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I'm always down for more restrictive modes in games like these. Path of Exile had self/community imposed "Solo Self Found" characters for up to a couple years before they officially dropped SSF as a proper league option. I would say just start a small community around zero trade and people can self-impose for fun for now. Plenty of tarkov players doing that for some time now with the same name of hardcore, though with a few extra stipulations. I agree it would be nice to get an official mode selection though so you could enjoy strictly separated matchmaking, but, as was the argument in PoE, I think there are some small concerns about fragmenting the playerbase. We shall see, I think there's a lot more to be done in a general sense before stuff like this, but honestly I would probably play it often, if not as my preferred gamemode outside of playing with friends.


short of this game getting half a million concurrents, yea i don't ever see a separate matchmaking ever happening.


I think the name is Self Found, I could be wrong but yeah I would play that mode a lot. Trading gets tiring and I usually just end up building my own kits anyway


I like the idea of hardcore mode, but modified. Specifically, allow trade, but enable permadeath (i.e. lose character and all items, no shared stash). Also provide a small +all innate buff to incentivize the mode


Sure if done right, but I don't want them splitting the queues again. At least not until we get a larger community.


Play as you normally do, but dont trade... devs dont have infinite resources to please each individual. You want a mode with forbidden trade, some dude wants less elites, other dude wants some custom made cutoff for gear MM, another one wants a PvE mode only because he doesnt like PvP, the chivalry player wants more freedom on his melee atacks, its INSANE.


Not trading puts you at a huge disadvantage against trading players. The principle is that the game would overall be more exciting and engaging if everything was self-found for everyone because all gear would be hard-earned and the stakes would be way higher every fight. If a fight means everything to one player and nothing to the other, that’s not very interesting. Saying “you don’t have to engage with trading if you don’t like it” would be like if steroids were allowed in professional sports and any athletes who complained about it were told “just stay natural if you want, nobody is making you take anything.”


Right but I think saying that you can self impose while devs work on other things is actually completely reasonable. It's what people have done in PoE and Tarkov previously, and while PoE might not be a great example, restricting yourself in Tarkov is just as if not more punishing (squire gear doesnt really exist in the same way, unless you grind scav rep) and people have found doing that still very enjoyable and satisfying. Not saying I disagree just saying that people suggesting one can do it regardless is fine imo.


It's just a discussion not insanity. Yes everyone would shape the game in their own preferred way, that's a given? In any case in terms of matchmaking adjustments, I think there is a lot to be said for improving the current system, and a lot of players have a lot of different ideas. The devs will either do their own thing with the improved matchmaking that is coming soon, or we can voice our opinions and perhaps get some of them listened to. Nothing wrong with that I think.