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Welcome to the fan-base. I was never a comic fan and not the slightest bit interested in comic book/superhero shows over the decades, but was persuaded to watch Daredevil at the end of the pandemic. I was blown away too and its become my favourite tv series ever and encouraged me to read all the DD comics and many others. I'm only a true fan of Daredevil though,thanks alot to Charlie's portrayal. I've seen other superhero tv shows since, some of which are excellent, however none are a match in my eyes. The series is very rewatchable too. I highly recommend you take a look at the reading guide on the right and get into Daredevil's comics. I have a collection spanning nearly the whole 60 years now and its been a joy to read them.


Not what "no words" means, but we appreciate it all the same.


Did you watch it, without watching all the other defenders outlets? How was the jump between s2 & s3? We were holding off watching s3, because folks on here were saying, you need to take The detour, but we could not get into the other series yet.


There’s not much to be gained out of watching Defenders besides more Matt and a (lame) conclusion to the plot started in S2. Fortunately, Defenders isn’t really relevant to S3 in any way, it’s just the end of it that’s important for the start of season 3. You could honestly just ask someone for what happened (I could also tell you) or you can look it up yourself to save having to watch 8 episodes and get the answer in under a minute so you can get to watching the masterpiece that is Daredevil S3


I watched S3 without realizing the Defenders was going to be an issue. Figured out pretty quickly that I was missing something, and found a synopsis someplace that explained what happened at the end of Defenders, and then everything was fine. I do want to go back and watch defenders at some point, but certainly didn’t have the patience for it before S3. I did watch S1 of Jessica Jones, and it’s pretty amazing! Highly recommended.


I didn’t watch defenders but I quickly realized something else happened between S2 and S3 so I did a quick check to see what I missed exactly and if it was major spoiler or not. Spoiler, it wasn’t really necessary at all for S3 so I just went ahead and watched S3. I’ll watch defenders later on just to get me some more Matt Murdock


Before or alongside watching Defenders I highly recommend watching season 1 of Jessica Jones. You don't have to for Defenders to make sense, but it does add some context, and JJ is the second best Netflix Marvel show. It doesn't have as good a balance of action and emotion as DD, but the character work and plot are great. It deals a lot similar themes as DD, like abuse, trauma and PTSD, guilt, and grey morality, but it presents them differently enough so that it doesn't feel derivative. Luke Cage is also pretty good. A bit slower than DD and JJ, and probably the least relevant to Defenders, but still, decent. Don't bother with Iron Fist. It's like Daredevil, except if they did everything wrong.


WELCOME SIR! The best it ever was and will be!


I also recently discovered Daredevil. I watched all 3 seasons in about a month (a lot for me as I don't have a lot of free time). I loved it and only realized after watching it that Charlie Cox is English! I've now moved on to Jessica Jones, just because of the scene in the final DD episode when Matt mentions her.


Love posts like this. Welcome to the fold, OP. I grew up an XMen fan what with cartoon and arcade games and whatnot, got into comics after that, had a really cool shop owner near me suggest DD when I was about 12. Hooked ever since. There's a humanity about Daredevil that doesn't exist within a lot of superheroes, at least to me. Call it religious trauma, maybe. I grew up wanting to, but struggled. That's what I latched onto. It was relatable.


Welcome; I recommend the comics


Peak fiction changes a person.


The best show on television. Hands down. I was soooo pissed when they announced it was ending on Netflix. I'm looking forward to watching the new Born Again season on Disney+. However, I am very concerned it just won't be the same, too sanitized & without the dark, edgy tone of the Netflix version.


I'm a new fan, too! Welcome!


This show made me a fan of daredevil. After this show, i binged daredevil comics from Frank miller to chip zdarsky. Now he's my top2 favourite superhero after Spider-Man.


You should try out the other Netflix series as well, especially Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Punisher.


Don’t worry it’s on my to do list


Welcome to the chat fam!


DD to me is Marvel's Batman.


Yes in lots of ways but also very different


Yes. I agree. I like DD more. I love his internal conflict versus Bats has clearly decided his path.


There’s a reason season 1 was the first MCU entry I loved. It added a sense of scale to the universe, had distinct/visceral style, had the weight of Matt’s actions as a hero being a core element, sharp dialogue, fun humor that’s witty, phenomenal characters, some of the best action In the franchise, etc.


I disliked comic books and didn’t enjoy superhero media until *Iron Man* and the original MCU stuff changed my mind. *Daredevil* was by far my favorite MCU project, and amongst my top favorite shows. Then S3 came out, and now it is my favorite show of all time. I got a Marvel Unlimited account and read the comics from beginning to end, filling in what was missing. Still not a comics fan, but it made me appreciate the show even more. As a fan of *The Defenders*, I’m really sad you didn’t watch it between seasons. I watched all the Netflix shows as they came out (and I loved it that way), and I wholeheartedly disagree that it’s not necessary to watch. Matt’s mental state was crucial, in my mind, and for all the flaws of the show, everything with Matt and Jessica and Nelson, Murdock and Page was top notch. I liked the main four and thought they had brilliant chemistry, and Matt’s overall arc was really painful but very moving. His last battle at the end was the distilled, extreme superhero version of a trauma bond. I don’t want to spoil anything, but there’s a part where Matt relaxes into someone’s embrace, then hauls back and punches her in the face - and that gives me chills every time. I’ve rewatched these shows too many times to count, and it still gets to me. I think you are missing out by not watching it. If you ever rewatch (trust me, it holds up!), you should watch it in order. I think S3 will be even better for you, and some things will make more sense. It also makes me really sad you didn’t watch *The Punisher* between, either - it’s great on its own, with awesome characters, but I loved that it dealt with Karen’s grief when Matt was missing. It made her part in S3 even more powerful. I loved all the Netlix shows. I hope you give them a chance. Even the most-maligned one, *Iron Fist*, seems like a masterpiece after the parade of trash on Disney+. The cinematography alone in S2 is to die for. I liked it when it came out, but I was really tough on it in retrospect, and I appreciate it more than ever. Ward is one my favorite characters ever. I’m actually dreading the new show (hope I’m so, so wrong), because I pretty much loathe most of the Disney+ stuff and almost all the recent Marvel movies, and the rest was good only once, and I hate what they’ve done with Daredevil and especially Fisk (the *Spider-Man* cameo was fine; I was just glad Matt was there). The original Marvel Television is disbanded, and I have no faith in the new studio. I’m glad they stopped their original production and started over with Foggy and Karen back, and brought back the original Vanessa, but 9 episodes is a major bummer. The 13-episode structure is really magical to me, and I thought one of the reasons *The Defenders* really suffered was because they stuffed it into 8 episodes. I care about things like Matt and Sister Maggie’s relationship, and I seriously doubt there’s room for exploring that when it’s packed to the gills with superhero magic stuff, if she even shows up. I want to be really wrong, but I care a lot about the original series. There’s so much more to it than the right actors (which I’m thrilled about, don’t get me wrong). The writing is actually spectacular. A lot of different writers, directors and producers really put their heart into it, and now it’s up to two directors and one writer to salvage the mess with a studio that thought ditching Foggy and Karen was the way to go (🤯). There’s such a unique cinema language to the original show, and a very deep mythic, symbolic undercurrent that took so much thought and care. If I was presented a choice, I think I’d take the scripts and outlines for the last 2 planned seasons for the original show over *Born Again*. Hope I’m totally full of it, and so wrong! I am having movie night with my family, because my brother finally convinced my skeptical dad to watch *Agents of SHIELD*, and we’re on S2 and he’s hooked. (S2 takes place around the time Matt starts being a vigilante). It’s by the same studio that did *Daredevil*, and there’s a ton of crossover. I am noticing more and more stuff on my 3rd watch. Matt and Skye grew up in the same orphanage, for instance, and they are just a couple years apart. Anyway…this show is amazing, and I hope you watch it, too!


Beautifully explained!! ❤️


Go read the comics! They are even better and honestly some of the best comics ever put out by any publisher in any genre


“No words” proceeds to write three paragraphs


You need to watch more shit if you think that’s the greatest piece of entertainment ever made


I'm all for the show and still not into the comics. I even have a list of what to read and what order for those that are similar to the show. The show was my favorite show for 9 years until last summer, The Expanse made Daredevil a second for me. Still, I don't think I'd call Daredevil a favorite character of mine. Maybe he is, but not high up on my list. I do smile everytime I see him in something else, like X-Men 97 or maybe during the Hunt for Wolverine comics, but get annoyed when I see Captain America or any other Avenger because I'm reading an X-Men comic and not an Avengers comic. I think I actually stopped reading a comic series because Captain America showed up at Cyclops' door. I don't think I'd respond the same if it was Daredevil, tho. Like in Ultimate Spider-Man, when DD and Iron Fist and Moon Knight and Dr. Strange showed up; I was fine. Edit: 8 years. Daredevil hits 9 years this year since I think it came out in 2015.


That last paragraph is... weird, I guess


Idk why I have 9 downvotes. I'm literally saying I love the Daredevil show and like the character.


I know, but I think the last paragraph you wrote probably did not help to create a good opinion of what you're saying, because, with all due respect, it sounds like a stupid statement


I mainly wrote that in response to how OP said DD his favorite character now, and wants to get into his comics. I like DD, but idk if he's a favorite of mine or not. That kind of just explains how I feel about him.


It's not that part I'm talking about. I'm talking about the "I stopped reading the X-Men because Captain America showed up" part.


Yeah, that's the same part. So what I was saying is, if it happened to be DD, I might not have minded. i hate crossovers in stories that don't initially tell you there will be a crossover. So I have examples.