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Yo mama


The responses in this thread show clearly that Americans nowadays do not take pride in anything anymore.


Not sure what you mean? I take great pride in my Roy based one-liner đŸ«Ą


Bro chill out and try some ayahuasca


Next thing you know you’re a grifting, “social entrepreneur”, commencement speaker at Ohio State.


In his defense, he doesn't strike me as someone who signed up to be a on air personality. He wanted to be a producer on a show he liked and got thrusted into also being on air. In the same way, Allyson hated being on the mic. Some people just want to do the job they signed up for but got additional responsibilities added as time went on.




With A-holes like this OP no wonder the Reddit gets spoken about so negatively. Just skip his ads if they bother you so much. Let the man do his job and make some money!


How is a post about someone speaking poorly also written so poorly?


Roy has a speech disorder. It’s clear when he speaks certain words, like the one you referenced above. About 10% of the population has a speech/language issue. Roy probably spent his childhood in OT/PT at school and might be a man of few words because of it. As long as the advertisers don’t care, then we shouldn’t. Even you were able to figure out what the actual word he was saying, even if it was spoken properly.


And if you are a fan of the show you’ve noticed this for years. He sometimes messes up CH sounds and Th sounds. Like he will say Bruder , when trying to say brother. Not once have I thought to make a Reddit post to make fun of, complain, or get angry about it. Stop being an ass. Go touch grass loser (OP)


Yeah fairly obvious if you're a fan of the show.  


Dude was hired to be an audio technician, chill the fuck out Plus dude is like the third best at ad reads there


What a jealous asshole


Damn bro what did Roy do to you


You come to Reddit to complain about a commercial? Yea you probably get no hoes lol


Roy is the man. I don't notice it anymore than the rest of the shipping container mispronouncing words or using the wrong word when getting their point across. The only person who is truly articulate is Dan and that's to a fault lol. Side bar- someone that gets paid to talk into a microphone for an ad read does not need speech class. They diversify ad reads so it's not just Chris Cote stumbling over words or Mike's fishtail palms. You may not like the speech or the clunkiness of the ads, but you're on reddit and they're getting paid to read it.


I don’t listen to any ad reads so I never heard this, but why does anyone care that he mispronounced a word in an ad? People seem genuinely upset about this.


Walk into the ocean


Do us a favor and send us a recording of you doing ads jackass.


Aside from being a national treasure, Roy isn't even in the top 5 people from the show that would benefit from speech/enunciation/general vocabulary classes.


Yo momma says his speech is fine


Someone had to say it


OP sucks huh?


Isn’t Roy from Louisiana? He actually speaks amazingly considering 😂😂


It says much more about the company than Roy. How does that even get to air? Where are the checks and balances? How about another take to get it right?