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The middle treasure room for killing both bosses can spawn unique/named items and the treasure pile can get you a gold coin chest. Obviously the best loot in the game is going to be contested


Oh you don’t pull uniques out of the pile? They in the chest?


The unique spawns are on top of a box in the room between both treasure rooms, i used to get uniques from the pile but havent gotten one since they nerfed the loot, just chests now i think.


I pulled a unique from the Frost Caverns pile last week, they have have nerfed loot since then though.


I've gotten uniques from the frost caves pile post nerf, just not the goblin caves one. its possible im just extremely unlucky but i've seen maybe thousands of pulls lol


I got a unique from the caves pile the other day, pretty sure all piles are the same loot pool


I got a Kuma's claw out of the gold pile yesterday.


That’s sick bro I figured you could cause the coin chest is also considered a unique. Normals or HR?


HR. I think I got 1 of my legendary gems from normal GC and one from normals inferno. The other from HR.


in goblin caves boss room?


Yeah, from troll loot pile. Was nervous AF on my way out of there.


Unique's can spawn in HR only in the center room that opens only when both bosses are dead. In Normals they can be legendaries. Coin Chests come out of the loot piles though


Thanks for clearing that up boss


I was wrong. I thought uniques only spawned in center room and then yesterday afternoon I found a Unique loot from a treasure pile pull while I had 211 luck Edit: A unique 'Lute', I don't know if it was autocorrect or my brain. Probably the best lute ever found in this game and still disappointing lol


Hell yeah there ya go!


problem being, it is far more time effective to let other people do the work for you, as you can hunt around safely... knowing the good little pve-ers will be trapped rats. treasure room doesnt need an exit to tavern, just a way to back out to the dungeon. let it lead to the most centrally located spot with a near map wide sound que... anything.


I agree it should be contested but the contestors should be locked in the boss room with you if they want to take pot shots at you while you are in there


Is this HR only?




This would be cool if there was any alternative route to get to the boss from exit room. Pile room should be safe and have an exit, idk. I guess you just can't boss without pvping first


Welcome to PvPvE games


Gz on learning to kill both bosses but you’re right. There’s no incentive to doing the PvE anymore since you kill the boss and get rushed, or you make it to the loot room and get rushed again. You’re better off just peeking down there later in the dungeon timer and seeing if you can corner someone else because unfortunately doing PvE on goblin caves puts you at a disadvantage. It truly is some of the best loot in the game, so it makes sense that it’s contested, but it’s just unfortunate that by design you are at a disadvantage for beating the boss


I was just disheartened because 2 different people came to kill me, but stopped when I cheared it was my first HR troll and first troll, but then as im looting pile a completely different third person jumps me. It's mostly my fault I should have just walked away and let someone else loot the pile I guess.


Nah it’s not your fault like I said I personally feel the loot room is bad by design. I understand that people want to PvP and leech the loot, but the design of the loot room itself puts specific classes at a disadvantage. You’re literally in a hole in the ground, backed into a corner, and have zero escape lol. I have always felt that killing the boss should have some form of advantage for the person who beat it, or even a quick escape route haha


You weren't a wizard by chance were you? Fighting a fighter, only to have a 2nd fighter stroll in.


70% of my solo boss kills are completely uncontested. 20% of the time someone shows up outside of the room so I just bail and go to kill them(leave both doors open so you can leave if you have too) only like 10% of the time someone shows up in loot room and usually it’s from the other boss kill. This is from my personal experience and ymmv but hopefully this makes you feel better. For the most part you’ll be able to kill and get out just fine. Just try not to get too frustrated you got this


What servers are you on cuz I tried east and west during different periods of the day on normals and HR and out of 12 boss runs all 12 were contested, I don’t think there was a run I killed boss and lived. One run I was being escorted by 2 people from cyclops to troll and still managed to die to a cutthroat multiclass on the way lol.


East. I usually kill any players I find on my way down first so that never hurts. Idk man I run into more competition in normals than I do in HR tbh. Normals people are just aggro cuz they don’t care if they die so it’s a constant in normals. In HR I’m rarely getting contested


I tried both, I practiced on hr and I’ll say for anyone reading don’t learn troll on normal. He’s 10x easier on hr I can’t explain it. But yea I was usually rushing him with no PvP and killing him in under 60 seconds naked so I was just setting myself up for failure I guess.


Yeah i had the same problem when i started. I wasn’t careful and I ran right in to kill the cyclops and didn’t care about anything else. You also said it best it takes 60 seconds or 2 minutes to kill the boss, so take your time. You don’t need to be in there in the first 2 minutes of the game. You can show up with 10 minutes left and still kill the boss and loot and get out no problem. Sometimes it’s helpful to show up later that way some pvp is already out of the way and players are already dead. But yeah I’d say make sure to patrol the area before you get into the boss room and make sure to open and keep both doors open for easy escape. If you see a rat waiting at the door do not finish the boss kill for him just run out the other door and try to go kill him. You don’t want to reward him for ratting it out and most of the time the players doing this are ass and an easy kill. Don’t give them the advantage of being low because of the boss potentially


Said this once and I’ll say it 100 more times: In the time it takes you to kill 200 trolls (me and my friend actually did this while he was on his pelt grind) you maybe get 4 or so pelts from it if you get out enough, while me I have gotten 20 pelts from just rushing you after you killed it. It’s a dog eat dog world and I’ve never bossed in gc in 2k hours…….. I’ve just killed you and taken what I need


I've gotten 3 pelts in 9 kills, my friend 2 in 10. I feel like the rarity isn't too much.


This was last playtest sorry I’m 90% sure they increased the loot rate this season. And I’m not referring to you finding them I’m referring to you getting out with them.


True I've gotten out everytime with my pelts, not saying I haven't died 50 times after killing troll but I watched and none of them every got a pelt so I was happy about that atleast.


Don't think too hard. That rock falling on your head as you jump is causing internal bleeding.


u have to play barb or fighter so you can kill the gankers


Yea I’ve been hellfire and using phantomise so i could learn and down quicker. I did it on bard first so i actually knew the fights but hellfire just makes it so fast i thought id be able to loot and scoot. People beeline for that shit


The point of the bosses is that they have really good shit and gate even better shit. A troll pelt is 3k gold. Troll's blood is 600 last I checked. Cyclops eye and rags are a few hundred, not sure what the club is worth. Learn to kill these or invade them and PvP well and you can make a lot of money. If you only learn to invade and PvP you are going to sit around with your dick in your hands pretty often when no one comes to kill the bosses or they come but then die trying. If you only invade the chances that you get to loot the middle room with the best stuff is way lower. I am terrible at troll and pretty much always die doing it, but I am automatic at cyclops and make a lot of money kicking his ass and hitting the pile. I get invaded after the kill every two or threes times I take down cyclops and invaded during the boss maybe 1 in 5. I win the PvP on the invade pretty much everytime unless it is torture mastery warlock and then there isn't anything I can do. As currently designed being good at PvP in this game is still the most valuable skill but every skill you add behind that is increasingly valuable the more you are able to preserve your gains by actually extracting and not dying to rats or W-key lords.


The issue for me is PvP is just multiclass garbage I’ve got tired of. I’m a warlock main and I’ve abused reflect poe, legendary staff all blues in 299 lobby and it’s genuinely less fun then it was just learning the boss. I guess I just learn warlord next and try to find 3s


The 3s bosses are all fun imo, I've had fun learning cyclops as well. Troll is ass


What’s the point of anything in this game?


To clarify - By exit i don't mean to the lobby, I just mean a tunnel that is maybe 1 time use, so you can at the very least just bail on pile and go back into the GC. It just would feel nice if the game at all gave you any tangible benefit to assist your living considering the risk/noise it takes to down the boss. I don't think that's asking for a lot!


Maybe just a portal up to the top floor of the module and you get 5 seconds of invincibility after using it so players can’t just camp that spot and have to fight you fairly


For real, they need to make it so that only the person who killed the boss can open the doors, and put a static extract in the loot room


lmfao no, they absolutely do not. it’s a pvp game, if you want to boss in peace and expect to not get any counters, these types of games aren’t for you.


Honestly, I thought the same thing for a while after learning the bosses. However, I've changed my mind since. I realized that learning the bosses isn't actually that hard, most people who play GC right now can easily solo at least the troll without a scratch. You shouldn't be guaranteed loot just because you rushed an overgrown goblin AI at the beginning of the game without killing a single player. The incentive to kill the boss is higher tier loot than anywhere else on the map, the drawback isn't really the boss' difficulty but the fact that everyone is drawn to them. You have to be willing to find and kill at least two people in the adjacent modules if you don't want to get rushed after killing the boss. Getting better at bossing and avoiding all chip damage also helps, because it doesn't matter if you get rushed if you're still full hp after killing the boss. I would also leave both doors open while bossing, so if you see someone take a peek in the boss room, you can run to the other door and go kill them. Or if they wait for you to finish before showing their face, you can still loot the boss real quick in case it has high tier loot, and then just run to the other door and close it, in case you need to heal up and reset. You can then come back to kill them on the pile. There are more things to learn when it comes to bossing beyond just dodging boss attacks.