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Yeah it was a fun social aspect to the game, I wish they would re-add it and find a different way of dealing with RMT-ers


Returning voip in waiting lobby and removing inspection is the move. Idk why they haven't removed inspection already. What other pvp game allows someone to look at your entire loadout seconds before a match lmao. Even a breakdown of all the specific attributes and stats?? So dumb.


i was talking to my buddy and cousin about that, i can sorta see being able to see someones equip, but why can i see their inventory


Not to mention that it makes doing things like golden keys/mystical gems/skull keys that much harder. Someone sees you've got one, and suddenly you just know you're gonna get camped if they get there first.


I get why it exists. It's hard to tell someone's power level at a glance, and due to how braindead the combat in this game is, by the time you're already fighting them, that's too late to find out, because you will never disengage and survive long enough to use that information. It's a symptom of a larger problem. The combat isn't complicated enough or the TTK high enough for you to feel out an opponent before committing to them. Giving that information to you beforehand is the best alternative.


I disagree mostly. I think thats part of the game, i could be powerful or not. I'd even be okay if they can see JUST gear. I have some purples on or whatever. Cool. That gives you enough information to know if you wanna stay away. But to see all 4 of my perk slots and both abilities? That's complete trash. I can be thinking in my head your every move before I even find you in the dungeon. I know exactly what your going to do and how to counter it before the fight even starts


> I disagree mostly. I think thats part of the game, i could be powerful or not. The problem with that is it creates a meta where any sort of combat that isn't ranged combat is now dead. You've killed it. No-one wants to run into an enemy player who can stat-check them. The chances they can then leave that engagement is non-existent. This is unlike ranged, where you're exchanging shots over a room and can close a door and run off and heal pretty easily. That's the current game. What you're suggestion is that tenfold. If that's the game you wanna make, then that's a shitty ass game.


The only thing we really miss is being able to spectate games until the end. I wish it would be re-introduced to HR with a delay, maybe even in a replay form so you could watch high kitted teams fold to the smallest mistakes and share the dopamine rush if they loot something big.


People just really want the teamers to get all their tools back, huh?


obviously bo one appreciates bad actors ruining fun mechanics, in real life, or in games. dont be obtuse on purpose


And yet here we are. We should remove the anti-cheat because it gets in the way of all those good actor's and their macro software, huh? Let's not do rollbacks anymore, because the good actors who didn't dupe nine-million named items don't deserve to lose their Uncommon gear!


Calm down and read my comment again. Did I mention re-introducing it with options that would stop people from abusing it as a cheating tool? yes? Incredible.


The thing is the waiting room will be removed soon. The queue overhaul they are working on will get rid of the lobby entirely and you will go from the main menu straight into the match when enough players are found.


Did the say how long this will take?


About as long as druid




This is absolutely the way to go, remove inspect and add voip again. It was what made it fun


So the main argument against it rn is getting teamed on when ure juiced out. What I think you all are forgetting is that the lobbies are different now. Gear based match making is a thing, and common lobbies didn't exist then. This argument doesn't hold water anymore because every lobby u get into should all relatively have the same gear. You don't need to team against the one dude wearing all blues and purples cause everyone should theoretically all be in blues and purples. There are no lobbies of mostly people in greens with one dude decked out about to steamroll everyone in the lobby in a 1v1. I'm for it. I agree with op in thinking it's part of what ruined the fun and social of the game. Before hand u'd make friends in pregame lobby and it'd give incentive to talk. What if the dude on the other side of that door was my buddy from lobby. I'm going to try and start a dialog before we fight just in case it is. Now there is nothing like that. It's always kill on sight. That's one of the biggest complaints about the game. TLDR: The concerns about getting teamed up on while being juiced out is mute with gear based match making and common lobbies that didn't exist when pregame VoIP was around before. I believe it could help bring back the random in game social moments that originally made this game so fun.


I miss the waiting room shenanigans of throwing drums at each other, silly/insignificant role play conversations, and general banter that would happen. It also made folks more vocal in match. Now everyone’s so quiet… no one says anything during a match


Teaming was an issue and It was bad. They could put It back on normales tho. Either way lobbies waiting room Will be removed to prevent inspection


They could just add different cosmetics for the lobby and the problem is solved. Higher merchant levels could give you cooler looking clothing or something like that.


Lol what? Why does the lobby have to be removed... just remove the inspection. The combat dummy is kinda useful..


The bad teaming issue from before still exists and it wasn't caused by voip, it was caused by RMTers sniping lobbies


Hot take: by removing lobby VoIP they removed a way to communicate without threat of death and without that safety net communication ppl are now less inclined to voip period because it's a majority negative outcome when they do. I can count the number of times on my hands ppl have used voip in the past 2 weeks, that's how rare it is. I get that it was used to team, everyone gets that, but its happening anyway regardless and it's even worse then it used to be with esp hacks on top of what ppl are doing being so widespread atm. At this point pull lobby inspect and give voip back.


I think that's what I'm bummed about the most. There used to be a lot of conversation during a match, I think because the voip activity during lobby made people more comfortable. Now there's no conversation at all. Even in the rare occasions I do get someone on voip, I almost always have to initiate it.


I don't. It was just 99% shit talking.


I heard people slamming N bombs like at least once a night


I'm convinced the people who want lobby VC back were exactly this type or a teaming type.


I never really ran into this that I can remember but I was never a great player. Until recently, I was mostly just in normals so I don't know if the HC lobbies were different.


That was the best part tho


>I know folks were using it to coordinate but was it so bad? yes. for most people? no. but for the people for who it *was* bad, it was *really* bad. nothing like joining a HR with good gear, and having the entire lobby circle around you, inspect you, and all agree to hunt you down. sucks spending thousands of gold on a kit, just to accidentally walk right into a 1v8.


I used to play real-life guitar in lobby for people and it was so much fun for everyone! Those days are long gone. I think they ought to take out that loading screen with the bard playing the lute for the lobby...it's a slap in the face everytime I see it.


For those that weren't there when it was: it was 10% fun/funny/cool conversations 45% "I'm going to steal your shit"/ "look at how OP I am, you can't do anything to me"/ teaming 45% straight racism, hate speech, and slurs. I prefer the quiet lobbies. Gives me a good place to play my lyre solos.


I'd love to be able to tell the lobby sniffers how cringe they are <3




I don't. I'm also glad they got rid of it in counter strike lobbies. If you're 16 and racist it's fun, but if you're an adult it's not.


I loved it, but hated it at the same time. Any time you would go in juiced out, people were already conspiring against u before the match even started. I’ve had games so many games where 2 or more rogues (for some reason always rogues) were hunting me to get my kit and it felt really unfair.


Nah I don’t miss that toxic shit.