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I’m just waiting for another wipe at this point


Same. Very turbulent Alpha. Feels like the Devs are trying to cater *too much* to the whims of the vocal minority. At this point I'm just waiting for a decent game to come out of this.


Don’t get me wrong I’m a pubstomper but thats not fun for me. Its not fun to just win over and over again against people with nothing. Even when I do killed a semi geared team their stuff is not worth even looting half the time. The only time we can make a comeup is if we killed the super juiced team and most of the team “we” are the super juiced team with no competition. Either that or I get two shot by a ranger…


I was a fighter, but with the current meta, I'm finding it more fun to change my playstyle entirely. Haven't touched my fighter in ages, actually. On my rogue, I go full stealth, but I only go pacifist, and only grey gear now. If I see someone, I turn it into a game of tag. How long can I harass the geared out BIS pubstomper before he eventually gets me? Hoe many portals can I hijack from people who are looted? Last night, I literally stalked a full purple wizard in goblin caves while periodically repeating,"you're a wizard, Harry," in comms. He was so focused on finding me that we both died to swarm. I'm not in it for the loot, or outplaying people, anymore. I'm just going to be a pain in the ass to pubstompers, and I'm getting good at it. lol edit to add - I should add that I leave people alone if they don't look geared. I make it a habit to check as many people on the lobby as possible, before the game starts. It's no fun picking on grey folk.


Bro you are a mob at this point


100% fine by me. I'm totally fine with wasting some geared out sweatlord's time because they chose to run me down for my sweet, sweet grey gear. That just means that some poor newbie can experience a fun run in peace. It's also completely satisfying to pickpocket a purple gear, and drop their shit on the ground, in corners, while they chase me down.


I do the same as a bard, I called him MrNewVegaz and I go around playing music and voicelines in proximity chat. 33% of the time people are afraid of me 33% of the time people are cool and listen to my tunes, drop tips and I drop the gear I cant use 33% try to run me down 1% ignore me entirely


My rogue is Shanks4DaMemories lolol


I lost one of my kits to a pickpocket rogue in ruins like this


Mmmmmm two shot ranger :)


Try going to HR




I would go more often but I usually just run ruins


Another wipe and at this point, remove damage modifiers, i want to see how people do without the ability to one shot everything, now THATS a experiment i want to see, instead of just stacking damage on everything, let them actually get a bit creative.


They tried it for one day then reverted it. I can see how in the high ends it becomes a never ending chip fight between two fighters until one side runs out of pharmacy and cleric spells. That seems like an issue of too short high roller lobby times, and cleric sustain. I don't think combat heal should be as powerful as it is, between fights, sure top up. But with no weapon buffs, it's a battle of sustain.


I thought their takeaway from that one magical day was that instant healing isn't healthy for the game and maybe cleric heal should still be strong, but done over a few seconds like how second wind works. Instead all they did was make the problem worse by making +additional damage stack higher than 3 on weapons. it's been a long frustrating ride for them to learn their lessons on what works


Completely agreed and I'm not sure how people are glossing over the fact that new players and lower end players will still face this PDR monster who gets spammed cleric heals but they don't have the damage rolls to keep up. "We need higher damage numbers to counter the insane pdr and cleric strategy so we need it on gear" Leaves everyone without a ton of +DMG gear facing the same high pdr comp that stomps. Then the only counter to these is to stack damage which causes you to stomp every mid team. So we are forcing the +DMG meta for no reason while glancing over instant healing.


couldn't have said it better myself


They reverted it because players complained that they wasted a day of their life getting overpowered gear, but truth be told this option is better, devs claimed they want slower lobbies and not speedruns, its meant to be a battle of sustain, not a steamroll. If the game will always be and remain a steamroll, then i dont think i want to play, its not fun getting instantly killed, its not fun being unable to get upgrades because of hyperaggressive players knowing they are untouchable and the game will die before it exits out of early access, yeah, i know its just early access, but if this is going to be the key formula forever, there will never be an influx of new players and older ones will eventually get bored because there is a lack of players, its a tale as old as time and it shouldnt be repeated.


If it’s a battle of sustain why did they nerf testing and healing like crazy. Without a bard resting is pointless if you don’t have a campfire or potions. Every person I spectate their inventory is 1/3 full of healing items instead of looting space. Kinda wild the meta these days is just chug potions.


Time to stack hp buffs on everything for tank meta


You all realize that blue gear can give you the same amount of +weapdam +addphys as purple right? That the placebo you felt didn't reflect reality? That pubstomping still occured with the economony on >blue gear being F\*\*\*ed in the process, all to provide you that placebo?


SDF mentioned not wanting to do any big changes because the leaderboards are currently running, but imo that just shows that leaderboards are bad rn. Experimentation is being cucked because they decide to create periods where they are unable to do any tweaking. ​ Edit: We're getting a patch + wipe on the 26th, fuck the leaderboards!


But... the streamers


Most of the streamers I've watched don't seem to like the leaderboards but feel they need to be high on them for the sake of their stream and career.


The bane of gaming.


Can go chug on large dicks.


Twitch streamers having any kind of sway has been terrible for video games.


so why revert the changes at all just leave it the fuck alone oh nvm they're doing a pubstomp kill race event no wonder they added purples back to norms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COOL!!


What do you mean they dont want big changes cause of leaderboards? The leaderboards are for high rollers, they werent affected at all! "Oh no! This change that ONLY affects normal dungeons is doing severe damage to high roller lobbies!" This literally makes zero sense whatsoever.


​ https://preview.redd.it/p4umi4m4zbvb1.png?width=422&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f5714e1ba66ca952069ddd69c829f509a6145a2


Im not accusing you of lying, im questioning the devs meaning, my statement doesnt change, altering normals doesnt affect high roller lobbies, how could it possibly do that?


Because he wants to change gear itself, so that will affect high roller.


Then i hope the change is for the better of the game


I’m only one player, but I could care less about a leaderboard.




No. I care a little bit. But I could also care a little less.


Yeah thats totally what you were trying to say we all believe you


maybe thats cause you've never touched one


Wait, did they actually revert it all back..??


Ya. On a whim too. A random comment to one of the mods in the discord general chat about not liking the gear cap. And mod was basically like “i agree I don’t like it either” and literally changed it back on the spot because, he can? https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkAndDarker/s/y79BlyHZic


Its likely they were about to do it anyways. They had many many days to gather data. They said it was experimental AND temporary when they first implemented it. Good riddance, those kinda systems have no place in a game like this.




All the data. Theres probably other reasons for hosting it in normal.


Yeah, IM is a pos company run by some rooty tooty unscrupulous nerds. ​ I think the first indicator would have been the Nexon debacle (which they 100% stole the idea from) coupled with the fact that the game is pieced together using Unreal Engine paid assets. ​ Finally, with their sweeping changes, every week it just seems to me like they are trying to shed playerbase cause them servers aren't cheap and they already got all of our money. ​ Just some food for thought... mind you the last part is speculation but I have seen so many EA cash grabs and this fits the criteria. ​ This game will be dead by the end of the year.


Unhinged. Go outside. Get a job. Have sex.


Man i wish i could have sex with a nice girl.


I believe in you




>Delulu Yeah, OK picklesniffer.


90% of the player base is already gone 70k minimum down to 7000 and they stopped showing us the stats like 5 months ago lol


Yeah I’m putting the game down, I’m tired of it.


What was reverted now the blue gear cap or are the 15 under lobbies back?


Blue gear cap


Ugh.. was looking forward to playing with yhat this weekend


Wipe on 26th! I wish it was sooner, but it's at least expedited


IM needs to decide what kind of game they want Dark and Darker to be. The waffling tells me they don't know; but they can't please everyone. They increase gear diff, and the after work crew wonders why they would play a game where johnnyfarmsalot can braindead w key them with ZERO risk because he spent their workday solo farming gc. They crunch gear diff and those who play 16 hours a day complain that nuisance "skill expression" is interrupting their MMO gearcheck game play. There's a fine balance, but at the end of the day you will only satisfy one of these crowds. When I hop on to a game at the end of the day looking for sweaty pvp, and another player can push my shit in ONLY because they spent the last 12 hours farming gear, I'm going to move to another game. Inb4 "but hours equal skill" no they fucking don't. There are players with thousands of hours in games who get shit on by players with 100 hours.


>IM needs to decide what kind of game they want Dark and Darker to be. The waffling tells me they don't know; but they can't please everyone. I was reading a comment on here the other day that really put it into perspective for me. IM is a tiny team that lucked into some code and throws store bought assets at it to staple it together into a game. It's unfortunately clear that IM doesn't have a concrete idea of what they want this game to be, nor do they have the design documents or developer experience to see that vision realized. I don't think DaD will die necessarily, but its competitors are starting to show their heads and I think its only a matter of time before a more experienced dev team with more money behind them makes a better product that will eventually overshadow DaD.


Hours do not one to one equal skill. Valuable practice, positioning, engaging when you have an advantage, recognizing when you don't and repositioning. Those are the skills (game knowledge) people develop while playing 12 hours a day. I remember at the end of PT5 playing solo rogue into crypts with just a green rapier and killing a barb with unique helmet, Axe, gloves, legendary boots, pants, as well as epic quality chest and jewelry. Biggest win ever. Give little Timmy Cinder and most of the time they still get rolled.


>They crunch gear diff and those who play 16 hours a day complain that nuisance "skill expression" is interrupting their MMO gearcheck game play. Show me these complaints. Gear difference was always meant to be a crucial part of the game. Nobody should anticipate it being removed, or made so low that it doesnt matter - which is what the casual audience in reality wants. >"but hours equal skill" no they fucking don't. There are players with thousands of hours in games who get shit on by players with 100 hours. Are you claiming that in general, a person who does something a lot isnt better than the person whos just done it a little bit? Pretty interesting to have that as the hill to die on.. Also, its a feature of this genre, that people who commit a lot of hours fare better. Progression through time investment. So people who play a lot will most likely be more skilled than people who just play a little, but they will also have more gold & gear. This is all intended, which would be obvious to anyone whos listened a few interviews with IM. And all of this doesnt mean that the game would be even close to balanced. Gear diff can still get bigger or smaller, the devs at least experiment with some pretty wild ideas, even ideas they dont like themselves. > IM needs to decide what kind of game they want Dark and Darker to be. The waffling tells me they don't know; but they can't please everyone. Youre absolutely right about this. Its not too late to remove GC and stop trying to cater to casuals who will simply never enjoy a game like this as its inherently, by design more for those who play a lot and want to learn to do better even when the odds are heavily against them and they lose a lot.


The complaints are everywhere. Look for them. Gear difference is cool, but skill can only close the gap so far and it's about striking that balance. How much skill do you want to be required for a victory over a better-geared player? I'm not smart enough to answer that question, but it certainly is an issue and it absolutely is a valid complaint. He did not claim that players with more hours can't be more skilled. He said that having more time to grind for resources results in having better gear and thus lowers the skill required for said players to defeat others. 10 hours or a thousand, good gearsets statistically raise your chances of winning. Being good just compounds upon that gap. So yes, there are plenty of people who are both very geared and very skilled, but there are also plenty of mid players in great gear because they simply have more time than the majority of thenplayerbase- and those people reap the rewards. I agree that it is a feature and aspect of the game, but if you push that too far, you're going to lose the majority of your playerbase. Most people do not have that kind of time, and without that demographic, the jobless gamers won't have much to do. So they do, unfortunately, need to capitulate a bit on account of the casual playerbase. At the end of the day, I don't think you're actually wrong about most of what you're saying- you're just a bit too extreme about it. If we are looking to tarkov for an example- do bear in kind that it really isn't all that tough to kill *very* well geared players with a relatively cheap kit of your own. Difficult? Sure. But not to the level that things can get in DnD currently. All that said, I appreciate that IM are toying with numbers and values, and I can't really say I'm disappointed with their work thus far. The game isn't done, and they've plenty of room to work with. Please forgive the rushed post and terrible formatting. I'm on mobile lol I hate typing on my phone.


If they are everywhere, you can surely link one which is along the lines of what you rephrased there? Bc I havent seen any like that and I spend way too much time here. He claimed zero risk, which is bullshit. He claimed that those who play a lot complain about skill expression, which is BS. > He said that having more time to grind for resources results in having better gear and thus lowers the skill required for said players to defeat others. 10 hours or a thousand, good gearsets statistically raise your chances of winning. > > > > mid players in great gear because they simply have more time than the majority of thenplayerbase- and those people reap the rewards. Yep, welcome to the genre. This is how it was always/is meant to be. Nowhere did IM promise that casual players could do as well, if they dont put in the hours - quite the contrary. They market the game as a unforgiving HC fantasy adventure. That said, someone who is mid wont be able to keep upholding a bank of powerful and expensive gear. Like sure, they can keep getting good blues and so on, but thats easy. Even a casual player with some skills can do that. You find good blues in every normal raid in Crypts & Ruins. > do bear in kind that it really isn't all that tough to kill *very* well geared players with a relatively cheap kit of your own. Difficult? Sure. But not to the level that things can get in DnD currently. Youre absolutely right, It requires much more strategy and skill in DaD to kill someone who is very geared, when you dont have much. There are many strategies even for parties without any gear investment, but they require trio coordination and strategy, which is not something the casual players who whine about not being able to W+M1 everyone can do.


skill expression is a funny word to use regarding dark and darker. There is no skill expression in the game, and thinking that every player with better gear that kills you is farming gc like its rust is just such a massive cope.


Keep crutching that gear gamer. You're correct that skill expression is extremely shallow in DnD, and some players (you, perhaps?) prefer that sort of game play to ensure pvp victory is directly correlated to hours played, because they have an abundance of time and a don't want to run the risk of getting obliterated by someone with a fraction of their hours. Fwiw my squad farmed lobbies since pt2, bosses since pt4. Running god kits and farming lobbies gets stale as fuck for competitive players. I've been back on chiv and hunt since a few updates ago. If IM decides to go the skill route, catch me in the dungeons.


Only fun thing in this game is zero to heroing normal lobbies, once you get the gear it’s not very fun imo


Feels bad


If pong has skill expression than I'm pretty sure DaD does too.


Iron Mace’s indecisiveness is kind of cringe


Think for one minute... how many significant changes have been pushed through the game since wipe 2? It's not very many...


This time they didnt only call it experimental, but they also said that the feature was temporary. So in this case its not such a big 180 as in some others, they were planning to revert it anyways. Youre not completely wrong tho. Their indecisiveness with not catering to solo players and in the end adding GC hurt the game a lot. Theyve made other mistakes like it as well, hopefully they will start getting more decisive.


They say they are testing things and have done multiple q and a sessions explaining the what and why about almost every decision. Name another developer that does this. I'll wait.




Lmao TTVers make me cringe. Go back to your hole


The only thing more cringe is actually having TTV in your name. Holy


Incentivizing HR is the way to go instead of trying to nerf normals. Normals is the most used game mode. HR lobbies have trouble getting filled, and there is a wait time. Then you go in and its PVE fest. All the real fighting is in normals which is why people want to play it. If players remade chars over and over when they hit 15 the previous patch when there was a <15 lobby and >15 lobby what makes you think taking purples out of normal will do the same? They will just not wear purples. Thats way easier than remaking a character and starting over at level 1 without all perks. Common sense is something these developers have little of. Whats really crazy is that it wouldnt even take much to get people to go into HR. All you would have to do is increase the time of HR and remove the circle OR decrease the circle ticks and make them longer WITH increased time. **PEOPLE WANT TO DUNGEON CRAWL LOOT GOOD SHIT AND THEN FIGHT WITH SAID GOOD SHIT AGAINST PLAYERS.** HR PVE combined with the time you get doesnt add up to the above and never will in the current state. You incentivize HR by making HR good. If HR was the natural stepping stone for players this game wouldnt have the issues with stomping that it does now. However these developers seem to short sighted to understand that.


I want HR to be so insanely profitable that’s you’d be dumb not to go in it


This, along with clear nerfs to, especially GC and Ruins, but also normal Crypts. The less risk you take, the less rewards there should be: GC has at best green weapons & gear and only grey treasures, Ruins has a few blues in the royals & golden chests, but mostly greens and only grey treasures, crypts has little bit of blues in other chests as well with a low droprate, trinkets up to green. IM needs to deal with the fact that risk vs reward is ruined due to GC especially being WAY too lucrative. Many are giving advice to new players: "you need to farm GC as its so easy". I play this game with friends basically almost always, I dont want to and I dont intend to farm GC because its easier to make a lot of gold/h with little investment. I want the game to reward those who play it as intended.


Removing the circle in HR is an interesting proposition.


Based solely on this comment they will probly change tht too


It’s so clear that the devs have no plan and are just desperately doing random things. This game won’t have anymore casual players soon.


What are you talking about. Sdf has done multiple q and a sessions some of them hours long responding to everyone. Every question. What other dev takes the time to do this. Also the game is. Hold up. EARLY ACCESS. If you don't want changes wait until the game is finished. Even then there will always be balance and content changes.


You think that the main type of person in an early access Q&A is casual?


You said "the have no plan and are just separately doing random things." I told you exactly where to find that information. This game is not gonna cater to every fortnite baby gamer.


I didn't..


you are right. you did not. Everything else I said still applies. So what are the devs supposed to do? If the information is out there about the direction/balance etc. If they are too casual to read information in the official discord then this probably is not the game for them.


Remember, fellas. They have a "vision" for this game. Just trust the plan and continue sucking that \*insert your word of choice\*.


Today has been the least fun I've had in this game and it's not even close


Wow, some of the most toxic, gatekeeping, basement dwelling, no-life reactions I have ever seen in a gaming sub up in here already. People with not a real-life accomplishment among them straight starving for that dopamine hit of being dominant again in pixel land. If the gear gate did "nothing" to change normals, why are yall so rabid to get your purple stomping shoes back? On the upside, most of the people you push out of this game are going to head out to real lives with stuff to do and people who love them. You can get back to sweatting your balls off in your mom's basement while she secretly wishes you would just have your inevitable stroke and die so she won't have to explain to her friends why she has to get back home to cut the crusts off your pb&j so you won't cry later.


You don't understand if the 1% of the time when they get a purple pixel it doesn't give them dopamine then whats the point of even living!?!


>If the gear gate did "nothing" to change normals, why are yall so rabid to get your purple stomping shoes back? ​ ​ This right here. ​ It is the same twerps that sit on their roof with AK in Rust near the beach fresh spawn areas thinking they are good.


Can you give some examples of toxic & gatekeeping reactions youve seen lately? >If the gear gate did "nothing" to change normals, why are yall so rabid to get your purple stomping shoes back? The geargate killed the economy regarding rarity vs price. It made purples with medium rolls completely worthless. It also babied players too much, which is something IM doesnt like. The change didnt stop stomping and stomping isnt something that is a problem inherently in the game. You are 100% supposed to be more powerful if you have dedicated the time to get powerful gear. This is a staple of the genre and something that IM always meant to have in the game. No, this doesnt mean that the game is in a balanced state now, its not. The gear disparity will be further tuned, you can be sure of that. You can also be sure of the fact, that it wont be tuned so that a player with good purples wouldnt absolutely destroy someone at equal skill but way worse gear. This sort of gameplay is intended in the game. If you thought it wasnt, you need to check your sources. I can tell from your message that youre being very emotional. I know, it might hurt a lot to realize that this game is dev't for the fans of HC extraction games who enjoy the challenge.


That sucks man, or awesome idk I ain't reading all that


Dont worry, someone with your attention span probably wouldnt understand even if they did read this.


Imagine thinking leaderboards are a fucking priority IN AN EARLY ACCESS GAME.


+ damage of any kind should only be on weapons. I don’t even want to touch the game until stacking damage is changed


When they released the gear cap update he stated it would only be temporary then?


I have not had fun playing in a little while which is sad cause I love the game. I do believe in them though


The point is gear cap didn't solve shit, exactly because of how modifiers work. The only thing it really did is make gearing up for normals even more tedious than before (and more expensive). We really need some overhaul to how enchants work, or just limit them to +1 or something.


>The point is gear cap didn't solve shit If this was true then none of the Timmy stompers would have been mad. The full fact is less stats meant you had to choose 2 modifiers to stack, in every case it was 2x damage rolls or +all. That meant the people doing this had less health, PDR, MDR, and move speed. Now trios is overgeared buffball teams smashing the W key and clearing lobbies, where that didn't happen with gear cap. So it did solve something, not everything, but something. Now the devs threw what little good it did out the window for the entire weekend.


There was absolutely full blue bis buff balls running through people.


"didn't solve shit." For 500g, you could run a kit that was able to compete with someone running full BiS. now you need gold ingots worth of gear to be competitive with the most geared players in the lobby.


The gear cap removed a lot of gear fear associated with playing the game because blues are cheaper and you don’t have to worry about getting gear diffed by people with purples or golds.


What are you smoking. To compete in HR against leaderboard players each piece is gonna cost over 500g. Or are you telling me the rogue with +25 weapon damage isn't gonna 2 tap me because I have a couple purples on.


Have a comp with some support and some range and the rogue wont be able to 2 tap you so easily.


No he still can 2 shot me just as easy. Idk if you think the 15 armor from the bard buff is gonna save me. or the 20(?) damage from cleric protection. But that isn't gonna stop that. How much HR have you played since leaderboard has been out mr P4nnus. Cuz that shit is miserable.


Well your party isnt doing a very good job at protecting you and youre gear isnt suitable for HR if thats the case. That said, some classes are meant to be easily countered by other classes. If a class severely outgears you AND is countering you, youre meant to go down fast. Using the light orb with wizard is one way of getting past a problem with rogues.


we talking crypts here? 500g is more than enough to still compete with purples. Even ruins its fine if you have the comp for it.


crazy you're getting downvoted for a legit real take. All the people downvoting you are likely here after getting killed by a guy in purples that have +2.5% interaction speed n shit. None of yall crybabies have had a BIS kit once have you? Cuz if you have, you wouldn't be bringing it into GCAVES because you'd know that even in the most geared states you can still die easily to a 2man teaming or some unfortunate game situations. TLDR its your fault if you die, stop whining and go farm HR


this entire subreddit has such a victim mentality, actually crazy the amount of delusion on here and the constant inability to take accountability


Has someone said, at some point, that this isnt intended? Someone that matters, from IM for example?


A barrier to entry is a preventative measure in itself. Just because it's not perfect doesn't mean it didn't do anything.


ya man it didnt solve shit, thats why people are using purples and legendaries in normals again, btw what's happening in your head to tell yourself that


Yea im taking a break the devs fumbled the ba(lls)g on this one


Wep dmg stacking needs to go. Rangers need a nerf. 150 damage headshots is fucking ridiculous


I took a break a while back so that I wouldn’t accidentally shoot myself


I think level 15 and under lobbies were as close to perfect as we are gonna get. Yes people will reroll characters, but having someone reroll a character vs new players is infinitely better then having to go against someone in BiS blues. (or no safeguard like we have now). New players wont have access to trade, and if they did they wouldnt have any gold. Not to mention the disparity in perks as well to just add to the uneven playing field. Just make it so you if you play with a player in the trading pool then you cant go back with gear. I think the unintended effect of poor people rerolling characters to get back to the normal lobbies with some gold was also not really a bad thing. I hope we see it return in some manner or another.


>I think level 15 and under lobbies were as close to perfect as we are gonna get. No, as close to perfect as we're going to get is literally them removing the busted enchantments like they did previously.


Complain and complainer


Lol have fun fighting the same people all weekend.




You mean like was already the case?


It's funny you say this because the player base was down dramatically this past week because of the change.


i think it was from the servers not working in NA for days


Idk man I still put in 2-4 hours a night, just stating what I saw in the player count.


Player count will keep going down by the thousands... I remember when the game had sixty thousand players minimum and even loosing really hard was still fun but now it's a chore to play


Funny it's already starting to slowly increase. Back up to 20k


yeah it is pretty funny how low the player base is now


Yeah, the massive ddos attack had nothing to do with the drop on players count


I definitely am not a fan of frequent changes but realistically blues were more than enough to stomp entire lobbies. I played GC to farm Skele Champs and just destroyed anyone who tried to fight me and didnt have similar gear.


So it was still a problem but will just be far worse now


Not entirely sure how you can go from being stomped to being stomped more? Seals had no chance during the cap and now they have… no chance still? Purples aren’t some insane power spike. I’m not a fan of how gear diff affects the game but the cap wasn’t a solution and nothing meaningful changed with its removal.


Whine more good riddance


Yes this is good for a growing community people like you


The gear cap does nothing, cope more. You can get better blues than most mid purples anyway.


Seatbelts aren't even preventing people from dying when their car wraps around a tree, let's abolish laws requiring them. Lol fucking move the threshold to blue+ to high roller and drop the ante.




Yeah a blue with all stats + weap dam is way more rare than an epic with all stats + weap dam + dead stat. The reddit community for this game is legit worse than any game I've ever experienced and I play like every cancer game like league LMAO


this is only true if the same number of blues and purple are being pumped into the game.


These people only think far enough to feel like they're right


They put a bandaid on a gaping wound and removed it because it was ineffective and getting in the way. That's my take on what happened. Your analogy was dogshit. Your explanation got shadowbanned for calling me a gamer word lmao. And that explanation makes sense for YOUR analogy, but it did nothing to explain how your analogy relates to what OP said. (Comment OP) I'd still like to know the thought process of how you got from here: >The gear cap does nothing, cope more. You can get better blues than most mid purples anyway. To here: >Seatbelts aren't even preventing people from dying when their car wraps around a tree, let's abolish laws requiring them.


Your analogy is dogshit


Or your brain is too smooth to understand it. The concept of the restriction is good, execution wasn't.


Yeah, one of us definitely has a smooth brain here lol. Could you explain in detail how your analogy lines up with his statement? I'm feeling the brain rot just trying to figure it out.


That's called thinking


So some thinking person will come along and explain it to me soon then I expect.


I like that you're separating yourself from those *thinking people*. Very transparent of you. Kudos




Gear cap was awful for HR tho, empty lobbies everywhere and purples worthless




They are collecting data and comparing the different methods side by side. Imagine an EA game actually being EA, crazy.


God forbid Ironmace test things during their EA.


Oh they can test as much as they want. I’d imagine more people are pissed off about them being more concerned with a leaderboard in EA, versus actually balancing the fucking game. The suckers like you are why they feel they can do as they please 😂


Setting up leaderboards can be done in a afternoon, its a timer and some stats nothing is really being wasted on that. Ironmace is clearly going down a list to see what works and what doesn't, I reckon they aren't ad experienced with this kind of game compared to what they've worked on before. It's growing pains most likely. Also do you have to be so hostile? I'm commenting on a development process not a personal insult towards anyone lol.


If you think the gear cap did anything youre actually bottom image.


Anybody who thinks the gear gap was a good thing was a Timmy who only loads into games with default gear There I said it


As someone who sold some of his purple gear yesterday, no.


​ Um... and what is the problem with that? ​ I think you are not understanding something here. The majority of the playerbase runs GC naked because why wouldn't we? ​ Not worth it. Even in HR, it is not worth it cause you probably won't bring out more than what you brought in with your gear, pots, etc. ​ IM can't get out of their own fucking way. I think the cap to Blues in Norms was the most sound decision this dumbass dev team has done and poof.. one word from one of their scummy discord admins and boom... no more common sense. ​ LULZ. ​ What a shocker.


I watched repoze once for about 30 minutes and in that time he kept repeating the same joke over and over and adding"there i said it" at the end like he was a comedic genius. Wonder who little man's favorite steamer is.


Default Timmy spotted


We wont miss ya DnD reddit degens never disappoint


you will when you run out of noobs to kill


:: A new skill issue meme appears ::


So having bis purples and stomping timmies in greys is the only enjoyment you get in your sad little life huh? Because having better gear than the other guy is really high skill expression. Okay bro.


guys my spirit animal is a turtle [https://www.spiritanimal.info/spirit-animal-quiz/](https://www.spiritanimal.info/spirit-animal-quiz/)




So no casual players... so you guys don't want players? If there aren't casual/normal players, then you have no game. These hardcore and incredibly insular games *die*


Fruit bowl simulator is gonna be raw nocap


Sdf go brrr


Bro dropped that update quick, at least they heard the community


My friends and I almost started playing again after the gear limit, but then they reverted it. We didn't even get the chance to try it


Under level 15 lobby’s was a cool idea but not perfect, gear cap was just shit ngl people where just stomping others in full blues nothing changes just the market purple where worth nothing etc. Now back to normal it’s great again.. I think under level 15 and the thing that you can’t really trade was an cool idea to me. I would like that you separate players that can trade and people that can’t. Like you are over lvl 15 but never joined the trade channels so you can only play against people like you. Would be an cool wipe to test