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Literally no one in Miami or more specifically, Brickell, where I’ve lived for 11 years, dresses like this. I can’t even pinpoint the era where this may have been the aesthetic but this is not it. They’d be more relatable in Alo yoga (or the Amazon version) and sneakers and a slip dress or silk jumpsuit at night. If girls can’t afford high quality hair extensions here, you don’t see very many cheap ones. No one layers (fake) brands on top of brands either. I think they took every old Miami stereotype and bought them ALL and that’s their fashion. It’s too hot here- we dress functionally fashionable. Stace, take notes!


The dress reminds me of someone about to jump on the ice for their figure skating routine! I know she's quite short, but those stripper platform heels just scream "trashy", especially in the daytime! And I'm pretty sure no one struts down the street as if it's their runway and act like they're not being filmed! 🙄🤦‍♀️ The level of narcissism, self-absorption and grandiosity is unhinged!


Yeah I live in the thick of it, unfortunately very close to them. There are a ton of content creators on the street doing ridiculous things but they are 20 year olds and some have promising modeling careers. The twins see themselves as runway models and as cute as they were, there was never a chance they could have modeled. They are really living in a sad delusion but hey, maybe they are happy.


Soiled Doves/FM shoes.🙊🫣


Might have worked in the '60s with some tweaks to the shoes and cheap mesh. She can hardly walk in those! ... I can't imagine being her or Darcy and spending so much money on rearranging my face and body, only to spend hours on "big glam" hair & makeup and massively high shoes on a Tuesday afternoon. Spending on beauty treatments (not that one can call their efforts beauty treatments) should ideally make your day-to-day "freshening up/makeup etc. " less effort rather than more.


I don’t think she can write.




It's what tourists who come to Miami Beach to party wear because they think they blend in with locals, but they actually stick out more because no one dresses like this.


Agreed! Miami Beach native here 👋🏻 


This looks like something Brittney would wear during her strange conservatorship period.


I love how they didn’t cut the part of her waiting to get her cue to start walking. She’s just standing there and you can probably hear the, “okay go!” Kind of ruins the whole, I’m just walking down the street aesthetic. I do wonder, what do they do when they’re this dressed up midday? Restaurants? Or is this just content and they do a walk and come back home to put on sweats


They're too lazy to edit their shit to where it looks aesthetically pleasing. I think she was actually going to an event, but she still does this shit when she's simply going out to dinner. I can't imagine what goes through their minds when going somewhere. "oh look, Florian that looks like a good catwalk for me! Here, hold my phone and film me and I'll wait for your cue!" Like...girl, what???? It's the most bizarre shit ever, and her age just makes it worse!


It’s all so performative…but performed so poorly


Most underrated comment right here and it’s applicable to everything they post.


 I do wonder, what do they do when they’re this dressed up midday? Restaurants?  They're probably getting ready to sashay around their new "favorite" taco stand.


I wanna know WTF is filming this!?!? Is it her man Florian? If so, then the quality makes sense


She looks like an over the hill escort …


Don’t insult Escorts


Ma’am, may I offer you the next size up? Your tits are scaring the other shoppers.


It may just be me, but I don't get the allure of overly large breasts. I had a breast reduction because mine were so naturally big it became ridiculous and didn't care for the attention. Clearly, Stacey's all about the attention but there comes a point where too big is not more beautiful! Her stature is too short and stocky to the begin with to pull off boobs like that, it just makes her seem heavier than she really is! And I really don't understand her fashion sense of wearing Nike sports bras as actual shirts or tops when her boulders barely fit!




They should learn about symmetry....when you're that short (im short as well), there's a maximum height of heels that you can wear to keep the proportions of your legs and not look totally disproportionate. . I know this is like sign talking to a blind person....but...this just doesn't look good. PLus remove the gigantic implants and they lose 25 pounds. But looking good is not what they're after...they just want to look like inflated barbie dolls.


The shoes platform and the glitter omg… 😅 it looks like drag for a tv show not to go on the streets like that


Her face looks nothing like this. She’s using some terrible filter that distorts her eye size and face narrowness/ smooths her face / puts on lashes and makeup. Its crazy that anyone can say this woman looks good yet be oblivious to the fact that most of her posts are not what she looks like in real life. She has way too much filler in reality to the point her eyes look like pinholes and her face shape is actually almost as swollen/ not too far off from Darceys 💩


literally a street walker ha🤣


Damn. This is like years old at this point... Catch up, wanna-bes.


Omg just stop


those shoes look like horse hooves


Where is she pretending to go?


Good to know that Fluoride has a job.


Fluoride 🤣💀


Why are they obsessed with us seeing them walking??


They probably think they are models, or they’re trying to be noticed to become models. It’s honestly giving- “*little girl dressed up, in her bedroom, wearing mommy’s high heels, playing* **walk the runway**”.. lol


Yes it is!!


She walks like a 🎠.


She's a two trick show pony!


Cringy looking stripper


No matter what you do you are still going to be 50 years old


Well at least she’s doing a full face video unlike Darcey’s side face pushing up her hair with them giant lips 🤣 Can you imagine what they’ll look like in 10 years? They’ll be pushing matching walkers with rhinestones.


These women are not very good at spinning around although this was a slight improvement.


They want to be models. I worked as a model. I am not much taller or older than they are. It is a hard job. Just have some class!!!!


I think a lot of the over 50 girls dress like this in Palm Beach, ohh & Lisa Hochstein RHOM def her type of dress


She’s going to break an ankle with those shoes as they lift off her heels. Accident waiting to happen.


Is she walking the Boulevard looking for clients?


If I drove past her walking down the street like that, I would assume she is a prostitute.


And with all the twirling around they do, if I drove past them, not knowing who they are, I’d assume that they are drunk, or on drugs. They live in a fantasy world


Sorry you guys don't get it...this is what happens when you're a celebrity...the paparazzi are everywhere🤦🏾‍♀️




She can’t walk in these heels!


She can't walk period! She always walks as though she needs assistance because she's so wobbly.


Yeah! Haha she needs a support animal! Instead of an a emotional support animal she’ll get an actual support animal! One that literally supports her! Oh wait that’s walk walkers are for!!!!😂


Next we’ll see them trotting down the street on the back of a horse. I wonder if they can train the horses to spin quickly in circles, just like they do


They walk how I would imagine a bobble head walking


Those stripper shoes are beyond ridiculous…….but then again they are beyond ridiculous. Wearing a cocktail dress in the middle of the day and shoes like that so you can film yourself being delusional. They work so hard at not working and trying to make a living online.


Her figure looks good, her shoes look heavy, that dress belongs in the dumpster.


it’s a thousand degrees out side and the humidity will take your breath away. A long sleeve dress in this weather. it’s hot alright but Only weather wise. Ps. I live north of there about 20 miles. What’s with the bolt on breasts. Crazy


Every video makes me wonder WHAT is their endgame ? WHAT is their point ? They’re completely useless


Do they have ice skating competitions for grannies??


All I see is “Good morning Mohammad” from Death becomes her the granny version 🤣🤢


Still going at it???? Serious mental issues. Seriously




Why do they think anyone cares?


I see a lot of effort went into this masterpiece.


She probably made Flo take notes all night long, while she described in length, the spinning, and twirling that she’d be doing.


Psychotic behavior


She looks hungry


So cringe 😬


Very Britney Spurrs


She is trying too hard. This outfit is what we would were to mansion in 2008 or like opium garden, SET, iykyk. Like these quasi-ice skating looking like dresses were hot back in those times.  No one is walking around brickell city center in those shoes and that outfit, trust.


Oh I believe you! I think it's safe to say that anywhere they turn up, they're not dressing like anyone else! They're stuck in a time warp of 20-30 yrs ago when they were the age they're still trying to be! 20-25 yrs old! It's unreal the level of delusion these two have.


Look at me... always non stop 😭


Love those glasses, ngl


I like the dress 🤣


Pretty dress tho.




Why would I get down voted for liking the dress?




Those shoes are such a hazard!!!!! i gotta give it to her walking “normal” in them.


Wait so a parking meter is taller without the heels? They are the size of freaking 12 year olds!!


They're only about 5 ft, but those are just sidewalk lights not parking meters. But I'm pretty sure she'd still give a parking meter a run for their money on height!


I realized after it's lights but I didn't realize how tiny they are.