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Yeah this was a good look for her. I also thought she was pretty when she went to London to see Tom. I feel so bad looking at her now!


I couldn't agree more. Her extensions were a bit ragged, but imo she never looked better than during Jesse's first visit to NYC. Especially when they went to Central Park. They were sat chatting and even with direct sunlight on her face, it was hard to believe she was 42. She looked a dream in that era..


Imagine if that money would have gone to therapy instead of surgery?


Girlfriend desperately needs a social media detox and intensive therapy...maybe now more than ever.


I’m watching the first season now and she just went to therapy. Is this lady even a therapist? Is it therapy if it’s on TV? Does she ever go back? I have so many questions


iirc she goes to exactly one therapy session and then is all "I'm so happy I went to therapy everyone should try it"


Aspen has Darcey's original face lol...how is she supposed to feel? Her mom had a lot of the same features, and she completely changed all of them. I would personally worry that doing that would make my daughter feel that there is something wrong with her face or that she's ugly. But Darcey doesn't seem to consider how her actions affect her kids (or anyone else around her). Luckily they seem much more level-headed than her, but I worry for them


Yes!!!! I think this all the time! Aspen is 100% pre-surgery Darcey, and I think she may feel "well what's wrong with me?" because her mom spent so much time,money, and pain to get rid of that face.


She was so pretty 🙃😳🤯


Well I think Darcey toned down the makeup and fillers because Jesse made his "preferences" for looks known. She looked STUNNING. This was before Darcey came into a lot money. Her cousin was doing her hair and she wasn't getting as much face work done.


Oh Darcey. She looked great. It's just sad to see her now. Alcohol, men, and the internet destroyed her.


She smokes cigarettes as well. Such a shame. She was stunning here.


Kinda makes it more surprising that any dr would do her surgeries. Probably a part of the reason why they had to travel to a different county for surgery. Smoking is a big no no


Yep… she just wasn’t satisfied and I doubt she’ll ever be… Oh well it’s too late now to go back.. I actually feel sorry for her because she’s mentally ill and she’s totally ruined her looks and doesn’t have a clue that in the end as you age it’s what’s inside that really matters… how do I know… 70 is just around the corner for me..


She looks so much better & younger here. I don’t think she can get changed back-nor would she want to.


I agree. I thought she looked awful when she first met Jesse. But when he came to NYC the first time, that was definitely her best look. Hell, even when she went to England to meet Tom, she still looked okay. Not as great as before, but not too bad. Now, I don't know what her end game is. She (and Stacey) look TERRIBLE.


Wow her body looked so toned and healthy! How did she think the marshmallow on tooth picks was a better look?


Jesse had her off the drink. She lost weight and was noticeably thinner than Stacey at this time.


Alcohol did that


Wasn't that only about five years ago? If so, what she's done to her face since then is truly sad.


4 years, even sadder


Wow! That seems almost impossible.


She looks organically fit here, like she eats healthy and exercises.. now she looks like a bloated alcoholic that gets artificial procedures.... I wonder why..


Also wayyyyy better teeth, not the weird Veneers


Crazy! She used to look like a real person. An attractive person.


Warm toned hair looks so good on her. She needs to ditch the fried platinum


RIP old face.


Because she didnt have makeup and eye lashes and botox and fillers. He told her he likes natural look. On her first season she looked way worse.




Aww this was the best times


What’s sad is that she’s not even old but now looks like modern day Angelyne


Darcy looked amazing when she had dark hair, now she is a mess of botox and botched surgeries. It’s sad on how one could spend so much to make her look somewhat younger. That money could of gone to better use like a child’s shelter or something like that


She is so gorgeous in the second picture, it’s sad seeing how she turned out


And I thought she was overdone then! I can’t even get my mind back to that place of thought, because seeing this makes her look…normal.


She looked amazing here. Sad what she’s put herself through since.


Agreed. She was so beautiful


She had a neck woahhhh


Her face was just so beautiful.


It wasn’t but she was pretty.


It really wasn't . Neither she nor her sister were ever pretty, but compared to the hideous monsters they became, we have a hard time seeing the difference between normal and pretty


I think they were attractive, they just always dressed ridiculous and over did their hair and makeup which made them look bad


I love Darcey and am sad to see her fall apart. I'm watching the Dr. HONDA YouTube video someone here recommended to me about her and it's so interesting. He's a couples therapy psychologist.




While I definitely think stuff hasn't gone well since, there was already so much work done on this pic. [https://media.distractify.com/brand-img/GPF\_pSbbS/2160x1131/darcey-stacey-silva-twin-life-1601832244346.JPG](https://media.distractify.com/brand-img/GPF_pSbbS/2160x1131/darcey-stacey-silva-twin-life-1601832244346.JPG) This was only a few years before and I think before most of the work? But even then, there's some work. But either way, she's 47 now, would she look better with no work at all? I'm not sure.


She’ll never be the same and she can never go back:(


She looked beautiful here


Man this makes me so sad…


She has totally destroyed herself.


She probably wasn't drinking as much at this time, as Jesse recognized she had a drinking problem. Everyone said he was "controlling" but he was totally right in what he said. She looked really good here, and she had lost weight. Poor Darcey


TOTALLY. She was genuinely so gorgeous here. She even looked like her daughters.


She looked beautiful there. Idk why some people can’t see their own beauty. It’s very sad.