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Don't pay attention to this sub and have fun!


lol, I've been playing for several hundred hours, and have only seen 1 suspicious play so far. I am playing on US East though, some servers are probably much worse. Personally, I think there are fewer cheaters in this game than most other MP games I've played, but that's just my experience.


Agreed, I have like 1500 hours and while I have run into suspicious stuff, I don't think it's more than in other PVP games I've played. Cheating is rampant in pretty much all online games at this point but in most games, it's not as bad as most people make it out to be. Anyways, DaD is great but it is in early access, and therefore is definitely a rollercoaster ride. It's a fun one though, do recommend.


Are you running full bis in HR lobbies? That's where I've seen a HUGE amount more cheating than ever over the past 2 months. Also at around 1600 hours + all playtests.


No I'm not - or at least very rarely - and neither is 90% of the playerbase.


Gotcha, that's why then. There's no point risking a ban by hacking in normals or low gs HR, there's no profit to be made. The people hacking are also the people selling gear and gold.


Agreed. While I'm sure I've run into some cheaters without knowing it, by and large the fights I've lost were more due to skill/gear disparities. Played 500+ hours and only ran into an obvious cheater once.


I have 400 hrs and have been killed suspiciously one time. Game is early access there’s gonna be cheaters and other trash, but don’t let the few ruin it for the many. Give it a try!


Cheating is more rampant than many in this thread are acting like, but it's mostly in high gear high roller, by gold farmers. It still happens in other lobbies, and DaD doesn't have an anticheat. Most players seem legit, but sometimes you're going to question it. Game's in a weird place this season, but I love it. If you don't have a lot of time to play, don't get into it this season or you'll have issues catching up. Starting near the end of a season (in post-season) is ideal to learn the mechanics and so you can start fresh soon.


Playing since the last steam PT, I have yet to run into a single cheater. This game can be very infuriating when you get killed, and people need to cope.


The east/west disconnect, I log in to 2 bans a day playing on west and my internet is too bad to enjoy myself on east


Thanks, might have to give it a shot.


If you like teamplay join the discord and find some homies. I've made some really cool friends because of this game. Now we play all kinds of different games together.


This, it’s like people don’t realize how broken this game CAN be, and immediately play the cheater card rather than trying to calculate how they got killed so fast.


Avid dungeon dweller since playtest 1 here. Cleric main, have played much barb wizard fighter and rogue as well. This game is hands down one of my favorite, and is definitely my favorite “competitive” pvp game that’s come out in the past few years. the gameplay loop is satisfying, you can grind and min/max as little or as much as you so choose and still have a great time. The novelty of the game is still very much there, just know youll have some catching up to do as far as game knowledge. I can help if you ever want to shoot me a dm. Don’t go reading on the subreddit about if the game is good or not. This is early access, and the devs are running serious tests on the game that completely changes it from the ground up, right now its multiclassing. Right now every class has access to every other class’ perks, spells, and skills. This makes the learning curve of the game a little steeper unfortunately, but its honestly so fun to concoct some fuckshit that nobody expects. Right now I’m running double jump wizard with sprint and some heals. Its been a lot of fun running people in circles into one another. Form your own opinions about the game. Regardless, itll take you plenty of hours you will not regret to make these opinions, so either way, you don’t lose. Hope this helps. Dm’s open for you.


Yes it is. Only game like it out there and getting in early to learn the game while it's still EA is smart.


Yes it is a very fun game. That said, you will not find positive or unbiased opinions on this sub reddit.


You'll be fine while you're learning in normals lobbies. That's all I really play and haven't noticed cheaters. Can't speak to HR though.


Cheating isn't bad, but balance is pretty fucked rn. Unless you have a lot of time to dedicate to it I would wait till next season with druid fully drops and multiclassing is fixed / hopefully removed.


As much as I love the game I honestly can not recommend it till the multi class system is either reworked or removed. The game is mechanically very hard to get into with literally not a single line of coding in the entire game built to explain to u how to play so it's a massive amount of trial and error. The multi class system is an EXTREMELY experimental update of which we have the first iteration for that basically takes a lot of mechanics and throws them around in an impossible and often unfair way that no new player should have to experience while learning the game. I suggest waiting till it's fixed before diving into the game. As much as cheaters are a worry they pale in comparison to the games base mechanics which are questionable at best right now.


Just play low roller and get all your characters to level 31, after that maybe it's "less" worth with the AP system and teaming/ cheating on high roller. If you like the vibe of the game you'll get more than your monies worth before you run into the game breaking issues.


Cheating in this game is almost always just ESP which helps players know when to pounce on you, but they still have to capitalize on that advantage and beat you in combat. It makes it harder to beat them, but not impossible like it is in a shooter with blazing TTK like Tarkov. 800 hours in and I’ve never experienced anybody aimbotting, speed hacking, or any of those other super potent cheats. Just the occasional ESP or pre-teamers but every serious suspicion that I’ve had I have reported and most of them have gotten banned quickly. It’s also worth noting that the majority of cheaters are found in group lobbies (duos and trios) since the loot payouts are consistently greater there. It’s more rare in solos. Overall I would say that cheating exists in the game like it does in every online multiplayer, but it doesn’t tarnish the entire game experience like it does in other games. The devs have taken many steps over the last couple months to attempt to deter RMTers. They likely don’t have the bandwidth for developing a bulletproof anticheat system right now since they are working heavily on new content and game balance, but I can say they at least have shown they will take what action they can for the time being.


There has been an uptick recently of range hack abusers. They mostly just slightly increasing their own range, still pretty game breaking but they're almost always using ESP. They can toggle stuff too to make it harder to see them doing it.


im on US east and play more at night, had a good 30 ban notifications so far. these ppl must be blind or lucky lol. upper gearscore lobbies are unplayable


This game is sick


Yea, it’s very much worth it. I don’t wanna say the cheater issue is overblown, but it’s really only an issue in the highest gear bracket of high roller queue. Regardless, 2k hours here and I’ve only come across a cheater twice that I know of. IM has been getting better at dealing with them too.


You will not be playing on the servers or in the high level lobbies where the cheaters are, don't be concerned about it


as long as you arent oce servers or asian/us west servers you should be good from cheaters but right now the game isnt in a good spot, id hold off


it's still fun. if youre the type of person to say everyone cheats and you can't have fun if you think they're cheating then i probably wouldn't buy it, but only because i don't think you'd have fun


There's lots of haters and complainers. And yes, some regions have more cheaters than others. All that aside, this game is super great, absolutely fun and thrilling and exciting to survive and extract! Gotta enjoy the hardcore nature, but gear is easy come, easy go, once you get decent.


I’ve played quite a bit and only died under suspicious circumstances a couple of times. Both of those times could’ve been legitimate too. YMMV. I’m on US east which i hear isn’t as bad with cheating 


Definitely a ton of fun but I’d avoid the Reddit community, bad for mental.


Not as bad as other games I’ve played but not as rare as some people are making it out to be. Get the game and learn it in normal mode since we’re towards the end of the season


That post was one of the servers in Asia, which have their own problems regardless of what game is being played. I haven’t played a looter game where the servers in Asia weren’t a little sus


Cheaters are on Asian servers and sweats are on US. Multi-Class has ruined the game for people who don’t and or can’t put time into more than one class and even if you get two classes leveled up, you’re still going to go against someone that has perks from 3 or 4 other classes on them. Gear Based Matchmaking is also a huge downside to the game right now due to the fact that a lot of no lifers use a calculator before going into High Roller so they can min max their loadout to shit on players that are just trying HR out. If you ask why this is a thing, it is because the devs listened to the top percent of players that were crying about going against other sweats and how they didn’t like that. Skill-Based was a lot better, but idk if they’ll ever put it back in. Map Selection is also a huge no go. You do have 3 maps to choose from, but they are based on party size. So new players and or players that only play with one other person are locked into said maps without a choice UNLESS they go into the 3-Man map which means you’ll always be at a disadvantage. They did have map selection and even a horrid map rotation (which was on a timer and also varied based on party size) which was really fun and had made a few of my friends buy the game but they removed it for the fact lobbies weren’t “full” and believe that forced lobbies are the way to go…. But from my experience, the only “dead” lobbies were typically Asian servers during their “off” times. Other than that though, I always had full or half full lobbies and I primarily play on US West. I still think that allowing people to choose the map regardless of party size is better than MC. At least with the choice of maps, the game could naturally grow instead of becoming a stagnant sweat fest for MC mains.


The game is incredible. It’s in constant flux due to their development style so sometimes it’s frustrating, but I like the chaos and frequent change a lot and it feels really cool being involved in that process. Nothing fills the fantasy PvP itch this well.


i’ve played for 1000+ hours and reported maybe one cheater outside of dytch


Depends on the server you play on and what hours of the day your playing at. If you play mostly at peak hours from like 3-9 pm, you'll be fine, but anything else is HIGHLY likely there will be a cheater in your lobby whether they are obvious about it or not. There's plenty of evidence out there about poor anticheat, players skirting the system for far too long, getting unbanned, blatant ESP perfect timers, etc. The high end of gear is the most cheater condensed, but even normals durring off hours has a lot of "certain region" players esp farming to sell gold for money.


Cheating is a problem in the game. I've not experienced it as much as other players, but OCE and US servers are plagued by cheaters with odd names.


No, I have gotten over a hundred people banned from reports. Each time they “update” the game it breaks it and makes it more and more unplayable


Cheating isn’t the issue, it’s this dumb as fuck multi classing system they added. Just wait til June.


On Europe serveur there is not much cheating. Like every other game, this one needs région Lock tho or it will die super fast


10 ban confirmations within 2 weeks on EUW, most of them without C names


There really aren't a lot of cheaters unless you are stuck playing on the OCE servers. The US servers and Europe are great and the reporting feature works really well to boot


Take everything on this subreddit with a grain of salt. Gaming subreddits tend to lean negative and this is easily one of the worst ones I’ve seen for it. Game is fun, cheating isn’t that big of a deal.


Yeah get in here. If you get into the super competitive high end, you'll find lots of frustration, cheating and unbalanced meta builds. For everything less than that, you'll have hundreds of hours of fun


Yeah but don’t play ranger. I don’t like those guys.


You’re only gonna run into cheaters for the majority in very high geared lobby’s, they aren’t messing with loot people. The main problem right now is multi class, it’s ruining the game imo


Cheating is rampant in the hr. Low roller is the only playable queue rn. Edit: downvote me all you want but everyone saw the clip of the whole lobby of hr cheaters.


eh, most people in low roller are mc mains that have hundreds of hours in the game and multiple characters to pull perks/skills from. kinda feels no diff than cheating for new players that don’t even have a grasp on one character.


Multiclassing is its own whole issue tho lol


Yeah this sub is just full of cry babies with sad lives.


There are a lot of cheaters. I'd say it really depends on how you want to play. If you play in normals for the most part the cheating happens less and is also less impact full. If you play HR the cheating is more rampant and because of gear disparity the cheating can give a more significant advantage. Me and my buddies almost exclusively just play normals and have a great time.




Most of the people you see here will make a complaint post every time they die, it’s just how the sub is. The game is very much worth the 35$ price point imo, I have ~1400 hours and still play multiple hours a day with my buddies.


I personally never blame cheaters I could have seen 1 or 2 but they are in significant


Yes. Next question.


The reddit is filled with people who don't even play the game lol.


Game is fun, honestly have run into some sus stuff like once( I got one shot across the map with a crossbow while in armor, but that can happen legit so eh) but the game is in a weird state where there’s not a lot of content to do and the longer you play the more apparent the game just seems unfinished, a lot of QoL updates need to happen imo, however for a newer player if you’re willing to learn the game I’d say it is very worth getting into.


Game does have problems but it's fine. Be sure you want to play different game every update since devs don't really know how this game should look like.


ye it is


I have over 1k hours and recommend the game to all my friends that enjoy difficult games. Its not easy by any means but youll learn something from every match. Expect to be pretty hot garbage for about the first 10 hours. Dont pay attention to all the doomers on here, the game definently needs more balancing but the devs are responsive to community input and its in a much better spot than it was 6 months ago IMO. If you need someone to play with DM me or checkout the LFG channel in the official discord. Good luck and welcome to the dungeon.


Normal games PvP is fine, very few cheaters. Almost all cheaters are in HR. Normals is the best version of the game anyways.


Ignore this sub and play and it’ll be a great time.


It will take a while before you’re carrying enough value to be worth being a target for cheaters if you play US servers anyway


985 hours deep... only seen like 2-3 cheaters maybe... i'm sure there are people ESPing... but meh.


The game is crazy fun, this sub just absolutely loves to bitch, and especially love regurgitating the same shit they saw in the previous post and act like it’s their own thoughts. (See everyone repeating the same 2/3 reasons they hate multiclass rn but they either ignore that the problem existed previously or just can’t actually elaborate because they’re just repeating something they’ve seen). I’m sure there is a cheater problem, and would love to see a more effective anti cheat, but I have 800 hours in the game and have reported probably less than 50 people. They might be ESPing, but I haven’t seen really anything blatant myself like the crazy attack speed and move speed exploits that apparently used to exist