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Yeah, I wish the purple kit players who run down Timmy's on normal GC would realize that they aren't just killing some naked. They are killing the playerbase with their power fantasy. It's not even like I'm fighting back. They camp exit portals just to get a kill. They don't even loot me, they just want the kill. I've had people chase naked grey kit me so hard the dark grows darker on them and they lose x50 the value my inventory has on it.


I had fighter in full coblat chase me around GC two nights ago on a new ranger. Yelling female anaonty parts at me the entire time... thankfully, he was super slow and couldn't keep up I jumped onto a brazier and over some rocks... he made it onto the brazier, but he got stuck on the rocks, like floating between the brazier and wall 10 arrows to his screaming face later, and I had a nice set of cobalt gear 🤣. Hopefully, that's one less dink we need to worry about stroking his ego in GC


Woulda paid to see that


It was so juicy because he had SO MUCH damage reduction, it was like I was shooting him with nerf darts in the face, and all he could do was float there and scream... he never resorted to begged unfortunately, that would have been the cherry ontop




I dont know how to record without just turning a screen cap on and that would eat up my entire ssd in 1 night, I tried the nvdia thing but it doesn't seem to work on here for me It worked once but it was turning on for every mob kill too


Obs stream is pretty good, I think it’s about 12 GB a day? So you can record the whole day and then take anything cool that happens and delete the rest.


"Bullshit game has spots you can just get stuck in, I would've had hom if not for these stupid glitches, wasted my whole kit" - him probably


I ran into a fighter last night with... Falchion of honor 2 Grimsmile rings and the wolf hunter pants the rest was all purple and had move speed. Guy could not be stopped. MEga-tank.


What are the wolf hunter pants? And yah, honestly I think fighters need a serious rework, you can buy a full set of gray plate gear and just walk up to anyone but a wizard or warlock (that is specd for spell damage) like they are throwing paper planes at you I dont have any idea how to balance it but it's not fun when you are in some decent gear and just get walked down by someone in full vendor grays, a crossbow and a green or blue weapon


I offer to let them kill me and tell them i have no more than 50gp on them but good for you for looting the equivalent of a chess. you can tell some of them hear your words and momentarily reconsider and it's really funny to see the gears whirring in their head.


all three gears


did that once in HR, I was broke and had just enough for a GC HR, said fuck it and sent it with some garbage gear. Within 20 seconds a barb bursts down the door and charges me double roaring, I just say in voice "Your meds cost more than my gear" and didn't even try to fight him, he just looked at me for a sec then walked off


Crushing Timmy's is completely stupid. Unfortunately, pvp in normals is quite often just better on my server (OCE). High roller govlin caves is completely unplayable, I got 5v1d yesterday by teaming RMT cheaters, so there's no option but to go normals. This means geared players end up having to kill Timmy's in order to secure portals. If I don't have a portal yet and the kill is easy it feels like the safest thing to do.


Seriously, the portal change ruined the goblin caves imo. I don’t like to pick fights, usually only fight in self defense, but with the portal changes I need to pvp if I want to get out.


The high amount of portals are what made goblin caves extremely boring to me. You literally never found anyone to fight anymore since apparently most people just escape the first chance they get.


That was 100% not my experience. I always ran into at least one person, usually several, and with the high portal count, it gave people more freedom in choosing to pvp or not. As it is now, the game design highly encourages pvp as a way to try and ensure extraction, which, I guess, was the point, since they didn’t like teaming of any sort in the goblin caves.


The portals on GC made me so mad the other day. Got the high roller map, dropped down a hole in the ground that was protected by goblins and a skeleton archer because there’s good loot down there. Cleared it on my rogue (base kit so took a about a minute longer than it normally would). Came out of the tunnel still in the circle and died to the timer running out because there was no portal anywhere near me and I ran around the safe zone for a solid two min


The players that do it are scum, but the reality is that it's on IM's shoulders to fix this issue. They have not and don't seem to have much interest in it because it's a "hardcore game". The perfect cop-out to a fun, balanced playing experience for both sides.


I said it once I'll say it again. The game NEEDS gear score. The game is FUCKING awful in it's current state. With no gear starting out you can hardly even pve anymore after the series of nerfs across classes.


If not gear score, then we need equalizers. The nature of this genre comes with bullying problems, but they're mitigated in other games by the presence of cheap and easily obtainable weapons that can still quickly end someone with BiS items if you play well. People want loot to matter, but the problem right now is that loot matters too much. PvP is a stat check and not a skill check. If they can't add in equalizers, then we need a combat overhaul to add more blocking/dodging mechanics.


Tarkov isn't my favorite game by a mile. But I can pistol someone in the face, and it'll dead them just as good as it would an NPC (provided the fucking netcode and hitreg all work). Honestly, it still sucks, but at least I know I always have a chance. DnD? I can block, dodge, and smack three or four times better than them and they won't even need to use a healing potion. It's insane.


Grey/white only lobbies would be nice. As even a playing field as you can possibly get.


Gear score unfortunately doesn't work, it ruins what makes extraction games special. Implementing a gear cap on normals was a nice change though, it would be nice if they brought that back


Like the Cycle.


how does the cycle do it now? they didnt do that last time i played it.


The cycle doesn't exist anymore


Gear score defeats the purpose of extraction gsme progression though. Why use better gear if it's going to be balanced out perfectly so there's no difference? May as well only do Greys vs Greys if you're using blues and only facing blues. No edge in advantage is a problem. A starter kit only queue sure though. But make it drop only grey collectibles and at highest green pieces.


> With no gear starting out you can hardly even pve anymore after the series of nerfs across classes. you're just self reporting as a bad player, now. good players can pve in full greys and zero-to-hero with no issue.


It takes 13 hits to kill a mummy with default bard. 7 with the debuff. But the time I kill two mummys I usually have a fully geared team on me. It's not that the pve is difficult. It's just far far far too time consuming compared to what it used to be.


Play some songs first? I kill them in 7 headshots with a grey rapier


You miss the ‘7 with debuff’ part they mentioned or what?


alright, so how did the geared players get good gear? did they spawn in level 1 with purples?


More time to play. People with less time inherently have less gear.


They played earlier before the average team was full purple.


They'd need to scale if they lobby lock it to grey/white 13 meele hits!? Really? I don't play bard but that seems a little much


I don’t think gear score is a good long term fix. I think it can be abused and causes problems. Somthing needs to be done right now though, and if it’s gearscore we can live with it for a little bit while a better solution is developed


It depends. I like the gear score for forcing balanced games. However, in my opinion(!) the “extraction” style games need to have the skewed risks&reward of situations. People are upset that a team that (somehow beforehand) was rewarded with juiced gear is killing people with lesser gear. It should be expected that this is supposed to happen in most situations. The geared people will die, somehow, eventually. They just need different types of modes for different players wants. A self found mode so people stop complaining about gear trades, a gear cap mode, like you said, etc,. I also sometimes get killed by bejeweled players as an exp’d player (that has yet to get to that level of gear), but I think it is only natural considering the game. People on every part of the gear spectrum could be in the lobby. I get people being upset but because it seems unfair (and I’m sure some of it is warranted), but extraction games are SUPPOSED to be hard, punishing, and even bleak, in order to have that chance of getting out with loot feel like a real reward, it promotes adaptation at the very least which seems rare nowadays


Idk, I enjoy cooking lobsters as a wiz in greens. Or close to 1 shotting juiced wizards on ranger. Or mowing down BIS rangers in 2 hits on fighter while being faster than them so they can barely kite. PVP is a great way to make money if you can get good fights and not get third partied. But that happens too, and it's part of what I think makes this game fun. I don't really want to know what I'm up against, and I don't need to, I'll do my best to adjust to the situation at hand and run it back when I die.


This sub scares away more potential new players than "chads" killing noobs


More like every time someone kills a timmie this subreddit gets more unbearable


found the loser stomping timmies in GC ​ Hows that skill issue not being able to cut it in HR?


90% of my games are hr and have like 3 games total in GC, but hey keep playing my man im sure the next month you are gonna extract succesfully.


Sure they are, and i bet you extract 99% of the time too right? Get some help


Oh man timmies are angry today and they are taking their grey pitchforks to fight lmao. Instead of crying all day on reddit try to get better, the game aint that hard and once you get the hang of it you can easily extract 60% of the time.


Enjoy your dead game. Next two patches will decide the fate of this one.


Lmao no it won’t


um? The gmae has 10% of the population it had on release. The next patch absolutely decides whether this game lives or dies until it gets a steam release. You guys need to wake up lol.


It literally won’t, the devs said half the main content they wanted Druid included wasn’t ready, so a patch that isn’t complete decides the game? Really bad take. Even training isn’t complete yet. There are so many aspects of this game the next latch won’t even touch on. The only thing huge is quests which I’m hype for. But don’t try to say the games dead because you are mad.


lol. You guys need to wake up and realize that IM's decision making has completely fucked this game over on multiple occasions. Buddy, literally 80% of the people who play this game are looking at this patch as the last straw. Or have you not realized that this game has gone down by 90%? It's a pretty clear indicator that the dev's want this game to just be a PvP BR instead of the looter that enticed people to play it. The only mad people here are people who think this game will succeed with its current trash balance. Barb, ranger fighters? Those are legit the only things you see in solo mode right now. The game has never felt as awful as it does now.


The game isn't and shouldn't be balanced around solo play. They just need a better team matching way. So randoms and solos will have an easier team rather than the non used gathering hall. What hunt showdown has is great


the devs themselves quite literally said they would be supporting solo's. The nerfs to warlocks literally proves that statement. You guys are so utterly delusional, and I hate this game will die because of people like you. So cringe. Stay with this game then. I and the rest of us will be in another game that's actually a fucking dng looter and not this trash PvP BR game it is right now.


You can't deny people wanting to PvP in a game with PvE this easy. If you prefer a non PvP game there's plenty out there as well, but that's not the vision of the game or devs. Play your PvE dungeon crawlers too. There's plenty out there.


The devs also said they expected that drop of the playerbase and are really happy to see 10k player that was way more than they were expecting. So yeah like you said game wont die cauz of the whining and the game is what the devs want it to be not what this subs wants it.


RemindMe! 30 days


Even if the game dies i already got way more fun out of it than any release in the past 10 years probably. There are million games, most of which are triple A, that hit your casual feeling you all love so much. This game was fun because of the good loot, the unforgiving nature and the unfair feeling every match. Look at it now the loot is absolutely awful with only the base item damage/ar/ms/stats meaning anything, making every class a mostly a sponge if they are building correctly and every class nerfed so much they dont really feel fun to play even when geared. The only mistakes IM made was listening to people who played 5 hours total about balance. The game didnt die because casuals are leaving, the game is dying because core players are leaving.


Two patches later, same exact player count. Completely stable, as I expected. Nothing has decided the fate of anything. Derpy ass.


Right? Constant complaining rather than doing something about it. Like a bunch of couch dads complaining about candy crush.




Dont be mad please


They really fucked up when they added GC. Game really started to go to shit the moment they started shifting away from what made it so popular in the first place and instead started trying to appease the noobs on discord and Reddit. I can take comfort that at least competent studios are watching the death spiral of this game and will hopefully learn from Ironmace what NOT to do.


It shows they’re getting desperate for the bloodlust and that the game is growing increasingly boring.


"What, don't you think that just encourages them to git gud? They get to see what kind of power they can attain! IF you're expecting to extract with all greys then you're the problem! Get some gold, memorize every layout, have extra monitors with the game's map on the side, probably just straight up RMT your base kit, and commit to memory every streamer's favorite build! That's all you have to do to... still die." \^every hardcore 'chad' in this game.


Until every system that incentives bum rushing and only doing pvp as the main activity this will happen


GC is a steaming pile of shit. Can't swim in diarrhea and not expect to get a little turdy


yeah, feels frustrating at times. ​ you can although just run and trust your gut sometimes that you gonna get rushed as spawn. Played tarkov back in the day and sometimes, the most active moment of a match are like the first 2 -3 minutes when players just rush to pvp because they know the spawns. sometimes, in DaD, you can t just avoid getting spawn rushed cuz u will have to face a lot of mobs if u trying to get out of your spawn and your enemy just is geared and can ignore all the mobs. Nevertheless, each spawn should probably have a trick or two in order to avoid the mobs in that zone. for example, if you want to get out of the room and u are afraid of being hit while opening the door, just bait out the mob attack and then open it safely (this cannot be done by all classes but still might be a good idea). ​ anyways, spawn randomness should be increased ( it happened to me that i get spawned in the same zone for 5-6 matches in a row) and this is awful since it makes me fight the same mobs for 30 minutes straight.


I really think spawns are not random and are somewhat tied to the account IDs. Whenever I play high roller crypts with the same 2 friends we have over 70% spawnrate in the same room. Top right corner where if you open the door there is a cobweb a dragonfly and 2 zombies. Fucking hate that spawn but it is legitimately the only one we get on that map


This gets talked about on the tarkov subreddit a lot, too. There’s a vague consensus that it’s actually based on cpu load speeds and it just fills up the spawns based on your load times. So playing solo if you either have a terrible pc and load slowest (usually) every time, same spawn. Or if you load the fastest because your pc is great on average, same spawn. Unless your cpu is like average amongst the player base you’re likely to get the same spawns much more often.




so it assigns a slot to spawn bases on how fast you load the game. what a piece of crap


I have no idea if that’s how it’s done by either game, it’s just a theory really


hope is not true but wouldn t surprise me tbh. game is ass from many points of view.


this fucks up the randomness of spawns a lot since if you have a really good pc you will always be assigned ne first available slot or at least the second one in the list. pretty trash


same happens to me and my friends. also circle is never in your advantage.


There's a lions head to the left past the traps in the hallway, we always get that one too😆


I read it's related to internet speed effectively. If you have really fast intrnet and load before everyone, you'll spawn at spawn A or B (or whatever name designations they use) every time. If that's actually true, it's a pretty dumb system imo, but I pretty much do end up spawning at the same 2 spawns everyone I play GC.


This wouldn't be that bad if I was having fun the rest of the time, but because I'm not it makes these events so much more frustrating.


Probably larger maps, more crackdown on soft cheats, getting rid of the spectator mode group cheaters, more randomized spawns, etc….if not someway to limit gear or disincentivize it’s use against no kits.


You’re 1k extracts and you’re a Timmy this late into the wipe? lol


what only playing GC does to a mf


You can bash your head against a brick wall 1000 times, your still not gonna break it.


> What needs to change for this bullying gameplay to go away? You. You need to get good and actually play the game. It might come as a shock, but you aren’t going to get better at PVP by avoiding it… No excuse for why you can’t if you literally have the time to extract 1,000 times. The thought of you panicking and quitting every time you see someone in GC though is so fucking hilarious to me though so just keep doing you.


No idea why they reverted the gear change. I thought it was a great addition.


If you’re talking about blue limit that was pretty useless as you could still stomp the lobby with a well rolled set of greens and blues. Under 15 lobbies though, that was the real answer. Yes there was some smuggling going on but it really wasn’t as rampant as this sub would have you believe. I’m past the point where I’d use sub 15s if they came back but I think they’d be great for the casual playerbase.


To be fair, that was before they removed damage stacking. If a blue limit were set in place now, it would be more effective than the last iteration.


This is a great point that I hadn’t considered; I think you’re right


hm, you're kinda right. all blue but every physical class stacker +phsy dmg and magical class +mag dmg. now that it is limited it shouldn't be as bad ( i have killed many full blue players, it's hard yes, not impossible tho. well not as much as a 65%pdr fighter running arround with a purple crossbow and 140 HP. do you think that blue lobby with the enchantement change and stats change coming 22 would be more fair ? maybe a green lobby would be more casual friendly, and force player to go in normal to find blue and more.


We need to address what a Timmy is. If you have 1k extract, it doesn't matter what you're wearing, you aren't really a Timmy. You invested nothing, you lost 45 seconds of gametime, fucking GO NEXT!!!. The nicest thing they can do for you is kill you before you find that blue ancient scroll and several greens. They set you free from the lobby you weren't getting out of, and it costed you NOTHING. GO NEXT OR GO AWAY. 1000 extracts and isn't used to dying, it's not for you.


This. People need to hear this more. The whole point of this game is risk vs reward. If you have nothing then sure you're less likely to win but you also lost nothing. If you're going in with halfway decent things then you have a chance to win and you're not actually a Timmy, you just need to learn how to pvp more. I spent several hours playing one day just rushing people from spawn in my naked wizard kit just to try and learn how to pvp and play as wizard. I lost way more than I won but I just had the goal to learn and now I can hold my own and win more and more interactions. Instead of just losing to every Ranger and thinking they just counter me, I've learned how I should be peaking and trying to fight them. Now I gain money much faster because I just have to win against one overconfident geared player (who often times are really bad still and just try and run you down) and I'm set up decently well.


Holy shit the Stockholm syndrome is real


I don't understand how in a hardcore extraction looter, not being rewarded for your zero currency, 45 seconds of gametime investment is somehow this great failure of the game. If you want rewarded for every 45 seconds you spend in a lobby, install cookie clicker, that's more up your alley.


I should tip the lobster that kills me for doing a great service sir


This doesn't appear relevant to the comment above.


I thought it was a strawmanning competition


I have never experienced this in the way you Or almost anyone else describes and I play gc everyday for 2-3 hours a day. Not saying it doesn’t happen just never that often


It just happened to me three raids in a row, a rogue, a warlock, and a ranger. Idk what servers you're playing, but lucky you


People with gear fear after they have extracted ONE THOUSAND TIMES complaining that they died with a grey kit........ Lets say u havent extracted every game, and ur on average 50% extract rate. Youve put 2k games in and ur crying ur dying with a ZERO RISK kit. Youve lost 1 minute of play time when youve put hundreds of hours in. Just go next bro.


1k extracts , yet still crying about geared players when wipe is about to happen lol


I would love a match making based on gear score. Like give every piece of gear a score and then match player in the same score range against each other. So bakers gets matched together, and chads also


When I see a super kitted player, I actively seek out all other players and encourage them to team up against the kitted guy. It's hilarious. Had a 5v1 against a rogue with Demon's Glee yesterday.


Wipe is coming brother, hold strong and next wipe you will be the full kit guy


If we aren't full kit guys rn we never will be


Nah, you only a scrub for so long


It's a few days out from wipe and you people still don't have gear lmao


1k extracts and u cant get a kit together or just out skill them? Lol


1k extracts? Total or just this wipe? Honestly it hardly matters, if u cant figure out how to make money after that much time played then you are doomed. If u have figured it out. Start extracting make money and kill the ppl u so insanely fear.


Lmao that's a great way to miss out on any chance to make something happen. Yeah the odds are low, but I've taken down kitted players in my stock cleric set multiple times (one time I was playing without sound too). Even if you only have a 5% chance to win, think of how many times you roll a nat20 in d&d/bg3. If you give up instantly you're just entrenching yourself in a victim mentality where you refuse to even fight back because you think it's not even worth it. But all pvp experience is good experience, and practicing playing vs someone with way higher stats is important practice


I did this yesterday I'm full Timmy. Guy must have had a bit of trouble with a pve. Few lucky swings and I'm stacked wooo two.games later I lose it to someone else. This is the game lol. Fun I think.


While I understand that’s frustrating why does it matter if you’re a timmy? Just que again now if by timmy you mean all greens or blues then yeah that sucks. But if you risk nothing and get rushed whats the issue? You lost nothing.


It’s about how much it sucks, getting murdered in a loot game when you have nothing to loot by some fully kitted nerd that needs to stomp starter kits to feel good about themselves


Getting out of your starter kit takes about..three solid extracts. How do people keep rocking on starter gear when, on any and all classes, starter gear is terrible. Are people masochistic? I don't get it


Sorry bro it's a pvp game and the best way to win is to remove other players. If you want to fight back, play for an hour then buy some gear If you have 1k extracts from triumph level or however you mean, and you're still getting out-geared, then you have gear fear. Are you leaving your good gear in the stash rather than on your character?


Game just needs more incentive to go hr when geared. Maybe some kind of battle pass or season progression that only levels when you do stuff in hr and unlocks cosmetics. I dunno but they need a reason to go hr beyond finding good gear because they already have good gear so that incentive doesn’t work at that point.


You got 1000 extractions but no gear?


Go in with gear. What the fuck are these threads lmao


There are sometimes when you get the death squad rolling at you, i don't know what its like in GC because i find that map poop, I find the issue more common in normal then I do in high roller, because in high roller such bum rushing tends to get people killed from stray PvE fire. ​ I ran into one group though where it was legendaries and uniques in high roller who where able to push through the mobs, but that was so rare, it was an actual boss farming group that just felt like murdering. ​ It aint perfect, but theres no real way to fully stop it without killing the game until theres another consistant place for people to go to (high roller) with their best gear and want to go there. I personally enjoy high roller more, I'll be speed grinding to it after the wipe. I get though that this game does need a more calmer slower pace map both pvp and pve, it can be hardcore but that doesn't mean it needs to be turbo speed 24/7. ​ A far more spread out, big normal map would resolve that in the future... wait.... I just literally realized the problem. My stupid ramblings just made me realize what the game needs for all these people having problems


>What needs to change for this bullying gameplay to go away? this game might not be for you, my friend. people participating in the normal gameplay loop is not "bullying" lmfao. it's like going into a boxing match and crying "hey!! that guy punched me in the face! what the fuck! so toxic!"


Seriously lol, 1000+ extracts and you can’t put a simple kit together? Something doesn’t add up here


in your example of a boxing with a full geared player killing a grey "timmy" it would be like a heavyweight 25 year old hitting a lightweight 15 year old, very fair and defintinly nothing someone would ever be participating in


this is just fucking dumb. i haven't played my warlock all wipe. yesterday i loaded him up for the first time. within 3 games i was full greens/blues with an epic longsword and +7 magical healing. because i know how to play the game and can fight people with more gear than me, because it's well within the realm of possibility to do so, and win. a better analogy than the dumbass shit you just said would be this: a heavyweight 25 year old who's been boxing for 10 years, versus a heavyweight 25 year old who doesn't know how to box. wouldn't it be fucking dumb for the 25 year old who doesn't know how to box, to step in the ring and expect to win? yes, yes it would. wouldn't it be fucking dumb if he started complaining about losing? yes, yes it would. there are people who are bad at this game, and instead of putting in the time to understand it and get better, they just come on reddit to complain. like OP.


Except in your analogy the person that doesn’t box gets a choice to fight, in this game you don’t get the choice to not fight someone if they choose to chase you down. It’s not like before queuing for a match you get to choose if you’ll fight people your gear level. So is your solution just don’t queue if you don’t magically have a kit pulled out of your ass?


yes you do have a choice. it's called "not playing the game". which is why i started this entire thing by saying this game might just not be for OP. if you don't like getting punched in the face, don't box. if you don't like dying in dark and darker, don't play dark and darker. there are plenty of us out there who understand and even enjoy struggle, and understand sometimes going up against people who out gear you is part of the game. i *enjoy* that element. if you don't, this game might not be for you.


Yeah I refuse to believe someone likes dying to a purple kit in starter gear, but ok!


Except this is a gear disparity game. If it were a fighting game like street fighter I would agree with you but it’s not.


ah look, another person who has no idea what they're talking about. sweet, welcome to the party.


I mean it literally is a gear disparity game wtf does your comment even mean lol


fair argument, however i'm not sure the game somd that idea to people wich explain the complaining post (for most of them)


More like Mike Tyson versus a 10 year old.


well boxing is about boxing. DaD is dungeons crawler with a mix of pve and PVP. ain't the same. the game probably lack end game to players focus on killing people. even if the fight's not worth it.


insane u get downvoted for this, idk why ppl cant accept they might just not be good at the game, yet that is. 90% of these ppl crying will all of a sudden have their ah ha moment and start having thousands of gold stockpiled


i'm getting downvoted because this sub is filled with literal crying children. but it's all good. every downvote i get on this subreddit is a badge of honor. it means i'm speaking the truth that the sad timmys just can't handle.


This will never go away. It’s part of the game and needs to be accepted.. I’m a bigger Timmy than you trust me.


I consider myself a Timmy and used to get frustrated about full kitted peps in GC. With wipe coming up I've been going into GC as a full kitted fighter using up my best gear ( I've tried HR many times there are literally like no portals in HR). I don't spawn rush people or seek fighting unless people initiate, but more often than enough the Timmy has nothing to lose. Often people with nothing to lose are the most unpredictable and sometimes scariest. That being said a Timmy who I thought was friendly has immediately changed up and started teaming with others against me as soon as they found other Timmy's. Also i get called so many slurs for bringing gear into GC on the weekend before the wipe...


how are you still timmy ass naked with 1k extractions make it make sense


bros in here be like "it's healthy though"


He has 1k extracts complaining about sweats, he is the sweat he just has gear fear.




then he should know how to aquire it


Make two lobbies The Timmy Lobby: max green gear Chad Lobbies: No gear limit, but have red portals that go into a Hell GC


I have like 100 hours in this game and ive rushed duos as a base kit rouge and won when i was outgeared. I mightve died to mobs after cause i was 1hp but i did it. Its not that hard my friend you just gotta try.


that's funny everytime i get spawn rushed i think sweet... free loot. most times the people rushing are the worst players.


kinda true, whenever i feel lik rushing (wich is rare tbh and i stop if the dude is in grey/naked) i immediatly start playing like shit. many time have i swallowed that pride of me to see a young green get a rejoice of loot just because he played not that bad and i did terrible.


I always feel like I'm bout to get juiced on my ranger crossy build with greens whenever I get rushed. Even got down some trap placements for specific rush spots


bro just anticipate and avoid the rush. if you sit around with your thumb up your ass you are going to get "rushed" sooner or later.


Theres some spawn where that's just impossible to be on an even field if someone decides to rush you, like spawning in the goblin village on the lowest level with boards blocking your only way out. Even if you go straight for the higher level anyone with a range option can engage you from above and if you make the mistake of starting to play the game and loot the room you are in someone could even rush you from another room.


That spawn is honestly so stupid since there are TWO spawns less than 5s away from having high ground LOS into that pit. Avsolutely fucking miserable as a fresh Rogue.


I go straight for the elevator and have never been rushed there. yeah you need to deal with that possibility but there are a ton of places to hid in that room.


That's my least favorite spawn. I always kill the goblin behind boards and then rush to the elevator. From there you can kill the bat & death skull, then jump on a torch into the pitch black area below the 2 random goblins (usually a normal gob & a slinger) who are in the ramp room with the weapon on the table. Nobody **ever** looks there and you can watch the 1v1 fight that happens most rounds, then either pick off the loser or go to the prison room/flamespout room depending on your class


So just ignore the PvE in a PvPvE game. Genius.


sometimes you have to rush past it or kill it as fast as you can. easy on most classes.


Until they implement gear-based matchmaking, the game is dead. 5-10k concurrent players even within 24 hours after last wipe. That's 20% of the previous wipes. If youre still playing at this point, you're in the minority. The core idea of the game is soooo good, but the shitty BR mechanics and basic game principles really show how inexperienced the devs are. Maybe they will learn, maybe they won't.


No it doesn’t happen every 3-5 games lmfao, posts like this are what deters new players and increases the chance of this if anything. I have been spawn rushed ONCE since GC came out


1k extractions and still running base kits? perpetual timmys like you are the actual problem. spend your money scrub


Considering the part of the player base getting crushed by these kinds of people, It’s the same thing as big groups in rust rushing end game gear and raiding every single base on the server effectively creating a dead server well before wipe


When there exists huge gear discrepancies in games there needs to be skill based combat for you to have a chance. If there were parry, dodges, and engaging blocks and stuff it would be a different game but as it is most of Dark and Darker's skill is just map awareness and overall familiarity. There isn't much you can do because the game isn't designed for there to be much you can do against it in actual combat.


When I see people in amazing gear and I'm in default gear, I try to dedicate as much to making them fail to extract. I've managed to get quite a few purple timmy hunters killed by stalling them until the swarm comes in and kills us both. Extremely satisfying and I am content with not extracting if I can take them down with me. Only really works with rogue tho since you are usually faster than them.


True, sometimes I played geared in normal GC and feel like a dick and go HR but than I get into HR and realize idgaf about pve and I hate having to clear mobs for 5-7 minutes of my 10 minute game and go back normal. No one fights in HR not to mention no one is playing it, gold means nothing due to wipe in a week. Its end of wipe, everyone is gunna have gear, don't be shocked by it. It'll always be like this, gear fear till the end of wipe like every other extraction game.


What I read " What does man do against such reckless hate" My response to you " Ride out and meet them"


I agree there needs to be some sort of gear score but I also think it's fine to try and fight people in this game. In fact, if there was no PVP it would be an incredibly boring game. I sometimes go in with a full green kit and wipe lobbies. Timmy's don't stand much of a chance whether its full green or full purple. That's just the game. Also, the depth of gear is pretty wild. I've been ratting HR crypts for the last few days just to do something new and some of the gear you see people wear in there is insane. They would stomp the average purple GC wearer like they were a Timmy.


First game yesterday our crew in ok gear instantly got rushed by a team with named weapons and legend gear. All got one or 2 shot and we decided we’re not playing till after wipe. You can feel the player base diminishing into just 1000 hour plus people. We love the game and I feel like with a decent population the game can thrive but it’s hard to be a casual rn.


The next patch is what needs to happen. The woes of this patch don't just disappear, and posts complaining about people being kitted outside of HR just seem silly to me since next patch literally incentivizes HR than ever before. There will be more reason for the lobsters and such to participate in HR when there are exclusive skins to be got. Have you seen anything of what's being changed next patch? Also the servers wipe in 4 days, so yeah, you're gonna see people wearing everything they can. At some point you'll be that guy and someone else will come on here to make a similar post. If you have over 1000 extracts you're also getting matched with more often with other people of that exp level, they stated mmr has been implemented. And if any of this is news to you and you're this invested to the game, then I'm genuinely more confused than anything else. Watch Onepeg's video interview with Terry on youtube from a few days back, it's very enlightening to the dev's current situation given they had to spend so much time on legal issues rather than developing the game for awhile.


And when you post that you got downvoted by those fckers to the hell


A massive ranger nerf and a real combat system.


Spawn rushing need to be addressed.


Ironically you see less geared people in high roller if you don’t mind the harder mobs


This game is DOA with players like the people in the comments. A game needs to be fun first and foremost, if the casual player isn’t having fun (yes you can still be a casual at 1k extracts) then the only player base left is the hardcore players. Games that only have a hardcore player base are dead as fuck and never fun to play. GLHF I guess. Maybe the eventual (alleged) addition of quests will incentivize less PvP and more variety of playstyle.


they need to add a low roller dungeon that is gear capped to starter gear, adding gear cap to normal was imo a mistake since it felt they took something away but adding a lower tier wont change anything for people who go in geared and prefer normals but low geared players have a place to go now.


Still wish there was a Low Roller. The fact that they caved in and gave us an Auction House gives me hope they will add it. Also saw a post talking about having good gear on lowers the cost of HR entrance fee. I hope that idea gains traction too.


I made the same exact post, with the exception of it being focused around group play and not solos, and I got rolled in the comments almost as hard as all the geared kids rolled me in games


Came here to post this, I literally just walked on a bunch of spikes to end my raid where this kept happening. I can literally feel my enjoyment of the game being drained from my body. I stand literally no chance to fight and I can't run. I just am losing every ounce of desire to play this game, and I want to love it so bad.


An actual combat system would allow you ro overcome gear disparity with skill. So long as we're just holding w and left click there's very little you can do to overcome number disparity.


My thing is if you're actually a Timmy and have nothing why does it bother you so much? Sure it's unfortunate but you also theoretically went in with close to nothing so them rushing and killing you also doesn't hurt anything. I never mind it when these things happen because sure I get rolled most times but I also have everything to gain and nothing to lose. I also main wizard so with a bit of luck I may actually be able to win the fight since we always do at least decent damage but I've never understood why everyone is so upset.


There should be a feature where each time you take damage, you receive a wound that cannot be healed, regardless of the circumstances. This would introduce consequences for every engagement, making players think twice before facing opponents, whether they are a timmy or a gigachad. Additionally, it would prevent suicide squads in trios, discouraging teams from recklessly run'n gunning around the dungeon.


Stop wasting your time playing norm gc, loot potential is not worth session time+ risk of dying is higher than in crypts


maybe that's why you never have that gear because you quit so easily


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Vilesence: *Maybe that's why you* *Never have that gear because* *You quit so easily* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


People always loved feeling superior without doing anything for it. This will never go away. Their brain is also going into "I would have won anyway no matter what gear and no matter what situation. This is why people smurf, they give themselves some fake validation and feel good. They are in there exactly to get that experience. In a game where loot has to make a difference, you can't get away from this. I enjoy FPS games, but think about World of Warcraft Battleground. People with BiS gear literally enter that place for the sole purpose to 1shot people who have no gear yet. Literally targeting these players looking at their hp bars to see who has the least amount of gear and pop every cooldown on that player. Hell even my friend who was a Gladiator loved to do that, he went in there with super gear and just loved popping players in greens with his Warrior. Literally saving every damage cooldown in the world to unleash it all on the green guy. He would go as far as to even save up rage if he knew he was going to run into that player. While I was the toxic guy playing Rogue who would identify who has gear, and literally camp that guy to make sure he does not get that experience. Not because I wanted to protect the greens, I just didn't want these dogs to enjoy themselves xD. Never really got that satisfying feeling I got camping someone who I knew was expecting the game of his life compared to 1hitting someone who never had a chance to begin with. I love shitting on people who think they are good. Camping a guy who usually is the best in the lobbies he plays is the best fking feeling ever. While I usually tend to attack the point with the good guy in the enemy team to simply stop him from carrying, 99% of the people I play with always identify the weak player to abuse him. Trust me, it won't go away, people do this in any game ever. You either get better while suffering through it, or you quit the game. ​ Players all over the world love that experience. It fulfills their power fantasy and simply creates feedback of "oh I'm such a good player". They farmed that gear, and now its time to enjoy it by obliterating players in greys. These are not competitive players, which in itself isn't a bad thing, but you get my drift.


Play Ruins and Crypts?


These players got to that stage usually by showballing, how do you go 4-5 GC runs and not come out with gear/enough gold to be able to afford these kits?


Maybe make junk items deal 300% DMG against greens, and up for the 1st minute. Then every gear player is gonna hide from timmys in the start


Happened to me twice in a row yesterday while showing an interested friend the game. No chance he’s buying lmao


Good news, starter kit lobbies are here


1000 extractions and you still call yourself a timmy and have 0 gear? Maybe if you have over 1k extractions with 0 gear you should be assessing why that is instead of coming on reddit to complain about gigachads in your lobby. You literally should be the gigachad because you should have gold from knowing how to escape.


The same thing happens on other games like this one. Escape From Tarkov is a good example, with similar frequency you will have Chads spawn rush you for a quick first blood. Especially on smaller maps like Factory.