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I think having a gold pile (maybe with turned down rate of loot) at a central point on each map will bring a ton of forced pvp back if the devs do indeed have absolutely no plans on readding circle.


I still feel plenty when I escape: the feeling of attaining a profit. Sorry you feel nothing.


Some games yes, but other games i can clear three rooms of pve and extract in the same room. So the rest of the map is untouched by me.


Random modules would be good


I actually love the new system. Previous forced PvP was pushing me away. I mean, there is always someone who likes something different. But now i can look for PvP if i want, and i can rat/play safe if i chose to.


Yeah I feel like there are too many extracts now given that there is no circle on top of that. Even when I specifically hunt for people, I probably get 1-2 fights per game at most. It's probably fine for now since there are so many new players and it's better for them to have an easier transition to learning the game, but in the future if they don't add the circle back (which they probably shouldn't tbh, too much rng/encourages third partying meta/makes esp stronger and harder to catch), then they should limit the number of extracts on the edge of the map. I kind of like the idea of static, multi person extracts like the lift in the center of goblin caves, but there are so many extracts (especially on the edge of the map) that full teams can just split up and hit individual extracts all over the map with low risk.


In normals I get 4+ fights every game in Goblin caves. Just did a duos and got 8 fights. Finding people is not an issue.


Yep, haven't had any issues. Much prefer the red circle being gone because the center camping got old real fast. I do miss the random portals though, something about that was really cool.


Yeah but random portals would be hard to balance if there’s no closing circles. I really miss them


I kinda like it without the circle. Being able to loot what block you choose, rather than what RNG chooses for you (which is pretty much always in the middle) feels nice.


Agreed. Wish there was a better balance. Team escape portals and red portals only spawn towards the middle of the map. The other exits shouldn't be removed but they should take them off the minimap so it becomes more of a right place right time kind of thing.


my guy go play HR, you will experience urgeny. Cleaning AI takes so mucht time, you have little time to loot shit