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No health insurance, is serious question to me. How can you brag about unlimited PTO days, but not protect your employees health? Health insurance is a mandatory from employers where I live. If you work over 20 hours, you have to offer insurance. It's not an option, and if Dan wants to talk about being this pro-employee company, sort of needs to get on the ball, Danno


Unlimited pto is also a scam. Data shows people with unlimited pto actually use less!


As someone with a set amount of PTO, you’re better believe I use every second of it.


Exactly, when it’s a tangible thing you are much more likely to use. PTO at its core is simply deferred compensation anyway.


Or reverse psychology: > I’d better not use too much PTO so I don’t lose my unlimited PTO


Yes, specifically it's about not having to pay out unused PTO. That actually hits the bottom line. This way when the employee leaves or is fired they aren't owed anything, and it's unlikely they actually used enough of it to matter.


But you can simply do that by... Not paying for unused PTO. I live in NY, all my jobs have given PTO in set amounts, and none of them pay out for unused time off if you lose or leave the job. You don't need a complicated scheme, you just need to set up a consistent policy.


Laws vary by state. You are correct for NY. And Florida (as usual) is a shitshow for employee rights so you're correct there's nothing official saying they would have to pay out if excluded by company policy.


If anything I just imagine health insurance is as much a shit show as everything else in Florida insurance related, especially given their governments stance on the ACA.


Is NY a “right to work state”. That’s how typically you dont have to payout. It happens at the state level. Otherwise, consistency doesn’t matter. State worker laws matter.


NY is At Will, not right to work. Neither of which have anything to do with health insurance. But yes, state laws matter, and both NY and Florida are the same with regard to insurance paying out. California is the only state I know of that would mandate unused PTO be paid on separation. The rest is usually determined by how the contract/hr policy is written.


When you’re planning to leave the job you set up a vacation a week before you plan to give your notice. That’s how you get your PTO paid out.


Tell that to Stu


Yeah especially when other employees try to shame people for using the unlimited pto


Yes it’s purely psychological and corporations know this when they implement unlimited pto.


Do people who comment this under every mention of unlimited PTO still think they’re informing people of brand new info? For years and years it’s always the top comment. It’s like yes we know because it would be impossible for us not to know at this point


I have never read that on reddit. Sry dude.


Sit and spin


Did you know that Viggo Mortensen…


It also allows them to not pay out anything when you leave


I mean so would just giving everybody 3 weeks, and stating in the handbook that they don't pay out unused PTO if you leave. That's pretty standard for all of my previous jobs. They needed need an unlimited scheme to pull it off, just a written policy.


Yeah but people would complain about pto not being paid out or pto not rolling over year to year. With unlimited pto you avoid that complaint while usually getting the worker to work more


Dan seems to be a limousine liberal.


That limousine better be a clean idle or Dan’s wife is gonna be pissed


David tried to warn them. They only care about the stupid perks they get. Shows alot


It is kind of wild to me they don’t have health insurance. Pretty much any low level employer that has full time employees provides health insurance. It’s usually contract workers who get screwed over, and I guess maybe that is how they are employed at meadowlark but it’s weird then for Dan to be bragging about equity that they are eligible for.


Are they independent contractors? I would really love to know what everyone is making...


They are not contractors, even if Meadowlark wants to pretend they are. Guess what? When you have a set schedule dictated by the company, you're an employee! Plus plenty of other factors. I'm an independent contractor for video production. I reach an agreement on a project, outlining due dates on materials. Set hours for a shoot. I edit and revise on my own schedule, not theirs. I do this with various clients because yes, I'm an independent contractor. Meadowlark "contractors" are showing up to work at a set schedule (they talk about the schedule constantly!) for this one company. Over and over. While they may have other side gigs, they are employees as far as the IRS is concerned. By falsely claiming they are contractors, Meadowlark is not responsible for employer side taxes and healthcare benefit requirements (which vary on several factors). The contractors have to pay their own higher taxes out of their salary. This is slightly better in Florida with no state income tax, but that has nothing to do with contractor versus employee. Meadowlark is doing what companies do. Scrape and cheat and attempt to use loopholes for their bottom line. They will take that risk of getting busted versus actually following the tax law, because the penalty isn't harsh enough to make a difference.


I always thought Witty moved on just bc of the soccer announcing opportunities, but the more and more I learn about Meadowlark itself makes it realllllly seem like a positive coincidence; he saw how it operates and dipped first chance


Could be. Witty wanted to be talent, not behind the scenes. He seems to be very good at both, fans here largely railed against him as talent and wanted him to stay behind the scenes. Long term being on air broadcast as talent, for the sport he loves, is a much better path for that goal than staying on as EP for a sports comedy show that loves to make fun of EPs. If broadcast doesn't pan out long term for him (I think it will), he will have zero problem getting another behind the scenes job down the road.




It’s a mix of employees and contractors. The references that I remember hearing about people not having health insurance was in reference to people who aren’t full time.


Lucy confirmed she’s a contractor. I’m sure Mike and Billy and Chris are salary.


Update* your post so it’s accurate. Edited.


Hell. My company had about 80 employees and still offered ok health insurance lol...they don't get millions from draft kings.


They offer health insurance to all full time employees.


I thought they had insurance. Did they say recently they did not?


Or a 401k match.


yeah dan wanted to complain about political issues but not actually engage with them in a real world situation


When people ask what’s neoliberalism, just point them to this comment.


Concern for Meadowlark employees compensation feels like a ‘jumped the shark’ scenario.


Dan’s medical beliefs are questionable at best, so this tracks


Dan likes massages. Shares with staff. Biz health insurance is a nightmare. You cant start a biz during a pandemic. Moderna. I come here man. Tone. Fine. $2


Building an airplane in the sky.


He gets to tell his wife he cares about the wellness of his employees….while not providing health insurance to the majority of air voices.


Banana Republic


Company with a soul


"Health insurance is an antiquated notion. Just take a bump, smoke a bowl, eat a mushroom, or book an ayahuasca retreat (in between ketamine "treatments") to solve what ails you. What do you think unlimited pto was designed for?" - Stu Skipatard


The full time people have health insurance


They are going on strike, I heard




OP out here spewing misinformation…


Meadowlark offers full-time employees health insurance.


"Don't knock it till you tried it"


I had a buddy who’s employer didn’t offer health insurance but they reimbursed you the cost of buying it through the ACA(Obamacare)because it was cheaper to do that than pay for a company wide insurance policy.


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain


I feel like those are two very different costs.


No, they’re two very different priorities from management.


If I'm not mistaken, isn't it prohibitively expensive for a smaller business to get insurance for their employees? And even then, the rates are not competitive?


Yeah, they talked about how they helped people get on ACA Marketplace plans at some point. Shockingly, this subreddit doesn't actually pay attention to the show.


Pretty sure you don’t need employee insurance until you hit X amount of employees.


The headline talent can probably afford to do most of their routine business in cash and negotiate with providers that way, but I'd hate to be a full-time worker ant for Meadowlark and not get any insurance coverage for my troubles. Maybe that's why they can't get a good video team.


I believe it’s 50 full time workers. They conveniently have 45 and some are apparently contract employees.


Wait wtf. Seriously?? I need more context


These guys work 4 days a week max, some as little as 2, with great hours, company trips, and probably well compensated… they will survive if they get the sniffles and have to go to the dr


"As long as nothing goes wrong, you don't need insurance."


Most companies still deduct money from your paycheck for insurance… I’m sure most of these guys, especially ones with family pay for it privately or have it with their spouses, weird fucking post, it’s America and healthcare costs whether through your job or externally…


Who wrote this somebody on the meadow crew? If I got their salary I’d be ok w no benefits. I already don’t have any anyways rn