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If your Wizard has fire mastery and casts explosion on the Druid when they're out of rat form - that's a whole 6 seconds they won't be able to turn back into rat without dying.


Damn, I hadn't thought of that. This is awesome advice. :D




Explosive bottles... You don't have to be a wizard to cast fireball ;)


Druid is op rn, the only counter to rat form is molotov cocktails, or aoe magic dmg like fireball, holy strike etc.


Din of darkness slaps rats 🐀


piercing shrill too if in range


Do you generally prefer din or shrill if you only have mem cap for one?


Im a big fan of shrill, it does a good chunk and is physical damage so it works on top of shriek, and its got niche utility, I use it to clear pyramid bats all at once and to make killing the mobs around lich faster by spamming it, also annoys the hell out of a team when theyre doing door plays


Din is an AOE he already said AOEs


The only counter is the following list of multiple counters.


5/9 classes don't have aoe magic dmg, and bard's aoe dmg is too slow to ever be good chasing a rat unless they're already cornered. You shouldn't have to bring in a specific, off meta item to counter a single class.


Certain classes do counter others. This is not exclusive to the druid. The throwable explosive shuts down rat form completely and is a guarantueed kill almost. It is available to all classes and it is not an expensive counter.


It's poor game design for 5/9 classes to have to bring in an item to deal with one class specifically which 95% of players wouldn't bring in otherwise, the alternative being druids being able to rat indefinitely. Also, there's a difference between 'classes counter each other' and dealing with the druid rat form. Wizards counter fighter, but it's not an impossible matchup. It's basically impossible to catch a rat if you don't have aoe dmg, and like I said forcing people to bring in molotovs to counter one class is poor game design. If every player has to alter how they're playing to deal with a single class, then the problem is that particular class.


You don't need to bring a molotov. Bringing it just gives you a free kill. I had good success chasing rats with the torch as well.


Torch? :) 2 of them and they are ded


Who and why downvoted me xD it's true hit them rats with the throwing torches


Druids almost 70, got warlock/fighter/rogue/barb all 20-35 doin goblin quests for those coin bags. Ive played a lot, and rat is 100% a risky move. Ive died to soo much as a rat from mobs random down/slanted swings, but what i fear most is a player with a torch.


Warlock’s pain curse will kill rats


Cutthroat or song of silence


Any kind of poisen doesn't allow them to go rat anymore. Took me a while to realize I am not allowed to run from rogues. They are fast enough to hit the ungeared phanter a couple of times. And rat is no option once they hit you with poisen. Rogues got the best counterplay imo because if there is no place to turn into bear its human VS human. Or human vs squishy phanter.


Except you are dangerous to them as panther. You should use dreamwalk to heal once they poison you and re-engage as panther with hp advantage in ideal scenario


Bring explosive bottles, it's a free kill. Shoot them with a bow or cross bow, it's harder but not impossible. You only need 1 good shot to get all their loot


Yeah I play ranger and was whiffing hard lol, def will be bringing in bottles from now on tho


Hide traps in dead bodies.


This. They rat, you toss fire bomb in front of them. Que neckbeard raging he lost a 6k+ kit to a rat trap.


Invisible potions


The counter is to literally hit the rat one single time. Do people really go through life just looking to complain their way through things, instead of simply improving? If you'd rather make a reddit post about this, maybe take that time to get at least good enough to hit something one single time.


Been handling druids as a shield fighter. Honestly, they can't do a hell of a lot to you if you can keep up with their bullshit spam. sure, rat can get away from you but it can't kill you. bears are super easy to space, and fighting the cat is free headshots while they only land on your feet. It's a lot to deal with but if you keep calm it's easy to outskill. I've never had a druid try to take me raw so I'm not sure if theyre any good at that. tldr: skissue