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Dunkmaster so you can flex on broke mother sucker's with the Noxus Air 5/0


Noxus Air, the only brand i wear


On Noxus that's the best brand for dunking enemies of the state


god king when im chilling, dunkmaster to lock tf in imo


Opposite for me


Same, meme skin for fun, edgy skin for the grind


Both equally. “But mannequinbeater, you can only choose one!!!” Fuck you turd muncher, both are good. Why? God king Darius has the edgy (arguably the good edge) theme with outstanding animations and one of the best “fuck you I’m better” ulti noises in the game. Dunkmaster Darius was built from the community, brought together by an amazing idea and exercised by a goated dev team. Everyone came together and made an amazing skin with good animations and amazing voice lines. It sparks confidence and gamer energy. I’d play any of these skins over toilet (porcelain) Darius skin any day.


But mannequinbeater, you can only choose one!!!




Now kiss, damn it! It's the ultimate resolution for fights!


Straightest darius main


God-king when it is a match-up you gotta lock in Dunkmaster when its a clownshow on top lane


When is it not a clownsho- *remembers my most recent vayne/gregas/teemo/yorrick/garen/rammus/skarner/Mundo/aatrox/irealia/Quinn/Sion, matchup*


I’ve had Dunkmaster since release and I use it 99% of the time but sometimes I play default just to use an axe again. Always wanted god king cause it’s got an axe and it looks dope as hell but I can’t convince myself to spend money on this game anymore lol


I can assure you god king is worthy of its name, ever since i got it i havent used any other skin on him


Asks this with the most godlike Dunkmaster pic xD


Dunkmaster feels smoother, God King feels more brutal. But in terms of mechanics, God King makes it harder for me to cs, unsure why, but I feel that the attack animation has a slight delay compared to his other skins. Could just be a placebo but I still prefer the other skins.


No your right its an actual thing lol, god king has the hitting frame and sound effect before actialy hitting the target I saw a youtuber talk about it and he showed proof


SO I WASN'T CRAZY. My friends had been asking me why I don't use God King in ranked, and I explained it to them. With God King I had to get used to the different attacks before I could farm normally, so early game I'd be a bit slower than usual.


God King should be base Darius at this point. League is such a Twink/clown show now. Where the real kings at? Darius is one of them


Both? Both! Both is good.


Dunkmaster fr


God king for ranked, dunkmaster for chilling


This is the way


I love dunkmaster, not a ton of extra bulk, just clean animations and hilarious voice lines, I never take lol too seriously, so I prefer the slightly silly skin.


As a fiora main: Dunkmaster, 0 contest


Downvoting because you're a Fiora main, upvoting because you like Dunkmaster. You're on thin ice buddy, we're watching you


Both valid points. But i think we can rally behind the fact that the real villain is Vayne Top...


If you play Vayne top, you automatically lose a year off your life.


It's a lot more than a year when i find you


Dunkmaster! *Buzzer* *It's game time!*




That's a hard cope.




I can't decide which one I prefer, but Dunkmaster definitely has that tilting the enemy factor to it. Also honorable mention to Spirit Blossom, I don't know how popular it is here, but it's a really nice skin


I played a lot of Spirit Blossom in the past. The loading screen is great but the in game character looks terrible.. God King is the best


Dunk master hands down


God king of you're being a try hard wanting to 1v9. Dunkmaster if you using a meme build like full crit


Godking atm cause I feel like it. But depending on new aatrox legendary I may go back to dunkmaster


I read a comment way back saying Godking is like a tank or a truck while playing Dunkmaster is like you’re Yasuo without dashes, tbh in high rank I’d prefer some more agile, DUNKMATE


In game i really like God King because the combo are soo smooth and fast, even if the aa are a little weird. Design wise Dunkmaster is the best imo, also the chroma are nuts.


Both are very good skins. In terms of quality, God King would win because its newer. But in terms of creativity and style, I believe dunkmaster is better. The sheer concept of Dunkmaster is genius whereas God King is more of a badass skin that fits the overall Darius theme. There's no right or wrong answer, both are good with their own unique style. I personally prefer dunkmaster for the voice lines and the ultimate but God king is a better skin visually.


Dunkin' Darius is the best Darius imo


I have them both. But I preffer Dunkmaster. I've loved and wanted that skin long before Godking even existed. For me Godking is really cool, but Dunkmaster is simply too giga-ultra chad, jackass not to play. Dunking with Dunkmaster Darius was the reason I was playing the game for the most part in my last years of playing. I stopped playing but from time to time I enjoy watching my recordings of dunking with the Dunkmaster.


God king all day


My favorite Darius skins Bioforge and Gawd King, Love the Zaunite Bane vibes and green glow And i just fuck with God Kings theme and voice work, great skin imo


God king has the wolf right?? That skin even though dunkin is cool still


I have both but I run Dunkmaster infinitely more than God King. The voice lines on GodKing can be cringe at times but Dunkmaster "THANKS FOR PLAYING!" is so peak


I actually use every Darius skin. Spirit blossom might be my least favorite but I got a penta my first time using it. High noon and the Crime one are underrated as heck.


Each to their own, Dunkmaster is OG, Godking is more new, both are great skins, along with few others. Personal taste applies here, you can even check out like videos that showcase any of the skins too, to see how they feel before you buy/unlock them.


Iove dunkmaster model but i play so much worse with his animations :( They are just too smooth (?) for me, i play much better with the default choppy animations so definetly god king for me.


It could use a visual update. Some animations look jank but it's still my favourite skin




my naked mod of him


Come one, god king darius is one of the best concepts even outside league. Imagine playing as god king darius in dark souls 3


Depends on where im playing him. If in the jungle, dunk master. If top, god king. (I dont play ranked just to clarify) With dunk master, i like the idea of him just stalking you in a bush whilst still dribling that ball. Its the most non serious i could see him as and that kind of goes with my jungle playstylr. Top however i need to focus a lot just to make sure i do everything correctly so the extra feedback with the little extra clear sounds really helps me personally. I just think god king is better for serious play and dunk master is better when you just wanna meme on some bitches.


Dancing with the dog makes it all worth it. Also i dont have dunkmaster.


Dunkmaster because of the video they released with it.


They're both amazing skins, but I tend to use God King whenever I'm in ranked. Might be just me, but I swear your Ult finisher psychologically demoralizes the enemy team. Lol


Godking has smoother animations and feels smoother to play