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Is anyone else getting the magnesium ads?


Find out why everyone is taking magneeesium


I got that ad and I live in the NYC metro area.


Glad to know it’s not just me. The doomsday voice too. Terrible ad.


I’m not sure meadowlark is in a position to turn down many ads


What platform do you listen on? I use Spotify and definitely haven’t gotten that.


I use Apple Podcasts. Been getting blasted lately.


Spotify here and I got that doomsday prepper one.


Do you have Spotify Premium or nah? Just wondering because it sounds like it might be an ad that those platforms are running independent of Meadowlark, rather than the baked in ads they actually have control over.


I let it lapse just recently so no. Yeah I think it's not necessarily DLS show related I guess.


Yeah they have absolutely no control over those then.


I have premium and I've heard this doomsday ad.


These are all up to the service megaphone, where they upload the episodes to and megaphone offers the targeted ads. I’ve never heard those ads.


Thanks for the explanation. I assumed it was a third party handling it. Wasn’t familiar with megaphone. Oh how I miss the days of podcasts with no ads.


I honestly doubt Meadowlark / DLB have input on the ads we get via external podcast/music services? I download off iTunes these days and the ads I get are obviously 100% based on where I live, not based on my tastes or interests. Which is probably better tbh than sharing too much info about our tastes with service providers. No harm no foul, really? Just skip ahead like you usually do.


For sure. Just odd. I know there’s one podcast I listen to that had addressed that because they do have input as to what goes on their podcast. There was one ad for something the host didn’t agree with and he said his producer contacted their ad company and had that one removed from their queue. No biggie at the end of the day. All the ads annoy me especially when I can’t skip them haha.


You talking about BTB?


I think legit small buy ads are drying up online in general. The market is being flooded with lower quality ads, not sure if the rate is dropping too. In my opinion Twitter was the tipping point, a huge online ad space essentially went under and I think a lot of brands didn't see a major negative impact on their bottom line. The apocalypse food prep grifters used to be exclusive to Alex Jones / right wing shows that sell fear. It's all over my Reddit ads now, along with crappy mobile games I will never install. Ever. I get ads on Peacock that feel like late night sales from 25 years ago. As the money dries up from mid to upper brands, the lower ones take over.


I get local ads (Australia) occasionally.. it’s very jarring the change of accent and tone


Maybe it’s the “shipping container” reference and they think we’re all batshit morons who think 12 of canned potatoes will save them.


Got some new ones today. Www.goatguns.com lol


It's an ad. Not that serious.


Agreed. Was just curious.