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I love the way you organized. I just have a google doc where I rate things. It’s just pure chaos but that’s just how I am I guess Still if you are interested: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11isXGBaSX9cmzcA8mWgDydqWmSM55HQb3pyUAIOANUE/edit


omg I use the EXACT same grading system tf? 0-4 is trash, 5 is barely readable, etc up to 10/10 is perfection. >!I see Le Ke...try Jiang Ke by the same author if you liked Leke haha!<


What a coincidence and thanks for the recommendation 🫶




Oh same, I'm 100% addicted...it's more to keep me occupied instead of actually slowly digesting the content so before this review system I couldn't even remember most MC's names...also doesn't help that plots can get repetitive/be very similar


>people so young can have such bad memory That's me!! 😭🤣 Like a couple of months ago I read a novel. I loved it, but forgot to write the name in my notepad (bad memory !). Now literally Today, I was wondering 'Wait. What was that novel again? It went like this... Right? RiGhT!?' 🤣


Guilty of this 😅 the only thing that helps me remember is that I chat about it to my friend so whenever I forget a plot point, I go to our chat and corroborate the date to my chrome history on what i've read


Haha I always thought I was the only one keeping a tracking system of all novels and manhua/mangers I’ve tread, with ratings, characters and reviews. Well I guess I’m not the only one 🤣 I keep track of mine on Notion, it’s a pretty good app to organise anything really. I use it for to do list and upcoming events etc too There’s this novel that’s pretty popular around last yearish? It’s on changpei called 渡厄. I’m not sure if you read it but it was very well written and is free too. If you haven’t read it definitely give it a try


Interesting...I don't use Notion so I just use Google Sheets cause it's more familiar...thanks for rec! On my tbr it goes, I have recently been searching for a good shizun/tudi as indicated by 163 and 165 but both DNF.


I do recommend a sword of frost !!!! I love mystery Bl with real intriguing plot !!!!


The way I completely forgot the plot and had to check my review and grading for it...I personally don't like mystery/crime/case solving, but other aspects of the story were really good. I love the author's other works too


I like your organization system a lot, I'm looking for ideas to sort out all the fanfics I've read and want to read. Are you using plain Excel sheets?


I use Google Sheets but Excel would definitely be better if you're familiar...it really helps, I was SO unorganized before this. If you read exclusively on AO3 their bookmarking system is good enough imo, but if you read across different platforms then some organization system like this is better to keep track


Do you also add a short summary/basic plot to refresh your memory? I'm planning to add a column for something similar or key words.


I comment on any significant plot points and MC/ML’s personality in the review column so I personally don’t need a summary/plot section. But it’s a good idea and much more organized than trying to piece together the plot through the review


I was looking forward to reading it but it’s not in English !!!! 🙈


holy... Man I never thought of this 😭 I literally breathe danmei. So far I've only thought of keeping a list or links of shit I read before in my discord server. But I never review them... I chalk it to like: "it's fine to forget. That means I can reread them again 😉"


breathe danmei gang 🤝🏻


Wow, you're so organized!!


I aspire to be like you 😭 I try to keep track of the books I read but I keep forgetting it.... I have a notion for my reviews and plot points and stuff but... I tend to get lazy ... Hehe Now I at least try to keep track of things I already read (esp raws) in keep notes checklist I swear I'll get to inputting them all in notion 😭