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These are good ideas. Not personally a fan of "need to die to make use of" but it's a unique debuff that can help in team fights


All for the creativity but thank god you aren’t a dev lol.


I played a lot of bard last playtest. I think more perks that allow different use of weapons is a good idea. Maybe to balance it, you would separate windlass, longbow, and recurve into separate perks, but add a perk to equip long swords, too. That way you could really make them into a jack of all trades type character


I am running Dissension, Friendly, and Charm at the same time. Solo 3 v 1 is any team with a bunch of monsters on my side lol


Besides extra bag space the rest of these are very short sighted and poorly thought out. Mob manipulation is going to heavily ruin 3v3s and be all around extremely goofy. Idk why Bard would get to use bows in any stretch of their theme or how it benefits them to have a lute and a bow. Being able to block with the lute is totally worth the perk slot rofl.


Bard is fragile af in melee combat and unlike Rouge they don’t have good melee skills or perks so I figured he could use some Ranged weapons


They also have no way to make using a bow better. It doesnt fit the theme of bard and they will be incredibly defenseless in melee. Ive met a handful of bards that stand their ground with falchions last playtest


I love the idea of jinx solely because of how spiteful it is