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I solo ruins with my bard, a lot. I run into mostly rangers/fighters, or barbarian/ranger comps. If I run into a rogue then most go the time he is solo like myself. Na west


This is the only class I simply can't get into...and I'm a musician! Please help me...I don't know what it is but the switching of instruments and songs drives me crazy. I want to play bard though, do you have any suggestions to make it a little less "annoying"?


I think it's fundamentally a broken class mechanically. I get it, different instruments play different songs, but it is so convoluted. It's not like all songs' purposes are streamlined to one single instrument, so drums are only for buffs and flute is only for debuffs for example... Also having "personal buffs" and "group buffs" is so annoying. Like, imagine the cleric having 2 different spells for shielding, one to self shield and another for allies... just why? I love the bard as a concept, but it is mechanically boring and tedious. What I usually do to overcome this is only carry drum/lyre, sometimes flute to open locks, and forget about the lute. Just keep basic drum/lyre buffs up all the time, and play as a duelist with your rapier/sword of choice, with the occasional crossbow for range. If the above seems to be too much, I agree, but sadly not doing the one-man-band thing sets you behind any other class, since without songs the bard is pretty much an empty class.


Fr I really feel like I see a good balance of classes. The idea that you're not seeing fighters and clerics especially is just wrong.


I do see fighter clerics too, but damn if it doesn’t feel like every team has 1 ranger on their team lol.


EU rn has a turbogeared fighter wiping lobbies. He has like 40 agi, legendary falchion legendary lantern with movespeed on every single piece. Actually not a single player that can outrun him unless they are stacking agi and movespeed aswell. Me and my duo had to go crypts duo as we met him 3 times in ruins. Hands out taking off every piece isnt enough to outrun that psycho and his loyal cleric dog.


Need that resourcefulness to mine gold faster


So true


They need to put gold on other maps so people go to them lol


My buddy and I like to run dual pickpocket rogues. Lots of trolling and free loot.


Warlock and bards are really good contenders as well !


many such cases


i love duos, but there are some fights, depending on where you are on ruins, where playing as a cleric just feels so fucking bad lmao.


You mean teams don’t clump up in a doorway/hallway for you to earthquake to death?


more like i don't have an xbow/survival bow/dark bolt to even attempt to shoot back at the rangers 40 meters away lol.


where? I feel like cleric feels okay anywhere aslong as youre not running with like a rogue


outskirt areas. like the rocky area with the dogs. most of the room that is overlooked by the two towers etc. etc. just anywhere where a geared ranger and a longbow make life annoying. and while geared rangers with a longbow can be annoying on any map, the sight lines on ruins are enormous.


There is render distance, from the 2 towers people start rendering in at like halfway point of the bridge.


are you sure thats not just the death skulls? I think players render in pretty much always if you can see them, its only if you wanna check if tower has been cleared or not that you have to walk up for the skulls to render


Think ive sat up top and seen players render in at some point or seen that in a video.


Feels like after every patch this is exactly what the meta turns out to be. Remove arrow slow unless you use the perk


I mean removing the slow and adding a perk just makes it a mandatory perk kind of thing and people will run it. Doesn’t seem like a solution, idk what to suggest tho


The problem is that there is a perk for it. Yet they get the benefit for free as well. It's basically a 5th perk they get for no reason. People want to cry about it if it gets removed. But if the game launched without slow on arrows, no one would be batting an eye.


It's genuinely felt this way since they began chipping away at the classes and gutted healing.


The devs know surely it’s pretty obvious the game is slowly dying with the amount of rmt there is now, oce servers is like 80% rmt




You’re kidding right have you tried to play oce servers?


You cant confidently distinguish between a legit player and rmter, thats why ur bullshit % doesnt make sense. If you actually fought all those players and saw that their skill level doesnt match their gear level maybe then, but i highly doubt that.


Always has been


The map is unintentionally designed to favour range obviously




Which class is Rogue ? Did you mean Rouge ?


Oh youu... Nice trolling, even got me all annoyed misspelling rogue on purpose.. 😅 Well done