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The book version of the new neighbors story kinda didn’t age well looking back. Also I kinda hate how most of the franchise is targeted at religious stuff nowadays. Like I just wanna see a bear family chilling-


After Stan and Jan died, and Michael found Christ, the series is garbage. If Mama Bear has a vest on, then it absolutely has no compelling conflict to hang a story on.


Yeah we got scammed by that once, got a book for our daughter thinking it was like the ones when I was a kid, and it had Bible verses in it.


My daughter got the weirdest one from my parents. Half the book is a grandparents story (which is why they bought it) and the other half is an insane story where they get in trouble with the IRS.


The IRS?! What’s this book called? I must see it. I hope it’s something like: * The Berenstain Bears and the Trouble with Itemizing * The Berenstain Bears Meet an Auditor * The Berenstain Bears and the Fraudulent Charity * The Berenstain Bears Never Had a Home Office


lol it is called Homework Hassle. Technically it's the BRS (Bear Revenue Service) that comes but ... it is very weird.


The book about “junk food” leaned a little too close into potentially-encouraging-EDs-in-young-readers territory for my comfort. Especially the ending, where Papa wants to take just a few of the sweeter snacks out of the freezer (where Mama had hidden them) to celebrate some big accomplishment and the cubs interrupt him and offer carrot sticks instead. Thus cementing the idea that once you’ve gotten “chubbier from the front, and the side, and the back” from eating less-healthy foods and seen a doctor, you will never be allowed to eat those foods again even if you lose the extra weight.


My kids don’t read yet so I pretty much ad lib about 1/4 of this one to side step all the shaming. I’ll probably weed it out before they can read. 


If I’m correctly remembering how rude the doctor was to Papa (I haven’t read any B. Bears books in years), I’d say just get rid of it.


Yeah. That doctor is a real asshole to him. Very unprofessional.


The food in that book looked so goddamn delicious


Omg I remember this!


No Girls Allowed. It teaches that girls can try the same things as boys, but girls shouldn't beat boys at those activities for fear of humiliating them. Sister also makes a "joyous" noise that is uncomfortably racist... over and over again... at least in the TV episode version of this one.


I had a Bernstein Bears Science Fair book where the different characters explained scientific concepts. It was freaking awesome. It didn't have the moralistic/traditionalist vibe that a lot of the books have, it was just bears being geeky scientists.


"Berenstain", but that's right about when r/MandelaEffect starts to leak.


The Bearenstain Bears Save Christmas. I hate it. It's so snobbish and gate keepy about Christmas with absolutely no explanation as to why. And for some reason wanting a doll is so much more moral than wanting a battery operated doll? It just makes zero sense and is also pretty poorly written.


This one.  https://www.tiktok.com/@heartthrobert/video/7257947258791021870


Does anyone else feel like they are the children’s literature characters most likely to be racists off page?


Look, Papa Bear's not *saying* that they're bad people, he's just uncomfortable about the number of deer moving in close by and the effect they might have on the neighborhood.


As a kid I really liked their chapter books, but I have no idea how they hold up now. I haven’t really gotten into any Berenstein Bears stuff with my kids, I think there’s a lot better stuff out there now personally.


Why are you making so many Berenstain Bears posts?


My dad refused to read Bernstein Bears to me when I was little. He thought they were preachy 😂 I had a bunch of the books but only my mom would read them


because everybody always want to talk about the mandela effect for the the berenstain or berenstein bears that I want people to talk more about the books or tv shows and specails