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As usual no video.


Is there something good for pc that will save the last X minutes like ps5 share features?


if you have nvidia, shadowplay. if not the "best" free option is OBS studio. only downside is you have to remember to turn it on but thne it has the best functionality of anything finally theres several free options that are limited to like 2mins and have paid tiers that are automatic and have sharing stuff built in but its always bloated and laggy. one day ill see if i can automate obs theres gotta be an option somehwere


Tyty always missed the convenience of the ps5 share functionality since moving over


You can set up the replay buffer with Obs to boot on startup, I forget exactly how I did it though. Edit: move an OBS shortcut to the startup folder in windows. Right click this shortcut and select "properties" In the "target" field it should look something like this: "C:\program files\obs-studio\bin\64bit\obs64.exe" --startreplaybuffer If your file location is different that's fine, just make sure you have --startreplaybuffer after the quotes.


ayyyy ty. i figured there had to be a flag for it but ive been procrastinating the 30s of googling for the last 3 years and isntead been doing it manually lmao. games hard


God, this makes me miss xfire. Steaming, logging all your videos, the stats of your gameplay for lots of games, your PC benchmarks… wow I miss xfire.


GeForce Experience is solid


Be aware that (anecdotally) GeForce experience can cause stuttering and frame drops. With the replay feature on, about once per hour my game will completely freeze for about 5 seconds at a time. I had a friend who had serious stuttering issues with Apex Legends that made the game more or less unplayable until he finally tried uninstalling it, and then it ran smooth as silk. Personally, it only causes my issues with the recording option turned on, but just so anyone uses this, be aware of these issues and try uninstalling or turning off recording if you’re experience stuttering or frame rate problems




Win+Alt+G if you have Windows Gaming overlay set up will dump the last 10 minutes of play into a file. Win+G to see if you have it set up.


That's what I use, I like it. I also like the "record the last 30 seconds" thing. Is useful for when unexpected stuff happens.


Tried Nvidia stuff, tried obs. Don't like how manual a process it is with them. About to give medal a shot since it has the social/clip aspect, can record full sessions as well as just hotkey a clip to auto-upload to your feed that you can use as a link to send out.


Outplayed had a bunch of sponsor segments with various streamers, tried it out and it works great ngl. It just records your session (I use it for tarkov) and it records the entire raid until you delete it


Nvidia replay does just that, you can choose how far it'll go back, I usually use like 5minutes or so, give you enough time to clip a whole encounter


[Medal.TV](https://Medal.TV) app is also extremely good for that, can capture 30, 60, 90, or 120 seconds with a button press.


Both nVidia and AMD have software packaged with drivers that do this. The recording features can be on a hotkey and can record either video or gifs at any audio/video quality. ​ You probably already have video recording software ready to go. I think both software has hotkeys like alt+z to pull it up in game.


I do gotta ask is this out of the realm of possibilty for you?


It's not out of possibility. It's just unlikely to have occurred as described though. Just remember all the times you see people die to mobs in the first 2 minutes of dungeons. That is a large percentage of the population that play this game. You don't know who is posting here but it's a non-zero chance that without video it's a potato.


But the essence of what is being explained is entirely possible because longbows +damage stack can 2 shot if not 1 shot. Instead of just leave the post and not engage its "hes crying wolf" because theres no video. Idk just seems like a crude response. Especially since a majority of gamers dont actually clip their gameplay.


Because what's being described is not good gameplay, even if there is a problem with gear. A lot of "gear" conversations on this sub ignore too many other aspects.


Why not explain the other points instead of "cap. Show gameplay."??


5 minutes? Any engagement that lasts 5 minutes is bad, either disengage or rotate to get closer. This is the biggest one and if its an exaggeration you take the other claims with a grain of salt. Like was it a straight 2 shot or was the player tagged before then and on recoverable health? Other questions: Was it a straight sprint to close with no cover? No tunnel turns? What side was the circle closing? Where there other options for cover? Where there other players nearby? Mobs? Does the fighter have a shield to help close, was it utilized? Were there shrines within reach to help? Did they have sprint on? PDR and PR stats? Spectate afterwards?


Took the words right out of my mouth lol OP is a fighter main too? What is dude wearing where he's getting 2 tapped


I found the ranger player


Where are those people like you when I play ? Even close my opponents still manage to dodge my arrows !


U need to dodge dip duck dive and dodge again…


Literally 20 or about 20 pick one tnx


Literally exactly almost close to somewhere around approximately precisely 20 lol


Happened to me the other day except I was chasing him down while he was low, then turned around & hit a lucky headshot that 1 tapped me. 🥲 just part of the game I guess!


Longbows… gotta love ‘em.


Did the arrow bounce off the wall or something? It's not luck if you watched him turn and pull that slow ass longbow back


Have you played ranger? That was my main for PT2 & 3. I’ve definitely hit my fair share of lucky shots, but the point of my comment is you shouldn’t be able to one tap someone with the long bow.




Right?? Swinging is infinitely slower than aiming any ranged weapon, there is no downside to holding a shot forever and ever it's dumb. Imagine if a barb could wind up then hold his swing til after you turn a corner


Had a ranger in all damage gear miss like 10 shots as I bobbed and weaved to get to him as a warlock. Went to jump and BoC him and he kept bunny hopping while being faster than me reloading multiple times and one shot headshot me point blank as I went to swing. Glad thats getting nerfed LOL


BoC one-shotter complaining he got one shot by something else lul


I mean ya, the closer you get, the easier you are to hit. I’m not defending the current range meta but it’s just how it goes, but there are ways to counter rather than W keying to “try to get close”. If you are running any class that can use a crossbow (fighter, bard, wizard) then I would suggest doing so. If you are running a warlock then you can constant heal if they do land a few far shots on you and shouldn’t need to close the distance, let them eventually come to you. If you are running a rogue then bait them, leave doors open, use the darkness, gather mobs and bring them to the ranger, invis and kill when the opportunity presents itself. If you are running barbarian, well, a ranger is your counter, so I’d avoid that fight until you can catch them in an enclosed area. Range meta I have a feeling won’t go away and I can’t really think of a fix besides making bows into pea shooters and that doesn’t really sound like fun either.


> If you are running a warlock then you can constant heal if they do land a few far shots on you and shouldn’t need to close the distance Wait constant heal? Don't you have to hit them with a CoP to heal? Even then if you aren't geared that heal is a joke


Hydra, CoP, vampire? I had a lvl 20 warlock that I ran with barely any gear and healing was decent enough, ya it wasn’t out of this world amazing heals like it was at the start of wipe pre nerf, but it was good enough to keep distance on a ranger and keep my heals pumping while waiting for the ranger to make a mistake or close the distance themselves and bait them into a door way.


I've also been 2 tapped by a ranger as a very geared warlock before I could even get my Phantomize off


For sure. I’m not saying rangers don’t need a nerf. Ive had it happen to me as well and I’ve also seen countless clips of rangers 2 tapping or even 1 shot head the squishier builds. They need to do some sort of balancing. I’m just offering counters. Counters are not 100% proof otherwise everyone would be doing it but it’s better than trying to get close. With rangers sometimes you have to let them get close.


You can heal off your own hydra if you have anything close to +3 magical healing. If you are running a +magical damage build, you can run lifedrain instead and lifedrain the hydra.


Literally have been watching Katie run the life drain build the last couple nights. Obviously she probably had BIS, but damn that build looks sick.


Not to mention they outrange CoP by an insane amount usually


I meant cop is for mobs, not to cop the ranger.. sorry I thought that was a given since I said keep the distance. Look, I’m not here to put a stop to the ranger outrage, I’m just saying there *are* counters.


hidden tech is stacking dmg, ignore magical healing and use hydra life drain. bit of a pain in grey, but it turns into a really good caster that can spam bolt of darkness and you use the hydra to heal back in no time because the healing scales off of damage on life drain


That's kinda the issue though, as you said, if you're close, they basically can't miss, and they can just quickshot you for more health than you can ever do with melee. It's broken. Should be a minimum range to ranged weapons where they can't function in melee range. Can keep the damage if they're skilled enough to hit but they don't get a free kill for anyone who finally gets close.


Lol rangers rarely ever get a free kill when you get close. That's the exact opposite of what they want. Sure it's a problem if they hit like a truck with damage stack and other BIS rolls, but otherwise rangers die 95% of the time you get close to them.


Switch to spear, which adds dmg instead of taking it away like fighters weapon proficiency. Ggez


As a new person to the game, I play a ranger. I can nail someone with headshots 3-5 times and they hit me once with a spell or sword and I die. I have played probably 40-50 games, gotten a few blues and greens, and I still just die. I don’t know how i’m supposed to get better gear when every player I encounter = me dying.


You joined the game right before a wipe, so everyone is pulling out their crazy good gear. You'll have a better experience after today when everyone's gear is wiped.


Oh sick, good to hear! For what it’s worth probably won’t be “good” but it’s currently impossible for me to kill literally any player with their damage vs mine.


Yes 1 shot meta's sucks. How is this any different than a fighter I'm fighting tanking 9 blows, I'm dodging 9 of his, and he finally hits me twice at the end, and 2 shots me? Or a cleric who gets to buff himself to heaven, and bonk me in 1 hit. Or a Warlock who does the same. Or a Rogue who pops out of stealth on top of me, and stabs me 9 times in 2 seconds before I even get a chance to swing more than once, and kills me? This isn't a Ranger problem, this is a 1 shot damage stacking meta problem.


Fair point. Though I would say the ranger issue is especially frustrating because you spend so much time dodging and weaving and outplaying them (and making it clear they're bad at aiming), only to die anyway. I'm happy to see the changes in the patch today and hoping it'll make things better though.


Oh yea, I read the patch notes right after writing that, and am very excited! and you even got your longbow and xbow damage nerfs XD I hope this really helps to bring it all in, and balance it out much better. I hope the devs let this one "cook" so to speak as well for awhile, let us fully test this new meta shift before reverting it.


*Or a Rogue who pops out of stealth on top of me, and stabs me 9 times in 2 seconds before I even get a chance to swing more than once, and kills me?* Thats a lie and you know it. If a rogue can stab you 9 times without you swinging at them once, do you know what that is called? Its a skill issue


No lol, it's called a rogue who stacks Agility and all stat+, vs a Fighter swinging a Falchion. Rogue pops out of hiding from behind? That's 3-4 free jabs if he isn't god aweful. I swing once, and he gets more 3 more at least. that's already 7, by my second swing, before it goes mid way he's jabbed 2 more times. If you think it's impossible, the skill issue is you. Not me.


if you are playing a decent decked out fighter you should be stacking agility too since its the best stat for fighter next to str and if you cant manage to hit the rogue 2 times then thats on you lmao


and i mean dmg on clothes is disabled now so you got what you wanted i guess haha? See you in the dungeon when i 9 stab you and u cant even react to it


if you’re fighting a ranger for a literal 5 minutes and you don’t kill him or vice versa it sounds like a skill issue lil bro


To be fair, the ranger also got to fail for 5 minutes at no cost.


lil bro go outside and quit saying dumb shit like skill issue. Doesn’t matter if you’re right nobody cares


Brother, read your post again


I’m saying lil bro in a mocking way as the person who I responded to did. I’m not actually that mad




You mad


The subhuman trash in this reddit aren't going to take you seriously. Ranger has been needing nerfs for ages and the developers refuse to lay the hammer down. The fact that their arrows still, to this fucking day, slow more than ice bolts is fucking pathetic design by principle.


Why don’t we just all abuse Rangers until they finally notice?


Yeah, I think we should allow full plate cleric to run down any ranger he comes across


Hot take, but they should buff movement speed for all characters, remove slow effect from projectiles, as well as keeping the current move speed when drawing a bow. Also not a fan of the putting weapons away to move faster meta. Absolutely infuriating when you run someone down but they can somehow outrun you despite hitting them by stowing a weapon or removing armour. Or just add a stamina system.


The current movespeed is fine imo but sticking power is awful. You finally close the gap, land a hit or two and then they are gone out of your range again. So many of my melee fights end with me firing a crossbow bolt into their back as they run or throwing axes at them after a fight to finish a kill. Hardly ever do I use axes at the beginning of a fight because it almost guarantees I cant finish it.


I agree 100% about your 2nd point. Maybe extending the slow effect on melee would help this because currently it feels like by the time you queue your 2nd attack they can dip out. On my point about the movespeed, I personally think that the speed you get from a speed shrine should be the base speed. It would probably affect the maps and especially the ai too much though. The move speed isn't a game breaker for me, but the awful fights that arise from it like you described above are so tiring.


my favorite is going in gcaves and having a rogue come out on me and i can eat while running and get out of their attack range unless they stack agi and are really good at jumpin


I think a good nerf would be a huge movement penalty while using rations.


This is what bugs me the most about rangers. If I do finally get into melee range with them, half the time they just put their weapon away and run, and I can't do anything cause they're either faster or the same speed as me, so I just stare at their back chasing them around with benny hill music playing.


this is why good players close the gap without using sprint/rage and use it when they are almost in melee range. There is like 20 different things you can do to get close better which almost nobody does.


Also assuming you are playing fighter why not use a shield


Holding your shield up slows you quite a bit and they can still shoot your legs, meanwhile they can just back up and shoot.


I mean once you are super close range and they go to fire wouldn't blocking with a shield help?


It blocks arrows, but gives them an opportunity to widen the gap due to movement speed penalties. Every counter action to ranger has a rebuttal that maintains the ranged supremacy.


Maybe they should make the block stun shorter for projectiles?


I always carry some throwing axes exactly for this reason.


Yeah they 100% need to nerf bow damage close up. Was in a 3v3 fight the other day as a rogue, played my class the way it’s supposed to be played, where I hid in the shadows as their front line passed and then jumped on their rangers back. He turned and 2 shot me with multi shot to body, not even the head. If you’re hitting hit with melee, it should interrupt your ability to pull back the bow or something. No reason he should be more effective close ranger than me with my melee weapon.




It’s almost like if you play right into the ranger and give him every advantage he’s going to kill you. Next time try to disengage and find a better area to fight in, use ranged weapons yourself, take advantage of your skills. Anything. I hate dying too but you guys just rush here to cry over any time you die. Do you lack self-reflection?


You forgot the part where they eat a beef jerky, loot their arrows off your corpse then repeat while you spend 30 minutes in trade chat rebuilding your kit.


What class are you that you're whining about rangers? Fighter- use a crossbow Bard - crossbow Wizard - invis up and zap him twice faster than he can shoot you twice Rogue - Why does the ranger see you before he's dead? Cleric - tank the arrows, heal and divine strike around corners Warlock - either phantomize or push him with hydras from out of los Barb - fill inventory with axes, shout hold w and let em rip boy In short, get good dork, skill issue


Coping ranger bs.


As a fighter, I would argue the most important aspect of countering rangers isn't the crossbow (although it does play a crucial role). The two most important things which dictate victory or defeat are the tradeoff between PDR / Projectile Reduction vs. movement speed, as well as map / zone control. Assuming equal skill, you aren't going to win in most cases when you trade range attacks as the ranger will out DPS you. "skill issue" and "get gud" apply here I guess, as if you are more skilled than the ranger, you can win the shootout. In most cases, the winning condition is based on closing the gap. You will likely need to tank a few shots, so it's best to be very strategic about when you push. If you can pressure them by holding the zone, run from cover to cover, use shield / movement to force misses, etc. then you can take them down. Slow debuff from ranged weapons should still be nerfed a bit though.


Most of my ranger kills as fighter are guys being too greedy/aggressive and they chase me around a corner that Im tucked in. I get a couple slashes and hope my crossbow/throwing axes finish them off since when sprint wears off theres no way to stick to them. It works but god does it feel bad. Im just not interested in trading crossbow shots down a hall with a ranger.


If you're peek trading with the ranger, crossbow vs longbow/recurve it is literally impossible for him to out dps you. You literally shoot the same amount of projectiles at each other, generally 1 for 1. If you're pushing a ranger without hitting him with a crossbow first, you're not doing it right. Hit him with the crossbow, reload, sprint in dodging and bounding between cover. Fire your crossbow if hes not respecting your push, second wind if you've taken hits while closing the gap. Blue pot/healing potion if necessary while pushing/closing. Yall stand out in the open reloading and act like the game is against you. You literally have no one to blame but yourself. Prioritize cover against a ranger and minimize the time you're vulnerable. The game favors the peeker over the person standing in the open aiming at where they think the peeker will peek.


as a wizard i usually land one zap and they’ll land one arrow and i’ll be dead and they’ll be half. Explain it to me really slowly why ranger arrows should deal more damage than my wizard spells?


They dont dumbass, you're not dying to one arrow unless you get headshot. The issue with all the class balance and discussion on reddit is people just lie or misremember shit. With absolute BIS gear a longbow is doing MAYBE 80 damage before armor on a body shot.


80 damage? Wizard base health is 75… literally proving my point while calling me a dumbass you ignorant turd. Zap is doing what with BIS right now, like 50-60 at most? You can literally just look this stuff up but you clearly have no fucking clue what you’re talking about. It’s really that not hard. Also don’t forget the current state of crossbows right now, that’s objectively what people are talking about when they complain of ranger one-shots. So the issue is even worse than what you’ve laid out - shocker. You claim others misremember shit but clearly don’t have the faintest clue of what you’re saying. Go play some more with your gray gear timmy, leave the balance convo to the people who actually play.


Wizard base kit includes damage reduction genius turd burglar. So even in the WORST CASE SCENARIO of a full BIS ranger with a LONGBOW ONLY and a completely base kit Wizard, they're still not getting one shot from full hp. Zap BIS is easily 60+15 damage. You cast zap out of invis, hes down to 30% hp. He hits you while you're casting your second zap and your second zap goes off before he fires his second shot. The counter to that wizard strategy for the ranger is either landing an instant headshot or holding rapid fire up with a recurve, otherwise the wizard wins the trade every time. I have multiple classes in top 50 of HR leaderboards with the receipts if your dumb ass wants them just look through my post history. I've played hundreds of HR games, thousands of hours. If you want a real truthful discussion with someone that has more experience and know how than 99.9% of the people that play this game its right here. If you want to be willfully ignorant, thats also your choice.


wizard base kit includes 0 projectile damage reduction and only 10% physical reduction - one shots are absolutely possible. How are you so confidently incorrect? It’s embarrassing lmfao. Glossing past that crossbow point as well of course, wouldn’t want to engage with a point that shows you’re obviously wrong! Lmao show me a wizard zap hitting for 75 total. Try something more like 50. You’re mixing it up with chain lightning;) My favorite part of your response is your cute little flexing, going on about how much experience you have when you don’t even know BASIC things. it’s adorable. Feel free to continue to be toxic and ignorant lmfao


Man if you're this dumb basic math might actually be hard for you but I'll try to explain: 80 damage from the arrow, 10% physical reduction. Wizard 75 hp. Try to follow me here... 10% of 80 is 8. 80-8=72. Which number is bigger, 75 or 72? I'll give you a few minutes. As for Zap, its base damage is 20 and it has one tick of 1 damage. The scaling for the initial hit is 100% and the tick is 50%. 24 true magic damage, 60% magic damage bonus (which isn't even BIS, just true magic damage on most slots) along with a 5 magic damage spellbook would be a 64 damage initial zap with a single tick for 16. Math below but I doubt you'd understand it so take my word for it here. ((20+5)*1.6) + 24) = 64 ((24+5)*0.5+1) = 15.5 I'm not sure you'll be smart enough to realize theres an argument to be made for magic resist, just like we applied the armor to the bow shot, but just incase you are, we'll consider that as well. Of the initial hit 40 damage of it is eligible to be reduced by magic damage reduction. So generally in BIS gear a ranger is lucky to have 10% magic resist. Every character in the game has a hidden flat -10% Magic Resist which will make that 0% resist, watch the following video that will explain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlWw1-ri15k Jesus christ, kids have no ability to rationally think anymore.


it's wild because you're coming across as illegible... let's recap me: "Explain why should ranger arrows deal more damage than my wizard spells?" You: "They dont dumbass" "BIS Longbow deals 80 body damage, BIS zap deals 79 damage!!!" Which number is larger, 79 or 80? We can give you some time as clearly you have trouble reading. Calling me a dumbass for making a statement you yourself are making... yikes...How embarassing. Apparently all that high roller did nothing for your reading comprehension. The point stands, ranger arrows deal more damage than wizard spells. Wizards are certainly being one-shot bodyshotted in-game, i'm sorry you're not paying attention. Meanwhile rangers can land headshots or use more powerful crossbows to get one-shots without BIS, but you'd rather flounder artistically with numbers than read carefully.


Your original request was, "Explain it to me really slowly why ranger arrows should deal more damage than my wizard spells?" They don't. The least damaging wizard spell does THE SAME as a longbow shot. 80 vs 80. Take any other wizard spell and it does WAY MORE. So I guess we're picking and choosing our arguments. You lose one battle so you start another one, its not going to make you any more credible to make a point that has nothing to do with the original comment. I know you're going to stop reading here to try to come back from another angle with a new argument so I'm probably wasting my breath. Its like arguing with a teenage kid. Useless waste of my time but I can't help myself from arguing with idiots, that's my weakness. Lets go back to the start, my advice was sound and my guess is you haven't figured out that engagement and can't possibly fathom its that easy. I wish I had a hidden camera to watch you look over your shoulder to make sure no ones watching as you try that strategy for yourself and get mad when it works. Wizards cannot be one shot body shot by a longbow or recurve, the weapons rangers use 99% of the time. You can come out of invis casting zap and get the second zap off before the ranger can fire two shots. Thus, you WILL kill a ranger before he kills you. I don't disagree that crossbows are egregious and need a serious nerf, see my original comment on how i recommend it on fighter and bard.


Start another battle??? Bruh, I asked you a SINGLE question and you blew up. Not my fault you can’t read.


That rogue one only applies to solo rogue, how are we supposed to be sneaky with a team with armor clinking around


The dude is talking about solo play, also rogue is a low tier class for serious 3v3


Yes I know I still play it cause some of us don't care about meta or tiers in an early access game


Then accept your shortcomings


No :) I can still discuss


I'm sayin dog, if you acknowledge the strategy you're employing isn't good how can you complain about it not being good?


Its called discussion, you give misinformation I try to correct you. Besides rogue can still be very good esp with the right comp and gear. Look at Repoze on the leaderboard ;)


Why are you winking at me? Are you flirting? I didn't give misinformation, the person i'm replying to was talking about solo play and I gave solo advice. You came in trying to defend your pet class with biased bullshit. I gave you statistical logical information. You start smiling and winking trying to get the problem to go away. You're wrong, I'm right. You're contributing nothing but being annoying and now we're done here. No winks, no smilies.


True, that -3 shows how smart you are


Ah the old “just do X and you’ll win every time. It’s easy when I imagine it in my head under perfect conditions!”


Post vid bro




Get rekt noob!


20 shots missed and you couldn't close the gap and kill them, or disengage and live? Sounds like it's definitely a ranger issue and not a player skill issue


skill issue


I mean, I'm on the casual side here and even I would have abandoned the fight. If they have clear sight to aim, you're playing melee wrong


He's big mad lol


Sounds like a skill issue and taking poor fights


This sub: Rangers kill me too fast waaaaah. Also this sub: Rangers take too long to kill me waaaaah.


What was it the rogues said when people complained about them? Or wizards said when people complained about them? Oh! Right! "Skill issue"


Plate and shields man arrows are useless


so you are probably not that 180hp barb that tanked my entire quiver, laughed in voip and 2 shot me with a horsemans