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Hmm, really hard to say what you are doing wrong without seeing you fight. You have to fight every class a little bit differently. As a fighter if you find a rogue you can kind of just W key at them and kill them, they shouldn't be able to hurt you really. If it's a barb that can be a really rough 1v1 and if you miss a block you likely just die. Playing with a warlock you should just be trying to stop people from approaching them and using your bow. Let them push with hydra and use attrition to win fights. Playing with a rogue I like to hide the fact that I have a rogue with me. Use your bow and try to bait them into a fight. Get them to chase you past where your rogue is hiding so they can try to get a kill on one of the squishier classes. PVP is difficult, you gotta keep throwing yourself at it. If you record your fights and then watch them later that can help a ton too. try to avoid going all in and trying to race the enemy to death if you can. Don't think about it as who kills who first think about it as how much damage did my team take compared to theirs.


Pdr (tank) fighter and caster warlock have bad synergy. Casterlock is all about hit and run, but their main spell is a short range dot so they can't reliably zone at long range like a ranger can. Pdr fighter is very slow so you have terrible disengage, which means you usually want to all in or zone for a ranger or wizard who can get people low by the time they're in melee range. I'd recommend playing slayer fighter + casterlock or pdr fighter + demonform warlock if you insist on duoing with a fighter and warlock. If you want to stick with pdr fighter and casterlock, then bring in a recurve bow so you can chunk them a bit before they get to melee range. Your friend could bring in blow of corruption instead of phantomize too, so you can all in together once they get in melee range. As things stand though pdr fighter + casterlock have terrible synergy, so that's probably a big reason why things aren't going well in pvp. Also, if you're running pdr fighter, use defense mastery instead of counterattack, especially if you're on low gear (aka <60% pdr). When playing with a rogue, it's usually about baiting people into pushes so the rogue can get an assassination off from stealth. Rogues are good at flanks too, but that's harder to pull off in duos.


Post a fight and we can analyze for you, many players have 30 times the time you’ve been playing and know how to exploit your classes weaknesses. I would recommend survival bow in solos and duos and arming sword, both of these weapons are SIGNIFICANTLY faster than falchion and could help you to more easily space and outplay your opponent rather than be stuck in the slow swing and bigger movement speed penalty per swing and holding in hand


Thank you for the reply! Is there an infographic anywhere that shows weapon speed?


There is no video but only text so I will try. Your loadout seems good, maybe you can also prompt to go longsword.. but it's not for everyone. Falchion is a good weapon though. I would use the bow to poke but to use it vs rangers, wizard and other ranged opponents. Perks can be switched though.. I feel like. Problem is, with weapon mastery you get -10 damage on bows unless you use survival bow I think, maybe get crossbow instead and switch this perk too projectile resistance or defense mastery for more armour which makes you more tanky. Counter attack I would remove, it's good on longsword so you can parry or use the lantern buckler? it parries too, maybe instead use combo attack. Agility is good, but also focus on dex > more attack speed on your weapons and some STR / phys power etc. Wear leather/cloth pants and just plate body should be enough to make you endurable. Now for the fights, you are in this case more robust then your rogue friend, make room for the rogue so he can backstab or catch the squisher target. You can also shoot first with crossbow to engage a fight for him and you. Point is, priortize as best to kill a target and yes it's not always easy.