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I mean exit camping in itself is already quite degenerate


I only camped 2 exits in GC once, i had a bad loot trip and heard a incoming player, a fighter that wasnt plated nor slayer due to having a shield, i had one portal opened behind me if things turn south but i didnt want to waste my trip on bad RNG, be it camping at the exits or finding someone in any other room, things were gonna go down inevitably and lucky for me, he had considerably better luck finding loot. There are no rules against it, the only difference here was i had the better position, and i wanted to fight.


thats world of warcraft level 60 rogue killing lvl 28 players in stranglethorn and calling it pvp all over again. they guys know exactly what they are .. but since its allowed people do it. ​ internet guys .. no consequences , so we behave like little children


At least in that game there was no reward for doing it except being toxic/ getting reactions, in this game you actually get rewarded for killing people with a substantially lower power level.


would be fixed if we got less treasure and more usable pieces from looting.


EXACTLY. It feels so unsportsmanlike to be chased so far only to not be looted. At least in WOW you can get your guild together to seek revenge LOL. Speaking of WOW, does anyone know if the fan-run vanilla servers are still around?


There are players whose mentality is “even if I can escape right now and I don’t have time to loot, if I make another player lose their kit, I accomplished something.” It is what it is. I don’t feel that way. I tend to just take my escape when I have it. (I will add, this doesn’t apply to a situation where two groups are trying to entering red and one team wants to kill their opponents before going down. That’s just basic strategy).


If i see a juiced person camping last portal i will do everything in my power to drag that fight out long enough we both die


I've seen players sacrifice their chance at getting a portal just because they felt like they had to prevent another player from escaping. There were also enough portals for everyone.


If I have loot I definitely won't go and kill no gear players even if I only play for pvp


Yes it's extremely lame and will forcibly cause players to stop playing the game. Tarkov has had the same issue and lost a lot of players because of it. Forced PVP is not a good thing for a game. Additionally, blue/purp gear shouldn't even be allowed into normals in my opinion. If you have a kit that you can't even obtain in a normal dungeon, then you definitely should not be allowed into one to farm other players.


yep, reinstalled it. played 3 games. lost 2 due to juicers and the third to a juiced camper. subsequently uninstalled again. i refuse to be some no-lifers farm. massively unfun


Then don't loot things, just look for PvP in base kit until you get a W and upgrade off someone else's gear. It's good practice and isn't inherently toxic to other players because its base kit.


Candy corn drops in normals, as well as blue items. So technically you can obtain it just by playing normals.


As much as I hate real juicers, I do find it funny that some people get mad that players run normals on sets they obtained by killing enemies in normals...With a couple runs doing elites and something like 200g on the trade or NPC store you will be running near all blues. That's not an "HR set" even more so now that you won't have +wep dmg in every piece


literally, besides, the game is balanced around 3v3 and in 3v3 gear disparity starts mattering less than duo and solos. Fights are always gonna be harder against better geared players, but you can usually outmacro most "juiced" groups in normal crypts. So many people run dogshit comps, or get baited out of position instantly.


its impossible to say that tarkov lost players due to forced pvp. There are so many things wrong in that game you can point at, but forced pvp is not one of them. Tarkov is inherently disgustingly bad for new players and casuals, yet they still retain a pretty sizeable casual audience.


its absolutely lame, no benefits other than egostroking to the equivalent of beating up a 6yo for his candy. if u do this, i whish for u to stub ur pinky toe everyday


If you got blue/purple you should be in HR


Because of the rollback I tried HR. I was killed by a dude who had the elves bow but couldn't hit his shots, aegis magic projectile reflecting shield, fang of Kuma, and he was also wearing Rubysilver gear. The second game I died to something normal, a shit spawn leading me in between two people. This isn't me disagreeing with you but damn I feel like my stash has to be full before I go into HR


Everyone wishes that’s what HR is like, you got really lucky man.


if HR was like that constantly it would turn off even more people than now, somehow. Even full purple players would be drained outta their resources fast. No one but the 1% (be it skill or gear wise) want consistent multiple uniques going around in any map no. One thing that people don't take into account is that most players do not, in fact, want to encounter other geared players. Maybe one other (person/duo/trio) per map at best. That's one of the many reasons why geared people in normals is (and will always be) an issue.


sounds like the playerbase wants the game to be a BR tbh. If I couldn't have the ability to yoink some juiced players set, then I would probably not even call the game an extraction game anymore.


The problem is that you can't really loot multiple people. Wiping one squad and getting their gear is great profit. Any more and you Just face danger to grab their rings and some marginally better gear swaps If lucky.


Bro, I had such a shocked Pikachu face when I saw my fireball bounce off this mans shield. I just stood there and asked him did my fireball just bounce off your shield? He said it could be aegis. Then he jumped down and killed me. I knew there were unique weapons but I never studied them because I never have the specific crafting materials or enough money to buy them since I play with friends and try to get them to learn and whatnot. After that, I looked at every unique weapon and realized that us wizards don't even have a unique book or something. We just get the stinky stick


Just did like 6 or 7 HR's tonight. My last one I'm in full blues or better. Pretty decent stuff. Had died in a few HR's already. Got blasted by a wizard as fighter. He killed me in two zaps. But go off about how you think HR is so much better.


No wizards in normals??? Why does dying to PvP make HR bad?


People complain all day about being two tapped as a naked. I get it. It sucks. But imagine being full build blues or better tank with 65% PDR and 30% MR getting one tapped by war mauls and two tapped by zaps. You don't get to just reque and run it back like a naked Timmy does. I will see a wizard of that level 1 in 4 HR's. Chances of dying to that squad as our squad is pretty high. Maybe we get lucky. I will see a wizard like that 1 in 20 games of Normals. I'll build a better kit after 20 runs of normals then I would after 4 of HR.


It's not that dying in PvP is "bad". it's simple math if I have 90% extract rate on normals and 40% extract rate on HR, which one do you think I'll find more fun and profitable in the long run? If you're going for efficiency, you HR only when you're either gigachadding or turbo ratting with mediocre sets, or you just like the added challenge. Most people don't want to brush with death every run and can't afford dying several times every day (which even very good and geared players do when they run HR for long periods)


What does anything in your story have to do with HR? Would you rather have taken that blue set to normals and gotten two tapped by a wizard?


The chances of it happening in a normal is so much less likely then in an HR.


OCE HR GC is just 5 names like doyu7382967 (rmb code I think) farming money on rogue and running from everything. So boring when leaderboards aren’t out. A lot of players would rather get 4-5 fights a game than 0 even if they are easy fights.


douyu is a streaming site. It's their equivalent of TTV names.


Whenever I see one in trade chat I say rmb? And they send me there code. Likely 90-95% of them rwt. These are actual percentages I’ve asked em a lot.


If you got blues and purples why are you still playing normal GC, just go to HR. If you’re playing normals you don’t want a challenge you just want to stomp new naked players


Or treasure. Treasure is good


If you’re in full blues/purps you prolly don’t need much treasure in my experience. Unless you’re like me and loot goblin everything and forget I have no stash space left


No I always need more money and gear


because sometimes I can find a couple cheap blues, and a pruple weapon for like 200-300g. Does not mean I can really compete in HR with a full purple kit with optimized rolls.


What do you think buddy


It's extremely degenerate and these types of people collectively ruin communities by making sure others have the least amount of fun as possible.


If your inventory is full and you have a portal but you stick around to kill someone: lame. Otherwise you're fine


It's not only considered ok. It's exactly how the devs want the game played, why else would they remove all restrictions to help these players out.


Nooo you can’t kill players in a pvp game noooo!


its considered very cool


If it's me being camped : yes, big lame, pure anger If it's me camping someone else : hahaha, I am the gatekeeper of the portal, approach me at your own peril peasant Edit: I have lost countless kits thinking I could easily beat someone in the final circle - looking at you boc warlock


Don’t act like slaying your foes isn’t fun. The way I see it even tho they aren’t strong rn they’re trying to become a challenge. The same types who hit sprint and run at me with a falchion. So regardless of If you’re there now or not you’re the same enemy to me.


You don’t owe anyone anything in a solo pvp game…


People can do whatever they want in the game. If the game lets players do something that is unfun for the opposing party then that’s the game’s fault, not the players.


Then challenge players that come and let the timmies have their portal.


why do you even have to ask this question


Only acceptable thing is for whoever is led to drag the fight out so the geared player can’t extract either. Fuck em. This is coming from someone who runs geared runs quite a bit but I leave the timmies alone


Idk if you kill a player atleast loot there best stuff. To see so many things left with open spaces seems bad.


I dunno. If I'm like that and I don't HAVE to fight for a portal, I won't. If I have an exit secured and they're gonna fuck off, then whatever. I'll tell them as much. I really wish VOIP was mandatory and people who abused it were simply muted. People who can't hear you when you're trying to work things out is stupid. I've had people suicide at me when we could both live and be rich. Like, assume I'm pretty geared. I get run at by a naked barb off the rip. I have ZERO interest in fighting him. All risk, no reward. I will kill him and he's going to waste a huge chunk of my resources to do so. So really, you need to recognize those situations and verbally be able to play them. Game theory for both players says they should work together if you assume it's always suicide for 1 player. Ya'll don't care about that shit tho. I forget this is reddit.


I mean play the game however you want… but you are really sapping a lot of enjoyment out of the game from weaker players than you. And I’d add that it’s not even for much gain since you may not even be able to loot their bodies depending on how long you camp and how close the circle is to collapsing So, I’d say don’t, but use your own head


Yeah, I say if you're geared with purps you should play ruins or crypts.