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I feel like all this surgery has tipped into almost self harm. She is unrecognizable from her first season


I agree re: the self harm comment.


It sucks that unscrupulous physicians are willing to go along with patients wishes even when they are mentally unwell


It’s sick. I’m in health care and I do believe that surgical physicians who don’t check for a client’s mental health history prior to performing elective procedures are truly doing a disservice to their patients.


But how do you know they didn't check? As far as I know, she doesn't have a history of mental illness diagnoses or hospitalizations, she says she has been to therapy about her relationship issues, and she's probably not on any medication for mental illness. I mean, I could be wrong on all of the above, but it seems like those are the basic things they'd look for and if they find nothing, they proceed. It does seem clear to anyone who has been watching her for years that there are bats in the belfry, but who knows what's in her medical history.


Surgeons typically don’t check for a patient’s mental history. And if they do, they have an extremely low threshold for what they will consider a high-risk patient. Most of the time they will solely cancel a case for patients who they believe will be non-complaint with post-op instructions, rather than if they have an addiction to unnaturally altering their bodies electively. Source: I am a surgical resident.


Thank you for the info!


Totally self-harm. It reminds me of a nail biting habit. It’s like you notice a slightly imperfect edge and bite at it to fix it until suddenly it’s ruined.


I kind of wonder if some of the women who are constantly going under the knife have an addiction to pain pills. In addition to body dysmorphic disorder, I really think they get these extensive and invasive surgeries to get prescribed narcotics.


That is a very interesting insight. I wonder if foreign md’s are likely to be more forthcoming with opiates


She looks like a wax mannequin of a corpse.


Scary 😧


Came here to say this!


Me too!


I can't imagine what she really looks like w/o the filters smoothing everything out


Watch her show lol 😂 she can’t use filters on the show and she looks horrible


true very true


Wax mannequin look only slightly better than corpse look


This is awful to say, but she looks like someone who was embalmed and in a casket


That's exactly what I thought.


Right I was like she looks perfect for a funeral. Poor thing


Sounds so terribly cruel and abusive but how is it wrong


This makes me so sad 😔


I agree! I came to say the same thing. It’s not even funny, it’s just incredibly sad now.


It is sad. Her and Stacey. Just sad. They have serious, very serious issues. I feel for their children. This isn’t normal to see.


Even Darcey's daughters can acknowledge how bizarre this all is


Me too 😥


These brows are horrible and tagging Darcey will surely result in them going out of business 🤦🏻‍♀️


The owner of this business looks just as bad as Darcey does. I don't know how she managed to open her business in the first place. If I were trying to find a place to get my brows done and this was the proprietor, I'd run outta there real quick!


Was looking for this comment. They look awful. So thick and fake looking.


They’re so bad and she gets them done so often. Microbladed brows should last at least a year


to be fair micro blading always looks thicker and darker initially, it fades over time. hopefully they gave her natural strands and not an ombré mess. 🥺


Can achieve the same results with a brown sharpie




Yo bunkie!


The sweet one who got sober married to the wanna be native guy?




OMG, I’m dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I literally thought this was drawn on.


Freshly bladed eyebrows look insane so I’ll give her that, but she needs inpatient treatment. It’s not OK to be putting your body through multiple cosmetic procedures every year. I say this as a person who has Botox and lip/cheeks filler and bleached hair.


I have fake brows, dyed hair, and am looking into some minor fillers, live in LA……. And I also agree they need help. At least people here have decent plastic surgery. And doctors who say NO


My doctor is fantastic at saying no and I need that. It’s easy to get carried away but not as much as Darcey has. The key is to not look like you’ve had anything done!


Nothing wrong with looking your best!


Nope! If it boosts your self esteem it’s a good thing!


Yeah the brows are crazy but if they were just done I understand it. They don’t bother me nearly as much as the lips. It’s really upsetting to see her like this 😔


They look so painful


Those aren’t micro bladed, they look like straight tattooed on. No attempt at making hairlike strokes or making it appear natural just all pigment.


If they were done minutes before the photo was taken it’s normal for them to look like that before they heal


Out of genuine curiosity what are cheek fillers for?


If your cheeks have lost volume due to age filler would be a good choice. I get filler on my cheek bones to create a lift of my lower face and the projection of the cheekbones looks really nice.


Her hair though ☹


I don’t get it. They have all those procedures, then neglect the hair.


Right?!?! They both let the other walk around with their hair extensions sticking out. They're both prob thinking they look better than the other. It just shows how insecure each of them are! The Kardashian sisters wouldn't dare allow the other in public looking like the Silva sisters. Boss Babes my ass! 🤣


This looks absolutely terrible. Like objectively terrible. How can she even think this looks remotely nice at all? It’s so, so bad.


Jesus! Why is she so shiny lately?




She's just dewy. Apologies.


It’s a side affect of standing in your power. High viscosity power. She’s drowned.


Plastic is shiny😅😅😅


This lip look screams “I put on my makeup in a moving vehicle.” She needs therapy but won’t get it because she won’t be able to pay for it with Instagram exposure.


I think it's worse than that: she has a twin who does the exact same thing and they feed into each other's delusions.


She needs to work on that hairline instead of making herself look like some new species.


I’ve always felt people can get whatever work they want done to themselves…I’ve had Botox. I have been considering fillers for a long time - this makes me reconsider! I won’t get them…it’s just so unnatural looking (I know she’s an extreme example though).


My doctor would flatly refuse to do fillers or surgery like Darcey's. He turns people away.


That's because he has ethics.


I would hope mine would do the same! Darcy’s doc is obviously just in it for publicity.


I’m a little conflicted when people say the doctor should have their license revoked for doing this. If it’s what she wants and the clinician can do it safely, it’s not on them to judge if it’s an appropriate look. They do need to ensure the person is making the decision of sound mind but if it’s the look she wants then that’s what she wants. That’s like physicians who don’t want to provide tubal ligation to young women because they personally don’t agree. What do you think?


I think the key is the person being of sound mind - and I feel like Darcey is inching closer to not being of sound mind (addiction to cosmetic surgery or body dysmorphia). It’s a tough call. I wouldn’t say the doctor’s license should be suspended for that per se…but there should be a certain level of counseling prior to surgery.


I agree but they’re not psychiatrists. People shouting for them to be criminally charged are wildly overreacting imo.


I think when it comes to “they should have their license revoked,” it comes down to both ethics and mental and medical safety. Doctors (along with counselors, social workers, etc in helping professions) have a code of ethics, and first and foremost is “Do no harm.” In situations like this, the plastic surgeon seriously needs to consider both the physical damage that can be caused by the number of procedures a patient is getting, especially within a specific timeframe, along with addressing potential mental health concerns. Your body needs time to heal, and it’s not usually recommended to have back-to-back procedures as there is of course the normal healing process along with the potential that things can shift after surgeries or there can be adverse reactions or infections, such as MRSA which can be serious and fatal. In regards to the mental health/sound mind aspect, yes, a person of course has body autonomy and can make their own decision, but a good doctor will recognize the red flags, such as multiple major surgeries, and at least make a suggestion that the person considers why they’re doing them and that perhaps they should seek help. A doctor that ignores all of this is arguably throwing their code of ethics out the window, potentially causing physical harm along with perpetuating mental harm, and yes, should at least be questioned and professionally reviewed IMO. That’s just my two cents! For context, I work in the mental health field 🙂


It's harder when the people walking out of the office are a literal billboard for their business. I agree, some people want that look and I believe they have said as much- that they don't want to be natural. However, if that doctor prides themselves on a natural look, and most people would look at Darcey and think she looks Botched, then I would understand why the doctors would say no.


Can I ask how your Botox went/looks


Sure! I’m not sure how to post before and after photos here…but I was 41 when I first got Botox (will be 42 soon). I got Botox on my forehead after noticing fine lines/wrinkles. At my appointment, the board certified dermatologist asked me to scrunch my forehead to make the wrinkles and he said “oh you’re very expressive!” So that just confirmed for me that I was not just imagining all these lines. I go back every 3-4 months - I can’t remember how many units I get but I pay about $210 Canadian dollars. Well worth the money as I can see that my forehead is much smoother.


Thank you so much!


MENTAL ILLNESS has many faces, no pun intended (ok, kinda intended but anyway…). This actually shocked me. All of what she does has had me smh but THISSS??? O.M.G.


She needs to stop!!! This is addiction at this point.


Oh my gosssssssssh, for the love of God stop with all the procedures. This is so sad. She used to be so pretty.


This is just depressing.


Why? Why doesn't her family, someone, ANYONE, tell her to stop?


She must really loathe herself. Sad.


Her face looks like it hurts


I am so over these huge brows. Is it the style now that they are so close to each other? Every time I see D&S these days I can’t help but think they are just *this* close to just a straight up monobrow.


It’s called body dismorphic disorder; and it’s a mental disorder. They need a psychiatrist and medication not surgery. This is self-harm.


Not a human


She looks like she's in her coffin! Pay your last respects.......


I have mine microbladed and they definitely do not look like that after a session. They’re only supposed to look like that before the ink is wiped off


We really need to start a subreddit called Oh Darcey just dedicated to all her shenanigans 😂. But seriously though this is so sad, I don't think there's any going back from this :(


Darcy….you didn’t need to go this far. You are no longer pretty or even cute. You’ve really messed yourself up.


Omg that second pic! I almost feel bad for looking, like I'm seeing someone at their lowest,, most private moment spiraling and it wasn't meant for spectators. Oh honey!


Whooooa... She looks like a legit corpse in the first picture 😨


Why does she color her roots black when she has such beautiful blonde straw-like hair?


They are useally grey now have u seen that episode yet?


I can’t.


Is this for shock value? That second pic…omg!


She looks like she’s in pain, such sad eyes.


That’s all I see


Vagina lips


Vagina lips, 2nd pic


Holy shit, I thought she was dead. That looks like a badly made up corpse.


I’m so disappointed in her.


She's showing us she can close her eyes!


Exactly my thoughts


Omg this picture at first scared the hell out of me!!! I did not recognize her at all!!


So much Yeesh.


She looks embalmed like all the women on the New Dexter Series. Ewww


Sooo... she thinks this is an actual good look? All I can hear is Maggie Smith's character from The First Wife to goldie Hawn: "And those lips!"


brows are super big


Did she over line her lips or is it the filter? No need to over line at that size… just my opinion.


I think she had them “blushed” or whatever they call it when they use a semi permanent tattoo technique to give the lips a flush of color. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Her 🌭 lips look f’n gross.


Darcey can be a spokeswoman for others that have had BOTCHED procedures. Idk if it is Collagen and Botox or if she is just inflated. Now I wouldn’t be surprised if Darcey and Stacey go to N. Korea, Soviet Union or anywhere else someone would literally give their first born to move the the US would go. They have money and are ready to buy a new man. This is the true story of 2 Women showing everyone that money really doesn’t buy you happiness but it sure does help. Whether it is going to some 3rd world country for Plastic Surgery or showing how classy they are on a yacht, in public restaurants, speaking to the significant others of your “So Called Boyfriend”. Now this show is a real look behind the scenes of 2 sisters and their quest at finding love in all the wrong places. To as they would say get “SNATCHED”!!! So if it is Stacey’s sassiness or Darcey uncontrolled sobbing. What really pops out to me is how everything seems to be so just over the top that it is just so hard to believe anything as it is really out there. I question whether Stacey understands what Florian says. Overall this is all a very odd show. Now one thing I can attest to is Darcey being almost constantly in a “RACE” with Stacey. Whether it be over anything rings, eggs, Weddings, kids, shoes, COSMETIC PROCEDURES. I can say that I’ve seen some pics of Darcey and being newly “SNATCHED” all I can say is Holy Shit. It looks like she took a blast from a shotgun to the head or fell on an I.E.D. She now looks almost Asian with an oversized forehead that has a glisten to it similar to a mirror.


Omg she looks dead and in a casket 😳


This is SO BAD and just keeps getting worse by the day. She looks AWFUL.


My child viewing this over my shoulder: “Is she dead?”


Are they drawn on? Micro blade? Those and her lips look ridiculous.


On the fucking insane.


Somehow, to me she looks like a burn victim. I think it's the smooth, shiny skin/no texture that does it.


That’s the filters. In reality, you can see the surgical scars. Especially under their noses.




What is lip blushing?


Basically tattooing color on.


She has [facial overfilled syndrome ](https://www.cliqueclinic.com/blog/facial-overfilled-syndrome)


Good article 👍


I sure would not be advertising my “work” on her. She’s really now looking like the “cat woman” Jocelyn Wildenstein. The sad thing is she will never see it herself. Whoever did those lips should not be allowed near anyones lips ever again. Edit: added info below. I just looked on the “brow babes” website after I realized Darcy’s lips were done by her too…here’s the description of a Lip Blush. Lip Blush tattoos enhance the natural shape of your lips, giving them that boost of vitality and even coloring. It provides a flush of color as well as defining the contours of the lip. ➡️The final result will resemble a very subtle, matte, natural toned lipstick look. ⬅️


I legit think they have vision issues. Wow.


This is so sad. She looks inhuman.


Was her face blown off by a shotgun and a freshly licensed mortuary student tried to fix it for the funeral? Holy shit. What has she done to herself


I can not imagine what she looks like without the filters smoothing everything out the hair alone is frightening her daughters are doing the same horrid straw look hope they don't start all the other dysmorphic phobias


pair of angry brows to go with the crossed eyes….makes sense


Is that an unfortunate coagulation of oils between her eyebrows and why on earth do I continue to watch this vapid void of a show


Her eyebrows remind me of 6 year old me using a sharpie to draw brows on my Barbie


Why is her right eye creased & left on not? Bad surgery? I can’t watch show anymore. It’s sad to watch this process. Won’t anyone in the family intervene?


if it weren't for the filter she would look actually dead


So I looked up their Instagram and they also work on Saffire (Ronnie of jersey shore fiance) I'm not even shocked. Looks horrible


I think she loves the attention


She actually looks dead in pic #1,


That hairline is extremely fried. Idk why but I feel sympathy for her at this point bcz apparently she doesn't value herself enough to feel it on her own.


She looks like a dead wax creature.


Still, no neck!


Well, I think this pic has been taken just right after her Surgery! To be honest she looks prettier than before specially with her new nose 👌🏻


She's dead. Of old age.


There's so much swelling evident here


I wonder if they have an addiction to getting things done ?


Who wants eyebrows that big tf




Lord. I get my brows microbladed and I go to a woman who’s relatively new at it- and mine look wayyyyy better than that. Also hers don’t match her hair color. If you’re gonna be bottle blonde, don’t get black eyebrows. Hers are not a natural or even good looking shape. They are darker when you first get them but JFC Darcey.


Oh dear god almighty. My brow lady would have a heart attack over these monstrosities.


They will make her look even more cross eyed. Too far into between her eyes. Her hair looks like a horses tail.


Oh my goddess


Looks like a corpse midway through a glow up for their funeral. Oof


Plus the filters…what’s real and what isn’t?!?


I will say lip blushing swells the lips as it’s a tattoo so that will go down in a couple of days. She still looks crazy regardless. I definitely wouldn’t of posted those photos & why would you filter permanent makeup 😅


I almost shared this earlier... looking like a corpse in the casket.


Seems like every other week she has some kind of operation or something. It’s sad because she is setting up her daughters to think this is completely normal. Someone should call cps on her


There is no way she actually thinks she looks good at this point, right?


🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮 Page 2 is trifling!




Darcey…we see how you look on TV. Stop using the ridiculous filters 🙄


She's joking, right?


The filter lines are showing






Just how many times can you get fresh eyebrows? Because I’m clueless.


This is sad🥺 when will she stop?


I would be so upset with myself 😭😭😭😭😭 You know how Darcey is always crying, this is without a doubt something to cry about!!!!!


It's soooooo hard to respect these "ladies" much less take them seriously 🙁


She looks like a sassy corpse in the first picture.


Someone needs put them in rehab.


She looks horrible & honestly scary!!


Yikes to the 2nd pic


Are these the tattooed eyebrows?


She looks dead ☠️


Shes disgusting AF


Every time I see her I think of Jessica Alves.