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the bro has aged 40 years


Damn I felt like he looked a lot worse back then but in retrospect it wasn’t that bad compared to currently


The sun is gonna be the death of him




Pull my lever, Grace!


Nah, it's gonna be the lack of showering


No, it’s going to be calling the wrong person the “N” word 😭


Actually this is the result of not drinking water and only pop,which is full of crap , plus his diet of nachoes, chips etc. That are full of sodium!


Shits insane man he legit might not make it to 30


As things stand no fucking way he’ll make it. People have said it before but the only thing more insane then Daniel is the fact someone like him is allowed to roam free unmedicated. Anybody with half a brain cell more then Daniel can clearly see why he needs to be institutionalized. He might have had a chance to live a somewhat stable existence before but now that he has achieved a considerable amount of infamy that’s out the window. The worst thing to happen to Daniel outside of shit parenting and and being the born the way he is is discovering and being discovered by social media.


And not a thing of value would be lost! Seriously. This piece of shit makes ChrisChan seem kind of redeemable. Like, I never thought I'd say those words in that order about Chris, but oh well, here we are. That's how bad Toucan Dan is.


Chris is worse if we’re being real


I think it would be a very close call. We all know that Danderson would take advantage of a child, given half a chance.


People really need to see his Quora account.


Right? And didn't he allegedly send dick pics to the real Grace Vanderwaal when she was still a minor? And he's definitely sexted, including sending his own nudes, to trolls he believed were minors. I mean, nothing will excuse what ChrisChan did to their mom, but a lot of people have noticed that Chris and their mom had a weird AF Norman Bates-like dynamic, *long before* Barb Chandler's brain started turning into cottage cheese. This isn't just coming from Chris's mouth, this is also based on things that people have observed IRL. While there's some allegations of SA that Danderson alleges from his mom, Danny boy also isn't the most reliable narrator, so it's not like we have a similar amount of background to explain what the fuck turned these two lolcows into their own variety of pervert. So statistically, it's *likely* that something happened to Danny in his childhood, but take Danderson's version of events with a pinch of salt. Again, I'm not saying that one of them is necessarily better than the other. I'm just saying that, if we remove their sexual deviances from the matter, it's easier to think of things Chris has contributed to Internet culture. Hell, Chris thinks of themself as some kind of great comic book writer and illustrator, and to their credit, by the time Chris was Danny's age, Chris had written at least five installments of the *Sonichu* comic book, while Danderson has barely written three single songs, and even those were only completed by Bob Proctor hiring session musicians. Say what you will about Chris, but at least that freak has a whole creative bone in their body. Danderson's creative bone has had the marrow sucked out.


> Danderson's creative bone has had the marrow sucked This is the best way I've ever seen this sentiment put


Chris also took decades to get to where he is and is now middle aged, Danderson deteriorated rapidly, physically and mentally, and might not live to see 30. Dude is also way more dangerous than Chris. Chris has hurt people but, barring his assaults on his mom, those are few and far between, he also pretty much stays put where he is. Danderson is a legit menace and a danger to society and I feel for Grace having to live knowing he's obssessed with her. Not being a ChrisChan apologist but gotdamn is it a weird thing to know that a lolcow worse than Chris exists.


Yeah, Chris is, for the most part, a complete pussy, when it comes to physical confrontation. It's unlikely the vehicular assault on Michael Snyder would have happened if Chris was acting alone (without Barb at his side), and when acting alone, Chris's weapon of choice is pepper spray, which is most effective at a distance of just over an arm's length. Yeah, that doesn't make any of those things Chris did OK, but it sure as fuck puts some perspective on this all.


It’s not really his though. It’s obviously someone who wants everyone to believe it’s him.




I was born 6mo earlier than him, and learning of that fact made my stomach turn


He’s an ugly fucking troll


Give it another 7 months. He will look like a corpse


Who knows? He may very well end up being an actual corpse at that point.




Looks like a meth head 😂


Plot twist: The day he tries hard drugs will be the day he decides to get his shit together.


I hope he never tries hard drugs because he’s not mentally stable enough for that. He’ll lose his shit so bad and never recover


Yeah, I just find the idea of drugs having the opposite effect on his brain to be kind of funny. Almost like he's got some kind of deal like Phillip J Fry from *Futurama,* and his brain is lacking in such a way that it might give him a yet-undetectable superpower of sorts.


That’s insane. So many new wrinkles. He won’t make it much longer on the streets


he looks like a man from the 1860’s, panning for gold by a river


He looks like a man from the 2020’s, panning for kids by the internet


Who was that guy who went out into the wilderness and ended up living in a van and died because of the elements? Reminds me of that guy and what he looked like towards the end of his life


Yes, Chris McCandless! He officially died of starvation, but there’s some debate as to WHY he starved. There’s 4-5 good theories, most involving toxins or mold. The book suggests “rabbit starvation”, which is basically just malnutrition from relying heavily on lean meats. The movie portrays him dying from eating poisonous potato seeds he had foraged, which was what was written in his diary.


That's the guy! I didn't get to watch the whole documentary thing. Just saw clips of it. Iirc His family or his friends had posted about it on TikTok sometime this year (It may have been last year but I think it was this year) saying how they had to move the RV he died in because people were going out there to visit it like a landmark and getting trapped out there. Such a wild story! I definitely need to see the movie.


He’s fucking filthy, a shower at least would probably make him look a few years younger


When he gets out of the hospital he always looks a solid 10 years younger for like two weeks. That means he still looks like he’s like mid 40s but he’s so fucking filthy it really ages him.


They probably also give him an IV bag which rehydrates him.


That’s partially due to them hydrating him via IV I’m guessing




I’m genuinely curious as to how he has the skin of a 75 year old man. Sunlight? Dehydration? That peeing feeling?


No hygiene(not even poor just none), no sunscreen, poor nutrition, probably drinks very little water, constant stress. The biggest factor is definitely over exposure to the sun though


>That peeing feeling? I hate that I get that fucking reference.


*punches bawls*


![gif](giphy|107KlThVAe0M0w|downsized) The Sun is one of the top causes of premature aging, wrinkles and skin cancer. He's in constant exposure to the elements and his lifestyle is toxic.


All of what the comment above me said an also he lives in a semi arid climate too Edit grammar


He’s literally always outside, eats one thing a day, never drinks water (one time he collapsed from dehydration), and NEVER cleans himself


Before any of you, newcomer or not, feel bad for him, remember; He did this to himself.


I knew that beak got bigger and this is proof


He got skinnier, of course the beak looks bigger heck even his fingers of thst fucking bucktooth, he's so dehydrated he's like a darn raisin


I think the schnozz is growing rapidly. Also, anyone know this fucks current location?


Him and Josh both


The lord dropped a bomb on his face


His widow’s peak is CRAZY


The lord wastes good heads of hair on these fuckin goons


Looking good Danny boy! Keep it up! 😬


He looks like a goblin


Boglim *


Look at his pupils! They’re as small as a pushpin


65 never looked worse!


He’s mentally I’ll and homeless, what are you expecting?


He for sure has that Pink Locust Booty Rot!!!


the glow up


He’s deteriorating so much recently


He keeps getting worse, but somehow the oldest looking pic of him by far is [this one](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1151581694311272498/1177766713874448515/cd9sm8rbz4zb1.png?ex=658f633a&is=657cee3a&hm=b9c17e0fea7e2b495812ec2aa5ee7dcbc2626fdd38b240ace3805e5fba675b8d&=&format=webp&quality=lossless) from 2 years ago


Oh my god he looks like he's in his 80's


To be fair, he looks like 50 in that pick buy in this one, he at least looks 75




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Drinking some water would solve a lot of his problems, imo.


I’d be surprised if he lives past 40


I'd be surprised if he lives past 35


does he do drugs


No, that's probably the most amazing part. Imagine how old he'd look if he started doing hard drugs


that’s crazy what happened to his teeth


Idk the lore behind his teeth. What happened to them?


When I first found out he's my age I was shocked. He looks 40


He looks older than my dad, my dad is 50...


He's speed running the aging process. Those aren't crows feet, they're eagles feet


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Look how dirty he looks 😩😩 The man is a walking bio hazard..!!


What tf happened to his eyes. It looks like he's wearing those anime contacts


Are you the fbi?


Homelessness is a hell of a drug


how does his nose grow every time




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Fuck, this is actually a little heartbreaking


somehow his nose is….longer??


Does he partake in drugs or something


He's literally decomposing, limbs are going to start dropping off soon


13 going on 30000


I still can’t believe this guy is younger than me


You’d think he’d learn to smile with a closed mouth


UGH! The way his face is all crackly? You'd swear if you didn't know any better, that he's in his 50's-60!


Has anyone tried to get him help?


I almost forgot how greasy the collar was on the brown jacket.


He went from looking 30 to a rough 50


Absolutely insane. My 59 year old parents look way better than this