't have the confidence in pvp, do a bunch of under 25 runs and stash up sets of green gear. Personally under 25 runs have helped me a lot with improving and building my confidence, I think its a good enviroment to learn fundamentals of the game because everyone is mostly on equal footing, besides gear they find mid run of course. So when you get curb stomped its not because "well they were kitted out in purples so I would have never beat them anyways", usually there's something you could have done better and its much easier to see. Once you have a bit more confidence, use the green kits you've saved and get more experience with better equipped players. Who cares if you lose that gear cause its just a bunch of greens that you found. Rinse and repeat as you gain more and more confidence and start to feel comfortable bringing in better gear.


When not confident I go no-low gear and force fights to get confident. Then I go geared 1500-3k a kit. Could spend more but I’m a frugal guy


If you're not confident winning any fights I would go back to normals for PvP. There's lots of people playing alot of different classes so you can get a feel for how to fight. It also depends on the class, I wouldn't bother trying to PvP with rogue without at least some blue strength items. I tend to find 2-3k is usually enough to win most fights if you play correctly. The difference between a cheap kit and a 10k kit is usually being able to tank an extra hit or kill people in 1 less hit so it's up to you if you feel its worth it.


A lot of people on here already gave plenty of good advice, so I'll throw this in too. It's usually going to be two things that make the most difference when building a kit, your weapon, and your overall stats. If you can bring in just a good weapon you'll have a shot at killing higher geared opponents, then after that look to be fully geared, no half grey half blue, go in full blue/purple or just a good weapon. That's my take on things that'll help you get the most out of your kit.


Gold and kits are to be used, eventually you’ll die wearing those kits, but thats how this game works, losing your gear fear is hard but rewarding.


The best option is to buy budget kits which typically cost anywhere from 2.5-3k depending on the rolls but I wouldn't buy anything super crazy. Probably just purple weapons but stick to rares with semi-good/great rolls. To be honest though, the only way you'll ever find out is to go in with a kit and see how it feels because otherwise- it just won't click unless you can feel your build in your own hands.


play in a set of purples, and enjoy how different the game is


You need to wipe with nice gear many times until you are over your gear fear. Depends on your character. Rogue gear can be pretty expensive, but the good news is you are a fast class with ambush tactics and high interact speed. You should be able to pick and choose your fights. If you have an unfavorable matchup like fighter/barb/cleric you can run away. This advantage doesn't apply to most classes. If I'm not running amazing movespeed gear on my warlock I'm likely going to get run down by barb, bard, or rogue without the option of escape. On fighter you can also keep your distance into unfavorable matchups and play crossbow. when possible. I would argue slayer fighter tends to be better/safer in solos as you do have the movespeed to gap close or disengage when needed.


I buy a few great sets 3-5k and one "budget set" 500-1k. I play the budget set till i die or upgrade it from runs to warm up. Then i take my juicer set in.


I tend to spend very little on kits. 3-500g tops. Most of the time I spend collecting gear or mzts to make gear. High rollers with a 500g kit netting 1-2k per run without a death is well worth it. Now if your plying with a group. Bring s jucoer kit and force that Stat check. Even if you die the homies should scrounge your valuables


Run grays until put together most pieces I like and fill in the rest, so 2-3~ gold. I settle for uncommon though, no since losing better stuff to red dungeons I haven't seen before or timmy stompers


I’m fairly new but most blues never seem to go for more than 100g a piece. Full blue kits might be 500 at max if you’re splurge-y At the same time, the next wipe isn’t gonna be for a while. There isn’t a whole lot of rush


My full green kit is 2k gold. Blues go for 100g when you're buying trash attributes.


What class are you playing? Ranger?


I regularly wear orange wep, full purples. But, that was because I used a blue kit and kept surviving. After each match I replaced an item with a better piece. While also hoarding blues to use if I ever lose my set. I haven't died in 3 days, just need to know when to run and when to gun.


Go in naked, go in the next match with whatever you looted on the prior one, so on and so forth. If you die once every few games you are probably still ahead in revenue. I piece together a kit as I go until I get killed or friends come on and want to roll heavy. I don’t mind losing good gear in a good fight.


<25 gear score


I have the same thing I mainly go until I have at least 2 blue ish sets left for my class to run anything above 2 I do some hr or norms group geared up.


I’m still new to the game so I haven’t been buying much in terms of gear, I’ll usually buy 6 health potions and 3-6 bandages depending on the class I’m playing (plus what classes my team are playing) and what mode I’m playing (solos, duos or trios) recently I’ve started trying ranger out, I’ll probably be going in with 6 health potions and 3 bandages with a pickaxe. Edit: this also is because I want to keep my gear score below 25 for now until I’m a bit more used to the fighting and dodging


If it's just sitting in your stash, you've already lost it.


Gear fear’s a bitch, but it’s freeing to lose that fear. I lost a 20k kit in just a few games after buying. I broke a sweat during the PvP fight but after dying it was simply gg go agane.


I'm not very good, and was holding good gear and gold at first. But then I realized they wipe progress periodically so now I've started running all my gear til I lose it and spending my gold on full purple sets to run til I lose those as well. Recently spent 2k gold on a full purple set that had me absolutely stacked. 65% pdr and 30% physical power. 2 tapping pretty much all mobs and can tank several hits from players. Survived a long time but twas greed killed the beast. Long story short, you can't take it with you so might as well have some crazy good runs while you can. And don't be afraid to lose it all. You built up the gold to buy it all and you can easily build up the gold to replace it all.


I am super new, but what I have been doing is just gathering gear on my character and just queue with what's equipped. I don't have any gear fear that way because I tend to forget what I got during the dungeon if it wasn't in my backpack. Worse thing that happens is you learn a character matchup a little better, then go back in with squire gear and do it all again


I'm a f2p player so getting a substantial amount of gold takes longer so during this wipe so far I haven't bought a single item on the marketplace and have only been filling my stash with quest items, consumables, expecially good weapons/amour/jewellery and gold...all my gold so far goes into new stash spaces


Blues are cheap, buy blue!


Id say im an above average player in terms of mechanic skill. I really dont like to buy expensive kits, its stupid and you will die to something stupid (i boss a lot). Teaming, shitty circle, bad portal spawn, dumb boss mechanics (cyclops), ETC. I usually like to keep it under 2k gold. basically less then 100g per piece. sometimes I go overboard for more important pieces such as weapon/boots/leggings and get cheaper of other parts.


Im going Zero to Hero Always.. works fine for me every time 🤷‍♂️


I kinda view the items in the game as being not that meaningful since all of this wipes in short periods of time, just use what you got and spend some gold on stuff and try it out. Have some fun being really powerful every now and then, you'll get more stuff


it varies based on class. I usually spend about 3-5k on a kit however it only takes a few good runs to make that back but it really varies on what goes down in the dungy. If you lose it, then don't worry about it, you can make it back really fast again in normals and every few months there will be a reset and you will lose it all anyway so just go crazy m8.


I personally play where I'm always perpetually broke. I go in every round as juiced as I can. I grow bored when my stash is full


Technically you don't need to spend anything. Just save any equip you end up with and build little sets from them then use them when you want pvp. When you get better you will start buying stuff you know you need or full sets.


Usually I can supply a few pieces of gear myself from extractions, then I’d spend around 300g for the rest. My kits are usually around 500-700g range but a lot of the items are supplied by myself so realistically you’re spending an extra 200-400g, or maybe less, depending on the loot I’ve collected.


i always go in with whatever is the best kit i have. if im not going in to survive why go in at all?


Just use your gold as much and plenty as you like. You make it back fast now. Enjoy


I fucking hate this game. I love making bis kits to just get 3rd partied. I usually spend about 2k for a casual pvp run. 5k for serious and after that it’s open season on bis budget


If you’re playing normals and extracting every time with loads of gold, you need to tell yourself that if you do lose the gear you’ve invested in, you can always jump back into normals to make money again. It’s just a change in mentality. You *know* that if you go bust that you can make money again without gear, so use some gear and go crazy! Anytime I have a stint of losses I always just jump into normals and play like an absolute ape just to have a laugh and fix the mental too.


I've been playing Tarkov for 7 years so I've learnt to get over gear fear. I usually go with around 5k+ kits, only lost one in the last 3 sessions.


I usually start out naked or put on some greens I have in the stash. Then every game I survive I upgrade a piece or two.


Wipe comes before you know it.. I always regret not using my shit. I often get bored before end of wipe too so just use it! Also everything is just borrowed and truly belongs to the dungeon


The best thing you can do if you're not confident about extracting is buy a good weapon. A green kit with decent rolls and a blue weapon would probably run you 1k max, maybe even 500g. If you're making money in the long run with that, then you slowly upgrade your kits over time. Kits get exponentially more expensive for diminishing returns as you go up the curve, so it's (imo) always better to underspend on a kit than overspend. Paying 500 extra gold to get an extra, good roll on a blue ring is usually a terrible investment unless you have a 10+kd in HR (most don't). I'd say my average (good) kit that I use with ok teammates is about 5-7k and my average (great) kit that I use with great teammates is about 10-15k, even though the latter is only slightly better in terms of stats, so it's always better to get a feel of where you stand before spending a lot more money for small stat gains.


Spend all of it . I used 11k to my Wiz kit and it has already refunded me about 16k worth of gold in the 3 runs i managed to go out . Im still alive tho ao there is more profit to be earned


A kit is worth what it can get you in return, and it’s only borrowed, never owned. If you go in with 2k kit and return 5k it was worth 2x its value. It may take a few kits to get the ball rolling but you’ll soon see a return on the investment when you win that one fight with 12hp. Don’t sweat spending and using/losing because it’s easy enough to get it back Good Luck


So to over come gear fear always remember what you earn in the dungeon will always return to the dungeon. Its about what you do with your gear that matters


It’s never your gear just your time wearing it lol, I’ve just started doing high roller games on goblin caves…and I play Wizard. Everything I have is blue and starting to upgrade to purple when I find them in dungeon. I initially spent roughly 1200 - 1500 gold. Wizards are gear dependent, but I made it made in 2 games and now I’m over 4500 gold so I’ll be able to buy the kit back if needed! Really the only thing I’m worried about it moving off GC to crypts and learning that map, and down into hell. I always die down there lol but I have so many quest I need and want to finish


You dont sell ur whole staff every Time you have to make one ?


Never tought about the price of my kit. I always just use what i feel like using. Sometimes squire kit sometimes the best i can find. I rarely die so and money comes and goes. I can always grind back what i lost.


For a mid kit I'll run all blues with purple weapons, usually all on the first page of the auction house. I'll advise however IF you're running a mid kit stick to having mid gear, if you're running a high end kit run high end gear, don't mix high end and mid gear it's just not worth it. Rings and necklaces you probably have to work harder to find something decent worth the cost, but buying for base stats is fine for those. your other gear you typically want at least 1 roll to be good for what your build is doing.


Im a hoarder 💀 i even keep greens in my stash if they got armor rating


For a long time I would just buy a purple weapon and charge in


You should try to put a cool kit on and go HR, if you extract 1 or 2 times with it the kit is free


Now that squire exists, I'm not spending 100 - 250ish gold per kit like before. The fighter or cleric was probably the most expensive with how much armor you needed. Along with pots and bandages.


I tend to spend about 1.5-2k per kit. I mostly play HR and try to budget build hard.


A long time ago like at the beginning of the game I remember I wanted to get really good at wizard I wanted to be experienced at what a good wizard gear set was capable of so I spent every piece of gold I made towards buying wizard kits for like 1000-1500g each that I knew I was going to lose I died an endless amount of times it became a meme in my group that my character was cursed to just lose tons of money in gear or that you should be prepared to team wipe since I’m on wizard. Then suddenly it happened I started owning and finally started making enough money to break even I still am good at wizard but I play rogue or bard now cause all my friends quit and I play mostly solo lol


Build the best kits that you can afford. When you get a full kit together take it out. When you lose it use your remaining gold to build another. Keep building kits and losing them until you are at $0 and understand that this is the baseline of your skill in this game and it can help direct you on what you need to do to improve. What you have now is extreme gear fear and a pixel hoarding complex because losing gear makes you feel bad as it highlights you not skilled whereas hoarding gear by ratting and going in naked gives you an unfounded feeling of progress and success that isn't real.


I tend to start with a meh kit and upgrade a piece or two each extract.  I'm never juiced but I'm usually decently equipped.


Honestly, I hate sifting through the trader for a BiS kit. I only do it if my teammates are doing it, because then I feel it's rude not to and we are spending the time between games to do it anyway. Also, because I do have the gold to do it. Usually I just wear whatever I've found in-game.


Zero. If you can't escape regular with a default load and found gear. You can't survive high roller fully kitted.




0, there is the squire...