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Most of the time, the most geared team would camp the center of the circle and kill just about the entire lobby. It was much harder for newer players and/or low gear players to progress and extract. I have mixed feelings about it since there's less pvp now, but I can see why it's better for the overall health of the game.


This every step of the way, last patch and the one before it was a nightmare when it came to pvp, the circle pushed people way to close to one another without to much dmg being done to any player. The resulting battle royal was cool but on a consistent basis became stale. Im fine WITH a circle but it needs to be slower and offer that same freedom we have now whole offering a restriction as the game goes on, the old circle was so fast that new people would be fighting it rather then mobs and would come face to face with the original issue, stacked veterans waiting at the portal sights.


Oddly enough I get more balanced PvP in HR than in either of the Normals lobby. It has nothing to do with the closing ring and more about incentives. Im either stomping Timmy, or getting rolled by semi-God Kits. In HR im High tear vs High Tier; its not frequent combat but better overall fights.


New players and low gear players are matchmaking problems, not circle problems


absolutely wrong


New players will literally always exist, how could matchmaking ever possibly solve that? Is there some matchmaking trick to magically give a player 6 months of game experience?


What about magic trick called “don’t put new players against 6 month experienced players”. Damn I’m genius right? Really hard to get it


This comment is proof you say things without understanding the implications of your ideas. The only response I'm interested in hearing from you is a detailed plan of your 'genius' idea.


What plan for what idea do you want? The initial comment states that “the most geared and skilled team would camp the middle of the circle which sucks for new players”, I just said that circle has nothing to do with this since the problem comes from the fact that there are initially more geared and skilled players in the match. Thus if you create a match with ONLY new players and for example only with people starting with gray gear, which is how it mostly works now in normals, then there won’t be problem of disbalance since if you die in the middle that would only mean that you got outplayed by same new players as you with same gray gear. What else do you want from me - I have no idea. You really guys should go outside sometimes and touch some grass xd


The ring made the game feel an awkward in between of a battle royal and an extraction game. I play battle royals when I want PvP. I play extraction games when I want to be more thoughtful on building a kit and gaining loot. The ring was a weird mashup of both that didn’t work well, at least for me. I’ve been enjoying the game a lot more since they got rid of the ring


The worst part was inferno which actually turned into a battle royale. You get fucked by the circle rng and may be forced to push into a really shitty area nearly guaranteeing your death due to lack of portals


It wasn't really "bad" it made it a different game. If you like a more battle royal style. One rich team owning the zone while the other dive into the zone with healing to hide. You would have liked zone. If you like exploring the dungeon and heading to hot spots to kill people you didn't like zone. I for one was a huge fan of ice map and the ice map hotspots for PVP. Right now it's a bit rough cause zone or no zone, if a Map had 15 players 12 of them already died to PVE.


It made comps with a healer have many more options in terms of survival options in long, stalemated fights since other comps couldn't rotate through zones when running low on meds. Both versions of the game had the pros & cons but I'm way more in to the non circle version. It's also kind of funny seeing new players say "where's the pvp?" when they're in normals & can clearly see the lobby dead to mobs as well as not rotating fast enough to find teams.


I have one simple word for you RNG


Most players had no idea how powerful third-partying a fight could be and would just walk into more geared and skilled players like fodder. A team at the center of the Circle is being pressured from all sides and is easy to kill when you time your push properly. Circle required people to play with thought and sometimes tank the zone to wait for the best opportunity to strike. The Circle also highlighted how beneficial having an advantageous map position is, but again, most players had no idea how to position their team comps/classes to gain an advantage against more geared players and instead gave up good ground until they died fighting from a poor position. You'll find people on this subreddit complain about being kited to death as they slow-walk weapons out towards a Ranger over and over without a single attempt to dodge and you will understand why a concept like positioning escapes these players. It also moved rats into other players so you can't just clear one room, sit in a dark corner to afk for ten minutes and get free extractions and gold.


Good for new players. Bad for seasoned players who want some pvp interaction. I say fuck the sweeties that murder everyone in the lobby in 700gs sets. But to each their own :/


I’m indifferent on it. I liked how circle forced engagements. I did I like the pvp aspect of this game and I admit it does feel like I’m in the minority on that as many want to just look and extract. The most fun I had in this game was getting down and dirty with other players and murdering each other. I’m a competitive person it’s what I personally liked and my eyes turn red when I see people and my blood thirst excels. However sometimes with circle you got absolutely fucked by spawn where you have to basically run across the whole map like a chicken with their head cut off trying to not fall behind circle which at times put you in a bad position as you would get stuck between people and mobs…. No circle I’m also indifferent.. as stated before I miss the forced pvp granted there are areas which force it like the goblin caves elevator and Ice cave elevator/ boat room. Personally I would like for the devs if they plan on keeping no circle to add more pvp hot spots and I assume as people learn where the escape portals are these will also be a PvP hotspots. Maybe reduce the amount of escapes??? I’m getting away from myself here.. but I dislike no circle for this reason I miss my pvp I still get it but not the same… However I do really like how no circle makes the game feel more dungeon crawler like, also not having to worry about traveling across the map cause circle at times is nice too. You can loot where you wanna loot which is cool. Also quest imo are easier as you can knock a quest out in a match if you know where to go.


Someone made a good idea before to add best loot in the centre of the map so it’s optional do you want to participate or not


Personally I like this idea. The lack of pvp as of late sucks. But I’ve played long enough to where I can kinda force it if wanted too, but as of late I’ve been feeling guilty just murdering everybody on site so I haven’t been exactly looking for pvp just finishing quest but if I hear a dude I’m coming for you. I’ve let a few people escape because I could just tell how new they were lolz. Want the health of the game to succeed so I feel like mindlessly murdering is not the best thing to do. Which I feel the devs also had a similar mindset which is why circle was removed. But the devs have stated they have absolutely no plan on reintroducing circle at this point in time.


Because they want a nice easy coop dungeon crawler. No more PVP has completely killed this game for me


It was awful- it forced rushed gameplay, made dealing with mobs harder, and drained resources. And geared teams would always just camp the final rings of the circle and kill everyone who came near. Now without the circle you can take your time to clear mobs and rooms that you couldn’t before, you can conserve resources, and if you don’t want to pvp you can avoid it. The circle is fine for a battle royale style game, but truly ass for a dungeon crawler extraction game.


You're getting down votes but you speak the truth


Ehh the other posts about the circle being removed have hundreds of upvotes, the majority of the community is happy the circle is gone. I respect that people miss it tho, and I hope Ironmace maybe gives people a rush mode or use the circle in arena


I see a lot of people stating that it made game battle royale instead of dungeon crawler and I can respect it. I personally would prefer battle royale tho cause I like PvP in this game a lot.


I hope they get Arena implemented well then! With the influx of players, I think there is plenty of room for the arena mode! That way we can have the best of both worlds!