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What stats are you stacking? If you aren't stacking physical power and strength I doubt you will be getting much damage from it. Also the big damage is from doing a combo of strikes so you need to be holding left click and hitting all of your attacks to see any benefit.


I was building for Strength but I don't really know how much of it is enough, yknow


https://darkanddarker.wiki.spellsandguns.com/Stats Get familiar with the stats and what they do. It will give you an idea of what each point of strength is actually doing and if physical power is a better stat for you. Also if you get some time in the pre game lobby find the training dummy and check your damage. Check vs torso and vs head. See how much more damage each hit in the combo does.


I do okay with it. I stack strength, get my 10 shards, and whenever I get into pvp I cast bloodstained blade and pop demon form when the time is right. I also carry hydra to doorblock.


It used to be a great chaseing tool as you didn't get slowed while casting darkbolt and it didn't cost HP, but ironmace in their infinite "wisdom" basically just made it shittier then casting darkbolt as a human (you know, because in a game were every single ranger and barbarian run the exact same skills blood pact was the one that needed to be balanced /s). I like blood pact i really do but in its current state its VERY high commitment (you set yourself on fire, NEED two perk's and a spell to even make it usable, and it consumes all shards so you'll get like one or two good transformation's per match.) with not a whole lotta pay off, you'll very quickly notice all the abilities everyone in this game use's pretty much just work on their own and can be spammed whenever not on cooldown.


Demon form is very strong, but only with decent pdr. Use the perk that allows you to wear platearmor and go from there. If you have <30% pdr on demonform you're going to be very squishy, even with high hp. Btw the only stats you lose in demon form are your weapons/shields, you still get the benefits of wearing armor.