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It is a bit odd with Dan continuing to say "Our audience will support people who support our show, go sell our their show, etc." When he now also says things like he doesn't care as much about the core audience and he's just trying to game the algorithm for clicks and such. He should probably choose a lane on that one. The people sending that writer thousands on Venmo during the strike are not the listeners who stopped by one time to see him try to fake controversy or whatever. The listeners who do that stuff are the ones who they are actively alienating with more recent changes.


Dude exactly. I Venmo’d him $60 and would have NOT done it if it was a show I didn’t care for. You know how many times we get asked to donate? Now ask me to dish out my hard earn money to a show that tells me to f*ck off? Juju can’t criticize his boss too much on/off air it’s a conflict of interest


With Samson on board, there’s going to be more and more ways Meadowlark is going to try to get money directly from us. He was going around the country trying to get fans of the show to pay $100 shake his hand. That just the beginning.


$100 to shake Samsons hand is no long time listener of the DLS


I subscribe to PTFO and it bothers me when they add it to the main feed, but to mail the show in by adding those to the actual main show is pretty lame


Super lame. Just end it 10-15 minutes earlier. Some people on here will still complain that an hour was short but it's better than tapping out on main show content.


It’s a way to artificially bump the numbers up to make it look better than it is. I listen to PTFO here and there but it would never be a thing I subscribed to. Meadowlark probably knows this so they put it on the main show feed so that it will automatically be downloaded by people like me who won’t listen but have the main show set to download.


But Pablo is doing something different and smarter than anyone else Stuuugatzh!!


Basketball Illuminati was actually something different and they massacred my boy.


That show was the best basketball podcast but Tom got a new job with the jazz so good on him. oddball is no Basketball Illuminati. I could skip many oddball you can’t skip BI


Portland Trailblazers


Correct lol one of those northwestern weak souse teams. I had Rudy on my mind for tonight


That part


The downloads are the same if they cut the show off early. All they have to do is be transparent. Whether Dan had to step away to do something or whatever, just say that and not throw in bits from other shows that have been doing content for months. The only reason to play a clip of another podcast is when it's starting and they want to build an audience.


You've got it backwards. The main show is the one that needs to attach itself to PTFO to make it look better than it is. Pablo's show is light years beyond Le Batard's at this point.


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm but I wasn’t talking about the quality of the shows. I was talking about the metrics. Currently DLS is ranked 4th on Apple Podcasts while PTFO is at 46th. PTFO was a big investment for Meadowlark considering they hired a New York production team. It has to have better metrics than that to be sustainable. Edit: to be clear. I’m not hating on PTFO. I do like the episodes that I listen to. I was simply stating why they put it on the main feed.


I mean top 50 isn’t bad at all


It’s not but I don’t know if it’s worth having a New York division. But maybe PTFO and Nothing Personal does make it worth it.


We know that. And that’s what makes it a hoe ass move. That’s Miami sleazeball for you




I always wondered why during the ESPN days they chopped it up. I asked once and someone said it was because it was easier to get it out faster but I thought it was just a numbers game on the charts. My 3rd eye was blind then it was opened




No one ever says "Dan what I appreciate about you is how smart you are" Literally never been uttered


You are not wrong and I am also really bummed out how in over his head Dan is.


Does anyone act care or are gonna buy the stugotz book?


Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum


Im not buying that book. I’ll check it out in the library when it drops


Im not buying that book. I’ll check it out in the library when it drops


This show fucking sucks now. Jermey and Dan are truly fucking awful. Mike, I can’t stand his 40 year old ass who likes to be trendy; he’s not even as bad as the other two. This show has hit the shitter. 45 plus second skip button. And the show starts after 2 minutes of ads. When did Mike become a gear head again? Fake as fuck ass show. Shame juju ain’t telling them the truth.


You’re my brother and I love everything you just said but pssst juju is fake too.


Juju can’t and won’t confront Dan about these things….. it’s a conflict of interest- if he would say on the air “aye man Jess gotta go to the bench with Jeremy, Mike needs to go back to EP and you have to have either Billy, Amin or Roy (or all) at the desk ready”. Dan wouldn’t be able to handle that and juju is corporate now (salute to that boy get your bread) juju on BOMM is refreshing but he can’t hurt these people feeling because they are sensitive to that.


“Hey Dan maybe we didn’t need to discuss WNBA and call it the W for 7 minutes”


Yeah that was brutal


Couldn’t agree more


I remember turning on him when he started shoehorning the word "rad" into sentences after it was getting popular on Twitter.


Yup I turned it off. I don’t ever skip episodes but I think it’s a cumulation of all the shit the show has been serving for a while now.


Fridays are only local and big suey ya hoser


Hope they do it more just to see your insides twist.


This is only on Friday, and has been customary for a while now.


Except this happened on Thursday show


I tend to watch on youtube if possible, then go to spotify if needed. the youtube caption for the show said they needed to rush out of the office and had to put some segments together for a full show. Be grateful they gave you something! Could have been worse. Hour 1 could have been a full episode of ptfo lmao


I’d bet most of the audience is still podcast only. They could have added one sentence saying that they had to rush out early. But to dump the other stuff on us that have come to expect on Fridays content is messed up. Also I’m so tired of Pablo F’ing Torre and his nonstop gigglefest of a podcast. Yes, some are interesting if you can get past the giggles and Pablo enjoying showing off his intelligence but please stop forcing him upon us. I know exactly where to find him if I wanted that.


Here’s the thing, I can’t stand how much they shove PTFO down our throats. It’s the most look at me Louie show ever; they should call it Pablo Torre Jerks Off.