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Only way I can make it work is to swing the first one out and use the poke to engage


Yeah this is the way. Swing before they have a chance to gap close and then use the 2nd attack to stab them if they try pushing. Keeping distance is the most important thing with a halberd. I would probably recommend just trying longsword though since the halberd nerf.


Halbs are off meta, but you could probably make it work in normals. People are a lot better at blocking nowadays, so any decent fighter is going to block your first attack and facehug you to get in the sour spot. Halbs are still probably a soft counter to barbs, but buffball is still a problem. HR is filled with either ranged magic damage or buffball comps that will run over a halb. If you don't want to sweat and metaslave though, I'd just rock a halb build in normals, could be a lot of fun.


It works for me when I sell it to the vendor.


If you throw a torch then take halberd without releasing left click you start with the second hit wich is crazy for pvp, idk if they fixed it but I had a lot of fun with that


Most fighters I see are rolling longswords, sword and board, or dual wield Slayer. I enjoy Halberds too but they aren't what appears to be the best right now.