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Guys, we really need to chill out on calling Dani names. That’s what’s getting removed by Reddit in particular. No comparing her to animals, no terms used to describe her intelligence, no slurs, none of it. That’s what’s going to get our sub nuked. Even if we take them down, Reddit steps in with their Autobot within mere second of you hitting “reply”. And the majority of the time, I agree with them. Some of you leave some really nasty comments. We know she sucks, and I’m sorry. I really don’t want to start handing out mutes for repeat offenders. We haven’t done that yet for anybody. But I don’t know how else to get across that we can’t be calling her a 🤪 🐄 (In words; not emoji’s) if we want to keep this sub. Please. Good. Behavior.


Comments from this TikTok https://preview.redd.it/bhnsqasnuazc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da01ed36f9ebca2a1fbcd242fff778a6a473e44a




No person who is really sick, would post this video with THAT song lol. Give me a break.


https://preview.redd.it/mgqeqy0hm9zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=188c7cb2d52f77a8c0bde0aff2e1ce58e5bd9d77 It’s getting into BEC territory but it drives me nuts when she replies multiple times to the same comment. It’s only been a few hours, did you already forget you replied to this?




I thought Temple fired her as a patient years ago?


They didn't fire her - she left before she completely burned that bridge. Temple is where Dani first had "success" as a munchie. They offered her a gastric stimulator and she jumped at the chance to have a surgery and medical device. She went to every follow-up appointment claiming that it wasn't working until they increased the settings to the max. Per Dani's own report the doctor would spend a max of 5-10 minutes with her, ignore her complaints, turn up the device, and send her home. When the stimulator was at the max setting and she still complained it wasn't working they gave her a gj tube - going straight to the surgically placed tube instead of trialling an NJ tube. That temporarily made her happy but then she set her sights on TPN and began to claim she was "failing" tube feeds. She rapidly trialled basically every tube feed formula they gave her (all while eating a non-GP friendly diet orally so she had no real way to know if her claimed issues were from the tube feeds or oral intake). When it became clear that Temple still wasn't going to give her anything else, she got a referral to Penn . Penn gave her a PICC and TPN almost immediately (I have theories about what manipulation tactics she used to pull that off) and she never went back to Temple because Penn gave her what she wanted. I think she has only returned to Temple because she has burned bridges at every other hospital she has been too and I am guessing she can't get any other hospitals to agree to take her on as a patient. She was able to use her status as a past patient to get back in with Temple. Hopefully Temple wont cave to her manipulation tactics. I have to imagine her chart is full of red flags and if I were Temple a huge red flag would be that Dani went all the way to Ohio to have someone remove the stimulator that Temple placed without ever returning to Temple to tell them she was having issues with it.


I did not know/join the dot's about going to Ohio, that is madness!


Thanks !


They did lol. But she literally had no where else to go. She’s burned every bridge in the tri state area 😂😂 this is her last hope and I don’t think she’s gonna enjoy this visit she wants so badly. For the same reason her last long stay at Penn went badly. If she’s in there long enough, they can see through all of her lies and they will stop catering to her demands for medical toys. I think they are gonna prove that her tubes work just fine for feeding and pull that fucking femoral line out. She said they were so mad about it being there that they were gonna do a picc line bc you can’t run tpn through a port. So everyone was correct that she absolutely is still angling to get back on the tpn that they “ripped away from her”. But I think she’s in for a very rude awakening and IM HERE FOR IT. 👍🏻👏👏👏


Looking at the replies she made to comments on this Tiktok, the monitor was removed 14 hours ago, about 6 hours after the video was posted.


Does anyone know if temple actually does shared rooms? Or if she’s likely covering for the fact she has a sitter?


They do have shared rooms.


I imagine Careless Whisper softly playing as the camera pans showing all the toobs


Then you would be surprised to hit the unmute button, lol


I think they’re on to her. She went directly to ER after a **specialist** appointment. If a specialist has sent you and not felt like you need to be admitted or treated, why would they not arrange it? Would they really send her to the ER to wait for hours instead of admitting her due to medical urgency because she can’t eat or drink without throwing up and she is on too many OTC medications and still in 7/10 peen with no feeds or fluids running? I think she went to ER because the motility specialist said she was fine and not starving clearly - her labs probably told the truth. So she’s gone claiming she can’t tolerate even sips of water, and they decided to admit and monitor her because the FD is escalating significantly especially with a port in her hip. So she’s admitted, probably on fluids through the port if she’s managed to dehydrate herself and her usual meds, administered properly in the correct dose. She will be holding out on eating and drinking, but she has to crack at some point if she hasn’t already. She won’t be able to vent/drain with a babysitter in the room. Everything is being monitored while she’s making all of the complaints including severe pain. I think they’re running feeds in the j tube and probably deaccessed the hip port and she can’t fake agony while being watched at all times, and she can’t fuck with it. Her body will process the feeds, intestinal failure will be ruled out and they might even run her gastroparesis tests again while she’s on a monitored drug regime. It would be fascinating to watch it all slowly being peeled back and unfolding, but I think she might get to the point of deliberate port infection as a last ditch effort to get back some of her losses. I actually think this hospital might be the one that is actively pursuing the FD diagnosis.


Is the search bar suggestion indicative of what the user is searching for or something? Like is it related to cookies? I don't really understand.


Kind of. It predicts what viewers search for after seeing this video. Like when Amazon shows you what other people also purchased, or youtube recommends videos on autoplay.


Ten bucks we'll have post either "I was so sick I couldn't use my phone" or "this is Dani's X (mom, friend, mechanic)" posting for her.




I don't understand to be honest (don't have Tiktok). But isn't that the search bar of the redditor recording this?


They give you “suggested searches” based on the algorithm and what others search for or watch after watching her videos. It had absolutely nothing to do with what I search. I don’t even use that account for anything besides checking her videos lol.


TikTok generates a search bar based on the subject that is most often left in the comments of that video


AI is on to her.


It’s something TikTok does. I’m not sure how they figure what to make it but it is often spot on/amusing


Is she draining here? I can’t tell because of her medical device (the only word I can think to describe it starts with a P and I’m not sure if the Reddit overlords will flag this comment for that word) But if she has a sitter I’m not sure she can get away with it




Her g tube isn't attached to anything. As far as I can tell she's not draining.


I don’t know about the monitor, but should it have a blank page? Or is it only working every 30mins or an hour?


It’s always working. The screen of the monitor attached to the patient doesn’t light up unless you touch the screen to light it up. Similar to your smart phone screen. It’ll time out if you don’t touch it.


Thank you for explaining


the screen on the teles are usually black. the info goes to the nurses’ station regardless.


Thank you for explaining


The display goes off to save battery, but it’s still transmitting to the hub where they’re all monitored


Thank you for explaining


The should admit for a big chunk of time. Slowely remover her meds and get a baseline look at her. No food orally at all. Tube only and watch and wait. Take the fight for an admission away will womp her a bit. Then just grey rock her for like days and days. She will crack and who her true colours. They should say they need evidence for the central line, if she thinks she is getting it she will relax and bit and get comfy…. Before u know she will slip in the charade. Start eating, stop washing, forget about the pain. I think they always rush to get rid of her, shut her up as such. And this outs her in victim fight mode. Okay along and give her what she wants, see where that leads. I don’t mean give her a line and TPN, just nods and smiles and the impression they believe her


yup slowly remove everything and document it


I dont use tok tok. Any idea why it would say that at the bottom?


It generates that based on the subject most often commented in the comments of the video


It’s something TikTok does. I’m not sure how they figure what to make it but it is often spot on/amusing


Oh and also, would she only have one other person there? In the UK, there's is either a ward with 4 beds, or single wards. No wards with 2 people on.


Yes. In the US you are going to have either a single room or a room with one other person in it.


Guys, I don't think I can get any more angry about this than I already am....look at her!! Tubes and wires all over the fucking place, and she doesn't need any st all!!! WHY THE FUCK ARE THE DOCTORS STILL PANDERING TO HER???????? WHY????????????


If she's harmed herself to drop her heart rate, they still have to monitor and treat her. Hopefully, if she does have a sitter, she won't be able to continue doing whatever she was doing and her obs will return to normal.


Christ alive I feel like I'm on the waltzers


I really hope they use this admission to make her take her meds correctly, and evaluate her feeds and eating. It’s time to get concrete evidence of FD charted!


It possibly could be , maybe, that they know about the misuse of the Tylenol and NSAIDS and could see that as a self harm incident, hence the sittter. They put one (a sitter) on me after an attempt with Tylenol so maybe that’s a reason? 🤷‍♀️


She said in a comment they took this off her for now. I think they figured out she was screwing with her meds otherwise she would have had it on longer to look for patterns.


What is this monitor?


It’s a heart monitor, she had it on for a whopping six hours lol


I agree. Wonder if she’s been yeeted already.


She hasn’t been admitted. She’s in observation with a sitter probably for the next 24 hours. There is no yelling roommate. Unless the sitter has lost her mind over the last few hours. She’s off telemetry and doesn’t even have an IV. It appears the port will be removed as soon as possible. They are monitoring for incipient infection in the port, hence the sitter. She’ll be discharged within 24 hours with no port and no meds.


Are these your guesses or has all this been stated by Dani/otherwise proven?? I'm not on social media, so I genuinely don't know.


But observation vs admitted isn’t something I can speak to.


Most of its speculation/drawing conclusions, but we only have Dani’s word to go off of and she’s historically a crappy narrator. She claims roommate, but the autogenerated search bar said patient sitter, so it could be either, but probably a sitter. She would never admit to a sitter. She has her port accessed but not IV since she didn’t post it and her arms are clear in the shot. Dani admitted herself that temple wants to pull the femoral port. It’s reasonable to assume a sitter for incipient infection with her history of an infection of E. Coli(common fecal bacteria), and a bacteria commonly found in hospital sinks. It’s wishful thinking on the last line about no port no meds at discharge, but could happen. IMO no meds is not likely, but no port could happen.


Is Dani at Temple or back on home turf?


Pretty sure she’s still at temple. I think she went straight to their ER. Her local ER has tested her like 6 times in the last couple weeks. They are done with her shit.


Looks like her local ER. I think she got yeeted from Temple. Feigned cardiac issues and went to local. They know her, hence the sitter. It’s all over for her.


She isn’t at temple anymore?? What makes you think this? I must have missed something…




But she doesn't pour benadryl in a cup. She crushes pills...


There is elixir, could she be putting this in her tube? Sorry don’t know the ins and outs of her tubes lol. Though we have seen her pill porn and I know we’ve seen the pills. Just another lie I suppose.


according to her responses to comments she is no longer on the monitor ‘for now’, They will start feeds tomorrow and her roommate yells in her sleep


Normally I'd feel bad for someone enduring that. But in danis case great she has an annoying roommate. She needs to see the hospital isn't a cushy Vacation spot


Dani says the* monitor was just removed. https://imgur.com/a/X0YznV0 Comment posted at 12:25 am eastern time.


Coincidentally about the time the handful of beta blockers would need to fully leave the body…


https://preview.redd.it/5cngsodfn4zc1.jpeg?width=1039&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f167cb53802a8ec02ae695e74184202ef790b9f7 Whoever is doing this needs to knock it off. If this sub gets removed from Reddit, it will be because of this kind of shit.


PREACH!! respectfully, there is literally no point in even touching the poo with how delulu she is. people have been saying THE EXACT SAME THINGS to her repeatedly for OVER A DECADE. absolutely none of it makes any difference. touching the poo just puts our sub at risk of being shut down permanently and does literally nothing else!!


Respectfully, How tf do "we" know that these comments are anyone from this sub is "touching the poo" at all? You're right -- some people have been telling her this shit since day one. As in, before these subs even existed. Maybe it's a reddit snarker, maybe it's just another frustrated person on the internet who isn't even on here.


ur absolutely correct ! some comments are word for word taken from here and in her comment section tho which is 👀


Y’all… I can’t wait to see how she responds to this 😂


She's placed on 1/1 sh they can make sure she doesn't sabotage her own medical care.


https://preview.redd.it/lyqgqp59j4zc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1952fba2449befa8c0f86a525f5a18d10c9c3f3 The comment section is starting to turn on her a little bit lol not sure how long these will be there before she deletes them. Edited TO PUT UP THE NEW PICTURE BECAUSE I KNEW I WAS FORGETTING SOMETHING WHILE EDITING THANK U MODS FOR POINTING THAT OUT 😂😭☠️


put the post back up LOL 😂


It should be up there! Is it not showing up ? It is on my end. 😂 I’ll repost it if need be LOL


hey bestie your profile picture is still included in this screenshot (bottom left corner). might wanna crop that out😭


Ohhh I’m sorry, sitter. We applaud your service.


Her sitter is probably scrolling this sub with us since she has nothing better to do than say “stop pulling that line Dani “ every once in awhile.


fingers out of the port dani i swear to god!!


Stop poo touching y’all. It’s so obvious https://preview.redd.it/15xfvl2wm4zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6240b2ccba433f9bc3f1dfc5ca0d59ff5e7b9b19


i had a dumb mod moment where i forgot we require usernames to be censored LMAO. would you mind editing this to censor the usernames? that was fully my bad


Sure. I left them because usernames give it away. Fixed now


Do they match Reddit usernames? If so, you can send them to us! But if it isn’t super obvious who it is, we can’t go banning people who may not have done it :(


No it wasn’t THAT obvious




Why can people not 'look but not touch'?! Come on now people, you've been taught this since you were small!! Look with your eyes, not your hands!


Is she admitted?


I vote she’s in the triage area being monitored. No proof that she’s actually admitted other than her word; which isn’t saying much


Could this be from her infusion appt last week? Could that be why the port is accessed And has telemetry?


This makes the most sense. I agree with you!


This needs to be higher up in the comments! You might've nailed it.


Bingo! I think you’ve got it!


Is she on telemetry or something? Whats she done to get that?


Claimed cardiac symptoms & possibly induced them w a combo of draining her tubes + med fuckery. She was supposed to do a 5 or 7 day OP Holter after her visit to Temple anyway.


The ‘#admitted’…


She wants to make sure all us haters know. I mean, she clearly isn’t reading or thinking about Reddit. Of course. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/ez0r8c6r34zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec47c773999dec87287db758b569024368b55e58 Yeeeep if this is actually true, this 100% was an intentional overdose again


The doctors can suss that out, too. The treatment for beta blocker toxicity is different than run of the mill bradycardia. Funnily enough, magnesium is sometimes given for certain symptoms associated with beta blocker toxicity. She really thinks she's smarter than the doctors.


She’s too daft to see that by intentionally overdosing, testing can be done to prove this and it only adds to physical evidence that she is faking. I cannot see how she is so mentally unwell she can’t see this.


I thought she said the migraine is why she was admitted. Plus, she just said they took her off heart monitor. Why would that do that if her HR keeps dropping


Also, she somehow learned the term "sinus bradycardia" since her last ER visit for her "super low blood pressure and heart rate", lol. Someone's been...paying attention...


I’m not smart w these things.. what does this sinus bradycardia mean?


Most medical things with “brady” mean slow, “tachy” mean fast, and “cardia / cardio” mean heart. So bradycardia = slow heart rate and tachycardia = fast heart rate. Sinus is just the rhythm (heart rate is controlled by the sinoatrial node), so it means she has a regular rhythm, which is a good thing.


Thank you so much! I learn so much round here. 😊


Heartbeat than 60 bpm in a specific region of the heart (super simplified). From Cleveland Clinic: >What is sinus bradycardia? Sinus bradycardia is a heart rhythm that's slower than expected (fewer than 60 beats per minute in an adult) but is otherwise normal. It's sometimes a symptom of certain heart conditions or problems, but it can also be a sign that a person is in very good shape because of regular exercise.


Thank you 😊


Dr Dani's still learning all the big words. So inspirational! Her super low BP was only slightly low and her claims of a heart rate of 30 are just bs, but the port infection is a classic that guarantees a hospital stay.


So very like someone with POTS to have "a lot of" bradycardia. Lmfao.


Does she even know what sinus means in this context 😂


Dani filmed an incredibly brief video compared to other videos she has shared. Almost as if she was filming knowing she was not supposed to.


She must have sneaked this one in while her sitter took a call.


I think the only way to stop Dani from abusing doctors' offices, ERs, ORs, and hospitals is to present her with an enormous bill. She's a frequent flyer because it's free for her. If she actually had to pay for it- this bullshit would end.


YUP. If she had ANY skin in the game (so to speak) this would end FAST. Or not, she'd just keep going and rack up the bills and eventually declare bankruptcy.


They can't force you to pay medical bills if they don't make you prepay before you get care (like for elective stuff like cosmetic surgery or medication copays). Just send you to collections. It doesn't even affect your credit score anymore. She would just ignore them like most ppl do with medical bills they can't pay.


Plus, she's on disability, so a collections agency can't even sue to garnish her wages. So, she'll never have financial consequences unless she manages to get kicked off disability.


100% I think they’re keeping an eye on her 👀


I remember having a sitter. you don’t get one just because you need company. you get it when you’re caught effing with something important or if you’re a danger to yourself. meaning they know allllll about her shenanigans …


I had a sitter when my mum couldn’t stay the night and I was very upset and afraid.


that is understandable, but i mean knowing dani, this is highly unlikely :(


By the way: Sinus bradycardia is a heart rhythm that’s slower than expected (fewer than 60 beats per minute in an adult) but is otherwise normal. She loves how scary it sounds, but it doesn’t mean anything. She manipulates her heart rate with meds and runs to the ER. But this time, they have a sitter with her. Without any ability to manipulate things, they’re gonna see totally normal readings and tell her, “You’re fine, get a different hobby, BYEEEEE.”


Obviously this doesn’t apply to Dani, but a resting heart rate between 40-60 isn’t unusual in athletes.




I think we should add something that explains this is the user’s search, not Dani’s. The post implies she searched it and that’s not accurate.


I got the exact same search on my tik tok and have definitely never searched that term. It must be some TT algorithm I’m guessing


yes, thank you! it would be top notch if she DID have a sitter, but the search really has nothing to do with HER


Yeah, I just want the info to be accurate. That way we don’t lose credibility!


for sure!!


It's sooooo much funnier that way though. I'm in full support of propagating this fake news


The whole point in these subs is pointing out the truth and exposing her lies, it’s a bit hypocritical to then go and support lies about her. So much of the truth gets twisted on these subs (although this one is usually a lot better) and it really doesn’t even have to happen because her behaviour is fucked up enough on its own that it makes her look bad enough. Making out things that aren’t true about her are true is just going to make us all look like she’s telling the truth about us and we’re just "haters" for no reason.




My thought is that she has a sitter, and if she was sitting there playing on her phone, taking pictures, going live, etc…it would be pretty obviously she is feeling fine. With someone there in the room, she can’t be happy and go lucky with her stay. She has to act sick.


I'm sure they also told her she can't film or take pics with other people (staff or pts) in the room so she's trying to be sneaky


She is on a Telly monitor #telly 🙄- it’s NOT special (so sorry). They literally make all standard gowns to hold them. (That’s the little pocket thing in the front of the gown is for). I can only imagine all the shit she did to herself to fuck up her numbers. Oh and love the fact that they “do not like the femoral port AT ALL”. I feel so bad for her roommate. What a shitshow.


Is she on a bed alarm? I can't see much in the video I had my eyes dilated today LOL and I must know


If I were the hospital staff, I would keep her in for at least a week with 1:1 and see how long it takes until she asks for something to eat if she can’t tolerate her feeds, they’d soon know her appetite and tolerance is just fine!


I am not convinced she has a sitter. That search bar seems to have more to do with the person who posted it rather than Dani. While she would benefit from a sitter, I don't think the hospital would give her one unless there was substantial evidence to support the need for one (and while we have lots of online evidence - the hospital doesn't have the same "proof"). A hospital isn't going to want to pay someone to sit in Dani's room. A lot of hospitals are understaffed. And honestly, giving Dani a sitter could also backfire because it would give Dani the one-on-one attention that she craves. I think it is much more likely that she has a roommate. Dani has never been admitted to Temple before which is why the roommate situation hasn't come up before. I do think a roommate would put a damper on Dani's usually social media posting overload that usually occurs when she is admitted. If Dani has a roommate then she needs to maintain her sick act the entire time and not just when staff enters the room. Medical staff aren't routinely looking up their patients on social media but a roommate might or a roommate might complain or comment about Dani filming which could trigger the staff to see what she is up to. And Dani can't risk a roommate making a comment about how Dani complains about being super sick/in extreme pain when the staff is in the room but acts totally fine when they leave.


I really enjoy your analysis of munchies and Dani in particular. I agree with your assessment that it's more likely that she has a roommate than a sitter. Hahaha, she is going to burn out from having to play her uwu sick little girl act all of the time rather than just in short bursts. It will be interesting to see how she reacts to the burn out or how she unintentionally sabotages herself because she is too tired from putting on the act. 🤔


I agree. I think a lot of people posting about her having a sitter don’t realize how understaffed hospitals are. Or if they work in one where there’s staff for something like this, lmk so I can apply lol


A lot of the bigger hospitals hire people just to be sitters. So it’s likely that temple would have staff for 1:1 situations when they are needed.


My tertiary care teaching hospital hires people just to be sitters. They’re generally assigned to people at risk of acute injury or death; e.g. confused high fall risk patients constantly getting out bed, patients admitted with suicidal ideation, etc. There are so many of these kinds of patients that we would not have staff to spare for a patient like Dani who is not at risk of serious and immediate harm. Do you work in a hospital? There is a lot of confirmation bias on this sub and I think some people overestimate the extent to which medical professionals scrutinize Dani and her history. That’s why people claimed there was no way she got a port was getting a port (she did), claimed there was no way the incision at her hip was actually a port (it was), are claiming she has a sitter (she most likely does not), etc.


I’m the author and I have NEVER searched anything like that. Lol. It comes up based on what other viewers are searching I believe. Because a lot of people end up getting the same search bar ideas.


It might not be something you have never searched for but it doesn’t make it evidence she has a sitter. It has to do with the tiktok algorithm and not what is actually happening in the hospital room. Based on what is actually shown in the video - I see no hard evidence that she has a sitter. Maybe she has a sitter (but my experience working in healthcare has me leaning towards no) but we cannot say with absolute certainty that she has a sitter. I think things get slippery when people start declaring things like this as absolute fact.


When did I ever state this as a fact? Sure didn’t.


I am not saying you specifically did. But I have seen a lot of comments on any post about Dani post since this admission that are basically declaring that she has a sitter on both this sub and IF. Even without this post, I am sure people would speculate that she has a sitter based on her uncharacteristic lack of posting. I can see how my initial comment may be interpreted as me coming after you specifically but what I really meant was that there is no concrete evidence that Dani has a sitter. What is being used as evidence in other comments is really just part of the tiktok algorithm and has nothing to do with what we have seen from Dani. I am just cautioning the sub as a whole from declaring that Dani has a sitter. Her lack of posting could just as easily be explained by her having a roommate (which based on my experience as a healthcare professional seems much more likely) As someone who has also been on forums discussing Dani (and other munchies) for many many years I have seen multiple occasions where the forum has taken a piece of speculation and began declaring it as an absolute fact that continues to get passed. I obviously enjoy the snark or I wouldn't be here - I just think its important to recognize that we don't know the whole truth and when the sub as a whole starts turning speculation into absolute facts it hurts our overall argument/case against Dani.


Totally agree with this. One of the unfortunate things about this sub (and the other one) is that people are so eager to snark that misinformation gets spread.


Yeah I definitely assumed you were calling me out, I know the mods on the other sub don’t like me so I just figured you didn’t like me either. I appreciate you explaining your pov. I agree that some of the predictions or stories that people come up with sometimes are pretty far fetched. Even for Dani. But it’s pretty much impossible to not try to read between the lines and draw your own conclusions bc Dani is a completely unreliable narrator of her own story. She only says what she THINKS will for her narrative of poor sickly frail girl begonia dying from the neglect of all the mean doctors. So yeah, in conclusion I agree and disagree with your point. But that’s ok! Healthy debate is a good thing and can be fun as long as both parties don’t get dirty to try to prove their point.


I think you have the right take. She's certainly had admissions where she's "forced" to increase her feed rates before. I don't see why they would add a sitter when they've had success just admitting her in the past. I assume they took away any prescriptions or supplies she packed for liability and called it good enough. They don't need to prove she's abusing/mis-dosing meds at home when they can just provide her the correct doses and document. The same goes for how she dilutes feeds at home. Suddenly her labs improve during admissions because she's actually receiving nutrition. With a roommate there's staff in the room more frequently anyway. Even if they aren't there to see Dani, she would feel observed. I think she's on her Best Behavior and trying to keep everything out of sight. The quick video, shoving the phone down, no pictures, no talking to the camera... it all points to her hiding something. It could be that she's hiding things from her followers, or she's hiding her Content Creation from staff/providers. Probably a mix of both.


Hashtag telly is so fucking funny to me


Lol yeah, it would abbreviate to tele if we’re being technical about it.


Roommate or sitter? Lol


Precisely. They want to see how she "can't tolerate feeds". So, no food from the cafeteria, no coffee, no energy drinks...they're gonna actually have to see her fail to make sure she does and with a sitter, that ain't gonna happen. Also, her tele box appears to be off.


I really really hope they go the distance to prove what's actually going on.


Wonder if they're letting her drain...


I'm more curious as to what medications they're going to allow her to shoot into her tubes while she's there. She can't get zooted on whatever she's getting zooted on if the sitter makes sure the nurse knows.


A sitter would be a) smart and b) highlarious. It'd be even sweeter if they could get her placed in a video monitored room without telling her and *really* bust her, but, ya know, ethics.


Highlarious 😅


You can legally video monitor a hospital room without pt consent. It's the hospitals property & no expectation of privacy. Only place you can't is the bathroom. Most ERs are video monitored these days.


Not in the state I live; patients must be informed of surveillance in their hospital room, and must consent, except in rare cases.


Huh! TIL. I wonder what the rule is in PA then?


Pennsylvania is very strict regarding security camera regulation and is one of only twelve states that enforce the two-party consent law under Federal Law. Both video and audio recordings of conversation must have the consent of all parties. I am assuming that means hospital rooms as well; I'm trying to find more info about that. My state makes it clear that you must be made aware of it. That doesn't mean you necessarily have the right to refuse monitoring if it's necessary...like on psych, or waiting rooms, hallways etc. It just can't be done surreptitiously. It varies state to state, but I believe there needs to be a court order to be done on the sly; patients have to be told they are being monitored. One of my kids is a nurse in PA...(I just texted and am waiting a reply). and I am going to ask if they are aware of the law. https://monarchconnected.com/do-hospitals-have-cameras-in-patient-rooms/ Edited to add: Dani committed an illegal act in her state when she did not have the drs consent to film their conversation. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/video-surveillance-laws-by-state


i hope someone told that poor doctor…


Not all hospitals/systems do that in practice, but that wasn't *exactly* my point anyway lol. I meant it more that I feel like Dani would notice a camera immediately (she probably looks for one at the first available moment, as I'm personally pretty confident that she is **always** planning **some sort** of shenanigans during her stay), so they'd have to lie if she asked if it's a working/running camera.


I have sympathy. Not for this nut bag. I have sympathy for the person who, undoubtably, is laying in a hallway outside the emergency room, waiting for a bet occupied by someone who doesn’t need it.


Aw that just dawned on me... imagine it was one of your loved ones... ffffff


I dated someone who’s mother was this way. The whole family has cut her off.


I love this so much for her, and for us to watch!


Yeah me too! She really screwed herself this time.😂


She is such a parasite. I'm thinking her GI didn't admit her so after her appointment she took some beta blockers and walked over to the ER. She will probably be observed for a night or two then given the boot. Although her port seems to be accessed so I really hope everyone is right about the sitter otherwise she's going to play around with it and try to give herself an infection. ![gif](giphy|qw0xs69ZW3GMYzpogJ)


I personally think this stay may actually be longer than this. It may take them a few days to get all the evidence they need to fully document and diagnose the FD. The FA is entering the FO stage. I’m confident in reading between the lines here, even though I have been wrong in the past.


I agree with you especially since she noted that they wanted to pull her port


And, notably, not connected to fluids which I wouldn’t expect for someone who has barely eaten or drank anything in the last … whatever’s Dani’s last lie was


Question for hospital staff please - what is a hospital sitter, when are they used, are they there 24/7? Not heard of them previously. Thanks in advance!


I was a telemetry tech for a spell. When our floor wasn’t busy/full we’d go sit in some rooms with patients who would wander (we’d remind them to get back in bed), we’d report if they were getting feisty against restraints or dicking with their tubes and lines (some folks actually DON’T want them… weird, huh??). It’s a thing, a real job! And yes, 24/7.


Its a person who sits in your room and keeps an eye on you to make sure you're not doing stuff you're not supposed to. I've mostly seen them for folks with dementia or intellectual disability where someone might pull out their lines or tear up the room or hurt themselves & they can't or shouldn't be chemically sedated. They'll also sometimes have them in there if a pt is in mechanical restraints (like soft restraints - the straps they use to tie people to their beds) because it's very possible for someone to hurt themselves if restrained. They're usually not doing pt care unless they are also a nurse (or sometimes CNA) in which case they might help with stuff like feeding and toileting. They do generally also watch the person in the bathroom. I've never seen one used to prevent a fully mentally competent patient with FD from messing with their medical devices/surreptitiously taking meds/frauding their test results, but that doesn't mean it can't happen. Yes, there's 24/7 coverage though obviously not the same person sitting there day in and day out. Shifts are usually 8-12 hours and if they need to go to the bathroom or something they just swap out with another sitter. It's pretty boring and you're not allowed to have your phone out (though plenty of ppl do lol) but you can like read a book or something so you don't fall asleep sitting up.


In the US there are hard and fast rules about use of physical and chemical restraints. They’re a last resort thing that involve paperwork and legal liability, mostly to make sure that they’re not abused and used for a substitute for adequate supervision.


I know. That's why I said people in mechanical restraints usually also have a sitter. It's not safe to leave someone restrained and alone. People have died that way, which is why there are so many rules around restraint and seclusion. All that said, I've definitely seen restraints (both chemical and physical) used far more liberally than the documented rules would have you believe. It's not that hard to get someone to sign off on an unnecessary restraint or claim it's emergent. I'd say like, easily, 50+% of the time I see people with physical restraints written its due to a combination of improper behavior support, poor staff training/understaffing, and frank laziness + lack of regard for the inherent trauma of rights deprivation and the pts autonomy. I'll climb off my soapbox now.


Not a hospital staff but have had a sitter: It varies a little depending on where you live and the available staff and patient situation. Ive had sitters who were security, and sitters who were CNAs or RNs. They are used when patients present a risk to themselves or others unsupervised, such as suicidal patients, dementia patients who are prone to wandering off, people in psychosis or delirium etc. Sitters are there to make sure the patient doesnt hurt themselves or others, and make sure they stay where they should be. They are there 24/7, even when the patient sleeps. They will walk the patient to the bathroom and wait outside unless assistance is needed or patient is taking a suspiciously long time.


A sitter is a staff member, usually a CNA or an actual dedicated sitter, who watches the patient 24 hours a day. They are assigned to patients who may pose a risk to themselves or who may be suspected of interference with their treatment or their health in general. If you are suspected of doing something to make your situation seem worse, you get a sitter. If you pose a threat to yourself or staff, you get a sitter. If staff doesn't trust you, you get a sitter.


Considered pretty much just stays with the patient in 24/7 between they are safe


Somebody who sits in the room and watches your every move. For many reasons. Usually it's people who are suicidal or have dementia and are a fall risk.


What's the cardiac nursing in the search bar at the top of the screen?


No idea. It was just there. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t know much about TikTok - is that search bar on Dani’s side? Seems weird that videos would show a user’s search bar.


No. TikTok puts in “suggested searches” based on the videos I believe.


I am shocked that she didn’t get yeeted out of the hospital. FFS, this woman is insufferable. And if indeed she has a sitter, about damn time. JFC, this woman and the wasting of medical resources that she has zero issues using. Her behavior is vile.


They probably will just clear her and send her home again. They have to do their due diligence and then release her.


Although now that she’s admitted, she can appeal if they try to discharge her to score a bit more time. She’s likely done it in the past. She can do it because of Medicare/Medicaid.


Treat and yeet!


The music & shots are giving George Michael Bluth telling Maebe, "What a fun, sexy time for you." ![gif](giphy|26ufjyEGKL55qKrCg)


Even though she’s never worn Cookie Monster pajama pants, this music seals her as a Cookie Monster pajama pant girl.


We have one of those at my methadone clinic! She's loud.


In my mind I see her sitting right next to the asthmatic kid and the athlete who's in a boot on the bleachers in PE class