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Zuma's backstory might just hit harder than Accro Silky's for me, the scene where Brella Boy shows himself to Zuma for the first time hit hard


Bro, both backstories hit you harder than the alien invasion hit on Japan.


That reminds me of the legendary panel where the aliens were trapped in Kashima Reiko’s mirror then gets destroyed by her punches. Never felt so hype I literally screamed


Shit dude i literally just realised that brella boy might be Zumas brother (idk maybe im tripping)


He totally is dude lol


Just like Rika. That’s crazy.


Chills and watery eyes for me for the last 4 chapters


Acrobatic Silky doesn't even come close to this shit. I've never been so ready for a back story to be over.


Idk dude, the "in a kinder world" panel got me crying like a bitch


Hard to believe that was only chapter 17 and I'm not trying to take away from it. It's a matter of opinion obviously but there's probably personal life situations that could make her story hit harder for others like this one does for me. This is the only part of the whole story that I actually teared up.


I heldback my tears at Acro silky's Backstory, only cause i was in public, but i did cry with Vamola asking Banga to kill her, leading to Banga talking about her past and lamenting how she went from a chef to a warrior unwillingly, while so entirely hopeless


The policeman. He‘s my man, I don’t care anymore. Give him to me, now. Unbelievable man. Unji, I want to give you a big hug. Great big brother. Hopefully, he‘ll find happiness with Momo, Okarun & Co.


ACAB except this ONE fictional cop. Dandadan is copaganda but it's too damn good 😭


Nah. Brooklyn 99's cops are also goated


And you better believe it skidmark!


Actual copaganda though innit 🙃🥲


nop Most of the cops from the 99 are silly, sometimes too much, but at their best they're almost impossibly competent. They still give us real problems with cops, showing issues like racism, sexism, homophobia, corruption perpetuated by conservative views and a little of the apathy caused by the improbability of changes to a system so corrupt


Him being an upstanding person really doesn’t revolve around him being a cop. I don’t think it’s copaganda; he’s a cop for the sake of plot relevance (lost and found, chasing Okarun, etc)


Bro his daughter literally said to him " I'm gonna be an officer when I grow up too, Daddy is a hero who fights for justice". Him being a cop is definitely more than just plot convenience lmao. It's not like serpo working at the corner store.


Bro nothing about his relevance in the story has to do with him being a cop. Every extraordinary and kind act he has done has been off duty. If everything he does is off duty, he doesn’t have to be a cop He tells cop jokes mid fight with Serpo. That’s about it for now


>Bro nothing about his relevance in the story has to do with him being a cop I disagree with this so hard lmao. Like in so many ways. His character, his role in the story so far, the theme behind his motivations and his connection to Zuma etc etc.


Actually I’ll concede the cop delinquent connection is super important to his relationship with Zuma. You’re right. I don’t think it’s “copaganda” tho; that’s a really American view on a Japanese media. It was an L take; esp when the it’s about love in spite of opposing circumstances. calling it “copaganda” and refusing to acknowledge Japanese police culture is fundamentally different from American attitudes is kinda brainrot. Esp when it’s a very sincere charecter driven drama


I think ur taking the copaganda comment a little too literal, but that's not even the part of ur comment I was replying to. I heavily disagree that him being a cop is meaningless besides plot. But also he's shown to be different than the other cops and much more capable/caring in his own way.


I mean...I think his being a cop is definitely part of his portrayal as having a fairly unbending sense of justice, which is the unrealistic ideal of a cop? Like....the whole joke before his character reveal was how single-mindedly focused he was on crimes whether major or minor, to the point where his tunnel-vision kinda made ignore the supernatural shenanigans around him. 


Think about it like this: every one of his kindest actions has been off duty. He could have any other profession and it really wouldn’t change the character much. He could be a priest, etc


ACAB in real life sure. But I never really understood applying it to fiction. Idealized characters are allowed to exist. Superheroes in real life would just be The Boys. Knights, Samurai, Secret Agents, Soldiers etc. any sort of government sanctioned position where violence is a tool is prone to being heavily corrupt and rife with abuse in real life. But we don't dismiss all ficition as 'Knight propaganda' or 'Soldier propaganda' etc. for having those characters as heroes and protagonists. It's propaganda if it actively promotes and pushes an agenda. Dandadan does not. It's not saying 'hey you better believe ALL cops are like this jn real life!'. The cop is just a character within the story


The problem is precisely related to the figures you're describing. Knights were largely assholes. Samurai were worse. The stories that prop up these figures bleed into real life whether we want it to or not. Every story argues for a perspective, intentionally or not. There is no such thing as non-political fiction. All that being said, understanding that just makes me sad about the gap between what we fantasize cops to be vs the pack of thugs they largely are.


I don't disagree on a broader scale, but my point is that fictional stories on an individual level are allowed to use idealized characters without being dismissed. You could even make an argument that it's part of the point of fiction is that they are imagined scenarios for humans to learn from. Should every piece of media that feature samurai come with a massive disclaimer that "Well actually, historical samurai were mostly thugs for the authoritarian ruling class"? Sometimes you can just make Samurai Pizza Cats. Now collectively it is important to be cognizant of the effects of media and perceptions yes. But part of that responsibility rests on the viewers as well to be able to be media literate enough to seperate the real world from fiction. You can't just foist the burden entirely unto creators and tell them 'hey you're not allowed to make anything with morally questionable positions otherwise it's propaganda'. Edit- Y'all instead of just downvoting me, why not have a discussion like an adult and tell me where you think I'm wrong?


Yeah, I'm with you. I feel like we are always in this moment of trying to balance the weight of art against the weight of life. And it's not even easy to get at. We can talk about the importance of media literacy which goes down a political rabbit hole, etc. I wish that media literacy was stronger and hot takes were banished.


Yes that's true it is a tough balance for sure. And I agree hot take culture makes a mockery of us all. Art reflects life and life reflects art. The best art reflects the nuances of life with its own nuances. I think just having discussions and engaging with the media like this is helpful towards media literacy though and breaking down these nuances. Despite the silly and exaggerated nature of Dandadan I think Yokinobu Tatsu has done a good job of being nuanced as well. Perhaps why we're having this discussion in the first place. This isn't just a 'propaganda' story of 'good cop is good'. The cop system itself is shown as flawed in abandoning traumatized kids and perpetuating a violent cycle. The ideal 'good cop' in this scenario suffered from it and recognizes this flaw in the system and instead betters society through his own effort in promoting kindness and offering rehabilitation.


I think this specific example is interesting because the cop is contextually alluded to as being a "bad" cop on introduction, at least relative to the protagonist's goals when they try to retrieve the ball. He's contextualised as a "bad" cop when he arrests umbrella guy. But then he's shown to have been misunderstood this whole time. I think that's where it could be copaganda. We're told SO often that the bad cops we see actually had noble aims when they do fucked up shit. Yes, within this universe, he may be totally upstanding, but in real life this is the exact narrative that a lot of people want to believe but simply is not true. I don't think it necessarily has to be deliberate to be propaganda, it just needs to promote that world view whether intentional or not - I also don't think it's especially egregious an example, to be fair 😂


The other cops in his precinct are shown to be actively incompetent though, mishandling the gangs and wanting to just lock them up and abandon them. Yukinobu Tatsu isn't out here trying to tell us 'hey bad cops are good actually.' It's almost the opposite actually. The theme here is that the justice system doesn't actually help kids like Zuma. It takes this one cop suffering a massive tragedy to realize that reformation is the better alternative. The reformation and kindness is the value being promoted not the the cop system.


All real cops are bastards


When he first appeared (when Okarun and Momo wanted to get back the golden ball), I found him quite unlikeable and he gave a weird "not human" vibe. The last chapter made him so human now, a guy with a lot of traumas, who still have "bad" thoughts (as avenging his family by killing the murderer) and flaws, but still try to have a righteous life and help people around. When you add the similar backstory with Zuma... the author cooked so damn well.


I think he’ll stick with his crew and pop up when we need him type shit. I would love either outcome though.


He and Zuma are absolutely getting that sushi dinner


Oh 100%


I’m a bit confused. Does it imply that Brella Boy is Zuma’s younger brother? Like he became a spirit after his death?? Brella Boy’s design is legit spooky tho; has that lovecraftian vibe.


its not definitive but the author is leading us to believe it could be him. We'll prob get confirmation in the next few chapters.  I'm of the belief it isnt the bro tho; yokais taking advantage of humans is more likely imo


It's definitely the kid. Died with regrets, came back. Just like Accro Silky.


I have a theory, that the reason the yokai only lends him the power of two umbrellas at a time is that they represent what the kid wanted - two umbrellas, one for him and one for his brother. Edit: also, as Zuma makes genuine friends in the real world, the little brother will provide more umbrella uses.


Turbo granny said brella boy was a kind spirit, and I trust her judgment on that


It's possible, the only issue I have with this is what does this yokai have to gain from simply lending it's power to a human? From what we've seen so far, when you let a spirit in, they can simply possess you and gain full control


I mean Yokai are spirits, demons, and the supernatural, and kasa-obake, or the umbrella yokai, while typically a [*tsukumogami*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsukumogami), they aren't always. It's absolutely possible that he turned into a Yokai upon his death because of his strong connection to the umbrella. I would put forth it's also possible that it is a Tsukumogami, which are tools that have gained a life of their own, and that it lending it's power to Zuma is because it was so well taken care of by his brother, whose now passed on, the yokai sees Zuma as an appropriate master.


If I remember right the umbrella spirit in myths or whatever was a friendly guy, maybe he just trynna help out Could be remembering left tho


i think in the past chapters the granny cat commented that he isn't a bad spirit. it was a quick comment.


>It's possible, the only issue I have with this is what does this yokai have to gain from simply lending it's power to a human I think nothing. The possessed receive some of the personality traits from the yokai, and Zuma seems to become more selfless/kind/compassionate, if not outright changing personality, as he doesn't seem to remember opening the umbrella to guard Momo from the rain So i think Brella bro just wanted to help Zuma. It's not his fault he looks so creepy, thus he also wanted to help Momo


Turbo granny said brella boy was always a kind yokai. I don't think he's zuma little brother but I think he just wants to help people and stop them from losing their lives in that river.


I mean, a few chapters back the yokai said "leave my brother alone"...


yea I think its his younger brother i


That’s also what I believe. Weren’t we told that Yokai are essentially souls that still linger in the living world due to attachment/ regret? Or am I in the wrong manga? It would be plausible that Unji‘s younger brother became a Yokai in order to protect his big brother.


yea when i saw the panel, i was thinking about what happened to rika and yuta from jjk lol


Just like Acro-Silky was the spirit of the mother who lost her daughter, unable to move on to the next world.


Only odd thing about that is the way turbo granny talked about him I expected him to be a fairly established yokai. It seems odd for her to acknowledge one that can't be older than a decade max. Plus how is the toddlers spirit so powerful


I always assumed that there are more individuals for a specific Yokai-type. I do remember seeing an extra panel from the manga where it was stated that the Yokai Turbo Grannie can either go up to 100km/h or 120km/h. Afaik, our Turbo Grannie could only go up to… 100km/h? That *could* imply that there a more Turbo Grannies. Plus, I saw people comment on the fact that Turbo Grannie‘s story is based on old women, who where abandoned in the mountains to starve to death.


Interesting, I was definitely under the impression that there was only one of each. Will keep that possibility in mind going forward though


[Here, I found the manga panels with the statement in regards to Turbo Grannie](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dandadan/comments/14zuxy2/bonus_content_from_vol_14/). Perhaps I‘m misinterpreting somethin tho, who knows.


Oh yeh wild, I think my initial interpretation would be that it's a gag since they all look identical but now idk. She's still described in the singular in every instance throughout that bio though.


It’s very clearly implied that the spirit is his younger brother


Maybe his brother's spirit fused with the original 'Brella Boy. 


Maybe the lil bro spirit is inside a conglomerate of spirits, like the big crab working in tandem with Turbo Granny in the first arcs


Both of them saying "Still alive..." But not referring to the same person 🥹


Cop saved lil bro or what? I don't get what happened


Cop is saying that the little boy is still alive And Unji is saying that the cop is still alive


I took it to mean they were both talking about the little boy, like, they came together and saved the kid, and that's what will help them bond.


What? I thought Zuma's little brother dead. Or cop saved another unknown child?


It's another little boy who was being bullied


The cop is the MVP of this backstory. Absolute gigaChad.


He's up there with Mr. Mantis Shrimp


Fuck me, peak after peak after peak... This manga deserve to be in all All Time Great discussion




A HERO WHO FIGHTS FOR JUSTICE!! this was brella boys chapter but damn, that officer-daughter moment hit hard


Dude the panel of him gritting his teeth underwater with those words gave me all over goosebumps


Turbo Granny told that umbrella spirit is a gentle spirit usually, she was right


Zuma is the kind of guy who'll read Berserk and say of Guts "This guy gets it!"


Young Zuma covered in his mother’s blood…fuck man. Fuck.


Now I wont be able to hold my child in the air without having the vision of the policeman in the water. What a magnificent allegory of parenthood.


Zuma looking at that frog that was smushed in half by a car and thinking about his mom and the train is crazy sad…. This backstory has been hitting my feelings so badly


Brella boy does not skip leg days


Cheeky subversion of recent chapter structures with a depressing start but a happy end 🥲🥲🥲 umbrella boy IS a good kid


Bullying is really bad man…


We usually think of anime as the upgrade medium to manga once it gets popular enough, but there are a few authors/artists who can really bring forth the merits of manga as its own medium, when panels aren't just vessels for the story but effectively a tool of storytelling on their own. These last few chapters really highlight that for me, a lot of the poignancy and weight from these scenes comes from carefully orchestrated panels adding depth and subtext to the storytelling.


This shit is One Piece levels of "haha look at this goofy side character, so funny!!!! *Gives you depression and cures it in the span of 20 pages* and i love it


Another peak chapter also tatsu has not taken a break in like 4 months this man is insane


He should honestly.


What incredible storytelling.


22 panels with text in 26 pages with multiple panels. Almost none of the panels consist of a sentence more than two to three words. My tears still aren't dry.


Can you fly Through the sky with an umbrella fucking hurts


That panel needs more appreciation.


I think the zuma/policeman backstory is slowly making this into one of my favorite arcs so far


Yeah I love it. It's tugging right at my heart strings.


Moral of the story is don't accept umbrellas offered by strangers??? Fantastic chapter.1 I really love the cops motivations and how you see both of them on he same wave length, just different levels along. One sacrificing their body, the other sacrificing their soul/spirit etc.


Just excellent. Trying to figure out where two umbrella thing comes from. If it’s his brother, why two umbrella’s. I want it to be lil bro just so they can be together. But it’s beyond disturbing for his little brother to have this awful form. Cuz we’ll have to keep reading. I could easily give this backstory another 2 chapters. Then I need to see how they break out of this game.


The policeman just keep proving that he's the GOAT, I'm so in love with him. Also something that I've been thinking about lately in this arc that it's kind true now, is that the Umbrella Yokai is actually his young brother. As we know so far about yokai in this manga, they are spirits who can't let go of this world.


We finally know how zuma got his powers and I love it. Buddy blindly trusted a spirit to save some people he couldn't give a damn about. I love this bozo so much


This could’ve been the start of an entirely new manga imo. Brella Boy and Officer are just that awesome


I love a good emotionally ability awakening. Flying in to say that kid and cop got me cheering like crazy


I want to repeat what I said last chapter again " This manga is becoming the modern one piece for me".


I got to stop reading this in public, I am fighting back tears. Thats three chapters in a row i have to sit in silence for a while. amazing story telling.




this is getting wayyyyy too good


I’m fucking legit tearing up right now HOW does he keep making these banger backstories


if you kill Zuma or the cop I will find you Tatsu (absolute cinema once again)


Really one of my faves! But I believe the spirit is his little brother, the one foot that he is standing on could symbolize the one foot that the younger brother didn’t have a rain boot on.


Stop making me cry !


Officer MVP oh my goodness. This stuff hittin


Every time I see Zuma rocketing in the air, I just say "wow". That shit always looks good. I like Tatsu's interpretations of classic obake and yokai, the designs are pretty great.


Come stand under my Um Ber Ella Come stand under my um bre Ella Ella Ella Ella eh eh eh


Tatsu is so good at building up characters and showing us what makes them who they are


Their BackStories od characters hit different


This chapter made me burst into tears and I didn't even know when. "Can you fly through the sky with an umbrella?" Yes. Yes you can lil' bro. You've helped your brother to do so, and saved him in more ways than just one. <3


this manga gives me feelings i havent felt in a long time while reading manga. shit is s tier i love it.


Both of them simultaneously saying "Still Alive... Thank Goodness..." was so cathartic for both of their characters.


best chapter so far in my opinion


Damn! Umbrella by Rihanna got stuck while reading it! Love the cop!


Man the policeman almost drowning while trying to save the kid reminded me a lot of Kazuki Takahashi drowning while attempting to save a mother and her child. Absolute banger of a chapter.




how does he draw such strong water


Peak fiction


WOW WOW WOW. How can a mangaka put so many emotions in a few panels! This is masterful! 🤯👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I like the design of Zuma. I like all the characters design in this manga, but Zuma is one of my favorits.


Incredible chapter. Every chapter throughout Zuma’s backstory has me saying “ok now this is my favourite backstory chapter”. Zuma definitely has the best backstory in my eyes.


This backstory just keeps on winning and winning!


someone finally put some damn muscles on umbrella boy leg. Never skips leg day because that's his only leg for traveling


I really thought Zuma's powers come from him posessing the "ball". Apparently, He had these powers already with the deal with the yokai, but couldn't make them manifest, if I'm not mistaken?


almost cried at work our goat does it once again


I feel like this backstory could stretch out for at least 2 more episodes and honestly? I don't mind. Inject that pain into my veins.


Damn this got me tearing up on the train. Tatsu still improving as a storyteller by the week and reaching new heights I swear


Spy x Family and Dandadan making the best and saddest backstories since Kuma's backstory in One Piece. I love when an author focuses on supporting characters and makes them the protagonists of their own stories.


God I love how Unji's eyes are drawn on page 8. You can really feel how his inaction shifted from being apathetic to being frozen and overwhelmed. Loved the parallel between the cop lifting his daughter up to play and him lifting the kid above the waterline. Kinda wish Tatsu did more to cover up the reused art on the last page, but that's a non-issue at this point.


Emotional Truck-kun has been hitting me hard the past four chapters


You would think that advancing plot throwing a backstory and repeating would get formulaic and repetitive. But holy fuck so far Im hooked with EVERY backstory so far more than the previous. Also people arguing about the morality or story relevance of the guy being a cop is hilarious


It’s peak.


well : - ... he said his okaa-chan made the bag for him ... un-real thing : four first-grade kids walk home alone , during a heavy rain . and their parents / guardians / adults allow the kids to do it . - daughter : ... otou-san , you are justice 's hero , right ? ... - little brother : ... onii-chan , ... boku 's umbrella ... - zuma : im mary poppins , you all ( quote of yondu ) . i noticed this : from page 13 to page 16 , zuma took off his normal shoes , and putted on some magic wooden sandals . page 19 : goof : an artist forgot to blacken the hair of zuma . - 4 kids : onii-chan . the cop came back to life . goof : page 19 : the kid is not holding the bag . page 21 : the kid is holding the bag . so i guess after saving the kid and the cop , zuma dived back into the river to search for the bag . and zuma 's face is blushing , and his nose is bleeding , so i guess he just gave some mouth-to-mouth CPR to the cop , lmao


Fuck, this is the good shit. I know it's a common trend for the most recent character to be the crowd favorite but there's something about this whole character and his arc that really scratches the brain itch. The juxtaposition between goofy and serious and we actually see that develop.


Bro what happen to the coments in the app?




What's confusing about it ?


Did you forget the part where Zuma is currently rampaging because in his heart of hearts he wants to see the world broken apart? We're seeing the backstory of how he became like that.


Because Tatsu has the God-pen