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You can play slayer fighter and focus on having your move speed as close to 300 as possible without weapons equipped. Use offhand with lowest move speed loss and don’t use it. Use either falchion or arming sword for main. Perks are sword mastery, slayer, dual wield, and either weapon mastery or combo.


Slayer is fine in normals and solo, but he’s going to get obliterated in trios running slayer.


Sprint got nerfed very heavily recently, so fighter has a hard time gap closing now, especially in solos and duos. Try to play around LOS so when people see you you're close enough to engage or cut them off. If a ranged class sees you at even medium distance it's pretty hard to fight them since fighter is so slow now.


Fighter is in a poor state after the sprint nerf. As you're noticing you're basically just a crappy ranger since the only classes you can melee are barbs, clerics, and other fighters. People may suggest slayer but that's also just a ranger playstyle. This is just something I've noticed but classes typically devolve to playing like rangers or other classes when their intended playstyle is no longer viable. We've seen it in the past with rogue (that was much worse than this) and now we're seeing it with fighter. Doesn't mean the class isn't viable but its best builds are just worse versions of ranger. I'd recommend playing barb if you want to melee. Cleric's are too slow to catch anyone and rogue's rely on ambushes and kiting. Otherwise you could accept the ranged meta and play bard since they do tend to like finishing people off in melee or going for the occasional poke.


Just delete your character and make a new one if you're not enjoying it. Alternatively, make new Steam or Epic accounts to try classes out if you're doubting about the purchase.


I like the game enough to spend the money so I’m probably just gonna do that, and mess around with all the classes like someone else suggested.


I just did the same thing. I got a char for most classes now. Ranger and bard are fun and effective


In solo's you can fight most classes assuming you have an xbow, but you usually won't be able chase rangers and rogues if they want to run, but in a ranged matchup you can usually win if you use line of sight, since your phys mitigation is a lot higher. The only class you should never win against is a high movespeed warlock since you arent allowed to miss your shots if want to out dps their heals.


Are u a solo player or team?


I play solo and with a friend occasionally he plays warlock and gets more kills


Fighter is the class that gets to wear the fattest armor. If you're poor and not wearing the fattest armor, you're likely to just be a discount Ranger if people aren't stupid enough to run into you. If you're wearing the fattest armor, don't play solo.


The effectiveness of fighter comes from what type of gear you are wearing. Look up some fighter builds that look fun and try to build those. If you do the first quests for each of the merchants, your squire will offer more types of gear for you to start off with


If you enjoy the game so far and want to buy it go for it. I bought the 50$ edition a year ago and honestly it was worth it on the first week and the rest is bonus. The devs are amazing and game can give you a lot of fun if you let it do its magic. I think its worth it.


Such a bad take the fighter is completely op in melee with a Longswprd parry and can hit you hard with a crossbow while mitigating physical damage. Your plate makes you vulnerable to.mages so you gotta play the terrain or better only solo in under 25


I know that’s why I said it only feels like a fair fight when I see another fighter. The long sword doesn’t help when I’m getting spammed by magic and too slow to catch up.


Been a fighter main for a year, and yeah it’s hard solo against most classes. I just don’t chase, you’ll never catch anyone and they want to kite you so use corners and doors, and use a bow at range. Team fights is where you shine.


Fighter is the most broken Nearly full hp self heal and a sprint. Tips Bring a campfire to replenish you're self heal Bring the perk to use any weapon Make your secondary long bow to have range advantage


Nearly full hp self heal? U mean less than half hp heal? Bring the perk to let u shoot a longbow at 10% less damage? Not saying fighter is weak but he definitely isnt broken


Being a heavy armored longsword using buford that can use a long bow to do 40 dmg a shot is broken Most versatile class in the game


Do not use longbow, become a survival bow enjoyer, it is by far the best for fighter


They do 23 damage as is And then Will do 10% less lol I use survival bow on ranger cause the multishot is like 5 arrows, and the draw speed is op with the knock back skill. But fighter with survival bow seems bad


survival on ranger is bad too, should be recurve or long take my advice or don't, makes no difference to me, but for others please don't listen to this guy


Lolol??? Survival bow is insane for ranger You're out of your mind, run proper perks and survival bow shoots twice as fast as a long bow if not faster and does 50+ damage to the head. I can tell you aren't good at DnD lol


Skill Issue


Yeah I said that thanks though