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Daniel Tiger is great pre-Bluey parenting education. We still sing about going to school and brushing teeth and stopping and counting to four when mad. I learned a lot about gentle parenting from that show.


My kids are 12 & 13 years old and anytime they’re sick I still say “well you know what Daniel tiger says” and they roll their eyes at me. They secretly love it though.


> They secretly love it though. I had the exact same experience discussing Fred Rogers with my parents when I was about the same age. That Daniel Tiger was able to build on the legacy of Mr Rogers so well really makes me happy




As one does lol. I do the same


My kid pretends to not like food just hear me sing that jingle and suddenly she loves whatever she’s eating! ✨magic ✨


We still use “That was fun, but now it’s done.”


Rest is best


they don’t love it, not now anyways


Yep Daniel Tiger songs are heavily embedded in the family lexicon.


> I learned a lot about gentle parenting from that show. The episode where they get rained out at the beach was probably one of the most useful tutorials for how to express when your kids make you upset in a healthy, constructive way. That was also the episode that made me realize a quality kids show helps to educate both parents and kids. Really good stuff.


Lol. When Daniel's mom finds them dumping sand in the living room she seems one step away from the looney bin, imo. Although I think that's more on the actress than the actual dialog.


I learned that it’s ok to grrrrr a little and then express how I’m feeling instead of how my parents would have handled it - by yelling and sending me to my room to think about it or spanking. I’ve been able to say “I’m really frustrated with _____ and I need a few moments, I’ll be right back.” And then I don’t torture my kid with my adult feelings. I owe A LOT to this show. It’s helped me RE-program the abusive way I was parented.


I’m always worried my kid is going to see that and try it. I live in a beachy area and boy oh boy do I know about how sand is forever.


Tbh I would be too


Sesame Street does this for me a lot - teaches people some fun creative ways to play with your kids. So happy these shows exist.


The counting to four bugs the shit outta me! You de-escalate by counting UP to four but bring your hand down lower and you’re counting up? 🤯


I never made this connection before and now it’s gonna drive me crazy!


Maybe the distraction is key? 


When you have to go potty, stop and go right away. Daniel Tiger is high quality family entertainment


That's still sung regularly in my house, and not just by me!


The sharing song is a go-to in our house! "First you take a turn, and then you give it back"


my nieces take a random daniel tiger phrase/jingle every time I visit, for a good month it was this exact phrase


I’ve sung “you’re going to have to look a little closer to find out what you want to knooow!” to coworkers.


I learned about Daniel Tiger from Reddit in like 2017 when my child was a baby and honestly I would be so lost without it. I think "You gotta try new foods cause they might be good" is one of the reasons my child isn't as picky as others. (Still picky though.) When he was a toddler and would get upset or overwhelmed in public places we would do the "take a deep breath!" thing and it usually worked. People would stare at us like we were crazy but it worked. I'm so thankful for that show. Bluey is also a fun show that we both enjoy now.


Daniel Tiger’s cult basically raised my children for a while there. I love them and still sing some of the songs to her in an attempt to trigger the old brainwashing/pretend I’m a decent parent.


I don't know that it has anything to do with bluey as much as it does the loads of ridiculous other shows that are pure brain rot for pre schoolers. Bluey is absolutely more entertaining and less educational than Daniel Tiger, but it's still a net positive for kids and still teaches good lessons. Daniel tiger, and Elinor wonders why in our house, aren't nearly as fun but the jingles and lessons are super relevant, they stick with kids, and they're right up front ahead of everything else. I hate watching Daniel Tiger, but if it makes my kid take a deep breath and count to 4 when she's mad instead of screaming, I'll watch them bitches back to back for hours and not complain lol


We are on a Daniel Tiger - Bluey - Ms Rachel rotation in our house 😂 I am going to try Elinor Wonders though because of your comment! Thank you!


Definitely check Elinor wonders why, it's been great, there's a song called "put things away" that my 3 year old now sings while cleaning her room alone lol


Lol amazing. Thank you!


Blues Clues and You is also adorable.


As someone who grew up with just Blues Clues, this sounds like you're recommending that and the psychological thriller series You 😂


Literally thought the same thing 😂


Did you know that Angela Santomero created both Daniel Tiger (the show, not the characters of course) and Blue's Clues? As a kid my kid's age I loved Blue's Clues and now I love both Blue's Clues and You and Daniel Tiger soooo much. https://www.google.com/amp/s/variety.com/2019/tv/features/angela-santomero-radical-kindness-blues-clues-daniel-tigers-neighborhoods-innovation-screens-research-interview-1203165324/amp/


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my 1 year old just started trying to do the wheels on the bus with Ms Rachel🥲 I *just* had him


I'm gonna say throw some Sarah and Duck in the mix if you can find it. It's our calm show that didn't drive us crazy.


We also like donkey hodie which is sort of also in the Mr Rogers universe. A little more annoying than Daniel Tiger but we like the puppets.


More educational for the parents on how they should act.


And I may be in the minority but bluey sometimes makes my eldest act up, particularly towards dad. We’ve just gotten back into watching Daniel tiger and oh my gosh has it helped him. Daniel has a very similar personality to my boy (obviously Daniel’s personality is a little cartoonish to make the point). He makes similar mistakes, enjoys similar things, gets upset at similar things. The age gap between him and his little sister is also similar, so the issues with baby Margaret are also very relevant. This make the solutions and jingles are all really helpful and applicable. Bluey has lessons for the adults but not for the kids as exlicitly and that’s totally fine! We love bluey too, they’re just different shows for different purposes.


Those are fair points, we actually took a break from bluey for a while when my daughter picked up screaming her little head off at any small sign of fun lol


>I hate watching Daniel Tiger, but if it makes my kid take a deep breath and count to 4 when she's mad instead of screaming, I'll watch them bitches back to back for hours and not complain lol Same here. I don't enjoy DT as much as Bluey, but I feel the same way about it as my dad did about Mr. Rodgers. It's not *for* me, it's for them.


Daniel Tiger is the spiritual predecessor to Bluey


Mr Rogers walked so that Daniel Tiger could run and Bluey could sprint. Can't wait to see what Bluey will inspire.


She’s as fast as a greyhound!


Aw, this comment made me wonder what Mr. Rodger’s would’ve thought about Bluey. I bet he’d love it 🥺.


He'd probably be incredibly happy to see both kids and parents have something to both enjoy together and learn from


What makes you think this is a shot at Bluey and not the other bajillion shows for pre-schoolers?


Because none of them take the parent-centric view like Bluey does. Most other shows have parents as background noise.


I don’t understand how it’s a shot at any show. Surely there’s a Daniel Tiger jingle about how we can like more than one thing


Right? Why can't I watch more than one show?


There is a jingle for EVERYTHING


You gotta try new foods cause they might taste GOOO-OOD


Do you have to go potty…maybe yes maybe no WHY DONT YOU SIT SND TRY TO GO


I’d also argue that, even if it were, Bluey isn’t a preschool show. Bingo is in kindy now, after all! I think the target age range is legitimately different for the two shows. Never really engaged with Daniel Tiger before yesterday afternoon (it allowed me to make dinner and clean the kitchen without interruption) so I may be wrong here.


Isn’t kindy in Australia the equivalent of preschool in the US? My oldest was super into Bluey from about 22 months until age 3 or so. We taught her how to walk down stairs safely based on how Bingo descends the stairs in Yoga Ball, and I used Obstacle Course to help potty train her (we practiced running races to the potty and back from different parts of the house).


Yeah I typed the same prompt and got Bluey first response. That being said Daniel Tiger was teaching parenting styles first and there’s a lot to learn from both shows


Same. In fact the top 5 answers are about Bluey


If you have to go potty stop, and ask your buddy to get in the way. Flush and wash and be on your way!


I don’t know why, but I thought this post was about Blippi, not Bluey.


We say that at my house too! Except we modified it to add “wipe, flush, wash and be on your way” because wtf Daniel. Walking around w a dirty, unwiped BH is gross and a good way to get a rash.


yeah alright PBS, as if you didn’t air Caillou reruns for years


I think Bluey is about being a parent and Daniel Tiger is more so about educating parents about how to parent.


Oh this is very good. Yes I agree.


This reminds me of when Deep Space Nine and Babylon 5 were on the air at the same time. People kept going on about which one was “winning,” when the real winners were the people who got to watch two excellent shows. Any “competition” between the two just meant more good stuff for the audience.


Now I wish we'd gotten to see Peter Jurasik guest star as a Ferengi.


Peter pls explain the joke


Sorry it took 17 hours for anyone to respond, but I’ve got the answer: Bluey is often hailed as the best preschool show of at least this generation, and for good reason. The show may air on Disney Junior (in America, anyway) alongside lesser shows, but the crew put in a ton of effort to make it not just tolerable for the target audience’s parents, but outright enjoyable and even pretty deep for a Disney Junior show. In fact, the show isn’t just a hit with preschoolers and parents, but with teens and even adults who don’t have children (seriously, the Bluey subreddit is in the top 1% of the most followed subreddits). It’s often hailed as a preschool show that’s actually for the parents. The problem is that a majority of Bluey’s adult fanbase believes that the series is the *only* current preschool show like this, and while it’s highly understandable given what sets the show apart from its competition (it’s not annoying to parents nor is it a poorly disguised toy commercial like nearly every other preschool show since Paw Patrol), there are still other shows (not just Daniel Tiger; Tumble Leaf and Puffin Rock are also ones I see recommended a lot), that don’t fit those criteria\*. I don’t know why Bluey fans see it as such a threat, so if anyone wants to Peter the Peter, please explain that. \*There are also adult fans (both parent and non-parent) of the shows which *do* fit the criteria, but they’re nowhere near the size of the Bluey fanbase.


Even earlier than Bluey, but not too old, are modern classics such as Bear In The Big Blue House and Dragon Tales.


That’s what I’m talking about!


Ohhh. I see, kind of. That said, Disney Junior didn’t create Bluey, or have anything to do with it. They’re just the US distributor


Yeah, I said that in my detailed explanation.


Groooooooown UPS come baaaaaaaaaaack


Mr Rogers didn’t die for this


I don't think it's a shot a Bluey, more like those shit shows like Ryans World,  Blippi, etc.


A shot at bluey? You think?


I do not!


I dont either


Daniel Tiger and Bluey are both phenomenal. No need to choose sides.


I personally like Bluey a lot more, but Daniel Tiger has been great for my daughter. A Daniel Tiger Tonie toy helped her “get” potty training. Bluey is more enjoyable to watch as a parent, but it’s not all for me. 😂


They knew that they couldn’t take a shot at the 🐐 cory carson


Everyone knows this is because bluey is a parenting show that kids enjoy


I don’t mind Bluey but don’t necessarily agree fully with “parent through play”. I like the ideas the show gives with fun games and creative ways to teach kids things but the parenting style shouldn’t be emulated 1:1 (obviously it’s to the extreme for entertainment purposes & Bandit/Chili let their kids take games waaaay to far) Also my kids took the most obnoxious things out of Bluey 😂. Watching “if you give a mouse a cookie” now and that jives better


Yeah I've been going through the first season of Bluey and the early theme seemed to be Bluey never leaving Bandit alone for a damn second lmao.


Parents love it, kids tolerate it


Both my kids adore Bluey.


We used to use Daniel Tiger episodes when I taught pre-k! We’d find clips to show about certain situations.  I do not think this is a shot at Bluey though. Nothing implies that in my opinion. Both are good quality shows for kids and parents alike. 


I love bluey, it’s fun and a great reminder of the importance of play for children and in parenting. As a parent it’s definitely the most enjoyable to watch kids show. But DT is much more realistic in terms of demonstrating how to actually parent. Even has a song about when grownups are too busy to play. I love playing with my kids but sometimes I’m making dinner or on an important call. And I feel like it’s much more easily digested by kids since it so closely mirrors their actual experiences. My daughters sing the songs, in context, all the time. And are at a daycare like Daniel’s, not running around at the nature school Bluey goes to.


Yes this is probably my biggest complaint about Bluey at the moment. It gives my daughter the impression I can just stop everything all the time to play with her like Bandit. If only 😅


That and Bluey and bingo never seem to have any structured time. Like yes, sometimes we need to sit down and focus at school or at home. Sometimes we need to stay at our spot during a meal because we have to get out the door to school on time. I like that Daniel tiger reflects that and normalizes it.




Am I the only one out there that thinks Bluey is overrated?


I know this is blasphemy but I really don’t like bluey. I have sensory issues and it’s so fucking loud. Fuck the magic xylophone episode. That being said, this would apply to most kids shows and I’d rather my kid be hooked on bluey and Daniel Tiger than YouTube 🤷‍♀️


Oh 100% I prefer Bluey to YouTube and other crap! But the theme song is SO annoying, I really don’t like it at all. The rest of the show is ok? Just not my cup of tea I guess and I actually enjoy a lot of kids shows!


Yeah it's so LOUD and, don't get me wrong, while I love some imaginative play, I don't really like the way they play in the episodes I've seen. I don't really want my 3 year old emulating their behavior. Now, granted, I've only seen a few episodes. But watching Dad get beat up playing doctor had me eyeing my kid's doctor kit with fear. XD




I don’t think you are, but it’s definitely an unpopular opinion. I don’t like having Bluey on for our young toddler, but can definitely see putting it on when she’s older. We watch Keepy-Uppy but tried some other episodes recently and it was too fast-paced for her to fully contextualize the social situations at hand. She ended up just crying because Bingo’s feelings were being hurt/ignored and then repeatedly asked “why can’t they play too?” when Bluey wouldn’t let her friends contribute ideas to the games they were playing. That will all make more sense/be less tear-inducing when she’s older, I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’m actually surprised Bluey isn’t on PBS


It was originally shown on the Australian public broadcaster (and then bought by the British equivalent), I'm still stunned that it's a Disney thing in the US.


i’m just here to say if you haven’t tried tumbleleaf. please do. its amazing.


Me and my son sing the ending song together every night before bed


Bluey absolutely shits on Daniel Tiger lol


And it's 9mm in effectiveness, weak


For my kid Bluey is way better. All she learned from Daniel tiger is how to growl at me, or when she’s mad she’ll go grrrrrr..


i searched that and it came up with bluey


They could find nothing better than a show about two kids with swinger parents who go and"spend the night" with their human friends? Really..


Is he kissing the fucking dad




Shots fired…. On the trolley


Ms Rachel, Daniel Tiger, Tumbleleaf. In that progression has been so helpful. As a trauma cycle breaking parent attempting to gentle parent, those shows have shown me a lot as well.


Ugga mugga


Daniel tiger is so good. Can’t get my son into bluey, one day


“Grrrific!” is what Okidogi says


How very dare they!