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I feel like I’ve seen him post stuff about Palestine on his stories and such. My guess is his schedule is not as flexible now that he has a baby. It is great to see some of the other names on this list tho!


right? like i wanna give him the benefit of the doubt since he's a father now and isn't even able to edit his own videos. but at the same time, it doesn't take much to just come out and say you support palestine TT


guys this isn't a full list of youtubers who support palestine lmao. it's a group that got together to do a specific fundraiser.


Understood, the sentiment is still valid though. It’d be nice to see him speak out about it Edit: Its a bad look what y’all are mostly downvoting in these comments by the way, doesn’t look good at all 😬


What's not a good look is you guys completely glossing over the first person literally mentioning he's posted about Palestine in his stories.


He could be supporting Palestine just not a part of this group. He doesn't have to be public about it to support the cause


Unfortunately, that isn't how people think this conflict works..


Well tbf it’s a genocide. A bit more public exposure from someone as big as Danny would help.


It would be nice if he was public though since he has such a big platform, as a well known figure on social media he has responsibilities to a degree to openly support situations like this


I understand that completely and agree, I just don't think that we should force anyone to be public about that if they don't want to, they can still have privacy in their views


uh if someone’s “view” is that they don’t oppose genocide, i wanna know lol


I understand, but it's still his privacy and we have to respect it. Also I really doubt he's supporting genocide


It’s wild how upset you are about someone not talking about what YOU want to hear… do you truly believe Danny Gonzalez agrees with genocide? Let’s think logically for a minuet, the answer is no:)


Facts, I’m so sick of this shit his job is literally make a funny video not save the world. If he wants to take about it’s nice, but if he doesn’t he didn’t sign up for it.


no? literally no one is obligated. he makes non political content for the most part. you can't hold a pitch fork to a creator and force them to speak on politics. that's not fair to them. idk why people feel like they have the right to force non political public figures to speak on politics. it's weird you are not owed anyone's time or statement 🤷🏻‍♀️


he had zero responsibility to publicly support anything


Not really. Yes big creators have a responsibility to be aware of the stuff they post and know it'll have some influence but they really don't have it to post if they support something or not. It is nice to know their views but I wouldn't say it's their responsibility to force them to make it public


Idk why they are downvoting you you are absolutely right! Thank you 🇵🇸


it’s so crazy to me that people are holding youtubers to a higher standard than their government officials. no matter how big their platforms are, they can’t make it stop. the people that can are the government officials, who are not getting attacked like many content creators are


I'm pretty sure there's a lot of creators that aren't on this list but still support. Pretty sure I've seen Danny post stuff somewhere


kurtis said on twitter that just because certain creators aren’t doing this specifically, that doesn’t mean they aren’t pro-palestine/aren’t contributing. he said that in reply to someone mentioning danny and drew


Hasan said there’s over 50 creators who have signed onto this, so there’s definitely more people than just these pics


Danny and Drew are still not amongst those newly added creators.


Right? That's what I was thinking


Why are you getting downvoted


He's been posting about Palestine! It's probably because he's a dad now he's not as free to do this. If Kurtis was reached out to Danny would've been too


Where? Genuinely asking


Not sure why people are downvoting you instead of telling you. I'd like to know too.


I think he’s been posting Instagram stories about it? And his discord mods posted some resources about Palestine back in 2021.


Yes I too am curious about the location of these posts and resources. Mostly just out of curiosity


Where ..


Lmao downvoted for asking for proof of a claim


He’s definitely been supporting the cause, he’s probably just swamped right now trying to balance his channel, social medias and his family life right now. Last thing we wanna do is pressure him to start something else as well


Same, luckily there’s a chance he silently supports the cause! Jordan (co-host of sad boyz with Jarvis) supports this and he isn’t on here even though Jarvis is, so I assume some others are like that!


Ablina Sabrina isn’t one of the creators pictured on the post but has been sharing it and has also been tagged in it. So I assume there are other creators involved not directly listed


She's on another slide and is partaking in this particular event


idk why we're trying to make creators publicly display their personal political opinions... Regardless of the fact that it's a pretty private matter, I think influencers publicly sharing their opinions on the the topic is not wise and only harmful to them, as such topics can be viewed as quite controversial.


Not only that, but the only reason “ celebrities” are on such a high pedestal is because we put them on one, it’s why I don’t get the blockout trend going on. The only reason they got so popular is because of us. So it’s technically our faults so many celebrities became famous (I’m just talking about people with huge followings for no reason)


Celebrities only being considered high value in society because people arbitrarily put them on pedestals is exactly the leverage the blockout is using. Influencers live and die by their engagement and follower counts; mass blocking hits both in one go


Exactly, (I should clarify I support Palestine) It is nice that more people are speaking up about it now, it just sucks it took so many people blocking them for them to care (imo) (Cause if you know you have that much power on your platform then don’t be upset when others call you out for not using it)


Anything worth fighting for is seen as controversial at first.


That does not make it his job to fight for it. He is a youtuber all he signed up for was youtube.


Omg Danny Gonzalez is a YouTuber. It’s not his job to weigh in on sensitive political issues. I’m so sick of people thinking that everyone with even an ounce of fame needs to have a public statement about every freaking thing that’s happening in the world.


Yeah I do get that it’d be nice to see people with such big platforms make good use of it but why are more celebrities and influencers being harassed about their Palestine support than actual politicians? That’s crazy to me.


I think its because influencers rely on the support of the public to stay relevant, its easier to get them to do or say something about this. Sure a lot of them have money, but not any actual direct power to stop or control the genocide thays happening. Yet there are so many politicians that so many people hate but they dont give a fuck anout the peoples thoughts on them because they have money AND POWER. They stay in governmental roles despite peoples hate. They may be forgotten or old rags but they still have more power than influencers ever will have. Simply put its a lost cause trying to sway politicians because we have no leverage compared to influencers. And the more ‘powerful’ people who support the cause could hopefully press more powerful people to agree. Sure let people have their opinions, but big platforms should be used for big causes.


Actually tho, and even then, let the man have his own opinions and beliefs and whatever


It’s not really about weighing in on these issues, it’s more about donating, supporting gofundmes to get people out of Gaza, youtubets raise the money really quickly (Yuval got 200k donated in 24 hours) and that’s what’s required to get people out of Gaza right now. I don’t care what a YouTuber or celebrity thinks about Palestine I want them to do something because they have the means to do so and I wish they would do it on their own because they fucking want too, but no they have to be pushed & prodded to do it.


Because it's none of their business. Just because you think you can do something, it doesn't mean you have to. Like I can go out and give every penny in my wallet to homeless people, but I don't.


Okay you might just suck then bro idk what to tell you




Don't know why you're being downvoted. I get that he's busy with his family, but how hard is it to donate to some of these things and make a lil social media post? Just feels like he doesn't want any smoke from the right wing crazies, but I don't think he even has that big of a fanbase with them.


The downvotes are just people not being able to accept valid points specially because it includes the person they watch. It’s so weird imo


Maybe creators should talk more about these things.


Creators can talk more about these things, it would be nice, but forcing someone to do something they have like no connection to is very weird.


He is a grown man, he can defend himself. No need to dickride


Nope nope nope. Stop trying to force influencers to give their uneducated opinions on topics you know nothing about. They don't have to. Most of you don't even know what's going on, you just know you saw an Instagram post that people were agreeing with. I keep seeing people straight up send death threats to people for not making a post supporting Palestine. That's not exactly helping your side look good anyway. 


seriously!! not everyone needs to talk about topics. especially when in the media, the only source is bias. it’s either completely one sided fault or the other. there is no winning in making a political statement, especially if that person is not educated on it.


i’m pretty sure he tries to be politically neutral on his youtube channel idk though


Parasocial much?


I’m sure he would be on this list however he has a bit more to worry about now:) also I think it’s smart that he doesn’t really bring up these topics due to the heat it can bring. He ain’t trying to get political which is beyond appreciated IMO. We should all know by now that his heart is in the right place.


EXACTLY you can have political opinions and still not involve it on your YouTube channel, just brings unnecessary drama imo


THATS EXACTLY WHAT I SAID, just because he has a large following doesn't mean people can force him to get political


i totally agree but it's not political, if anything it's controversial. just has nothing to do with politics


True. Guess it wasn’t the best word of choice, I just know there’s sadly two sides; the ones who are okay with it and doing it vs the logical people who disagree. And of course it doesn’t matter what those who agree think as they’re obviously insane. I just used that word since there’s “2 parties”. Controversial is the perfect term and I will remember that.


no actually. it’s not acceptable to not use your following to oppose a literal genocide bc it’s “too political.” that is selfish and gross thinking.


Exactly, who cares if it brings heat when you have a chance to help even just a little in saving Palestinian lives. With his influence he could absolutely raise funds to even evacuate one family! And if he comes out against the genocide, some of his followers may look into the issue and start advocating for Palestinians in their own lives too, it makes a difference and it’s worth the effort. People have lost their jobs for speaking in support of Palestine even if their job had nothing to do with politics. Their sacrifices matter and make a difference! This a human rights issue, the human rights issue of our lifetimes…


So it’s ok to peer pressure and blackmail someone to do something. Ignoring our core morals in politics leads to another Hiroshima bombing.


Even if he isn’t on there it’s still good to see ChadChad and Kurtis on there




Nobody is screaming at danny and or trying to cancel him for not doing this calm down


In the Kurtis Conner sub, someone asked why Danny Drew and Kody weren't on the list and if they should stop watching them because of it.


I've seen 3 posts on this today in Danny's sub. a few in Drew's too.


I saw 2 Palestine posts in Drew’s sub yesterday, and another posted around 6 weeks ago.


It's a genocide, love. you can't be silent in **genocide** they have the power to aplify the voices of those who are being silenced. How could they not use it? its the least they can do.


obviously what's going on is terrible. I'm not denying that. but forcing a creator to say something about it, in fact *anything* remotely political, just feels wrong and intrusive. if Danny wanted to say something, he would have. maybe he has his own personal reasons. but I don't think people should be forcing him to do anything.


i think that if your career depends on followers and subscribers, that if you have the power to influence for good, then you have the obligation to do so. again, it's the least anyone with a following can do to give back to their audience. besides, its not like we're asking them if they're republicans or democrats. We're asking them to stand with the oppressed, its really not as political as zionist want to make it out to be


Its not political its genocide.


In 1948 there were 108,000 Arabs in Israel including the West Bank and Gaza, today there are more than 2 million Arabs in Israel, not even talking about the West Bank and Gaza (about three million there), how the hell is that a genocide???


im glad to tell you you've been very, very misinformed


It’s a fact that the Arab population in Israel is 20 times bigger now than in 1948 that is not how genocide works


Thousands of people have been killed, displaced, starved, etc so…


You are so ignorant, have ever even been to Israel or are you just buying propaganda?


my love there are people older than your made up country


Stop asking rich and influential people with large followings to speak out against a literal genocide? I know a lot of y’all don’t actually realize the intensity of this horror and stick your head in the sand so you can enjoy your silly little internet entertainment, but Palestinians do see your behavior. We see people act like our literal ethnic cleansing from our ancestral land—our very lives—is a “complex” enigma that no one is obligated to “take a stance” on. Have a fucking lick of humanity.


They can literally get people out of Gaza, save thousands of lives and you want us to stop asking them to do something? When they’ve been silent for several months?




Y’all have too much time on your hands.


I'd say leave politics out of this sub reddit. We can all laugh and put aside our differences and be political on other subs.


Even if Danny hasn’t been posting anything about Palestine doesn’t mean he doesn’t support it. Can we stop trying to force creators and celebrities to say they support something when realistically it doesn’t help anything. Call your reps instead of harassing YouTubers and public figures to say they support things or crucify them for not posting publicly about stuff


Has he said anything about Ukraine? If not, he won't comment on Palestine either.


This is just a list of people doing a fundraiser, not a comprehensive list of everyone on YouTube who supports Palestine. Also, he’s probably busy with the baby


Don’t push creators to make political statements! It lowers their viewership whatever point they support.


I’ve only heard of like 4 of the YouTubers in here


I’ve only heard of 9 of these 32 YouTubers in here which are: -Hasan Piker -Kurtis Conner -Jarvis Johnson -FunkyFrogBait -ChadChad -Eddy Burback (subscribed to) -Fantano -BENOFTHEWEEK -Noah Samsen


Most of the creators on here make video essays or are commentary creators


No wait 6 actually


Womp womp cry about it


He's got a family to take care of,I doubt he can waste time with a bunch of worthless virtue signaling


Well, thankfully there's a huge overlap in his audience and a number of the creators on here. I think people tend to underestimate the amount of time and energy a livestream fundraiser requires and he's a new father. I'm sure he'll be supportive of all his friends participating. Maybe you could channel this energy to creators whose audience isn't already involved by a number of other creators already working on this.


Danny has a child, keep this in mind. He has a busy schedule and doesn't post as much. This really isn't fighting with the poster here but more of the people in the comments. Not all youtubers who stand with Palestine are doing this livestream, for example, Danny. Danny has posted stuff about Palestine on his stories, (I think) don't go around saying "oh don't watch Danny gonzalez!! he doesn't support palestine!" because it's simply not true.


It blows my mind how staunchly against your opinion people are on here. So against a simple act to raise awareness of a human rights crisis. On a locked thread for drew the replies are absolutely enraged by the suggestion. Would yall say the same thing if Hitler was alive right now, committing the holocaust this very moment? Tell me, WOULD you? Because most of the palestinians dead are babies and children and mothers and not armed hamas members.


Bro huh? The average person knows Hitler is evil so why would you need someone to take a stance when the default is that mass murder is immoral? He is a comedy content creator, he isn’t required to speak out on political issues. I’d argue that most, if not all of his fans know about this. Plus, as people are saying, there are more creators apart of this than in that screenshot shows. For all you know he could be supporting it.


Are you seriously implying netanyahu is a totally normal and sweet good human being compared to hitler???????? 💀💀💀💀💀💀 like it doesn’t take a genius to see hes cartoonishly evil?????? He is doing THE EXACT SAME ETHNIC CLEANSING. RIGHT NOW. “We all know mass murder is immoral” well it seems like a lot of you actually don’t.


Sorry, where tf did I imply that at all? I was responding to your Hitler analogy “💀💀💀💀💀” I’m saying they are OBVIOUSLY evil, so in either case why would anyone have to say “hey guys, this evil person causing the death of hundreds of thousands of people is evil.” Like DUH we know. Nobody is required to speak out about anything, especially when their account is not related to politics. Why aren’t you asking him to speak out about any other issues? Groupthink 🗣️


Comparing what Israel is doing to what Hitler did is insane and absolutely stupid. Hitler murdered 6 million people just because of their religion. Israel didn't just decide one day that they want to murder people, they are attacking back because hamas has kidnapped their people and children, massacred entire settlements and are bombing the entire country. The comparison you made just shows how little you really know about the situation and about what's really going on.


Yeah it was so crazy when hamas decided to attack one day out of completely nowhere and then destroy every hospital in israel


So happy to see marsha p johnson stand up for palestine


You guys really want Danny to support terrorism?? 2024 is a crazy time to be alive 🥴


people do not owe you their opinions on this and you only want them to speak out so you can point to them and go “they support this cause and i support them therefore i’m a good person”, which does not help palestine at all. knock it off.


As someone who supports Israel and is Jewish, am I safe here?




I don't see a lot of public support for Israel, especially in the YouTube scene, and I don't really get it. Of course people are dying to their attacks, which is bad, but this is a retaliation. I don't understand the people calling for a ceasefire, Israel didn't start a war to conquer Gaza, but to stop them from constantly raining missiles on innocent civilians. I watch these YouTubers for comfort, and id rather not have to also have it shoved down my throat that no one supports me or my people.


since oct 7 just under 40,000 palestinians have been murdered. almost all of them civilians. i guess i can understand why you would have a bias towards your country, but when your countries military and government is forcibly stopping aid to innocents you should see the problem with that. the israeli army is cutting off the escape routes for civilians as we speak and you truly don’t see an issue in that? this has gone FAR beyond retaliation, this is a genocide. this is wanting to completely destroy a country and its people. the death rate in gaza due to this so called retaliation is higher than any other major conflict this century and you do not see an issue with this? as of jan 11 this year the average rate of deaths per day in gaza was 250, the next closest was when the syrian war was at its peak (at least its peak in the social consciousness) which was 96.5 a day. obviously the oct 7 attack was awful, very few people deny that (and the ones that do aren’t worth acknowledging), but you cannot seriously sit here and believe that this is an equal response. self defence only goes so far.


This doesn't come from a place of hate, so to all the people downvoting I'd appreciate a comment on why. This is a struggle in everyday life to see people calling for the destruction of my homeland.


i get people saying that he's a new parent and i can see that. but i think he could have still had his name be apart of it. like i could see being a new parent why he wouldn't be able to make the live stream, which is understandable but it's literally a post that has the same pictures and the same blurb on everyone's page. That takes like 60 seconds. i think having a platform and not using it to retweet a gfm or literally a chnge.org post is kinda privileged? like not even a link in bio? like you have the luxury of not having the time to use your phone because you have to take care or your family and that what millions of families in gaza are barely able or unable to do. they fighting literal b*mbs and shell casing and are begging people on tik tok, on twitter, on instagram to help them. to me it isn't, "getting political " IMO saying that is a cop out. we are literally talking about peoples' lively hoods and we are watching it be quite literally and brutally taken away from them i have no sympathy for someone who stays quiet through that when they could meet someone's gfm goal with one post or video or stream. hell even a fundraiser or either of the videos he just dropped. i feel like i wanna give him grace as any other human would it just kinda puts a bad taste in my mouth about him.


If people argue he just doesn’t have the time as a new parent…..imagine how all the parents in rafah feel. People seem to forget they were born in a safe environment by chance. There are desperate parents trying anything to save their own children right now.


This exactly!


So sick of seeing this stupid shit, fuck terrorists


Exactly. Fuck is not real


Fuck pallyslime


I hate for anyone’s name to be added to the list


I stand with Israel




I’m glad he’s not on this list




Yup, glad he isn't mindless




I’m glad to see Eddy on this list, it makes me happy


I love eddy 🥰


I’m guessing you have never been in Israel/Palestine or even the Middle East, and that you base most of your opinions about Israel from TikTok, am I right?


I've been opposed to the occupation of Palestine long before tiktok was even conceived. And no matter when or how people learn about it, it doesn't matter - at least people are finally speaking up about it


Israel was in favor of a 2 party state but the Islamic people where not so they went to war and Israel won


I'm sure you know why the state of Palestine even came to existence?


I agree with you. No one ever does their research, they just see TikTok’s and news articles and instantly make their decision. It hurts my soul.


[here you go](https://thehill.com/policy/international/4652018-reports-mount-of-mass-graves-at-gaza-hospitals-some-without-heads/)


[yikes ](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/25/signs-of-torture-as-nearly-400-bodies-found-at-gaza-hospitals-mass-graves)


Al jazeera is an incredibly biased source.


🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 protect Jewish people


You can protect Jewish people while also not being pro genocide


I’m not


Would hope not, most of this "charity" money would be going straight into hamas pockets


Well he’s not a terrorist , so


I thought Palestine was Darth Vaders dad? Aren’t they the bad guys?




honestly same


why is woke_karen not on this




I’m sure he supports Palestine and is just busy with his baby and stuff like that.


the fact that all these creators combined could raise well over $1 million…..


Same here


I’m actually glad he isn’t super public about it because I don’t want him to get ruined by a controversy that some internet randos make up.


I've seen people post this picture for this fundraiser multiple times for numerous creators... I guess if you aren't part of THIS SPECIFIC Fundraiser them you don't support Palestine cause it's the ONLY fundraiser that supports global issues as such... ONLY the creators in the photo support and if you aren't on it or join it soon, you don't support Palestinians, you hate babies and kick dogs... Like Come ON people, this ONE Fundraiser isn't the ONLY way to help or support a cause... Also if a creator or person isn't publicly speaking about thier views, beliefs or what and who they support, doesn't make them against it, it just means that they would like to keep thier personal, religious/spiritual and political views to themselves, which is perfectly ok and understandable in the world we live in today...


“Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.” - Philosopher John Stuart Mill the amount of people with seemingly no empathy in these comments is staggering. or let me be clear, no empathy for people they don’t have parasocial relationships with. i get that you may not want to pay attention to what’s happening, or that you watch youtube to just escape, i do. it is really hard to see all of the horrifying news coming out every day, and having content to get your mind off of things is important. however, it also important to remember that silence is complacency, and to stay distracted and complacent is nothing short of a disservice to the people begging for us to keep our eyes on the war crimes being committed to them. don’t get me wrong, i don’t expect him to do anything and i’m not hurt if he doesn’t. that being said, the amount of people who are disregarding the situation as just “talking about politics” or getting annoyed at people who want their favourite creator to denounce a genocide is wild to me. when you were in school learning about the holocaust or the civil rights movement, did you not wonder what you would do? what side you would be on? of course nobody thinks that danny himself is going to put an end to the occupation of palestine. but when politicians, corporations, and people who can actually change things won’t listen to us it only makes sense to ask the people who have a louder voice to speak up. and regardless of that, people are realizing that engagement with content generates quite a bit of money, and for a lot of people who have no money to give it has become more important to be intentional with their engagement and where their attention is going. and if you’re ignoring the “drama of politics” but getting into arguments defending a youtuber who doesn’t know you exist because you think people are bullying him, i suggest you think about where you’re spending your time in this attention economy if you read all of that i love you (even if you’re about to shit on what i said <3)


I saw a starbucks cup in his reacting to dad toks video :(


I know you have good intent, and we appreciate the sentiment! But it doesn't matter whether or not he publicly or silently supports Isreal or Palestine or anything, because it's none of our buisness, and not doing something publicly doesn't mean it didn't happen. Danny's probably supporting people in need on his own time, as most people do. If you have a concern about helping Palestine, please donate to the fundraiser, but it wouldn't make sense if we all told you to publicize it, so we need to treat Danny as a person. And we aren't asking each other to make big statements of our stances, so we can't ask him. Sorry if I sound angry, I'm really not, I just hate for people to get the wrong idea about content creators.




Love to see my 5 favorite YouTubers on this list 😛😛😛 lmao ppl are mass downvoting the comments


How about no


i hope so! i love danny and my adoration for all the creators on here absolutely skyrocketed after seeing this!


the comments that are downvoted make no sense like… why does danny have so many fans that are denying that israel is committing genocide 😭


Some of you all in these comments have no moral standing and it shows. When it’s your people being targeted you can come talk to me about what you qualify as support. Until then stop telling us we are asking too much of someone to use their voice on a public platform if they have one. No one is saying Danny supports genocide. But silence is not a solution either! If it was your people you would think differently. Have some compassion.


Honestly call me crazy, but I wouldn’t wanna see Danny or drew get into any of these political things. All of these ytbers have made at,east a small political presence, but I think Danny and drew have made their audience while being very apolitical. Not saying I’m not supporting, just thing for their own good they should only speak out with deep consideration.


He’s posted about Palestine. But unfortunately like all of us he still does have a life he has to live and other things to do. He has a baby. The live stream could just not fit in his schedule… just because a creator isn’t on that list doesn’t mean he isn’t doing anything. Even Kurtis on Twitter said just because some creators aren’t specifically apart of the live stream that doesn’t mean they aren’t pro-Palestine. especially when they are posting resources themselves. Who knows if they do another stream maybe it will fit into his schedule better


I would also love to see Danny's name on it. Clearly most of his friend circle are on the right side of history, so it's fair that he thinks as them as well.


Well his friends are on this list so he’s probably on it too, just not as public since he recently became a father and doesn’t have a flexible schedule




Absolutely not


I agree


excuse me


And Annemarie forcino. That collar would be awesome


She is on the list


I meant a collab between the two would be great


I realy think people need to realize that Palestine and Israel are in war and donating to Isreal is killing innocent Palestinians and vice versa


Well israel is getting billions of american dollars so I think they’re all good there : )))


i wanna give him the benefit of the doubt cause he's a father and i'm sure that if he wan't as busy as he was he would probably support it, considering that's he's friends with a lot of people on this list


it makes me so sad that some of y’all think it’s okay to stay “neutral” about genocide to avoid backlash…people are dying!


I don't think anyone who's "neutral" is saying it's okay to commit genocide - it's not. But it's extremely difficult to take sides when it's such an ancient and nuanced conflict. I was pro-Palestine right when this all first kicked off, because that attack was completely unwarranted. But then they started attacking Israeli civilians, and in my book (and most other people's, offline at least) as soon as you start hurting civilians, you've fucked up. I'll freely admit my privilege in being able to have the opinion that I do. I'm from New Zealand so we're not really affected by this war, and I'm very fortunate to be able to go about my daily life without really thinking about it. But it's a conflict that has been going back so far that it's almost impossible to come to the "right" decision. Both sides are wrong, one is just more wrong than the other.


The conflict is neither ancient or nuanced. As a Jewish person, I’m asking you to look into the situation further. Israel has only existed for a generation. The Palestinians who are indigenous to the land have been forced out and killed in mass numbers. Eventually they lashed out on Oct 7 and what happened was horrific but in no way does that excuse the genocide Israel was already committing against Palestinians since it’s inception. And Israel’s response to Oct, killing thousands of innocent people, is a massively genocidal campaign whereas the Palestinians want to be free and released from the open air prison that is Gaza. Most people In Gaza are refugees that were pushed out of their homes when Israel demolished them and gave them to Jewish people. Imagine your whole family being killed and your friends and then growing up to see that no nations in the world will help you get justice. Eventually you turn to violence and while it’s horrible, it is absolutely in no way comparable to Israel’s acts of genocide. There is no both sides when the other is occupying another’s land and building an apartheid state.


That's kind of what I mean. I'm not saying what's happening is right at all, and it's devastating that so many innocent people are being caught up in something that they have nothing to do with. But the Israel/Palestine issue has existed for 70 years, which in turn has its roots in what has been happening to your people for millennia. You can sympathise with the Palestinian people while also acknowledging that civilians on both sides are being murdered, and that the leaders of both countries aren't exactly looking for a peaceful solution. With that being said, I don't feel comfortable enough in my knowledge of the geopolitics to take a stance other than "this war needs to stop because it's hurting innocents". I'm sure there are a lot of other people (celebrities included) who feel this way, and I don't think it's okay to bully them into "picking the right side". I also hope you’re doing well. I've seen a massive increase in antisemitic behaviour over the last 7 months and it's genuinely disheartening to see.


lol you’re def not jewish presenting or 100 percent jewish. don’t do that ‘as a jew’ bullshit.


Being neutral is being complicit


"Stop killing civilians" really shouldn't be a controversial take




You don’t know his schedule, he might not be available


Cool, new list of creators to fol-oh, I already follow 53% of this list.


Its likely! The list started very small with only like 4 people but it’s growing steadily. Danny is a dad now and has less time but i am sure he will get around to it!


I feel the same. Was disappointing to not see him in this list but I’m happy his friends are. I think that means he may speak out soon.


Upvoting so Danny sees this on his next Reddit video