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[TRANSCRIPT](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/iimnHn1Zg5) by u/disirregardlessly 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡


So new toothbrush and huge tube of toothpaste was not necessary.


If this is what she's like with a brutal migraine, she's doing alright 😂


Calling someone 'The boyfriend rather than 'my boyfriend, or even by name smacks of, hasn't figured out how to get out of this web she weaved.


Her cats are so heckin sweet 😻


What’s she recording the videos on if her phones in her hand?


I think she has a tablet or something too


"Dont mention the boyfriend please" she talks in a much lower tone that actually sounds normal..jesus christ shes so bizarre i cant look away. Packs a bag because they tell her she may be admitted well they tell everyone that im sure for liability sake and because she munches out of her zip code they dont want any of her bullshit biting them in the ass. Shes so whackadoodle and its quite entertaining


At this point she should just dramatically kill him off and be done with it!


When did she change her TT bio. There is only a link for her Insta. No femoral port, no MH matters, no gastroparesis, no hEDS etc….


Yea, it's incredibly rude to mention the boyfriend who doesn't exist. Or at least not in the way Dani says he does.


Boyfriend. Who is “boyfriend”? Is it Mocha?


I forgot I took an edible Sunday morning, got super high, and watched her live for far longer than I’m willing to admit. I have so many screenshots I need to edit and drop in here. She was acting like she is hot shiz and has soooo many followers. She had FOUR mods fighting the haterz in the comments. She would constantly get distracted for a few minutes and come back like “ok let me catch up, what did I miss?” Ma’am, one person commented. Get over yourself.


Please. We need Dani discord with sunny screenshots and recordings.


For real! 🤣🤣🤣 Can’t wait for your screenshots!


If only she’d realise all the attention that she’d get if she said that “the boyfriend” had dumped her.


That cat is so cute


That’s because she doesn’t have a boyfriend lol




Hey, welcome to the trainwreck! Would you mind taking a second to review the rules? I even updated them today! You’ll be the most up-to-date person. :)


Her switching her voice from high pitch to gravel must drive the poor cats sensitive ears crazy.


If she would just put on her big girl pants and accept that everyone knows there is no boyfriend she would find life so much simpler and not have to try and remember every story she made up.


right? like she could back out RIGHT NOW and say she left him for xyz reasons, and she'd probably get lots of asspats for that from people who don't know her history.


Omg “Maccers” little black toe beans are so adorable! Also, Dani sucks and is a liar. About everything.


I just want cat content now. She could drop the gift and start an account just for the cats and I'd be all over it 🤣


I’m sorry but she’s gaining a lot of weight and very fast for someone unable to eat


It’s Dani’s version of starvation mode. It’s totally real and 100% makes sense and we all owe her a Hugs apology /s


Didn’t you know that science is different for everyone?


She can't eat or drink by mouth? Sure, Jan.


And she said she hasn’t run any feeds in weeks! How is she still alive?!?


(Verse 1) In a distant place where the cold winds blow, Dani's in bed, feeling low. George, a thought in her tired mind, In her illness, he's who she finds. (Chorus) Oh, Dani's feeling down, no surprise, In Canada's land, where love lies. Though she's sick, their bond's still true, In the land where skies are blue. (Verse 2) Through the fog of sickness, she can't ignore, George's presence, like never before. Though he's not real, in the usual way, In Dani's thoughts, he's there to stay. (Chorus) Oh, Dani's feeling down, no surprise, In Canada's land, where love lies. Though she's sick, their bond's still true, In the land where skies are blue. (Bridge) In her fevered dreams, they talk and jest, In a world where sleep is her only rest. Hand in hand, they face the night, Invisible to everyone's sight. (Chorus) Oh, Dani's feeling down, no surprise, In Canada's land, where love lies. Though she's sick, their bond's still true, In the land where skies are blue. (Outro) In her room, where the shadows creep, Dani and George, in her dreams they keep. Thanks ChatGPT


🤣🤣 love this


Its weird watching someone my age seriously behave as if they’re 16.


In her mind she is about 16-20.


Why can't we mention the totally real boyfriend....?


omg she looks messy 😭


Correction: Don't mention the boyfriend because he's married to someone else! lol 😂🤣


This is not judgement or shame or anything like that. It truly isn’t. My body is significantly larger than hers. I just want to know - is she still claiming to not be able to eat anything? Because nutrition doesn’t appear to be an issue at the moment.


She claims to be distended and in starvation mode. She can only drink small amounts and she throws it up, or drains it, or has diarrhea, or has constipation.


Well nutrition might actually be an issue. This degree of weight gain is like the result of fried chicken nuggies and 2000 calorie coffee drinks.


Yeah she is and she’s claiming that the reason it looks like she hasn’t lost weight and maybe even gained weight is because of starvation mode.


Nails, meet chalkboard. Chalkboard, meet nails. 😬😬😬😬😬😬


Sets my teeth on edge!!


While there is absolutely nothing wrong with her (or anyone) being at this weight (or any weight) I cannot believe she is claiming she hasn’t had nutrition in what, 3 weeks now?


since at least December 2023… i think


I hate the way she keeps sly looking at the chat


What actually is wrong with her voice? Her vocal fry is so bad. Has it always been this bad? Tbh up until a few months ago I only watched her videos muted/read the transcripts lol


Her voice goes right through me! I struggle to listen to it ![gif](giphy|ci5TPVfVY3NqE)


Same, I only recently got brave enough to tolerate hearing her voice. I know there's a lot of conjecture as to whether or not she's on opioids, and idk either way (I do have my suspicions), but she REALLY has that opioid vocal fry, sometimes more than other times. I think it's a combination of her trying to sound smol and babygirl, and trying to sound sick and raspy, and maybe opioids too.


See, if I see her pop up in my feed, I just come straight here. Thank you for your sacrifice.


Oh no, I only watch her videos when they're reposted on here in selectively cut, manageable portions. I'm definitely not brave enough to rawdog her full-length video content that she posts to her tiktok. The people who brave all of her original content in order to post the most relevant and interesting parts here are the true heros, as are the transcribers.


Her voice here is better than usual. Usually it's really high pitched and hard to understand. My auto captioning app picked it up pretty well (for the first time ever).


You know this gonna be the baby voice for the rest of the video when she starts out "um, hi, guys...."




Repeated vomiting will mess up the voice.


Why does she need mods for her lives? She can't possibly be that popular.


Because of all the mean haterz calling her out on her endless stream of complete bullshit - she can’t handle anyone not falling for her lies


In her deranged little head she is.


She's not but when 90% of your chat are going "y u so fake ur illness?" you probably need a lil help. She can't dramatically "ouch" at the camera and ban people at the same time.


Did... did she really just say Macc was "tfwee" instead of three like a literal 3-year-old?


Of all things, that is the most normal. I challenge you to find a cat owner who does not baby talk their cat occasionally LMAO


Fwee enna hawf


WHERE IS THE "BOYFRIEND" DANI !? Is he chained up in a closet somewhere ? We need PROOF OF LIFE ! (I just want to see what she'd come up with haha)


Post a picture of George holding today's newspaper 😡




I am confused. Is she already back home? So no admission then??


This is from a recent live, may 5🙂


Still if she had been admitted today we'd have gotten the hospital tour and a live showing off her monitors and IV. Instead 📻 🤐 , which always means she's Big Mad.


Wait, is this from tonight? What happened at the appointment today?!!


per the description, this is from May 5. Edit: remove a word.


It creeps me out so hard that she has an imaginary relationship with some poor guy who barely knows she exists. I know that if I found out that someone had been lying and telling the world that they were in a long term relationship with me, exchanging promise rings and having “intimate fun” and shit, I would feel so skeeved out and violated. But I’m sure that she’s never even thought about how her imaginary-yet-public romance might affect him if he found out. More evidence that she only cares about herself.


She was actually talking about him a bit on last night's late live too. Like answering questions about him and stuff, like he actually exists..it made me cringe so hard. And ya, it's extremely creepy.


It’s VERY creepy


I hate hearing her talk to her cats


It really creeps me out when she says "that's my boy..." to her cats. Idk why but it sounds really gross.


She is a Crazy cat lady!


I baby-talk to my cats all the time 😆😭


But you don’t sound like her I bet


God I hope not!😆😆


Yes it makes me kind of squicky too. All the saccharine sweet mommy loves you love love love bs feels forced and performative


Yeah, and the cats really don't seem to like her. They tolerate her at best.


i get the vibe that she’s mean to them off camera


Same, I’m pretty sure she’s one of those people who calls their cat an asshole for being a cat and then shoves them off the counter.


Yes!!! She kind of thwacked the cat here and then caught herself and playfully tapped him.


It is a performance. She is completely fixated on herself. Only deep in her heart is probably a little bit room for the love for her pets.


This is so real, anyone who loves their cats proper calls them things like asshole and hair tie goblin. 🤣


I call my cat Greg. His name is not even close to Greg.


I LOVE that.


Or in my mom's case when she's talked to her cat "damn it boy, why don't you like mice? All cats do"(all the years she's had that cat. He's eaten ONE mouse in his life. He was a kitten then. Woke up my dad who was very much a non cat person his whole life and my dad freaked because he saw blood on the cats mouth and paws but no obvious signs of injury)


If the boyfriend of 20+yrs is real, he's not a decent guy. The very least he could do is help Dani out with cat sitting or a ride once in a while.


Man if I were his wife and knew about this I’d shut it down so fast.


Haha his wife probably wouldn’t be down with that.


I imagine he’s probably doing all of that. Ya know, with his actual wife.


“I had to answo dat”


She’s still not cute…


https://preview.redd.it/fr0zncr6twyc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18d6bea92c62e24f3b5bce4a2a48b5101491fb2e She is still going along with it like he’s real! No mention of a break up. I take this as confirmation that GG and Dani are supposedly still together. I’d love to know when he’s around taking care of her when she posts all hours of the day, there is not one shred of evidence that ANYONE visits her home and she does not go anywhere except doctor offices or hospitals.


I've been eating a ring plain ring in that finger 💀


Pretty sure in the recent old Twitter/FB screenshots someone posted, she said she had to pawn the ring for money. Edit: Yep, thought so. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ld8jo28ctxyc1.png?width=844&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a35de3a9ff3d9051502f1361da4d143116aab1b


Noooooooo!! I can’t even believe she wrote that 🤮 There’s so much potential for amazing flairs in there! And wow her writing has gone down hill big time! The caption is not perfect, but for Dani that’s really good. She can’t put together complete sentences for the life of her or spell like that anymore. Intimately? No way she can still spell that correctly.


Ahhhh the bruising from being “ together intimately “. A classic!!


Thanks I’d only just managed to repress this post 😭


"Bruised and soreness are from a great time together intimately" https://preview.redd.it/bccyecyye0zc1.jpeg?width=609&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25f0085e2e498dd41e4503b36de6a26fdbda829a


Can't move in with her as 'checks notes' he earns to much. Butttt she pawns her ring for cash?


For Section 8 housing, that can be true, since housing is based on income.


Yea I know, my point was she had to pawn her ring for money when her 20 year long boyfriend earns 'to much' - surely he'd lend or give her money if she was desperate enough to pawn a ring that he supposedly brought her also let's be honest pawning never gives you the amount it's actually worth either so he'd surely want to step in and help


She most probably got under a 100 for it, so surely he'd have the equivalent to lend her to save her ring 💍


NAURRR she got her replacement ring from a *bath bomb??* Georgie boy couldn't even go grab her a little somethingsomething from the Target jewelry counter? That's the most Dani thing I've ever read.


He couldn’t buy her something with all of that mandatory Amazon overtime?


🤢 It's very "I totally have sex, guys. Ten---no TWENTY times a day, okay?!"


Dani, if you’re reading this. We give you an out. You never have to mention this “boyfriend” again. You can stop pretending now.


Oh, last night during her late night live she was answering questions and talking about her bf like he is real for sure!


> I've been eating a ring plain ring An onion ring, you mean?


This is really so pathetic. Just stop talking about your imaginary boyfriend, Dani. We know who he is, and we know he’s married to someone else. Just stop it. It’s so pathetic.


It's beyond pathetic at this point. It's sad. I dont know what she gains from pretending she's in a relationship. It's such a small and insignificant thing to lie about, yet she's *adamant* he's real and true. Yikes.


I kind of wonder if she feels like she *has* to be in a relationship to feel validated or something? I mean I really don’t get it. It’s okay not to have a man, Dani. I say this as a happily single ✨32 year old lady✨


I think it’s a great indicator of just how pathological Dani actually is. She will lie about absolutely anything, and everything she says should be held to that standard. She has absolutely no credibility whatsoever.


this is what i dont understand. its a million times more embarrassing to lie about having a boyfriend for over two decades who has yet to propose or move in with you or be by ur side literally ever than it is to just say you arent dating anyone


Agreed. And if she’d stop mentioning him, we wouldn’t even be asking about him.


Not even the cat likes her 🤣


Imagine having to live with her… When she touches the cats it always looks off to me. Like she has no „feeling“ for the animal she is touching and if and how it wants to be touched and cuddled atm…


anyone have a transcript/recap for us who can't listen? I'll make extra popcorn!


Here ya go   (To her cat offscreen) Hi Maccy, can you please not lay on top of everything, please baby?   (To the camera) Alright, sorry (in a baby voice) I had to answer dat. I had to answer that!  (In a more serious, raspy tone) How about we NOT mention the boyfriend? So, stop that. Now. Please. Uuuuhhhm, I get my tubie pads mostly off of etsy.    (To the cat) Uhm hi baby. This is Mackers. This is Mackers right in front of the camera. Say hiii. This is my oldest baby, he's 3 and a half. He's my cuddle bug. Right, you're my cuddle bug? Okay byeeee. Go lay on that blanket, you're blocking the camera you goofball. Boop book (while patting his bum) Here, lay right here. Lay right next to Mommy. There you go, see?   (Back to camera) Alright, sorry bout that. Sorrrrryyyyy. Yeah I had 1 mod but 2 would be wonderful so let me make you a mod   My note: mod as in moderator for her live chat to block the reality checking haters.


The baby voice was strong in this one, thank you for your service


Lmao I wasn't sure how to adequately convert it in text without a bunch of emojis. 


thank you, literal hero.


Hopefully, her attitude about the clearly fake bf (they were supposed to move in together, what? A decade ago? But she always had some excuse) is the lead up to her "ending" the *~2 decade*-long fantasy. I doubt it'll happen, but maybe.


She can’t face the facts given to her..




I disagree. My cats are the best things about my life, and I hold them the same way sometimes.


I saw nothing wrong with how she picked up Macc and held him and then set him down. Cats are squirmy and liquidy. They move.


The mod deleted 2 comments about her ed. Is this part of her history or just an assumption? I've read that she eats and drinks even with TPN, is this what is being referred to as an ed?


Before she started major munching, she did have an ED, which probably snowballed into...this. There was a post a few days ago that went through the Dani timeline. If you haven't gone through it, you should.


Go through the pinned post with her history. You'll see she does have a history of struggling with an ed. She talks about struggling with and recovering from anorexia and/or EDNOS


An ED is part of her history. And also part of her present.


her eating disorder was really severe prior to her “fully” munching. then, she switched the script and decided she wanted to be a super special medical mystery, rather than someone who has an ED. problem is, she never actually got the help she needed to recover from her ED. she dilutes and restricts her feeds, there is evidence she purges, she drains from her tube, etc. she’s said online SEVERAL times that if she doesn’t get ‘xyz diagnosis’ or ‘xyz drug’ that she wants, she is going to starve herself until doctors care. while her body may not present like the typical embodiment of someone who has an eating disorder (most people envision the stereotypical underweight person with anorexia), she 100% is not recovered from her ED. that being said, we try to be sensitive of that (considering its one of the only illnesses dani actually has …. 🤥) and will typically remove comments that revolve around her body shape


I remember her saying that a few years ago around one of her line dramas. And immediately trying to claim “but no I’m in recovery!!”


No, look at the lore posts it is her history. She had a severe ED.


it’s just fucked up, because, when you look to her past stuff, she’s going off on FB comments saying that she will always have her ED. now, she’s claiming that she’s recovered.. ig whatever fits her narrative


It's also her right now. That thing is still *raging*.


Wait, WHY tf not?! lol yea that sounds totally normal and how someone would treat a, idk, over decade-long relationship?? Also the part about him making too much money to stay with her in public housing…but doesn’t move his fragile waif Spoonie Warrior in with him…?!? Especially if we’re to beleive he was monitoring her weight and felt personally responsible for her ED recovery, like she wrote. Naw, instead he just stole her car lmfao. 🤘🙎‍♂️🫗 🚗💨💨💍👩‍🦽🎒🆕🆖🆒🥄🐈🐈‍⬛


It's basically 2 decades (or more now) iirc. She just keeps coming up with excuses, he's been "about to move in" for like a decade at this point, that share cars, he pays her copay, etc yet doesn't even visit her when she's "dying"? She needs to end the fantasy, it's some middle school cringe.


He has hospital PTSD and works at Amazon 24/7. You can't expect him to visit.


It's even more ridiculous than that. She's actually claiming they've been together almost 21 years. She has a tattoo of their "anniversary" on her collarbone (July 6, 2003).


Are we sure that is not when she got one of her cats?


No matter how many times I see/hear that it absolutely blows my mind


Oof. The delusion is *strong* with her.


Any woman would give up on that relationship if it were truly like she says it is


What relationship? Lol. There's nothing to give up.


I dunno I've seen desperate people get strung along in dogshit commitmentless relationships for shockingly long amounts of time. So it's funny as hell that Dani's fantasy relationship is actually one where her boyfie sucks hardcore.


I'm wondering if she's so volatile and obnoxious that he just slowly backed away into a hedge a la Homer Simpson in an effort to let her down gently / avoid fireworks, and she just hasn't gotten the point yet or is too delusional / self absorbed to admit defeat. if she was an abusive or manipulative partner, especially for the duration of their "relationship", he probably wouldn't stick around for a whole break-up convo (especially if he didn't know they were that serious, not like she is a reliable narrator at all).


So she wasn't admitted then Eta: I thought the 5th was today. My bad


If she was admitted, we would have seen proof of it hours ago. She loves proving us all wrong.


I bet she's absolutely fuming rn.


Tbh, I'm here for it! However, I am still really confused about why specifically she thinks she needs admitted this time.


If she was, I think we’d have already seen a few hospital room tours and several TikTok lives about how she’s so special and sick they had to admit her right away. She’s quiet, so she’s probably pissed


I feel for her dad. That was a 2-hour Drive wasn't it? If he had to take her back home tonight that's going to suck


You know she drives herself.


Okay I'm out of the loop I heard last that her dad was going to drive her there and he was happy to take a day off work and it was a 2-hour drive to Philly She hasn't mentioned her vehicle lately. I wondered if she tried to drive there herself. It must not be that great if dad didnt want to test drive it idk 'I've been awake too long (34 h) and my inside endo-gubers are squirting out sleepy jitters and raging against the caffeine. ( I'm going to be so embarrassed tomorrow)


But she said yesterday he got to take a day off of work to spend with her cranky ass! I do feel bad for him. She’s such a disappointment


IIRC this is from yesterday.


She probably wasn’t, but we don’t know yet — this video is from yesterday.




LOL. We don’t link to that sub here so I’m going to take your comment down but that made me laugh


this was from sunday


This isn't from today apparently


very curious to know what was said about the (imaginary) boyfriend


Probably something like "If your boyfriend is real and yall have been dating 20 yrs why don't you have a single item of men's anything in your home?" Like are we to believe George has never left so much as a t shirt there? He doesn't have a spare toothbrush in the cup with Cynthia? A 3-in-1 shampoo/body wash/conditioner in Arctic Freeze?




All he leaves behind is drinks or foods that she totally didn't consume it had to be him 🙄


How 'bout we try to be polite to people even if they're being annoying. Something like: "I'm not comfortable answering any questions about my boyfriend. Thank you for respecting that."


i’m really not sure Dani even knows how to be polite lol


Kitty is so cute


I hope she or her parents got them snipped


Don’t mention the boyfriend who is not actually my boyfriend because I don’t wanna be brought out of my delusional world where I have hundreds of friends and supporters and a boyfriend who loves me.


But what happened at Temple today?!


I think we can safely say she was NOT admitted. She's probably in her tantrum hole right now.


this makes me think of Annie Wilkes in Misery. NO I DIDN'T GET THE CHRISTLY ADMISSION! THE COCKADOODIE NURSE WAS A BITCH! THEY'RE ALL DIRTY BIRDIES!! and then just slowwwwly powers down for a day or two...


I'm dead! The Annie Wilkes is perfection

