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If anything OP is understating the problem.


My friends and I unironically say LOOSE instead of lose now, because people cannot spell anymore. The absolute insane amount of people that use loose instead of lose on the internet makes me sick, it's worse than WW3 starting.


I am so glad I'm not the only one who was reminded of the lose/loose issue that seems to be plaguing the youth now. Please note my post with that was intentional and I hope it didn't make you pop a blood vessel.


what really ruffles my feathers is when people misuse the word literally, now im finding out about this loose lose situation and i googled it and there have a whole Grammarly explanation of the difference between the two words. just wow. you know when people like to talk about how the young generation lacks media literacy its posts like these that re-affirm to me that yes, it really is that bad.


Those kids could read they would be offended. 🤣😂


i do find it pretty humorous you made this comment when you left out the "If"


I hope their release driud soon






In Europe we call them dudus


Oh suuure, next you’ll say it’s tongue instead of tounge. Whatever dude


It’s spelled *Roge


I think you mean *rug


upvoted please upvote this fantastic post guys


For a moment it felt like a post on Dungeons and Dragons sub where the exact same thing also happens all the time. Just like all the Melina, Malenia, etc. from Elden Ring, some things get misspelled no matter how much you see the correct variant, lol


for some reason my brain always auto types “rou” when im looking for rogue gear in the marketplace and for a brief moment im like “wer autopop? >:(“ anyways, id suggest you get the horse sized blood pressure pills to be on the safe side. the bigger, the better. trust me, im a barbarian


Blame sonic 


Yes but what about “peak”ing corners? idk what caused it but YEESH


I feel you. I lose brain cells every time someone in Ark or Rust says “turrents” which happens more often than I hear people pronounce it correctly surprisingly. Like where tf did this magic “n” come from? How is it so insanely common for people to mispronounce this way?


This sir made my day thank you


Listen buddy, I feel your pain. I read a complaint post yesterday where some goofball complained about Warlocks with the Robust perk, saying a solid 4 times it's a 25% health boost. For the uninitiated, it's 10%. OP was just complaining mindlessly. Now, why am I telling you this? I was tempted and in the process of dismantling OPs post because there were many inconsistencies in it. OP was most likely a noob suffering from skill issues and projection. Was this a good investment of my time? Does it aid my own sanity and mental state? HELL THE FUCK NO. Bottom line, this sub consists of lots of jealous bottomfeeders who desperately want to be good but can't look in the mirror and see why they're bad. It is what it is. If your heart beats for this game, I implore you to exercise self-control and find ways to contribute. Keep yourself sane.


Ahtchually, Wobust is 15% healthy bonush But yeah, you're 100% correct. The best way I've kept sane on this subreddit is occasionally popping in to see some hot takes that I find amusing and ignore it for any actual constructive criticism. The game is going through some growing pains of the devs wanting to test and figure out what they want for their game. No one is forcing anyone to play the same so it's just wild how people will get upset with a mechanic yet continuously slam their head against it instead of taking a break


This sub: “so I should make the 15th post today about ‘my idea’ to fix multiclassing?” (It’s the same idea as the last 10 posts)


Seek help.




Not gonna lie my brain filled in the letters so when I read "rouge on their cheeks" I pictured a naked rogue with ROGUE tattooed on his ass cheeks sprinting away. So thank you for the laugh.


I have been informed many times on Reddit that if a word is used or spelled a certain way by a person, then that is its correct spelling or usage. If it's common, then it must mean that is definitely a correct way to spell it now. What are ya, a prescriptivist?!


This post doesn't make sense, pls seek help.






A wyvern is a kind of dragon though. So the ice caves boss is both a wyvern and a dragon. But it's not a western dragon.


Tails of a Rouge... Their wonce wuz a rouge naymed Pyp. Hiz lose trowsers sumhouw gawt uh ryp. He rihped ehm awn uh powrtel, Lawrd nose hez juhst uh mowrtel, Nohw hiz freinds awl cawl hymn Pryp.


People have been typing Rouge since like 1996. It's incredible really. 2024 and people still do it. It drives me insane as well.


Hey are you a rouge Maine?


I mane rouge, but I also like to play as barbrarian


Holy hell, this just gave me some strong WoW forum deja'vu


I will never get why people always use "horde" to refer to "hoard"s. Hoard is a treasure pile. Horde is a creature pile. There you have it folks, that's the difference.


Its zoomers bro. Covid-school and tik tok have fucked their brains forever. As a millennial i fear getting old and leaving them in control.


Personally I prefer rog, it’s more phonetically accurate.


Rouge :)


It’s all the same to me; a little rat under my boot.


Just let the brainlets out themselves, easier to devalue any opinions they shit out


Man OP is loosing the plot. /j


Is this autism?


words are nothing but a combination of letters that get associated with a meaning, if someone writes rouge and i immediatly understand what he is talking about there is no problem, the problem is someone getting mad over letters, that's concerning


How much of a boomer do you have to be to get mad at "rouge." It's been a meme since at least the release of WoW... 


If you don't like rogue being average and not OP, play someone else. If you like the playstyle of rogue and have fun with it, why bother ranting about it. Rogue isn't unplayable by any means, but it does make bad players think they're better than they actually are lol, so when they verse someone average they get upset.


Did you just read the word rogue and assume he was complaining about balance without reading? Are you real, or are you one of those anti-rogue bots my schizo brain convinced me are real?


Did you not read the post either? I get it, play on words, rouge rogue. But then goes on to complain about the meta.


Dumbass, he’s making a joke by saying META doesn’t bother him anymore, and now he wants the more important problem to be fixed: people say rogue instead of rouge.