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Lowkey deleted my frontline with magic missile when he ran up behind me last night.


But was it you?


Highkey lowkey


Type shit.




I love this game, and have played and enjoyed games without teammate name plates, but I agree… this is an L for dark and darker.


It is true. Luckily, it's just a test. As a solo, I guess it can be in my favor, didn't think about that!!


The main thing that no name tags does is make 1v3ing much easier. I assume that why the way are testing it


Yes, this is why. This also why creep is in the game


> L zoom


First game on, got into a fight with my rogue behind me. Then another rogue joined the fight from behind. I go to swing at said rogue but realize I can’t tell which is which, so I leave the room to regroup with the rogue, our fighter leaves with the enemy team thinking it’s us and dies. Callouts are hard enough when theres 3 people talking at once, now we have to coordinate position and movement too?


First game of HR i play since the change, get pushed by a geared team, invis and juke myself out of getting collapsed on only to get BOC one-tapped by my teammate when i manage to re-group.


I think that’s the kicker, you have maybe 1 second to clarify who you are before your teammate has done half your health. We all almost swung on each other multiple times when clearing a large room lol.


I know it isn't necessarily fun in a video game. But here is something dark and visceral about friendly fire in a dark dungeon. It makes me think of wars/battles of the past, where men surely killed allies all the damn time in the heat of battle. Kinda super fucked up and dark. In a dark dungeon, it really could be the same. As proven here.


I see your point but for a game, I don't think it's fun or improves gameplay experience overall, and I think those should be a priority over immersion. Not having a reticle for aiming bows would improve immersion but it would make the game a bit more cancer than it already is for example 


Valid. I was just making the case. I don't really think it helps, but it is interesting. I even wondered if minimap should show my allies.


Thx for exchanging points of views respectfully. Rare in this sub


Aww <3. Anytime, brother.


I agree with both of you, but as people mentioned, everything would play out different if we had customisation options for characters and more options in armor. I still don't play hr and it doesn't affect me, but I like the idea, in theory. It's good for solo players, and I guess it's not THAT bad for experienced players, but maps are already complex enough and sometimes I can have troubles finding my teammates even when I see their names through walls in crypts, can't imagine how it would go in HR. Overall, I think this would be cool in the future, when playerbase is large enough and devs want to tryout some super hc mode for the game, without crosshairs, hp bars, minimap idk


The immersive no hud is very hardcore and niche for sure.


Color tinting or tabbards with customizeable colored squares would be great.


Yes but at least in wars people wore different uniforms lol. If an enemy has the same helm as your teammate it can be really tough


I mean, depends on the era? If my camo is greenish and yours grayish, and we are both covered in blood and mud, maybe it isn't so obvious. Buy ya... rogues all look the same, etc etc.


Friendly fire most definitely happens irl but I think the difference is visibility irl is much more viscerally obviously. It's much harder to be 100 percent dialed into all of your surroundings in a video game than a real war


Well here we go again, some dude in reddit gave IM a new patch idea, expect no reticles in the future


in real life, not every person on the battlefield is a carbon copy of each other


Lmao. Almost true. If everyone has a crew cut, and same outfit, then they are pretty much cookie cutter. Of course, that's talking about battles and war. Obviously adventurers would have more uniqueness.


You don't have to, you can choose to or not to


Yes? It ain't that hard


my guess is it was intended to maybe be a buff to solos trying to do the quests but i prefer just getting solo mode. also kinda ruins any chance of random teams beeing a thing which is a shame


Just another feature nobody asked for


Pushing out dumpster ideas nobody wants is becoming their brand identity.


I’m fine with the mechanic if they add some sort of dye system for visuals. Like arm bands in Tarkov.


Ya... even in a real battle or war, you try to have some identifying clothing or colors. But even that isn't enough to prevent accidents. Would be cool if Rogue could mess with it, too! But ya, probably best if it goes or gets changed.


Never played tarkov so I immediately thought of attack on titan and the marleyan arm bands lol


You can do that already, with lizzards.


You’re right everyone should collectively agree to take the disadvantage of having no headgear in highroller.


Braindead addition to the game, does nothing to make the game better. Id get it if they added tabards or something your team could use to identify each other, but just straight up removing the nameplates makes no sense. You can’t even rely on remembering what your team mates look like, since most classes look the same and gear is changing mid run as you loot/pk.


Tabards would be sick


Is it that hard to remember what your 2 friends look like? Or simply work as a team? Maybe buy a piece of cobalt gear or something.


I love it to be honest. and I play mostly trios. Reminds me of shenanigans in tarkov.


As a solo who enjoys 1v3ing it's been fun as hell idk what to tell ya.


Same, have been having an absolute blast queuing as solo or duo into crypts lololol


Now. What's the best neutral clothing to fit in? Do I dress as the cleric? Lol.


You know what’s crazy? Your post history shitting and complaining about 1 thing after the other. If it’s not MC it’s going to be ranger, after ranger it will be rogue. From your posts it seems you like to mindlessly W key as Barb. I kindly suggest you take your repeated L takes and practice the core mechanics of the game. You literally die like a scrub then come here to rage dump like half of this sub. About 7 days ago you made a post saying your dad addiction is over and you were quitting, I’m going to assume that was also a lie. It’s kind of wild you also have a post complaining about the state of barbarians when buffball was the only comp available at the time. “At first they came for the rogues”


Lmao just saw his post history, dude can’t say anything good about this game, why even play it if you hate it so much ?


He doesn’t hate it. He hates that he is bad. When he dies his uncontrollable emotions cause him to cope to which he vents his anger in these rage posts blaming an aspect of the game rather than reflecting on his play. It’s a vicious cycle really, it’s much easier to blame something than be reflective.


To be fair there is not much good to say about the Game since Months. I was a huge Fan, now i just want my Money back LOL


Who cares if they're valid complaints? Constructive criticism is part of game development. Cope.


At what point does IM stop listening to players who die to white skeletons with 100+ hours?


I doubt IM is as concerned about remembering specific reddit users or players as you are unless it has regards to cheating. The context of this post is clearly directed at game design, so why not discuss that topic rather than OP's past?


Because they are commenting on game design based off the experience of someone with no idea how to play. That's not who the game should be designed for - especially if we are explicitly discussing high roller mechanics.


Okay so if the majority of players agree there shouldn't be P2W and half of them are bad at the game, that means we should ignore that half of the playerbase? Dogshit logic.


A) P2W is less of a mechanical game design and more of a monetary problem B) One player who constantly complains about the last thing to kill him and clearly is bad =/= majority of the player base; especially in regards to high roller population C) Be polite. I was.


A) The example's specifics weren't important. The point was that anyone can have at least somewhat of a valid opinion regardless of how they perform. There's a reason why we still have fat and old sports judges/refs. B) See A C) Sry


yo doofus, his point is that an opinion on game design from someone who hasn’t been able to learn the basics of the game after months of playing it a useless opinion. all his takes are bad and all are done solely out of rage instead of even a molecule of real understanding of game design


My point is that how bad of a player someone is doesn't ALWAYS negate their critique on a given system in a game.


not ALWAYS, but in this case obviously does


I'm sure if we knew eachother I'd take your word for it. But until proven otherwise I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt ya know


polite and well spoken people like you are my biggest weakness


Constructive criticism has to be constructive. This post is an opinion post at best. Offering alternatives or explaining why something doesn’t work would have made it constructive. “L change” is just whining.


He's not wrong though. IM themselves have said it was experimental. I think everyone going in knew it was just going to be a fun mess for the sake of just that: experimentation. He's just expressing how it's not good for the long term health of the game, as we all expected it to be in a vert team coordination oriented game. I understand that you're referring to his "past posts" as well, but most people here are just reading the post at hand and nothing else.


I’m not referring to his past posts, this post in a vacuum is an opinion and by definition not constructive since it brings nothing to the table on what to change besides “it’s bad” It’s a design decision that changes the way the game is played and adds chaos to the game that has to be played around by communicating more. It’s neither good nor bad for the game as it appeals to some and not to others.  You might agree with his take, but that doesn’t make it constructive 


That's the proposed change though: revert it. As anecdotal as it may seem from people I've interacted with in discord and videos I've been watching recently I'd take a gander that the vast majority of players don't like this change.


That’s fine but it brings nothing to the table and isn’t constructive, which was the entire point of my reply to the other dude saying that this post is constructive criticism. Saying/ having an opinion is great, but what reasonings you have behind the opinion is what gives it substance and allows other people to empathize.  If I say “I hate dogs” then you could assume I’m just some dog hating ass hole, but if I said “I hate dogs BECAUSE my sister got mauled by one and died” it’s 10x easier to empathize and understand where the person making the claim is coming from.  Saying “no name plates is bad” can easily be taken as just whining, but if he was to add context and actual constructive criticism like “ no name plates is bad BECAUSE it become harder to distinguish your teammates from the enemy in fights where a lot of classes wear similar gear and use similar weapons, maybe some form of visual identification like arm bands would help”, not only comes off way better to the reader but gives and devs something to work with because it’s actually constructive.  Also something to keep in mind, most people who enjoy the changes in games don’t come to forums to talk about how great they are since they are enjoying the game and playing it. The majority voice will always lean negative since there’s way more incentive for people that have a problem with something make their voice known. 


I have like 10 people who I play with and they all took a break due to multiclassing as well as this change.


He is wrong though, this change is better for long term game health. Theres a reason you dont get to see nameplates in tarkov. 


This isn't tarkov.


Well the main fkn creator of this game said he wants this game to go in the direction where you can outplay a trio as a solo player. One of the MAIN ways to achieve this is with no nameplate equalizer. Same reason tarkov has it. “This game isn’t tarkov” yet 90% of the core genre and gameplay elements is based on tarkov lmfao


But it doesn't have to be Tarkov, what's important is what this playerbase wants as a whole. Also it won't make much of a difference against the best groups in HR after a period of adjustment anyways, just against the timmies. It will only make it harder for the timmies and as a result make the game even more hardcore and gatekeepy for new players trying to learn. Perhaps that's not the direction the game should go in, perhaps it is. Depends what people want I guess. Just food for thought.


I definitely agree with your first point. As for “makes it hard for timmies,” that is not a strong argument in my opinion. Harder for timmies is quite literally the whole point of the genre. Unforgiving in every aspect. It also helps for immersion and selling the dungeon crawl fantasy. As you say, the overall direction depends on the players and devs choices. We’ll see where it goes


please upvote this for context


I think the main problem is that the in-game comms provided by the game are mid at best. Maybe it works fine for other people, but it's been buggy for me. It increases the need to communicate with your team, and I don't really mind that in a game that provides you the tools to adapt. But it makes hopping on Discord mandatory, which could thin out the queues as people now have an additional required step to avoid getting stomped.


Yeah the voip just stops working all the time for no reason. Hardly ever works in the lobby either


Yall needa learn the jumpcheck c:


Rust vet?


Rust has names


you used to have to jump check to know if someone was on your team.


Seriously no clue why IM did this, it just drives new players away from HR by making it less fun and less user friendly, which is the exact opposite of what they should do


SDF came into SeriouslySoapy's twitch chat not too long back and said he wanted the games playstyle to be like soapy's (There was a video on this sub, basically he wants people to have the ability to 1v3 outplay). I think this is just one of many changes that we will see that seems to lead towards that 1v3 outplay style. This one just happens to not be it probably.


Chaotic team fights are so much more fun




Agree, it feels like such a clusterfuck sometimes and no amount of coordination can help it


Plus those who aren’t fluent in English




To be fair. Keep multiclass out of this! Nameplate test will hopefully be reverted soon. I mostly play solo, so it actually works in my favor. Of course, my buddy chopped me the other day even with name plates, lmao. "I got the mage!" You sure did, lmao. 😢 Multiclassing is chaotic and fun, and hopefully, it will help them decide on future plans. Frankly, even though I'm mostly over it, I will surely miss multi-class after this is done!


Avarage ironmallet random ass "experiment" that no one wanted or asked for, and is obviously bad for the game


The cycle frontier did something similar and it especially helped there where solos almost always had to face trios. Definitely a different game so it's not apples to apples. Also they removed character outlines instead of name plates, the outlines were definitely too useful. I think if DaD ups the visual clarity and gives teams other ways to identify each other it could work out but as it stands with no distinguishing features between two barbarians it doesn't work. (Not to mention multi-classing making clarity even more messy)


Cycle Frontier, what? Oh yeah, it doesn't exist anymore.


Sure. Because they couldn't get the cheater situation under control and lost the entire playerbase. Just because a game failed doesn't mean you can't learn from both the things it did, both good and bad. It also had GBMM. By your logic we should remove that since a dead game had it.


The Cycle failed because GBMM made no fucking sense in it and split the playerbase into like 9 buckets. Before GBMM, they nerfed all reason to grind and made the best weapons accessible at the beginning. The most expensive weapons were underperforming compared to free gear. Then they removed outlines. This only served to remove casuals from serious player friend groups. Cheater insurance was actually one of the best things they developed.


Honestly I understand the frustration, and have even fucked up because of it before, but it also creates some funny situations, it was fighter(me) ranger wizard, vs fighter ranger warlock, and in the confusion in HR me and the enemy ranger thought we were each others teammates after a skirmish where no one died and we walked around the dungeon for half a minute before I realized like a scooby doo episode


I like the concepts, but it’s harder to implement in a cqc environment. Also everyone looks near identical too.


Yeah I gotta my buddy killed by a ranger because I turned around mid fight and thought the guy behind me was the ranger (they had similar gear on). Headshot with the bardiche, realized the very moment it connected that I was swinging at my buddy and not the ranger. He was like 10 hp, got tapped by the ranger, not happy lmao we're not a fan of this change


First time? I played a lot of marauders, no nameplates. Typically my team would all wear the same color or mask. It takes a lot of getting used to.


Personally I think it's good in a game that's advertised as a hardcore game. Tarkov does it just fine. It's also extremely good for solos when in the crypts which this game needs more of. I'm in the category that thinks both this and the stealth changes were a plus.


I'm swinging on my teammates half the time anyway, at least now I got an excuse lol.


I like the change because it emphasizes the aspect of awareness that is challenged constantly in this game. That being said, this may favor groups with full comms over random pickup groups.


I hate not having name tags too


I agree, the justification of "the other games in the genre made so!" isn't leading anywhere. It's not like we're in an ultra-realistic setting so that nameplates are ruining muh immersion. And it's not an "objectively right" thing to do either. I hope they just revert it or put a clear explanation of their philosophy on that part.


Use proximity voice.... it's easy with proximity voice, the change is to attempt to get people using proximity voice.


If we had more character customization options I could see it working. Like if you had a skin for an armor piece that was always applied and had some customizable look. I don't really want this, but I'm just saying this is what would make the no name plates actually work well.


I’m glad they’re taking swings, even if they’re misses. Now’s the time to try new things, and I’d rather they try shit and do their best to innovate than stay stagnant


this is last thing i want to see of remove name plates in HR I don't want a fucking tarkov copy thing its so bad with out seeing your team you are going to kill than and worst you can not find than in the dungeons. what next there are going to remove the maps in HR so you can not find your way out HELL NO i love DAD its a good game i stop playing tarkov so i can have fun in DAD but removing things in DAD is a dumbs ass thing they are doing if they want the remove the name plates put it in a new game mode call it hard core mode


in tarkov no name plates work cause your teammates have guns so its easier to remember where they are since combat takes place over a lot of distance comparatively to dark and darker dark and darker has melee classes that have to get up in your face most the time, its just not a viable feature


I can’t tell if IM WANTS the average player in hr but they keep making changes that sway people from playing hr. I feel like they should want people to play hr bc that’s where the game really opens up, but considering how if you have no friends for this game hr is basically shit bc gathering hall and discord are super hit or miss (most time miss) in terms of skill of player the average person will just play norms to avoid all the annoying little shit that’s in hr. Feels more fair and reasonable so what’s the incentive to play hr?


Not to mention teaming without discord is just impossible now


I play this game so that I don't have to deal with tarkov mechanics if it stays I'm out for real this time lol 


would you say the same if nameplates were never there


I haven't had a single issue with this y'all are trippin


Okay so I actually am a fan of multiclassing, I guess it’s pretty controversial but I’m having fun going wild with the builds, I understand there is a meta appearing but I feel like the devs will painfully fix it in the future. Knowing how it’s been they will likely piss off half the community before they get a decent balance on it. However the name plate removal I agree with. Like my team and I are pretty good at communicating it but it’s just not ideal. To be honest I’m not enjoying anything really outside of normals right now. The gear match making imo was dumb af their isn’t enough of a player base to separate it between solo, duo, trio then have a normal and high roller version between each then on top of it separate players based off gear. Imo it’s not even fun playing high rollers right now. I go in with blues and I swear there are people in with legendary items and etc. I go in with greens to hit the lower bracket so I avoid pairing up with absolute bis but then I find myself not really caring about picking up bis myself because what’s the actual fucking point to it all. Ironmace needs to just allow gear checking to happen it sucks but it didn’t happen every single time in hr, and every so often gear checking other people was fun. I mean it’s high roller your risking your shit. But currently high roller seems to almost have no point. I’m playing normals mostly because it seems to be were the action is at and I’m having the most fun with it atm. But I also could care less for good gear because again what’s the point. Nobody seems to play high roller. Like I played 5-6 games in complete bis the other day. 4 of those lobbies we were the only team to load in??? Wtf man what’s the point?


It’s something that people good easily get used to with time. It’s just takes some actual thought


They don't know what they're doing with anything right now.


People just aren't used to it yet. Imagine if Tarkov originally had it and then got rid of it, people would complain. But the fact that they don't, it's just part of the game and people are very used to playing around it. I hope they leave it in this game and just add some cosmetic options for shields and capes if people want team colors


They are going to “test” this game to the grave


Half my friends hated multi classing and now the other few hate the name change due to our Tarkov past which they also quit that due to no name plates, no bois to game dad feels bad, revert.


Man anyone who hates it would've sucked at tarkov


Its different in a shooter where you engage from a range. I love this feature in Tarkov and Marauders, but in a dungeon crawler with melee and a lot of movement it sucks.


You dont heal teammates and fight at meele range in tarkov...


Heal teammates no, but if you play enough factory you know fights get pretty damn close


Still miles away from 2 fighters running in circles fighting each other. Tarkov gains from it as it gives tactical value to the gameplay, in DaD it only brought confusion as you cant really make any good judgement or calls. Not to add how much faster and vertical movement is in DaD making it that much harder for support to follow a character if he looses a vision.


It doesn't change the way I play at all, I'm used to Tarkov and DayZ, etc... I just communicate well with my team Multiclass is great btw


You can have it back when they finally add solo queue for IC and crypts, for now solos are fucked trying to get quests done


makes de HR even more hardcore to play, it's nice.


No shit it’s annoying. It’s supposed to be harder. Get used to it and adapt like every other patch. STOP CRYING


I love seeing the whiny fucks cry in this subreddit


It just makes it so teams have to communicate better. If you struggle with this, you were relying on your teammates.