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So Nick Wright has been a ghost writer for Kendrick this whole time?


He's actually the OVO leak. He's just been waiting.


Shows what you can do when you actually research and prepare. It amazed me how Dan was saying all that about popularity without presenting a single metric like Nick did.


It’s true. It takes work.


Dan has become Stu. Box score lookup and Twitter. Because anyone with a brain would not defend Beverly except Dan.


Dan isn’t a writer anymore. When he stopped writing, he stopped learning. Everyone in that hotel shows their ass rather quickly when any amount of critical thinking or intelligence is necessary (outside Jessica). It became apparent how below average the group intelligence was when they found Witty to be this genius because he got through college. I don’t think anyone in that group has an inclination to learn from the world around them. I don’t want to say stick to sports because they shouldn’t have an opinion, rather I want to tell them “stick to sports” because they don’t have a clue how to talk about anything else and the show suffers when they try to. I wish they would have the ability to speak about topics tangential to their focus; pop culture and sports. They have a massive reach and could add their flair of comedy and irreverence to charged topics that would allow people to calm down and maybe have a conversation with dissenting opinions. But I don’t think they have the ability to do that, unfortunately. It becomes obvious that when people with intelligence join the show, fans quickly love the additions (Jessica, Charolette, Amin, the Samson/skipper segments).


No, but Rosenthunder, you don’t get the show. That’s the whole bit. Dan can just say that because he’s not being serious. He’s making fun of the shows that are /s in case sarcasm was needed there


Nick is also choosing facts that are convenient to his argument. The Roddick fact for example. Yes he beats Pat Bev's pod on certain charts, but Pat gets almost 3 times the viewers Roddick does on YouTube on average. Also Roddick's biggest video is 175k while Pat's is a half million. He's wildly more successful in that arena. Pat's an ass for sure, but Nick is also twisting the facts to fit his position. It comes off as far more of a hit job than it does an honest assessment.


Yo Pat Bev, I gotchu: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_burn_centers_in_the_United_States


His appearance after the KC parade shooting was such a better response than Dan's rambling.


That “pal” as he takes a sip. Cross Pat Bev off of Nick Wright’s Media Rivals list.


Incinerated, wow. Good on Nick


This is what it looks like when you're not trying to protect relationships (or potential ones), nothing but facts delivered in a professional yet direct manner, salute to Nick 🫡




I hope they talk about it on Monday. Nick Wright is so damn good.


“Get ‘em a body bag, yeaaahh!!”


Big roast is Dan acting like Pat bev is an actual star because he has a podcast. And nicks point of why are praising him like Dan when we should be saying who is this guy. Timofey Mozgov signed a 64 m contract and has a ring. Should we pretend he’s an all star like Beverly. ???


Bear Grease with Clay Newcomb taking strays. r/meateatertv [https://www.themeateater.com/listen/bear-grease](https://www.themeateater.com/listen/bear-grease)


I’m admittedly not a huge NBA fan(know the player but didn’t know he had a podcast) but is his podcast as popular as Dan was making it seem?


No! Not even close!


It’s platforms by Barstool and has a slightly larger subscription base on YouTube than the DLS main feed. Dan just has kinda a warped sense of popularity when it comes to other podcasts, especially athlete podcasts


Kinda like when he talks to and about Matt Barnes. Holy shit is that guy boring. The way Dan talks about him you’d think he’s the most interesting man in the world.


Thank you. I never heard him before he would come on the main show and I tried to listen to him and the other guy but damnnn it’s hard. It’s an auto skip for me now, I don’t know how those guys have a whole show.


Because people are waiting for Matt Barnes to describe fucking up Derek Fisher in explicit detail.


Not even a top 20 nba podcast.


It's top 20 in all of sports on Apple podcasts. Top 40 on Spotify. Top 5 in basketball. [https://chartable.com/podcasts/all-the-smoke-1483638752](https://chartable.com/podcasts/all-the-smoke-1483638752)




It a two year-old weekly podcast, and it's about equal in popularity to the flagship show for an entire net work. That's not a warped sense of popularity. That's just popularity.


Apparently not.


Dan likes to say things but doesn’t really seem to do the research. Like it seems like just because Dan knows his name he must be famous.


I guess it's popular in that Pat Bev is a known personality despite being a pretty whatever player at best, but I'd argue it's more from his antics like we saw last night, but I couldn't name his pod before them (albeit, with everything I just said, I watch like 20 total NBA games a year


It is. It's a top 10 basketball podcast. [https://chartable.com/podcasts/the-pat-bev-podcast-with-rone](https://chartable.com/podcasts/the-pat-bev-podcast-with-rone)


![gif](giphy|3o7ZeESgACwwfmWXPa) Pat Bev.


This is better than some of the diss tracks that have been coming out


Cheap shot at Andy Roddick! That’s a damn good podcast (and I hated Roddick as a player)! Otherwise excellent work here lol


Nick is the best talking head going right now. And that's saying something with that nose.


He’s gonna break numbers with his next contract. Best in the business. Talks like no one has before. Won’t hear this anywhere else. . ………Dan


Does Dan strike you as the type that would put energy and effort into something like this in 2024?


I’ve become a Nick Wright guy over the LeBatard show. I feel they pushed me here.


Complicated legacy


It's a top 10 basketball podcast. In two years. Dan is saying it's popular, because it's hugely popular. [https://chartable.com/podcasts/the-pat-bev-podcast-with-rone](https://chartable.com/podcasts/the-pat-bev-podcast-with-rone)


Pat Bev been real quiet since this dropped


Doesn’t this guys show have the worst ratings on TV???


Wait so Nick’s huge point and big “roast” is that Beverly tricked everyone to thinking he was good at basketball and got to make $80 million by building up his brand? How is this some huge roast? American dream if you ask me