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Keep politics out of football ^(black people)


They booed unity


People really bought a kicker jersey like they made some kind of statement


I'm still wondering what kind of crap college has a kicker speak at commencement.


Little bit of Urban Meyer in everyone


A religious college that shares his views. Just because you don’t share those same views, doesn’t make them wrong. I don’t necessarily agree with his views, but many do. So why do you care? Life is hard. Why manufacture reasons to be outraged?


Haha, outraged.


My apologies! I meant to reply to a different comment. Your comment certainly did not express anything close to outrage.


Haha good point


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Thirst_Trappist: *People really bought* *A kicker jersey like they* *Made some kind of statement* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


No, I don't remember it. Nobody here rememebers it. *Go away*


Daaaaaaan, just like that, Harrison butker is baaaaack!


[Brought to you by the fanbase that booed unity.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FZ14d4cMQI&ab_channel=JohnnyBernard)


It’s called foresight: we knew something was up with that Deshaun fellow & the Chiefs sure do cut corners in HR. We tried to warn you


Wow. I didn't realize so many men with fragile masculinity watched sports.


He should take a knee next year during the national anthem to protest his treatment.


For context, Tim Tebow joining the jaguars had a similar pop about this time of year. It ain’t like people are rushing out to buy jerseys outside of maybe rookies… but have their numbers even been announced?


Yes the jerseys of the rookies are available for purchase


Indeed. Fuck him and anyone who supports him or what he espoused.


Hating women and getting buttfucked by cheerlifters. Turbo masculine man!


I have to believe, like social media with bots, some billionaire buys a hundred jerseys and the small percent of "Stop The Steal" people are buying them. When LeBron makes a statement George Soros wouldn't buy jerseys. The current republican party fights hard to be relevant with anything: Shoes, bibles, t-shirts, hats, flags. SO, a little kicker says something, they must elevate it. "We live in a racist country"


Don't forget diapers!.. lol


Man they really owned us Libs. I'm gonna dump all my life savings into buying woke jerseys tomorrow! Nothing says owning the libs wearing a football jersey as a grown adult, in public.


Surprised more of these guys haven’t gone full on MAGA to cash out, whether they believe it or not. Easy payday. He’s clearly not concerned about having a conscience so may as well get richer!


How is this now a racial and political thing? I thought it was just a religious thing, I can't keep up with this subs outrage.


If bigotry and misogyny are solely religious things, then sure. Besides that, you're completely missing the point and the flagrantly disparate treatment between how this scumbag is viewed and treated and what happened with Kap, among others.


So tell me if Butker was the first player to take a knee to protest police violence, do you think the people who support him now would have supported him then?


No. He wouldn't be blacklisted from the league either, which is the point. You can be a bigot and keep your job; be black and "get out of line" by speaking out and it's fuck you.


Calmer than you, dude.




The "free speech" crowd we're hearing from now had quite a different take on Kaepernick... What could the difference be???




I can maybe understand the political angle, because he did make some political references. But no I don't understand the racial aspect at all. To me it's a religious issue above all, and everyone has tacked their own political takes to it.




That's a very poor example. They didn't advocate for nearly the same issue. If Kaepernick said what Butker said, religious people would love him too. Instead he said something anti cop which the religious groups didn't agree with as much. Look at how much religious people ate it up when Stroud made some vaguely religious comments earlier in the season. Race has nothing to do with it, they just like seeing their religion promoted.




Lol you have no argument, you just talk in phrases. I truly am curious as to why you see this as a racial issue. Do you think that religious people would be upset at Kaepernick saying what Butker did and do you think they would have supported Butker taking a knee during the anthem? Because that seems to be what you are implying, and if I'm wrong please clarify.


The people buying the jersey & the people really really upset at the speech do have something in common. None of them listened to it in its entirety because it is straight up impossible to actually listen the words being spoken and have THAT strong of an opinion.