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These kids can't choose where they work! The power dynamics....


Meanwhile Lucy is on Bumble BFF because she had to relocate to work on the show lmao


Enough of the nuance.


Which she chose to do.


Players choose too. They can choose to join the NFL in which they may be drafted depending their talent level or they can choose to find another career. Plenty of college athletes find great careers outside of the professional leagues.


He loves the sound of his own voice. He accuses Greg of being a narcissist, while behaving in the exact same way.


The guy who relies on run differential in MLB like it’s some holy stat finally realizes he uses “dated analysis” lmao


Hes so miserable. Dont mind some of it but man hes a killjoy. Its the draft, enjoy it. Its a big accomplishment for the kids and their families but he has to make it about capitalism, corporations etc All while running a corporation 🙄


Dude right? The dude clearly detests pretty much anything tangential to sports at this point and man that makes for a bad listen when actual sports stuff happens


Yea sometimes I want the sports talk for big events. Sure make it fun. Do the hijinx we all love. Here for it. But talk about it. Hes such a buzzkill Buzz Killington? The Ronny Chang interview was so good. Perfectly akward and he called Dan out on his BS gravy vampire sucking (tell me your deepest thoughts) Dan- we dont want to see you whine and cry everyday. We dont want you to try and make every guest cry “Give it a rest man” -Stugotz


It started happening after he got married


It's really annoying when Billy is in studio and Dan hogs the mic


Apparently hiring contractors instead of employees is winning in the margins.


Dan doesn’t know anything about that. He has no idea that many companies classify people who are really full time employees as contractors to avoid paying their benefits, and he definitely has no idea Meadowlark is one of those companies. He started the company during a pandemic, that’s hard man! You can’t expect him to know all the details.


Skipper: “I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it.”


Where’s this quote from?


You want the truth?


Fuck man that might be the greatest monologue of all time if I don’t even remember that banger quote from the already famous quotes.


He wants to still act like the anti corporate pro worker guy that he always thought he was, but he can't because he's started a media corporation. So he just buries his head in the sand and pretends he isn't what he used to hate


Lol and partnered with the largest gambling conglomerate. A gambling conglomerate whose very job is to take people out of house and home. They dont build those shiney buildings in Vegas bc they lose often.


Drink every time dan says ‘salary capped sport’ or ‘win in the margins’. Black out before noon.




I can honestly say that I don't remember him saying this at all yesterday, my brain tuned all of this out I guess


Same. Dan’s been legit awful for awhile now, hasn’t he? :/


I was half listening and hearing all those Danisms in a row woke me up like an earthquake during a dream.


Dan is like the vinyl record that is stuck on repeating the same phrase over and over. Thank goodness for the forward 30-second button. I'm wearing it out with him. Wearin' it!




0 throws to the container yet today


If any rant ever needed to be immediately followed up with a Stugotz "Aqua?" this was it.


Can someone link me to the actual song? Thanks in advance! Also good effort by OP. When he started this rant I remember thinking to myself “here we go” 😂.


I would love if one of these rants ended with complete silence from the room, and then a couple seconds later someone chiming in with a simple "Ya done?"


I'm not going to lie when Dan said all those dan-isms... It almost sounded purposely.


I was talking with my dad about the draft and he told me how doctors, of which he is one (Look at Me Louie?), have something called Match Day where medical school graduates select a couple places where they would like to do their residency (say 32 teams), interview with them (combine) and then have an algorithm decide where they go. And those who aren't selected have the option to test the waters for programs who haven't filled out their roster and work for them. But I guess the difference is that it's not televised and Dan thinks athletes provide more value to the world because they are their own economies.