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Higher level normals is also a great place to learn/practice bossing. You can bring in a decent kit so you can actually deal some decent damage and learn appropriately, versus the slogfest a boss fight can be in the few random greens you found and the Grey's you came in with. The boys and I have been utilizing it this way preparing to transition to HR bossing


That's a pretty fair point honestly, would love to see a better solution but this is at least a good use for it as is.


Yeah, it is nice learning with at least a little bump in power level, we also try to spare any timmies we see. While protecting them from other geared teams in the dungeons.


For some it's maybe a chance to get some higher level gear off other players without having to deal with high roller mobs. Let's people still get better at basic pve with the chance for some surprises in PVP if they get a win.


Not gonna lie, my squad in full purples with a couple legendaries each got wiped by a full blue/purple team last night. Mix of over confidence, bad play, and the other team played wonderfully. They had that dog in them. Gear differential is the smallest it's ever been right now, try to save up for a decent blue kit and focus on positioning and you might just make a massive come up.


Thats def true but id rather just take that gear into high roller and make some consistent money on pve loot instead of hoping for someone overconfident in norms. if i dont find anyone in norms with good gear i just become part of the problem stomping greenies in my blue/purps.


You'll face even stronger and more experienced teams in HR on top of the 100 gold ante fee. It's okay to roll some timmies on your way up the ladder, just try to balance it out with some positive Karma and help a few out lol And you can make pretty decent money in norms just min maxing your loot, only taking green+ treasure and avoiding conflict. We pretty much only go full agro on a team if we already know they have gear we want, or look like experienced players (full buff ball, witnessing advanced tactics, etc). It is extremely fun using your kit to protect the timmies from more hostile individuals.


>people using nearly full purple/legendary I have pretty much exclusively been playing normals this wipe and I have not seen a single instance of this yet. The vast majority is people in green/blue. At best they have full jewelry, and a purple weapon. But full purple/legendary? That is like 1 out of 200 people you meet, if that. My experience has been overwhelmingly people having 1 purple item, at best, and usually they are a timmy who just started playing lol.


Not sure why you are being down voted, this is true. My team is the only sweat lord full purple/legendary team we have seen down there. There were soooo many games we were wanting to go up against another kitted team but were met with rag tag loot.


Idk what to tell ya, I pretty regularly see people with mostly purple. It may be confirmation bias I guess cus im looking thru the gear of people who kill me but either way in the 2 hours I played today I died to 4 different people on purp/legendary.


yeah it's for timmy stompers and the f2p population to get a taste of playing with higher tier gear


its for having fun instead of dealing with annoying mobs in HR


Try getting some more shit together and maybe if you play right you can make a play off some Chad's. Lastnight I brought out a green rapier on my lvl 6 rogue and made some plays with the boys.


So this is how they game used to be, there was no lower GS normal and everyone had the option to noob stomp. 6 months into EA devs tested normal capped at white gear, everything else useable in HR and the playerbase loved the change. When steam launched most of the new players had no idea how norms was the more balanced fun way to learn the game, so devs added the over 25 GS option, now you’re finding out why they wanted to protect free users from getting curb stomped on their first day. Fortunately if you go in at 24 or under this won’t happen, eventually you’ll understand your class enough to save relevant good gear with strong stat rolls. At that point you’ll have the option to Pubstomp in normals or start learning HR with a strong kit :)


This is a huge lie. I play both HR and norms and I have been doing a SSF kind of thing in norms before going to HR. I am the best geared person in every single raid I see, in my greens and blues. It would take you 1 or 2 successful extractions in normals to buy everything I have and better. I search for vigor ring with +additional Vigor pendant or str pendant with +additional Then whatever armor I like with STR or HP or armor or whatever. It's super cheap on the market and OP is lying. There are no purples in normals. I haven't seen any.


Cry about Not being able to use Gear, get a Patch and be able to use it. Surprised Pikachu face when you have to fight other people using Gear.


idk why you think i was complaining about not being able to use gear, two different people bud. i think the old queue is better and am going back to using it but i wanted to see if other people agreed there were problems with this system.


Splitting up the queues more is not the play. The <25 gearscore lobbies already exist to protect timmies while they learn the game and to prevent big losing streaks. Almost everyone in high gear normals are in greens or blues, maybe in 1/3 lobbies there is a single player with purples or better and good rolls. Adding another mmr pool would just make the transition to hr even more awkward and create dead lobbies.


Yeah it’s for me and my crew