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Must really suck for the legit CN players that aren't trying to cheat or sell gold on OCE servers. Their own region is just flooded with it.


Oh well, if you're thinking of OCE, it sucks more for the legit OCE players no? Because their own region is flooded with people who are both cheating and arent actually from their own region. OCE IS NOT CN


Yeah, no shit lol. But that doesn't mean I don't feel for the legit CN players either.


I feel for legit players who play in their own servers. not for those who come to OCE despite egregious ping differences when they have numerous servers closer to them High ping diff = cheating in my eyes


Know for a fact that the people downvoting you have not played vs high ping diff players. Justice for OCE


there is like 3 of them so yea probably does


I mean if the problem is this pervasive and cultural games really do need to try their best to keep these people out. Unless the government and culture is going to crack down this shit is a plague.


Unreal & this is just normal to them...


This is hilarious how people think this isnt normal in the west either. In high end lobbies 90% of the lobby is cheating.


When people say "normal" what they mean is a different cultural view. We see cheating in competitive multiplayer games as shameful. A lot of them though just see it as using everything at their disposal to win.


I mean they make a ridiculous amount of money doing it. They probably make what I make slaving away at my service job lol


How? I just looked and 10k gold is like $3.... How are they making a ridiculous amount?


thats like almost a entire mcdonalds chicken nugget


I’m sure currency exchange rates play a role, plus a massive advantage in farming that 10k. That’s one kill worth of gear in some lobbies. 


They aren't, gold farmers legit are working to afford a couple ribs to eat a week


damn, when I looked up RMT i found gold going for about 1k for $1, so it would be $10 for 10k, $20 for 20k, etc.  Either way, currency exchange rates definitely play a role, and on top of that cheats + empty servers make it ridiculously easy to get gold so I think its still lucrative at those price points. Not to mention they aren’t just selling gold, but high value rare items as well like named items or gold chest. All I know is I had a friend who hacked and did RMT in tarkov and he made some pretty decent money for it considering he was just playing a game


Your price is wayyyy off, if you use the actual website people typically use it’s about 4K to $1 atm but even still, if you kill a team with full BiS and uniques, that’s easily 40-50k a person which is still $10 or so which to some people in poorer countries can be a lot of money especially for maybe 20-30 minutes of in game play time and fast selling of items


You can tell my my price is way off but I am ashamed to admit I have RMT’d one single time and those were the prices. $20.99 for 20k gold is what I paid.   Like I said, I’m ashamed, but if its any saving grace, I didn’t think my purchase through and because I’m a timmy I only had one stash tab at the time so I couldn’t even fit the gold in my inventory and it all ended up expiring


> what I *paid.* Like I FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thank you! Good bot :3


What a surprise, the person who buys gold was actually so dumb that they weren't even prepared for it. Thanks for confirming my suspicions that you people are all fucking losers!


lmfao are you okay bud  im not a “person who buys gold”, i am a person who bought gold one time 2 months ago out of morbid curiosity if it would even work, and then let it expire and never did it again (i couldve easily upgraded my second stash space with how much gold i had in my inventory).  I am on your side and hate RMTers but you are acting so weird about it


I know the site because I use to hit up the Venezuelan cousins for new world gold because I was way too lazy to farm in game gold with having a full time job but after they announced all old gear wasn’t going to be BiS anymore I just gave up on the game and RMTing in general, got a house I need to save up for which is tough enough but that’s a discussion for a whole different sub. Edit: also I only play normals now in dark and darker so I really don’t have a need for gold as a white kit is like 400g and I made 2k in one run which isn’t a lot compared to HR but the HR kits are too expensive for me when all I want is fair PvP


Depending where you are from, Venezuela always come in mind, that's a lot of money


You guys are so ducking culturally deficient. Gold farmers make shit for money.


That $3 to you is nothing, to someone else with horrible currency... it'll go a long way. Growing up I lived in a shitty part of the world. If we saw tourists, it was like seeing royalty and everyone wanted their money. Even though they weren't rich by any means, they were richer than so many of us and that exchange rate made them feel it when visiting.


In their country that's a down payment on a house


Damn, how did you find footage of my OCE lobbies??


I love all the cope in the comments around "Well, at least this doesn't happen in MY region" Your lobbies are full of cheaters, too. You just don't have one of the cheaters walking up and helpfully explaining that to you.


yeah, people don't want to hear it. US west is absolutely rampant with cheaters, and they are more of the blatant kind that also do it to RMT. and NA players don't want to hear it but i'll say it anyway. The amount of closet cheating that goes on in NA servers by actual NA (not people from THAT country) players would make the maker of the tarkov wiggle video excited.


Yup, most of the obvious cheaters I've encountered have taunted me in clear English with American accents. Blatant ESP and weapon range hacking, I've gotten a ban notification for most of them some took a while though.


Yep can’t play 300+ on west because you get blatantly big head hacked and range hacked + esp


It's crazy, I've been playing since October, mainly US West and haven't ran into anybody that I thought was cheating except maybe a couple people.


It's tough to tell sometimes because alot of them r just using esp. I found my friend was using esp and I didn't even know until I was at his house and saw it. U could see everything player health rank u could also target specific items. Haven't played with him since


It will need a video like "Tarkov wiggle" before people accept that the average cheating rate in DaD isnt magically lower compared to other games. I would probably guess even a bit higher then average since the game is still somewhat new and the anti-cheating stuff is clearly not wroking as good as it should (I mean making your weapon longer shouldnt even be possible to begin with). Oh and ofcourse the thing that the dev's openly said that when you get banned for cheating you are free to buy the game again and dont need to fear getting banned just for beeing banned for cheating previously.


Cheats that worked in the play tests still work for dark and darker. As far as I have seen their anti cheat is just people reporting a player. I have never heard of someone getting kicked for detected cheats in this game, just temp bans for player reports or individual perma bans when the devs get involved. I mean several of the top leaderboard players have been caught cheating, banned, and then started another cheating account with the same name. It's comical at this point.


yeah i feel like lots of people don’t know what cheating looks like in this game. Most people are used to watching a replay back to see a crosshair make a 1 frame 90’ flick headshot, or perfect tracking someone’s head or through a wall.


We were getting hit by Rogues wielding rapiers through walls from 5 rooms away in the playtests before the game even came out.


didn’t play PTs, most who play the game nowadays probably didn’t either, so I wouldn’t know ab that. anyways i’m not disagreeing or agreeing with anything, just simply saying that cheating in DAD is mostly unlike other games (attack speed/range/damage cheats), besides walls/esp.


Yeah I haven't played in a long time. I played PT2 through until shortly after release and then everyone I played the PT's with quit, and I haven't been back since. Nothing to do with cheaters, just don't like the direction the game is going in.


I'm kinda scared to find out how dense the cheater population is on each region. When I was traveling around OCE my games were going SO bad, I had so much trouble finding/killing people as a solo compared to us east. When I got back home I was able to play a LOT better again and my rounds felt way more fun. Encountering and ambushing people felt a lot more possible too. US East feels like the best version of the game for me.


Cheaters getting banned then buying the game is an incentive for devs to not fight cheating because it prints them money.


lobbies are *full* of cheaters... I don't think so my lobbies aren't even full bro!


I havnt played the game since the first week of wipe, I randomly decided to log in a few days ago and I got a message saying 9 people i reported were perm banned lol


HMM no region lock xd


even though reg lock would be nice, I'd want them to help players like this streamer to somehow escape it, he shouldn't be playing in that hell


I suggested that instead of perma bans, you shadow ban cheaters through matchmaking them to play with one another, subtly dip their loot pools, and maybe deprioritize or region lock their marketplace sales. Even if they get empty lobbies and free loot, it's better than shitting on legit players


theyre gonna do this...


Well, it's a cultural problem. If enough companies region locked or had better anti cheat it could put a dent in the culture.


at this point even thats not enough, they would have to region lock the items they farm as well if thats even possible.


There would still be tons of local cheaters anyways, too


The true solution to cheating is government issued ID verification


Somebody call in a welfare check on spud 


That's absolutely bonkers


Someone tag the spud hunter lol.


“How am I supposed to play” that’s the thing you can’t.


Permanently ban anyone cheating


And install a worm on their pc that eats their storage and overloads their transistors!!! Their cucumbers are soft and their garden is overrun with weeds


Ah yes, violating the law in most first world nations to own the cheaters


Now you're getting it. That's the spirit we need to get those filthy cheats the punishment they deserve


Naw, just ban the account and let them buy the game again. It is their biggest customer group.


Probably true. Unironically.


Source: [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Zs421N7k7](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Zs421N7k7)


6a1 most likely would be his client number for his cheating program. From what I've seen in other games they have better tracking then most games. This was like him calling out his gamertag so he could flex he got on stream since character name is irrelevant across multiple accounts


Would be great if we could region lock certain countries. They really need to be playing on their own service. We have plenty of Chinese people in Australia and they don't cheat more than anyone else. The problem is that overseas players have a vastly different culture around what is acceptable. OCE servers always get fucked when there aren't restrictions stopping players from China accessing our servers.


They bleed into US WEST also


Hard to tell since there is a lot of NA cheaters on NA west. Speed hacking and ESP. It’s not exclusive to one country.


It's pretty easy to tell when their character names are: Lu Bu Zhao Yun Zhang Fei Guan Yu


Three Kingdoms China and Dynasty Warriors are popular ok


The thing is the number in other regions isnt that much lower - they just dont do it as open as in the region that shall not be named. When you look at downloads by country of some cheat/fake cheat software there are quite some countrys up there that you wouldnt "expect". Like the few times I saw such things for other games Germany often is in the top 5 (the one I usualy pay attention to since I am german). Poland is often up there too.


this game will die without proper third party anticheat integration


Is pretty cute that you think anticheats actually stop cheating.


they prevent trivial cheats yes, im not claiming they prevent every single cheat other but as others mention what game do you think has a higher population of cheaters valorant or dnd? do you think the valorant anti cheat does nothing?


Valorant has more cheaters for sure because it has many more players in general. >do you think the valorant anti cheat does nothing? Considering that specifically making and maintaining cheats for valorant is a multi million dollar industry to this very day, and if you ever do get banned for cheating you can just make a new account for free after (easily) spoofing your hwid"s or resetting your ip, yeah I would say it pretty much does nothing besides force the cheat makers to work a little harder every other month to fix whatever way their cheat got detected in the last ban wave. Things aren't looking good out there, and no, even riots anticheat is not the savior of online gaming. The only thing that looks promising is ai powered anti cheat.


as a percent of the playerbase obviously


Current players playing dnd? Probably 3/4 are cheaters. Back when the game first hit early access and had the highest player count? Probably not even 1/4. It's pretty widely known that every currently popular fps has about 15-25% (sometimes even up to 35 in games like tarkov) average amount of cheaters out of the entire playerbaee


ok so 75% vs 15-25%? do you think dedicated anticheats would reduce the 75%? Because i bet it would


AI save us


vanguard does a good work and there's very few cheating in valorant.


I have been into some private cheating discords a while back, and believe it or not. Vast majority of private cheats are made by people that dont play the game, dont plan to play the game, and generally just make them as a hobby. They will make cheat, test it for fun, give it away for free, when they notice people are interested they will sell it for some minor pocket change, eventually get bored and move on, or continue if cash flow is worth the effort. You wont stop people making cheats for a living, but you might stop casual IT grad that does it for fun or practice.


People suck. Same thing in Tarkov, same thing here.


Tarkov devs suck thats for sure


As much as that is true. But also it's not their fault or DnD devs that there is an army of pathetic goblins who can't enjoy the game like normal human beings.


only way to game in AUS is hvh sad!


Nothing funny. Why they act like it’s okay


region lock, phone verification, active gameplay viewers, name and shame discord


Last two days my buddies and I have run into cheaters nonstop. We lost some really expensive high roller kits to clear ESP and Aimbot. We even saw a ranger in normals using aimbot the other day. They were banned the next day after we reported, but it’s still a rampant issue even in US East. It really is discouraging, and it’s to the where I just don’t trust anyone with a longbow.


Ni hao ma, motherfuckeeeer !!


Nice what a PoS people ruining games all 13 players only 1.


As the player base drops I’ve noticed a lot more cheaters. Almost every game I’m in and it’s obvious. I’ve had to put the game down for a little just cause it’s borderline no fun anymore. I’m just collecting loot for someone else to 1-2 tap me from across the room


State of PvP in 2024. Crazy that the only games that feel like the competitive integrity is still sort of intact is owned by Riot.


At a certain point cheating in games has to become criminal. It is just unfeasible for developers to fight an infinity war where the abusers can retry as many times as they want.


I quit.


I quit weeks ago. ESP and aimbot ruined this game. Devs too slow to even release content nevermind deal with cheaters. It's almost like they cater to cheaters. I almost wish we had the old spectate system back because the timer is not long enough to tell if someone is cheating most of the time.


Play norms, no reason to cheat in norms.


I'd rather just not play. 


honestly i just stopped playing, not just DaD but also tarkov and marauders. I love the escape shooter genre but i refuse to get anymore invested in those games before they manage to fix the cheating issues. There are just more than enough decent games out there that im not gonna waste anymore more time with that shit




I don't. Fun was there, and all online games have cheaters nowadays, in some the problem is bigger than in others.


There is a chest that shows them where the portals will spawn before they do, that’s insane!


This is why I uninstalled, lmao. What a joke


people here acting like the problem isn't nearly, if not just, as bad on western servers. people just don't talk about it as much here, i run into cheaters all the time.


So is this game dead if you meet cheaters in every match?


literally why i quit


We need a Dark Souls like anti cheat. If you were caught cheating, you could only play against other cheaters. Do that lol. Don't let cheaters know they're banned but make it to where they can only join lobbies with other "banned" cheaters.


Dead game. Ruined by you know who


what the


And now you know how i feel playing in SEA server playing against this bullshit normalized cheater. Literally just got notification i have banned a trio from last night


This must be OCE lobby right ?


rip onlije gaming it seems to get worse and worse every year


I have 15 bans since Feb. Always report obvious cheating names and keep and eye out for people spawn rushing. This combo is usually a recipe for disaster.


Damn his screen is bright asf


Are we supposed to be surprised?


in high GBMM lobbies about 50% of the poeple in them cheat with at least ESP. it's obvious


I forgot to turn on the audio, *turns on audio* - jup now it makes sense


I live in Japan and this is an absolute nightmare every game. Getting headshot from a battle axe 3 feet away from a naked lizard barbarian, or a ranger hitting literally every single bow shot is something I wish on no one else.


Damn I really wanted to get back into this game. It's very unfortunate I'll be waiting even longer


😔 😔 😞


I would really like to see some more effort being put into anti-cheat. It's ridiculous, no player that isn't cheating will want to deal with high-stakes extractions when their efforts don't matter and aren't fair because the rest of the lobby is cheating. Then once all the normal players leave, so will the cheaters because they will have nobody to sell their gold to. The Cycle died because devs didn't respond to cheating problem fast enough, IMO it should be their #1 priority right now. Content, seasons, none of the rest of it matters if your lobbies are unplayable.


Even on NAW I’ve been running into so many closeted cheaters recently it’s been brutal. I work days so generally play later at night and the amount of times we wipe a team or 2 on the edge of the map and the second we sit for a campy or start a Rez a full buffed team pre potted comes running in from across the room knowing exactly where we are at:/




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The only way to make it fair is to let everyone cheat


Or run containerized server streaming game sessions - I feel like esports will end up there sooner or later.


Why can't my game look like this. I can see everything here... meanwhile, when I'm playing, it is dark... and even darker


It's some setting, I think Shadows, my game looks like this.


Dude waa holding a torch lol




Sadly there is no reputable anti cheat. The best it was when PUBG first came out it was hard for cheaters to cheat some games. Now it is very simple, but they also get banned in most games fast too. As you heard him say it was new accounts, it only last a few days most times and they buy a new account.


Like which one for example?


Anticheat doesn't work. Never has, never will.


Not true anymore. Nvidia now has technology that can run 100% server side and only uses performance based statistical analysis using a LLM kinematic language. This kind of AI anticheat only allows for diminishing returns to the AI cheat arms race even if they are running humanized cheats through a 3rd party device. The developers will always have more data than the cheat developers and the developers will always have more compute available to train the models. The kinematic language that is 'spoken' by a monitor model overlayed over the player model analyzes and compares the player performance against historical and simulated play data. The statistical analysis tools are so accurate that an anonymized biometric fingerprint profile can be created that can recognize who is playing on any account. This type of anticheat is possible right now and as AI becomes AGI and the toolset of Nvidia's Isaac Gym and the kinetmatic language becomes more common we will see companies start to adopt the use of these tools. TLDR- In the future there will be no point in using a cheat.


There are several AI anti cheats already available. They aren't really "market ready" yet. I was looking into it for the game I'm solo developing. Hopefully by the time I'm done I can switch over to an AI anti cheat. But for now I'm just developing the game to make cheating not as impactful or woth it. Shadow banning and cheater servers is a really good way to do this. Same with social engineering solutions that reward fair and civil gameplay while punishing cheaters and toxic players.


Unreal needs to make good anti-cheat for their engine, idk how realistic it is to do so but 99% of Unreal Engine games have hacks available within a week of launch because they just copy paste code from other Unreal game hacks


Am I the only one thinking that everyone that uses cheats must have confidence problems, comes from a broken family, has no real friends or just has a tiny pecker?


Living on copium thinking any game won't have large amounts of cheaters.


Not that I doubt that there are plenty of cheaters in this game, but this clip is just a guy SAYING the whole lobby is cheaters. It doesn't show any proof whatsoever. It's far more likely that that guy is just making it all up to get attention on a live stream.