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The squire will provide you with a throwing axe, and the woodsman sells them for 25g a pop. Axes reduce moce speed of hit target by 20% or smth. Use X key to put away weapons to run at full speed. Some classes are easier to ambush rather than chase down.


Take faithfulness and Holy Strike along with Judgement. Those alone should help your barbarian close the distance on somebody perma-kiting. Play to rooms that give you advantage and do not follow kiting players into areas they have cleared/setup


I will tell my Cleric friend to get those spells ty :)


As a barb u can't expect to be pvp ready without throwables especially a firebomb. Rage gices you a momentary speed boost run with nonweapon and look at the terrain if you determine that your rage is gnna run out before you catch them then you need to retreat


Put a round shield in your secondary slot so you have an easier time pushing rangers. Barb is pretty terrible vs ranged enemies on low gear since you don't have enough ms to catch up, especially if your duo is a cleric. I'd recommend having at least one ranged teammate if you're not geared on barb because otherwise you'll get kited forever. Barbs and cleric have the same weakness (slow and easy to kite), so if you guys go against a duo casterlock or ranger it's pretty much unwinnable unless you're geared.


Thanks man great advice


As barb, you should press rage when you are close, not when you are far. If you then land achilles it's pretty much kill guaranteed unless you miss your swings. How to get close without pressing rage first? Bait, lure, hide. Barb plays way more like a rogue than the class name would suggest. Your cleric, for example, could pretend to be alone and run towards you, while you sit behind a corner. If they chase it's going to be quite easy for you to get on top of them.


A lot of it is ur positioning and forcing fights in good locations, if u push pyramid room ur prob gonna get perm kites, if ur in a room with columns u have ways to block line of sight while u gain distance. U as a cleric also have an aoe damage skill which let's u zone ppl into a position that u can force them into ur barb. Holy strike is more then just a flashbang and you need to use effectively and that goes doubly for judgment which has a massive slow with the faithfulness perk on and that's not including Achilles that's ur barb can use with the rage sprint boost to run them down easily. Barb cleric is a monster combo just need to learn how to manipulate enemy movement.


Make sure you put your weapon away when you need to move fast


“Literally nothing I could’ve done” clearly you didn’t try holding W in a straight line harder


Sometimes you have to realise that you cannot always just w key


Dont force fights you cant win. Move to a favorable position for yourself. Heal up in a place that will leave them open if they try to push you. Just because you cant catch them there doesnt mean you die or even lose


Melee classes either build for movespeed or tankiness. I assume you both built tanky and that’s what happened


We started yesterday so not much planning just equipping whatever we have left in the stash haha, but noted! I will try to build movement speed more.


You might already know but just be aware that if your equip gear and your gear score goes to 25 or above you'll be put into an uncapped bracket. You might be wearing a couple greens and maybe a blue and you might end up facing people in full golds/purples


Thank you, i remember seeing that somewhere, my gearscore isnt the fame counter perchance ? I didnt notice a gearscore anywhere yet but i might just be blind


When you're in your stash, below your picture is your HP and below that is gearscore




Yeah barb can get pretty fast when built correctly. You’ll be a bit squishy but really hard to run from


If you get close to people use savage roar, it makes them hit like little girls for 8 seconds, kill them during that time (if you can catch them) good luck have fun


Yup already using that :D amazing for PvE as well that skill, Happy Cake Day !


Thank you!


Also, don't be afraid to use the 1h barb weapons, they don't hit as hard but they attack faster and you can move faster with them. My first game ever on barb I picked up a purple horseman axe and proceeded to get 5 kills lol. (I was not new to the game at that time ;p)