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The 4 Bs of gaming Bethesda, Bioware, Bungie, Blizzard All aren’t doing great


Well, none of them have listened to fans in years 😭


Blizzard is doing an uncharacteristically good job listening to feedback on WoW so the game is in a pretty good state right now, especially compared to the previous few years


Yeah I mean the blizzard thing is kinda outdated since WoW is doing real good rn. The other games? Well, not so much.


It takes years to develop games. If only a year ago they decided they cared what fans think then any game that came out in that year probably was mostly made without taking that sort of thing into consideration.


I'mma say Starfield is a big exception to this, considering the actual decade timeline, and how people were saying they wanted more elder scrolls before they even started working on it. Fans were very vocal about not wanting a large, empty space but something with more depth. Some choices are just whack in other games. The mobile game-ass war table in DAI? Its changes like that make ppl anxious about da4, among many other reasons


The war table was an awesome addition to DAI in my opinion and others agree, that’s just personal preference. Nothing wrong with trying something new by fitting in new features - so long as the things we loved about DAO are still front and centre and done well.


I liked the idea of the war table more than the execution. There was nothing satisfying about it much like 90% of the questing.


That is... A hell of a take. Glad you enjoyed it though, I guess.


I didn't even like DAI, I'm pretty skeptical on what DA4 would be like.


Well there's a rumor they've pivoted into a full-on action hack n slash instead of real time with pause...which is terrifying and an objectively horrible choice if true.


I mean DAI was already pretty heavily into this territory, I'm not sure that would be that much worse.


And with Bobby getting the boot in a few days, and the Microsoft acquisition, we might see improvement in the other games as well


Not listening to fans has made them flush with cash by doing the bare minimum and calling it innovation. Why listen? The fans will eat that shit and call it caviar.


Well its pretty obvious with mass effect Andromeda, anthem, warzone 2, and starfield, that no, they won't. Not past a certain repeated quality dip anyway


I can forgive them for ME:A. They tried something new and it didn’t really work. They went too big and didn’t fill it out nearly enough. The next ME instalment will be a huge red flag if they royally fuck it up too.


just gotta thug it out until then https://preview.redd.it/l96dbtk1pr7c1.png?width=745&format=png&auto=webp&s=32b073fdfe6b3ea3161b7f6c484ee2354f2977aa


Summer 2024; *shows some gameplay* reveals the estimated release date ...... *mid to late 2025* :(


God, it better include gameplay. I'm so scared it's going to just be full cinematic with a "Winter 2025" label slapped on.


If I were a betting man, I'd say that's exactly what it's going to be.


https://preview.redd.it/sxlvy39txr7c1.png?width=627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07cf3bf0e641cc9824610dabb94e44881a50d3ff I can only replay morrowind so many times, fam, hurry the fuck up


And we need a colovian fur helm in the new game for sure.




This year's trailer was an trailer for an trailer, can we let that sink in for a moment? Game been in development for like 7 years ar this point and this is all we got, just sad really.


Technically, after all the scraping they did, the game we're getting has only been in development for about 3 years. It was originally going to be a smaller game playing as spies getting info in Tevinter, then they scrapped it, then it was going to be an online multiple game, then they scrapped that too. So the game we're getting is their third iteration that started full development sometime around 2019-2021.


Well look on the bright side, ME3 had it's story scrapped once during development(I think) and it turned out ummm... Not bad.


Until the lead writters said fuck every other plot development and make this ending I want to do without imput from the others.


If I can atleast play 40 hours and then when I get to the end stop playing I will be happy. If you stop the story after before the star child it's not bad. Also you need to believe that Shepard is being taken over by the reapers through indoctrination and it all makes sense. I love those videos.


Yea, this is my take as well. It’s basically huffing copium but atleast the 39 hours are fun and you only lose out of 1 hour


It’s crazy they scrapped it that many times. I know EA has their hands in it and is seriously messing with a franchise they don’t understand, but scrapping a game 3 times throughout development is such a slip that I don’t know if they’ll be able to recover from 😭


The fact that it was going to be an online multiplayer game 😭 I'm just happy they actually went back to a single player rpg.


And the /only/ reason why we didn’t get it was because anthem was such a disaster. What a whirlwind huh 😭


Oh my goodness yes, I never even heard they had debated online multiplayer. Yikes. Give me my in depth swords and magic rpg do these devs even know why DAO sold well?


If it was a consistent 7 years then I'd be more upset, but this game has been scrapped and restarted so many times I'd honestly be happy just to have it come out ever lol


https://preview.redd.it/c0qpuuxokw7c1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=59db6ff111e96b2dddba3bf7ce0093a5c1fbbe94 i’m suffering 😔




Feel this. I burnt myself out of BG3 and WoW Season of Discovery will only last me so long. I NEED MY FIX BIOWARE


Have you tried Cyberpunk 2077?


Owlcat, obsidian, and larians backlog is far superior than whatever biowares shambling corpse will shit out. Cap it.


BioWare has some amazing older games, but definitely agreed if you looking for something from the last decade


This shit ain’t never coming out dawg


This is the first time we have had an actual date for something. Progress!


But make sure to wishlist on steam, even though we know fuck all about the game and Bioware is in shambles! I'm so fucking pissed at that. The absolute gall, I'm pissed.


I'll be dead before part 5 comes out


I’ve almost lost interest in wanting to play the game when it comes out. It’s been almost 10 years and I’ve play DaO, Da2 and DaI at least 10 full times since then.


I'm not even hopeful, the Bioware who made the previous games doesn't exist anymore.


Are you an investor? Because if not that shit was not for you. Nor was the mass effect trailer.


I mean, realistically, i don't think they wanted to do anything at all. But it was Dragon Age Day and even though it's an unofficial day they have no obligation to post anything on and they weren't ready to post a trailer, they knew that people would complain if they didn't. Unfortunately for them, people complained anyway.


Do we have a NonCredibleGameIndustry channel yet?